I have found some answers that explain how to remove the Kendo UI kendoDatePicker widget from a textbox here http://www.kendoui.com/forums/ui/general-discussions/method-for-removing-controls.aspx and here http://www.kendoui.com//forums/ui/date-time-pickers/datepicker-becomes-static.aspx
Unfortunately the above examples do not seem to help when i try to remove the property of a NumericTextBox. I ended up with the source below.
var numericTextBox = $(selector).data("kendoNumericTextBox");
var element = numericTextBox.wrapper[0] ? numericTextBox.wrapper
: numericTextBox.element;
// unwrap element
var input = numericTextBox.element.show();
input.removeClass("k-input").css("width", "12.4em");
I finally end up with a text box that looks like a simple textbox but i am still not allowed to add anything else than just numbers.
Furthermore i tried adding also the line input.removeData("kendoNumericTextBox"); which is close to what is suggested on the links i have posted above, but i could not identify what this line does.
Instead of playing with the widget decoration converting from text to numeric and viceversa it's much easier having both and have always one of them hidden. You just need to add a class / remove a class and get the correct one visible.
Lets say that I have the following CSS definition:
.ob-hide {
display: none;
The following HTML:
<div id="combobox"></div>
<div id="number"></div>
<div id="text"></div>
Then my JavaScript would be:
dataSource: {
data: [ "string", "number" ]
value : "string",
change : function (e) {
if (this.value() === "string") {
} else {
I extend a Control to create a new custom control in UI5 and this control renders a tree as UL items nicely. Now I need to implement a collapse/expand within that tree. Hence my renderer writes a tag like
<a class="json-toggle" onclick="_ontoggle"></a>
and within that _ontoggle function I will handle the collapse/expand logic.
No matter where I place the _ontoggle function in the control, I get the error "Uncaught ReferenceError: _ontoggle is not defined"
I am missing something obvious but I can't find what it is.
At the moment I have placed a function inside the
return Control.extend("mycontrol",
{_onToggle: function(event) {},
Please note that this event is not one the control should expose as new event. It is purely for the internals of how the control reacts to a click event.
I read things about bind and the such but nothing that made sense for this use case.
Took me a few days to crack that, hence would like to provide you with a few pointers.
There are obviously many ways to do that, but I wanted to make that as standard as possible.
The best suggestion I found was to use the ui5 Dialog control as sample. It consists of internal buttons and hence is similar to my requirement: Render something that does something on click.
In short, the solution is
1) The
<a class="json-toggle" href></a>
should not have an onclick. Neither in the tag nor by adding such via jQuery.
2) The control's javascript code should look like:
[ 'sap/ui/core/Control' ],
function(Control) {
var control = Control.extend(
metadata : {
renderer : function(oRm, oControl) {
init : function() {
var libraryPath = jQuery.sap.getModulePath("mylib");
jQuery.sap.includeStyleSheet(libraryPath + "/MyControl.css");
onAfterRendering : function(arguments) {
if (sap.ui.core.Control.prototype.onAfterRendering) {
sap.ui.core.Control.prototype.onAfterRendering.apply(this, arguments);
control.prototype.onclick = function (oEvent) {
var target = oEvent.target;
return false;
return control;
Nothing in the init(), nothing in the onAfterRendering(), renderer() outputs the html. So far there is nothing special.
The only thing related with the onClick is the control.prototype.onclick. The variable "target" is the html tag that was clicked.
The Kendo grid I developed has a validation message, but the arrow points to the column to the right. I cannot change anything in /kendo.default.min.css as this is located in a shared folder which should not be changed. Any help on this?
dataSource: {
data: data.ReportData,
schema: {
model: {
fields: {
ProposedDiscount: {
validation: {
required: true,
proposeddiscountcvalidation: function (input) {
if (input.val() != "" && input.is("\[name='ProposedDiscount'\]")) {
input.attr("data-proposeddiscountcvalidation-msg", "Should be whole number between 0 & 100");
// $('.k-widget k-tooltip k-tooltip-validation k-invalid-msg .k-icon k-warning .k-tooltip-validation .k-callout-n').removeClass('.k-callout-n');
return input.val() >= 0 && input.val() < 101 && input.val() % 1 == 0;
} else {
return true;
You could try simply overriding some of the styles on the validation tool-tip. This works for me, though I've scoped it pretty tight to try to avoid any unexpected effects elsewhere. You might need to modify it slightly, depending on what version of kendo you're using:
.k-grid .k-grid-content tr.k-grid-edit-row>td[role='gridcell'] .k-tooltip-validation>.k-callout-n {
left: auto;
margin-left: auto;
Edit: I've just noticed you said you "cannot change anything in /kendo.default.min.css" - you shouldn't need to. This should override the default styles provided by kendo in that file. If you've got your own site-wide CSS file you could add it to that, or even just add it directly to the page hosting your grid (though that's not really recommended). Hope this helps.
