Interface builder file content missing - xcode

Am a new bie to IOS development. While working with some sample apps, my mac restarted and after opening xcode i found one interface builder file .xib marked as red. Double click on it shows no content at all. I tried deleting and adding it back from xcode but its not working.
I dont see the file in the project directory too, but when i replace it with old file, it says
an item with same name exists
but its not visible in finder.
Any help would be appreciated.

I am not sure what is a clean solution for this but a quick fix/workaround which worked for me is this:
Along with the error message 'an item with same name exists' you must be getting an id/number which is duplicated.
Open the xib file in any text editor (TextWrangler etc.). It is just an xml file.
Search for that number in the xib. You'll find multiple occurrences of that id.
Replace one of the occurrences with another number and make sure the new number you've added is not a duplicate.
Save this file and open in xcode. The error should be resolved.

Right click on one file in the project and it displays the showinfinder . Then it opens project folder in the finder. Check your file whether it is existing in that or not.


Xcode does not allow me to specify file name when adding in SPM

I have a stand alone SPM (local) in my project. When ever I add any new files to this package Xcode does not show the prompt to specify the name. Usually when adding files in a project it requests the location which allows to specify a name. But when adding in a SPM it straight away creates a file with File.swift always.
I don't mind renaming but its just that the header is also having a generic File.swift
// File.swift
// Created by McDuck, Scrooge on 02/06/89.
Any work arounds ?
I have tried on Xcode 13.4 as well
#user5381191 I had the same problem. I did some searching and found this answer.
The file you want to edit is located in:
/Applications/ Templates/Source/Package Swift File.xctemplate. Edit the TemplateInfo.plist.
As a test I just copied the TemplateInfo.plist file from the Multiplatform/Source/Swift File.xctemplate and it worked. EDIT: For some reason it worked, and then stopped working?
Copy the suggested plist text from the link above into your template file and it works!
Once I did that, I get a new file type "Package Swift File" in the New File dialog.
Instead of the standard file dialog, it gives a dialog for entering the file name. Better than before!
Make sure to save your old template file before making your changes, just in case you need to revert.
It doesn't insert the package name in the header. That might be a nice thing to try and get working, but I'm happy with this for now.
Actually it works as promised (according to Apple guidelines).
In this scenario (as shown on demo) a menu command without ellipsis (...), so no dialog expected.
Once file created Xcode enters edit-name mode, so we can specify a file name which we need.
The file hat is different question and can be edited in templates if needed, or not. Usually depends on project and might even not include file name at all, but for default template - yes we need to change it to align.
Tested with Xcode 13.4

Couldn't load a Xcode project with pods [duplicate]

How do I rename a project in Xcode 5?
What steps do I need to take?
In the past this was always a very tricky manual process.
Well, the answer is very very very Apple simple in Xcode 5!
In the Project Navigator on the left side, click 2 x slowly and the Project file name will be editable.
Type the new name.
A sheet will appear with a warning and will list all the items Xcode 5 believes it should change.
You can probably trust it, but you should inspect it.
The list will include the info.plist and various files, but also all the relevant strings from nib/xib files like MainMenu menus.
Accept the changes and you will get the prompt to save a snapshot of the project.
Always make a snapshot when Xcode asks, it will be useful to restore if something does not work.
Change the project name:-
Click on the target in xcode, on the right in "Identify and Type" under name change the name and press the ENTER button on your keyboard.
A window will appear confirming the change and what it will change. Once you confirm it will make the changes.
Change the root folder name:-
Go to the project directory and rename the root folder,
Open the project and u will find all the file are missing, u need to add all the files of project again
Right click the project bundle .xcodeproj file and select “Show Package Contents” from the context menu. Open the .pbxproj file with any text editor.
4>Search and replace any occurrence of the original folder name with the new folder name.
5>Save the file.
Change the Scheme name:-
rename .xscheme file
If your Project is static framework then make sure your header file has public target membership
I really recommend just opening the folder in a general editor such as Sublime Text, and doing a find/replace across the whole folder. The other methods I found were unstable, particularly when combined with .xcworkspace and cocoapods.
In Xcode 8.0, to rename your project, just go through the following instructions as described in Xcode help:
1- Select your project in the project navigator.
2- In the Identity and Type section of the File inspector, enter a new
name into the Name field.
3- Press Return.
A dialog is displayed, listing the items in your project that can be
renamed. The dialog includes a preview of how the items will appear
after the change.
4- To selectively rename items, disable the checkboxes for any items
you don’t want to rename. To rename only your app, leave the app
selected and deselect all other items.
5- Click Rename.
Xcode 6 (beta 6 as of now) seems to be not very reliable with renaming projects. For me it didn't rename several of the files and groups. It also doesn't rename the physical folder the project is in. To rename my project to be sure that everything is clean I went the extra length to create a new project with the new name and copy over all the files. The assets are easy to copy but groups have to be recreated. The biggest issue with this however are CoreData data model files. Trying to simply copy this will result in a corrupt model file, even though everything looks like it is alright.
When you re-name the project name in XCode5 then info.plist entry removed from Targets --- > General ---> identity. You just need to mention it again.
In Xcode 7, renaming a project can still break your app. Make sure you backed it up before trying it.
Click on the project icon and find the project name in the inspector pane. If you change it there, Xcode will ask you if you want to rename related files. Might work. But if not, try this brute force approach:
Close Xcode
Using an advanced text editor like Sublime Text or Atom, open the
root folder. It will open the folder structure.
Perform a Global Search and Replace (it's probably cmd + shift + f), and
replace My Wrong App Name with New App. If your project name contained spaces, also search for My_Wrong_App_Name and replace
New_App. This changes all file contents.
Now you need to find all
the files inside the project with your old app name. Rename them
all, also the folders.
Important: Open the project file with
right click > Show Package Contents, and rename all files in there.
Reopen your Xcode project or workspace. Compile.
If you use Pods, you need to open the pods project as well and change the files in there.
Here is another great example which works well with xcode 5

