i have installed the newest WiX (Installer) for my Visual Studio, and when i want to set the icon, it always ends blank. i'm trying to set the icon of the Entry in "All Windows Software"
in the following Picture you can see how the Icon looks like (Image is from the Internet, not from my example)
my code:
<Icon Id="Icon" SourceFile="logo_16.ico"/>
<Property Id="ARPPRODUCTICON" Value="Icon" />
allready tried different .ico-files. Anyone who knows why and how to solve the problem?
please make sure the file is located in the correct directory
< Icon Id="ATE_GUI.ico" SourceFile="..\src\ATE_GUI\res\ATE_GUI.ico"/><br>
< Property Id="ARPPRODUCTICON" Value="ATE_GUI.ico" />
this is an example of usage:
< Feature Id='Complete' Title='ATE' Description='The complete installation' Display='expand' ConfigurableDirectory='INSTALLFOLDER' Level='1'>
<ComponentRef Id='ProgramMenuDir' />
< /feature>
<Component Id="comp_bin_debug_30" Guid="EB4650EB-75DC-4562-9DC3-8FFDD9B55468">
<File Id="file_bin_30" Source="..\bin\Debug.x64\ATE.exe" KeyPath="yes" DiskId="1" />
<Shortcut Id="startmenuATEDebug" Directory="ProgramMenuDir" Name="ATE (Debug.x64)"
WorkingDirectory='INSTALLDIR' Icon="ATE_GUI.ico" IconIndex="0" Advertise="yes" />
We have an install script in Wix, which contains Fragments, components and some custom actions:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi" xmlns:util='http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/UtilExtension' >
<Product Id="*" Name="Installation" Language="1033" Version="">
<Package InstallerVersion="200" Compressed="yes" InstallScope="perMachine">
<MajorUpgrade DowngradeErrorMessage="A newer version of [ProductName] is already installed." />
<Media Id="1" Cabinet="cab1.cab" EmbedCab="yes" />
<Feature Id="ProductFeature" Title="MyInstallation" Level="1">
<ComponentGroupRef Id="ProductComponents" />
<ComponentGroupRef Id="MyComponents" />
<util:Group Id="Users" Name="Users"/>
<CustomAction Id="InstallMyService"
ExeCommand="[INSTALLFOLDER]bin\my-service.bat install"
<CustomAction Id="SetEnvironmentVariable" BinaryKey="ActionLib" DllEntry="SetEnvironmentVariableForNewUser" />
<Binary Id='ActionLib' SourceFile='..\InstallerActionLibrary\bin\Release\InstallerActionLibrary.CA.dll' />
<CustomAction Id="StartMyService"
ExeCommand="[INSTALLFOLDER]bin\my-service.bat start"
<Custom Action="InstallMyService" After="InstallFiles"/>
<Custom Action="SetEnvironmentVariable" After="InstallMyService"/>
<Custom Action="StartMyService" After="SetEnvironmentVariable"/>
<Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
<Directory Id="CommonAppDataFolder">
<Directory Id="Company" Name="Company">
<Directory Id="App" Name="Product">
<Directory Id="INSTALLFOLDER" Name="Service" />
<ComponentGroup Id="ProductComponents" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER">
<Component Id="NewUser" Guid="{12345678-ABCD-1234-ABCD-987654321FED}">
<CreateFolder />
<util:User Id="CIUSER" CreateUser="yes" UpdateIfExists="no" Name="SERVICEUSER" PasswordNeverExpires="yes" Password="********">
<util:GroupRef Id="Users" />
However, one of the Custom Actions, SetEnvironmentVariable, needs to be run after the user has been set up, in the fragment at the bottom of the file. And this does not happen. SetEnvironmentVariable fails because it cannot find the user.
The sequence, given in InstallExecuteSequence begins after InstallFiles has occurred. I have tried to find a more appropriate place to start the sequence, using the list given here. I have tried PublishProduct and the result is the same.
Is there any way to get the user added before the custom action runs?
The suggestion from #zett42 was a good one. However, it still did not solve the problem.
The solution was the incorrect use of Execute="deferred". The execution of all the custom actions should have been set as:
From the Wix Documentation:
Indicates that the custom action will run after successful completion of the installation script (at the end of the installation).