The Kendo style default displays the tooltip and places the callout (arrow) in the center of the tooltip. If the message is wide enough, like in your example, because the arrow is in the center it ends up pointing to the wrong cell. If you constrain the tooltip to the width of the cell it will wrap the message and keep it constrained to the cell width, which means the centered arrow will line up.
.k-validator-tooltip { width: min-content; }
I'm implementing a simple (at least ,that was the goal) Kendo UI grid that displays two columns: one holding a checkbox, bound to a boolean, and one holding a display name for the item. The checkbox column has a simple template, and the change() event of the checkbox is handled so that the model in the datasource gets updated. I have verified this, and it works.
The data source has been configured for batch, and defines a transport for read and update. Both call a function that perform the ajax call. As I said before, the read function is handled as expected. However, the update function defined on the transport is not. The sync() on the datasource is triggered with a simple button whose click event is hooked to a function that calls datasource.sync() (or grid.saveChanges()).
transport: {
read: function(options) {
return loadStuff(options);
update: function (options) {
return updateStuff(options);
When debugging in the Kendo UI code, it looks like the models attribute on the ModelSet is always empty, and therefore the sync() decides that there's nothing to sync. Anyone got a clue what is happening here?
Looks like something may be wrong when handling the checkbox check / uncheck. Apparently I should use something like
$('#divGrid').on('click', '.chkbx', function() {
var checked = $(this).is(':checked');
var grid = $('#divGrid').data().kendoGrid;
var dataItem = grid.dataItem($(this).closest('tr'));
dataItem.set("Selected", checked);
Unfortunately, it looks like the set() method is not defined on the data item. When debugging, it only contains the data, and no Model object having the set() method.
Tried wrapping the data returned from the ajax call in a model defined with Model.define(). That seems to solve the issue of the model not being dirty, as the _modified property on the model returns true. However, the models array in the ModelSet remains empty. Is this a bug in Kendo UI, or am I going the wrong way?
You don't actually need to bind to click event on the checkboxes.
I´ve posted an example on using it in JSFiddle where you can see it running. This example displays in a grid two columns: first text (tick) and second boolean rendered as a checkbox (selected); the update is batch (so, it's pretty close to what you have).
Questions to keep in mind are:
For displaying the checkbox while not in edit mode, you should define a template, something like this. You might realize that the checkbox is in disabled state by default since you want to edit it as other fields (selecting the cell first). This also guarantees that the model is correctly updated:
field : "selected",
title : "Selected",
template: "<input type='checkbox' name='selected' #= selected ? 'checked' : '' # disabled/>"
Define in the model that this field is boolean:
schema : {
id : "id",
model: {
fields: {
symbol : { type: "string" },
selected: { type: "boolean" }
Define the transport.update function, something like:
transport: {
read : function (operation) {
// Your function for reading
update: function (operation) {
// Display modified data in an alert
alert("update" + JSON.stringify(operation.data.models, null, 4));
// Invoke updating function
// that should ends with an operation.success(the_new_data)
// In this example just say ok
EDIT: If you want to be able to modify the checkbox state without having to enter in edit mode first, you should:
Remove the disabled from the template:
field : "selected",
title : "Selected",
template : "<input type='checkbox' name='selected' #= selected ? 'checked' : '' #/>"
Then bind the click event on checkboxes to the following handler function:
$("#stocks_tbl").on("click", "input:checkbox", function(ev) {
var dataItem = grid.dataItem($(this).closest('tr'));
dataItem.set("selected", this.checked);
Where #stocks_tbl is the id of the div that contains the grid. You might see it running here.
NOTE: It's important the on with the three parameters for making it live
I'm new to AngularJS and I'm making made a couple of custom Angular directives to do what I used to do with Jquery, however there is one case where I'm not sure if I'm doing it the "the angular way". It works but I think there might be a better way.
I want to do is this for a search box:
When focus is on the search box the app must change the color of the text in the box from grey to black. The app must also then check the current text in the box, if it is the default text then the app must clear the text.
When the box loses focus (blur) the app must change the box's text back to grey. It must then put back the default text only if the text box is empty upon losing focus.
Here is a jsfiddle that has a directive set up to do all of this perfectly.
However I suspect there is an even better way to do it.
It seems like all three those variables in the controller should be unnecessary.
I also seems like having 4 if, else statements is too much and that binding to all the events is overkill seeing as only focus and blur are used and they are specified in the if statements.
Any ideas on optimizing this directive?
The "default text" behavior you are looking for is automatically handled by the HTML5 placeholder attribute. It is supported in just about any modern browser, and can be styled using CSS, as follows:
<input id="searchBar" type="text" placeholder="Search" />
#searchBar { color: #858585; }
#searchBar:focus { color: #2c2c2c; }
#searchBar:focus::-webkit-input-placeholder { color: transparent; }
#searchBar:focus::-moz-placeholder { color: transparent; }
#searchBar:focus:-moz-placeholder { color: transparent; }
#searchBar:focus:-ms-input-placeholder { color: transparent; }
It's that simple.