How do I rename a project in Xcode 5?

How do I rename a project in Xcode 5?
What steps do I need to take?
In the past this was always a very tricky manual process.
Well, the answer is very very very Apple simple in Xcode 5!
In the Project Navigator on the left side, click 2 x slowly and the Project file name will be editable.
Type the new name.
A sheet will appear with a warning and will list all the items Xcode 5 believes it should change.
You can probably trust it, but you should inspect it.
The list will include the info.plist and various files, but also all the relevant strings from nib/xib files like MainMenu menus.
Accept the changes and you will get the prompt to save a snapshot of the project.
Always make a snapshot when Xcode asks, it will be useful to restore if something does not work.
Change the project name:-
Click on the target in xcode, on the right in "Identify and Type" under name change the name and press the ENTER button on your keyboard.
A window will appear confirming the change and what it will change. Once you confirm it will make the changes.
Change the root folder name:-
Go to the project directory and rename the root folder,
Open the project and u will find all the file are missing, u need to add all the files of project again
Right click the project bundle .xcodeproj file and select “Show Package Contents” from the context menu. Open the .pbxproj file with any text editor.
4>Search and replace any occurrence of the original folder name with the new folder name.
5>Save the file.
Change the Scheme name:-
rename .xscheme file
If your Project is static framework then make sure your header file has public target membership
I really recommend just opening the folder in a general editor such as Sublime Text, and doing a find/replace across the whole folder. The other methods I found were unstable, particularly when combined with .xcworkspace and cocoapods.
In Xcode 8.0, to rename your project, just go through the following instructions as described in Xcode help:
1- Select your project in the project navigator.
2- In the Identity and Type section of the File inspector, enter a new
name into the Name field.
3- Press Return.
A dialog is displayed, listing the items in your project that can be
renamed. The dialog includes a preview of how the items will appear
after the change.
4- To selectively rename items, disable the checkboxes for any items
you don’t want to rename. To rename only your app, leave the app
selected and deselect all other items.
5- Click Rename.
Xcode 6 (beta 6 as of now) seems to be not very reliable with renaming projects. For me it didn't rename several of the files and groups. It also doesn't rename the physical folder the project is in. To rename my project to be sure that everything is clean I went the extra length to create a new project with the new name and copy over all the files. The assets are easy to copy but groups have to be recreated. The biggest issue with this however are CoreData data model files. Trying to simply copy this will result in a corrupt model file, even though everything looks like it is alright.
When you re-name the project name in XCode5 then info.plist entry removed from Targets --- > General ---> identity. You just need to mention it again.
In Xcode 7, renaming a project can still break your app. Make sure you backed it up before trying it.
Click on the project icon and find the project name in the inspector pane. If you change it there, Xcode will ask you if you want to rename related files. Might work. But if not, try this brute force approach:
Close Xcode
Using an advanced text editor like Sublime Text or Atom, open the
root folder. It will open the folder structure.
Perform a Global Search and Replace (it's probably cmd + shift + f), and
replace My Wrong App Name with New App. If your project name contained spaces, also search for My_Wrong_App_Name and replace
New_App. This changes all file contents.
Now you need to find all
the files inside the project with your old app name. Rename them
all, also the folders.
Important: Open the project file with
right click > Show Package Contents, and rename all files in there.
Reopen your Xcode project or workspace. Compile.
If you use Pods, you need to open the pods project as well and change the files in there.
Here is another great example which works well with xcode 5

How can I change the location of files in xcode project?