Changed the Execute type to commit and it worked.
I have no direct answer, but one that should help you to figure it out by yourself:
Open the MSI package using a tool like Orca (included in Win SDK) or InstEd (my personal preference).
Navigate to the InstallExecuteSequence table.
Lookup the record of the WiX custom action that creates the user and copy the Action identifier of that record.
Use that identifier for the After attribute of the element <Custom Action="SetEnvironmentVariable"/>.
I agree with #zett42.
There are some wix standard actions which should be checked in msi editor,
if you need to know when exactly they are being called. We normally don`t get much documentation for such actions.
Check if your msi has SchedSecureObjects_x64 or SchedSecureObjects custom action in msi. Schedule SetEnvironmentVariable custom action after that action.
After successfully creating and testing an application I've also manually created the installer for this app using Wix instead the ClickOnce provided by VS.
Anyway, the installation is successful, places all the registry keys in correct locations, same for files where they need to be, and the shortcuts (and all is cleaned up afterwards).
The issue is not critical, I'm just really picky :D
On the main exe file that the Wix setup is installing, and on the shortcuts that points to this, they have the little blue and yellow admin shield on the bottom right of the icons. The application does not require admin permissions to work properly, nor does the application actually bring up the UAC or run as admin anyway (unless explicitly done through right-click > Run as admin).
The question is how do I prevent the shield from being applied to the application and shortcut icons?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi"
<?include "Macros.wxi" ?>
<!-- Installation Settings -->
<Product Id="*"
<Package InstallerVersion="200"
Comments="Windows Installer Package"/>
<Media Id="1"
<MajorUpgrade DowngradeErrorMessage="A newer version of this software is already installed" />
<!-- .NET Framework Check -->
<Condition Message="This application requires .NET Framework 4.0. Please install the .NET Framework then try again">
<!-- Installation files, folders, reg-keys, shortcuts, etc -->
<Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
<!-- Program Files Folder -->
<Directory Id="ProgramFilesFolder">
<!-- Company Application Folder -->
<Directory Id="INSTALLDIR" Name="$(var.NameCompany)">
<!-- Main Application Files -->
<Component Id="CmpAppMain" Guid="$(var.GUID_CmpAppMain)">
<File Id="FileAppMainEXE" Source="$(var.PathExe)" Vital="yes" />
<RegistryKey Root="HKLM"
<RegistryValue Name="installed"
KeyPath="yes" />
<!-- Common DLLs for multiple apps -->
<Component Id="CmpAppLibs" Guid="$(var.GUID_CmpAppLibs)">
<File Id="FileDeviceDLL" Source="$(var.PathLibDevice)" Vital="yes" />
<File Id="FileUtilDLL" Source="$(var.PathLibUtil)" Vital="yes"/>
<RemoveFile Id="FileClrDevice" Directory="INSTALLDIR" Name="Comms.log" On="uninstall"/>
<RegistryKey Root="HKLM"
<RegistryValue Name="Lib Path"
Value="[INSTALLDIR]" />
<RegistryValue Name="Lib Ver"
KeyPath="yes" />
<!-- Common Resource Files -->
<Directory Id="FolderResource" Name="rsc">
<Component Id="CmpAppRsc" Guid="$(var.GUID_CmpAppRscs)">
<File Id="RscOilDb" Source="$(var.PathRscOil)" Vital="no" KeyPath="yes"/>
<!-- END - Company Application Folder -->
<!-- END - Program Files Folder -->
<!-- Start Menu Folder -->
<Directory Id="ProgramMenuFolder">
<!-- Start Menu Company Folder -->
<Directory Id="ProgramMenuCompany" Name="$(var.NameCompany)">
<Component Id="CmpLnks" Guid="$(var.GUID_CmpLnks)">
<Shortcut Id="LnkStartMenu"
<Icon Id="IconApp" SourceFile="$(var.PathRscIco)" />
<RegistryKey Root="HKCU"
<RegistryValue Name="Lnk"
KeyPath="yes" />
<RemoveFolder Id="RemoveStartLnk" Directory="ProgramMenuCompany" On="uninstall" />
<!-- END - Start Menu Company Folder -->
<!-- END - Start Menu Programs Folder -->
<Feature Id="FeatCore" Title="Core Application Files" Level="1">
<ComponentRef Id="CmpAppMain" />
<ComponentRef Id="CmpAppLibs" />
<ComponentRef Id="CmpAppRsc" />
<Feature Id="FeatLnks" Title="Start Menu Shortcut" Level="1">
<ComponentRef Id="CmpLnks" />
Does the app have a manifest at all? I'm wondering if it's got a
highestavailable or asInvoker setting that means that it might
sometimes elevate, and I'm assuming from what you said that it doesn't
have a requiresAdministrator setting there.