The pseudo-elements & pseudo-classes (-webkit-input-placeholder, etc) are what hide the placeholder text on focus. Normally it stays until you start typing.
I forked your original jsFiddle. It's not really an AngularJS app anymore:
For older browsers: You can still use the same code as above, but you could use Modernizr (or something similar) to fall-back to a javascript-only approach if the attribute is not supported.
You can create a custom directive that requires the ng-model directive and then within your directive's link function supply a fourth parameter that is a reference to the model. This will allow you to watch the model for changes and react accordingly. Here is the fiddle:
var app = angular.module('app', []);
app.directive('searchbar', function() {
return {
require: 'ngModel',
link: function(scope, elm, attrs, model) {
var options = scope.$eval(attrs.searchbar);
scope.$watch(attrs.ngModel, function(value) {
// If the input element is currently focused.
if (!elm.is(":focus")) {
// If the input is empty.
if (value === undefined || value === "") {
// Set the input to the default. This will not update the controller's model.
elm.on('focus', function(event) {
// If the input is equal to the default, replace it with an empty string.
if (elm.val() === options.default) {
elm.on('focusout', function(event) {
// If the input is empty, replace it with the default.
if (elm.val() === '') {
function FormCtrl($scope) {
$scope.search = "";
Does anyone know how to trigger the stock jqGrid "Loading..." overlay that gets displayed when the grid is loading? I know that I can use a jquery plugin without much effort but I'd like to be able to keep the look-n-feel of my application consistent with that of what is already used in jqGrid.
The closes thing I've found is this:
jqGrid display default "loading" message when updating a table / on custom update
If you are searching for something like DisplayLoadingMessage() function. It does not exist in jqGrid. You can only set the loadui option of jqGrid to enable (default), disable or block. I personally prefer block. (see http://www.trirand.com/jqgridwiki/doku.php?id=wiki:options). But I think it is not what you wanted.
The only thing which you can do, if you like the "Loading..." message from jqGrid, is to make the same one. I'll explain here what jqGrid does to display this message: Two hidden divs will be created. If you have a grid with id=list, this divs will look like following:
<div style="display: none" id="lui_list"
class="ui-widget-overlay jqgrid-overlay"></div>
<div style="display: none" id="load_list"
class="loading ui-state-default ui-state-active">Loading...</div>
where the text "Loading..." or "Lädt..." (in German) comes from $.jgrid.defaults.loadtext. The ids of divs will be constructed from the "lui_" or "load_" prefix and grid id ("list"). Before sending ajax request jqGrid makes one or two of this divs visible. It calls jQuery.show() function for the second div (id="load_list") if loadui option is enable. If loadui option is block, however, then both divs (id="lui_list" and id="load_list") will be shown with respect of .show() function. After the end of ajax request .hide() jQuery function will be called for one or two divs. It's all.
You will find the definition of all css classes in ui.jqgrid.css or jquery-ui-1.8.custom.css.
Now you have enough information to reproduce jqGrid "Loading..." message, but if I were you I would think one more time whether you really want to do this or whether the jQuery blockUI plugin is better for your goals.
I use
It works fine without creating any new divs
Simple, to show it:
Then to hide it again
I just placed below line in onSelectRow event of JQ grid it worked.
The style to override is [.ui-jqgrid .loading].
You can call $("#load_").show() and .hide() where is the id of your grid.
its is worling with $('div.loading').show();
This is also useful even other components
modal : true,
width : 'auto',
height : 'auto',
buttons : {
Ok : function() {
//Call Action to read wo and
var status = call(...)
type : "POST",
url : "./test",
data : {
async : false,
success : function(data) {
retVal = true;
error : function(xhr, status) {
retVal = false;
if (retVal == true) {
retVal = true;
Cancel : function() {
retVal = false;
As mentioned by #Oleg the jQuery Block UI have lots of good features during developing an ajax base applications. With it you can block whole UI or a specific element called element Block
For the jqGrid you can put your grid in a div (sampleGrid) and then block the grid as:
$.extend($.jgrid.defaults, {
ajaxGridOptions : {
beforeSend: function(xhr) {
complete: function(xhr) {
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
If you want to not block and not make use of the builtin ajax call to get the data
you can extend the jqgrid functions like so:
// Loading function
loading: function (show) {
if (show === undefined) {
show = true;
// All elements of the jQuery object
this.each(function () {
if (!this.grid) return;
// Find the main parent container at level 4
// and display the loading element
return show;
and then simple call
to show loading on all your grids (of course changing the grid id per grid) or
to hide the loading element, targeting specific grid in case you have multiple grids on the same page
In my issues I used