I put some files on the same level of *.xcodeproj file carelessly. When I move these files into the right location in Finder, Xcode tells me that these files are missing. So I delete the group which contains these files whose names have been read (I realize it is a mistake). And I drag these files from Finder into the xcode to build a new group. But when I try to run the project, Xcode still can't find these code. How can I solve the problem?
When you see a file that is red (or in the wrong place), you can easily correct the location of these files by using the file inspector (which appears along the right side panel of your Xcode window).
It looks like this:
Clicking on the Folder icon next to the name will bring up an open panel from which you can choose the correct location of the file.
There is an easier way to re-organize files through the Xcode project. You can use Synx, it automatically fixes file paths, through the Xcode project groups.
You can check Github page for Synx
After intalling Synx just run the command below
synx path/to/my/project.xcodeproj
I found the answer.
3 things
removed the reference to the red files
then dragged them back into the project
relinked all my .m and .h files just incase
then removed the .app reference and dragged it back in to the project.
removed any duplicates or red files in the build phases
Thanks everyone for your suggestions and help
From my point of view i would definitely avoid the virtual folders in the Xcode.The disadventage of this approach is whe nthe project gets bigger and bigger you can not find corresponding files in your filesystem easy.Even you click on "Show in finder" you need to look for the file among tens of files.
My approach is creating the folder in the finder and then dragging it to project.when i need to create a new file in this subfolder is will be added there anyhow.
Drag the new files from the finder to the Xcode project file structure.
Remove the old files.
I had a lot of class and find a good solution for solve this problem :)
1- Select a file that you want to change the location (Red)
2- Select "show the file inspector" from right side in Xcode
3- Select wrong path or unexpected path and copy like this screenshot
4- Close your project
5- Go to your root project and right click on "project *.xcodeproj" and select "Show package contents"
6- Right click on "project.pbxproj" and open with TextEdit
7- In the file select "Find and replace" or click on " Option+Command+F " and find location that you copied and replace with "" empty
8- Save and open the Xcode :)

Adding an existing implementation file to an Xcode project won't work

As I write most of my code using MacVIM, I need to add the new files to the XCode project in order to compile them into the executable. Today however I encountered an implementation file (.m) which XCode won't allow to be added. It appears light gray in the appropriate finder window as if it were already included in the project, but when I try to build, I get a linker error, stating that the symbol defined this implementation file could not be found. The corresponding header file could be added without problems.
Any idea what could have caused this problem?
Btw. I deleted a former version of the same file from the "Classes" tree before, as well as many others which were successfully re-added.
I think I saw a similar problem once with an old version of Xcode. IIRC the way I resolved it was to:
rename the source file (temporarily)
add the renamed file to the project
do a "Save As..." on the renamed file to get it back to the original name
The file is probably already in your project, but not in the target you're building. Use the Detail view and Search bubble to find it, Get Info, and in the Targets tab of the info window, check the check box for the target you're building.
The other answer (removing and re-adding) works because you end up removing it from the project, then when you re-add it, it's added to the current target by default.
I found that deleting my pbxuser file from inside the .xcodeproj solved the problem for me. There were references to the files I couldn't add in there, surprisingly. This has happened to me many times over the years.
Another trick is to:
Move the file into a different directory
Add it to the XCode project from there
Move it to the desired location
Select the file in Groups & Files
Choose File > Get Info from the menu bar. The full path will appear in red.
Press the Choose... button and select the file at the new location.
If you are using Xcode 4, you can do the following steps to add an existing file into your target:
1) Select your file in "Project navigator" view (aka. click your myfile.m file in the folder tree of Xcode)
2) Click menu item "View" => "Utilities" => "Show File inspector" (or use the shortcut "Alt + Command + 1)
3) There is one section called "Target Membership", check the target you want
I fixed this by deleting the .xcuserstate file and restarting the project. I am using a workspace file, for all it's worth.
You can find any and all referencing files via
grep -r -h [NameOfFileThatYouAreTryingToAdd] *
from within your project directory.