A manifest is nearly always embedded in the exe itself, that's what
needs verifying. I'm guessing that the exe is being built with an
embedded manifest. No need to include it in the install.
Thanks for the info. The issue was with the manifest which wasn't being generated in the first place due to ClickOnce settings, and then once I've generated or made my own manifest for the project it's also not being embedded into the executable.
ClickOnce publishing places it within the installation directory with the installer it generates for you. Because I didn't want to use click once (and I assumed after reading about the manifest it would be embedded in exe) my app didn't have a manifest...
The only thing I'm curious about now is why the default behavior is to ask for admin rights (I thought that would be the worst thing to do by default).
Anyway... Thanks for the help
I'm using WiX toolset v3.7 and Visual Studio 2013 to create an installer package for an Excel plugin.
The plugin depends on .NET Framework 4.5 and I'd like the installer to automatically detect whether the required framework exists on the target machine and if not, install it.
Googling got me to this page: http://wix.sourceforge.net/manual-wix3/install_dotnet.htm, but the link to instructions on how to create a Bundle is broken on that page.
I've tried adding the element to my root element but end up with errors. I've also tried a few examples I've found on the web but none of them seem to work properly with the default WiX manifest that was generated for me during project creation in VS2013.
What do I need to add to my manifest to enable automatic installation of .NET Framework 4.5?
I'd greatly appreciate any help here! My manifest is shown below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi">
<Product Id="*" Name="Awesome Excel Add-in 1.0" Language="1033" Version="1.0" Manufacturer="Farhan Ahmed" UpgradeCode="7ffd5a6d-d38e-4d6b-b554-098d95791222">
<Package Description="Awesome Excel Add-in Installer" InstallerVersion="200" Compressed="yes" InstallScope="perMachine" />
<Condition Message="You need to be an administrator to install this product.">
<MajorUpgrade DowngradeErrorMessage="A newer version of [ProductName] is already installed." />
<MediaTemplate />
<Feature Id="ProductFeature" Title="AwesomeExcelSetup" Level="1">
<ComponentGroupRef Id="ProductComponents" />
<CustomAction Id='LaunchInstallerFile' FileKey='fAddinInstaller' ExeCommand='/I /64' Return='asyncWait' />
<CustomAction Id='LaunchRemoverFile' FileKey='fAddinInstaller' ExeCommand='/U' Return='check' />
<Custom Action='LaunchInstallerFile' After='InstallFinalize'>NOT Installed</Custom>
<Custom Action='LaunchRemoverFile' Before='RemoveFiles'>Installed AND NOT REINSTALL</Custom>
<UIRef Id="WixUI_Minimal" />
<Icon Id="icon.ico" SourceFile="$(var.AwesomeExcelAddin.TargetDir)\Awesome.ico"/>
<Property Id="ARPPRODUCTICON" Value="icon.ico" />
<Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
<Directory Id="ProgramFilesFolder" Name="PFiles">
<Directory Id="INSTALLPARENT" Name="Awesome" >
<Directory Id="INSTALLFOLDER" Name="Excel Add-in 1.0" />
<ComponentGroup Id="ProductComponents" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER">
<Component Id="ProductComponent" Guid="DDD3F332-0DF1-47F0-B8D0-5E1E09BF69BE">
<File Id="f32bitXLL" Source="$(var.AwesomeExcelAddin.TargetDir)\AwesomeAddinPacked32.xll" />
<File Id="f64bitXLL" Source="$(var.AwesomeExcelAddin.TargetDir)\AwesomeAddinPacked64.xll" />
<File Id="fAddinDll" Source="$(var.AwesomeExcelAddin.TargetDir)\AwesomeExcelAddin.dll" />
<File Id="fAddinInstaller" Source="$(var.AwesomeExcelAddinInstaller.TargetDir)\AwesomeExcelAddinInstaller.exe" />
Thanks to the comment by Netfangled, I was able to move forward.
Like he (she?) mentioned, the trick was to create another project for the Bootstrapper and then reference the .NET Fx and the MSI in that manifest.
Although I did run into a "environment variable not defined" issue, I was able to work around the problem by specifying a source file using the Solution directory as the base.
Here's the new manifest:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi">
<Bundle Name="Awesome Excel Plugin Setup" Version="" Manufacturer="Awesome Software" UpgradeCode="1f605e3b-2954-403c-b9cb-ca1f0e8bf65b">
<WixVariable Id="WixStdbaLogo" Value="Logo.png" />
<BootstrapperApplicationRef Id="WixStandardBootstrapperApplication.RtfLicense" />
<WixVariable Id="WixStdbaLicenseRtf" Value="License.rtf" />
<PackageGroupRef Id="NetFx45Redist"/>
<MsiPackage Id="AwesomeExcelSetupMSI"
I'd like to conditionally set a file extension during install. As I understand it, in order to do anything conditionally in Wix, it should be a self-contained component. So for each file type association I would like to allow the user to set, I've got a component similar to the following:
<Component Id="FileAssocComponent_PS" Guid="DAFE9461-2DF0-934A-F204-6B28CEA23C01">
<RegistryValue Root="HKLM" Key="SOFTWARE\PrinterApp\Capabilities\FileAssociations" Name=".prn" Value="PrinterApp.ps" Type="string" />
<RegistryValue Root="HKLM" Key="SOFTWARE\PrinterApp\Capabilities\MIMEAssociations" Name="application/postscript" Value="PrinterApp.ps" Type="string" />
<RegistryValue Root="HKLM" Key="SOFTWARE\Classes\PrinterApp.ps" Name="FriendlyTypeName" Value="PostScript File" Type="string" />
<ProgId Id="PrinterApp.ps" Description="PostScript File" Icon="PrinterApp.ico" Advertise="yes">
<Extension Id="ps">
<Verb Id="open" Command="Open" Argument=""%1""/>
But this gives me the following error:
error LGHT0204: ICE19: Extension: 'ps' advertises component: 'FileAssocComponent_PS'. This component cannot be advertised because the KeyPath type disallows it.
I've tried setting KeyPath="yes" on one of the registry entries, but that doesn't work - and from what I've been able to find it's expecting a file KeyPath. But this is a component that doesn't contain any files!
How do I get around this error, or am I going about this the wrong way?
Advertised components require a keyfile so here are some ways around the error.
Give the component a fake file ( printermimeinstalled.txt ) that won't harm the system.
Author PrinterAppMime.ps as the keyfile of this component. Use the CopyFile element to get the file copied to PrinterApp.ps
Author PrinterAppNoMime.ps (same contents) as the keyfile of another component. Also use the CopyFile element to get the file copied to PrinterApp.ps. Give this component a mutually exclusive component condition so that only 1 component ever gets instaleld.
Change the design of your app a little bit. Have PrinterApp.ps always installed and PrinterAppMimeServer.ps conditionally installed.
Eliminate this custom action and use a custom action to author MSI temp table rows at installtime to defind the MIME stuff if the checkbox is selected.
Each of these 4 approaches have pro's and con's and I personally would choose #3.
If you set Advertise="no" you should be able to use the code you wrote. Here's an example I posted a couple of years ago here using a separate component for optional file associations.
<Component ....>
<ProgId Id="AcmeFoobar.Document" hDescription="ACME XYZ Document">
<Extension Id="pdf" ContentType="application/xyz">
<Verb Id="open" Command="Open" TargetFile="[APPLICATIONFOLDER]AcmeFoobar.exe" Argument="%1" />
I found a solution that worked for me. The issue I had was that I had a condition on the association of the extension to the exe. If the extension was unchecked to not associate, I needed the exe component to get installed but without the progid. Problem was that if a put a condition on the component, the progid wouldn't be created but the exe didn't get installed as well. The solution I found was two create two components. One with the condition and one with mutually exclusive condition. This is basically option 2 from Christopher Painters post.
See below:
<Component Id="My.exe" Guid="{D9CF6FDD-1234-4E90-85A1-3BF1F912C1E3}">
<File Id="My.exe.without_assoc" Name="My.exe" KeyPath="yes" Vital="yes" Compressed="yes" DiskId="1" Source=".\SourceDir\My.exe" />
<Component Id="My.exe_assoc" Guid="{07F96643-5D74-1234-9DAE-CDEB5AC2D11E}">
<File Id="My.exe.with_assoc" Name="My.exe" KeyPath="yes" Vital="yes" Compressed="yes" DiskId="1" Source=".\SourceDir\My.exe" />
<ProgId Id="My.Document" Description="My exe" Icon="MyIcon" Advertise="yes">
<Extension Id="abc">
<Verb Id="open" Command="My Exe" Argument=""%1"" />
<MIME Advertise="yes" ContentType="application/abc" Default="yes" />
I'm using WiX XML to create an install package.
One of the things I'd like the user/installer to be able to do is select from one (and only one) of several config files (i.e., config1.txt, config2.txt, config3.txt) that would wind up in the same location after the install is done (i.e., the final file is config.txt). How do I do this in WiX?
The manual install has the user copying the desired config file to the final location/file. i.e., if the user wants to use config2.txt, he copies config2.txt to config.txt. He runs the program. Then later, if he needs to use config1.txt, he copies config1.txt to config.txt and runs the program.
Any idea how to do this in WiX?
Thanks in advance!
I solve a similar problem using a CopyFile tag;
Somewhere I have a <Directory> containing the following components:
<Component Id="Config_6.txt" Guid="{}">
<File Id="Config_6.txt" Name="Config_6.txt" KeyPath="yes" Source="..\..\..\bin\Config_6.txt" />
<Component Id="Config.txt" Guid="{}">
<File Id="Config.txt" Name="Config_8.txt" KeyPath="yes" Source="..\..\..\bin\Config.txt" />
<Component Id="Config_7.txt" Guid="{}">
<File Id="Config_7.txt" Name="Config_7.txt" KeyPath="yes" Source="..\..\..\bin\Config_7.txt" />
<Component Id="R8_Config.txt" Guid="{}">
<CopyFile Id="R8_Config.txt" FileId="Config.txt" DestinationName="Config.txt"/>
<Component Id="R7_Config.txt" Guid="{}">
<CopyFile Id="R7_Config.txt" FileId="Config_7.txt" DestinationName="Config.txt"/>
<Component Id="R6_Config.txt" Guid="{}">
<CopyFile Id="R6_Config.txt" FileId="Config_6.txt" DestinationName="Config.txt"/>
And in the Features part something like this:
<Feature Id="Config" Title="Config directory" Display="expand" Level="1" ConfigurableDirectory="Config">
<Feature Id="Config8" Title="Config 8" Level="1" Description="Select only one version!">
<ComponentRef Id="R8_Config.txt"/>
<Feature Id="Config7" Title="Config 7" Level="1002" Description="Select only one version!">
<ComponentRef Id="R7_Config.txt"/>
<Feature Id="Config6" Title="Config 6" Level="1004" Description="...">
<ComponentRef Id="R6_Config.txt"/>
To display the features, add a UIRef that contains CustomizeDlg, for example:
<UIRef Id="WixUI_FeatureTree" />
A disadvantage of this solution is that the user can select multiple config files. That will probably cause the last one to become the active one.
Is this a web app? Are these ini files or xml files or something else? I prefer application configuration to be done by the application itself after installation during first launch (if it is an exe file). An installation is about getting default settings and files in place, any custom configuration is beyond the scope of initial deployment in my opinion.
Wix provides a feature to update an xml file during installation, here is a sample: http://www.tramontana.co.hu/wix/lesson6.php#6.10 . This would allow you to write a specific config setting to the file if it is an XML file.
There is nothing stopping you from installing several flavors of the same config file in the same folder and allowing the user to manually switch between them. What values typically change if you switch the base file? One or many settings?