Core data dao pattern - cocoa

I'm starting developing for ios, and now i'm studying core-data.
One thing was not clear for me, when i was studying a lot of people was managing core-data entitys on the controller.
For me this isn't MVC, since core-data is from Model layer.
So i think will be nice to implement core-data using DAO pattern, but before i wanna know if there is any core-data pattern or if there's some cons implementing DAO using core-data?

It is indeed correct to avoid implementing data look-up methods in the controller. This way the philosophy of the MVC design pattern is adhered to: the controller should just be calling high-level "glue" code and therefore acting as a document that describes how the view is interacting with the model.
With regards to persistent objects, there are two main approaches to this:
Use the ActiveRecord pattern
Use the Data Access Object pattern.
A Data Access Object (DAO) is an interface dedicated to the persistence of a model/domain object to a data-source.
The ActiveRecord pattern puts the persistence methods on the model object itself, whereas the DAO defines a discrete interface. The advantage of the DAO pattern is:
Its easy to define another style of persistence, eg moving from a Database to cloud, without changing the interface and thus effecting other classes.
The persistence concerns are modularized away from the main model object concerns.
The advantage of the ActiveRecord pattern is simplicity.
ActiveRecord for CoreData
At the present time the ActiveRecord pattern seems to be a lot more popular among Objective-C developers. The following project provides ActiveRecord for CoreData:
DAO for CoreData
I'm not familiar with a widely used library that provides the DAO pattern for CoreData. However, it could be quite easily applied without the assitance of a library:
Define all your data methods for a particular entity - findByName, save, delete, etc on a protocol.
Implement the protocol by calling the appropriate CoreData methods.
NB: The example project for the Typhoon framework will soon include some examples of applying the DAO pattern with CoreData.

You are looking for something like Core Date Persistence Framework
This framework allows you doing like:
DAOFactory *factory = [DAOFactory factory];
DAO *dao = [factory createRuntimeDAO:#"EntityName"];
NSArray *items = [dao findAll];
And a lot of more interesting things.


What is the pros and cons of using Generic DAO and Generic Service Pattern in Spring MVC with Hibernate

I have a thought to implement Generic DAO and Generic Service in my new project. I have seen lot of examples in the web.
Before start I want to know the pros and cons of using this design pattern.
Can any one tell Is it advisable to use this pattern?
I think, it will be better to have an other opinion about DAO and generic DAO. Some words about Pros (My suggestions are valid if you use ORM, Hibernate for an example, not plain JDBC).
Creates a nice abstraction layer of the actual storage system.
It is a marketing bullshit. In real life we have problems to migrate between various RDBMS (Oracle RDBMS -> PostgreSQL). Not speaking about change of a storage system type (RDBMS -> NoSQL for example).
Provide a more object-oriented view of the persistence layer.
No! It is very hard to do properly. Most DAO implementations have a dozens of methods like
getSomething(String x, String y, String z);
getSomethingOther(String x, String z);
Provide a clean separation between the domain class and code which will perform the data access from databse.[using JDBC,ORM[like
hibernate] or JPA].
May be, but usefulness of this separation is exaggerated.
Once you have the general CRUD flow set, the same layout can be repeated for other DAOs.
It is correct.
Generic DAO design pattern comes into picture when more then one DAO classes wants to communicate with database (as per example CRUD(Create,Read ,Update and Delete) ),with out this design pattern you will end up writing separate code to make database call (using session) for each of your DAO classes which is a tedious work in general because with each new implementation of DAO classes you have to write you own code to deal with database.
Below are some Pros and cons of using Generic DAO.
Note: Details give below are what I have learned from answers given to SO Question Pros and Cons of the use of DAO pattern
1. Creates a nice abstraction layer of the actual storage system.
2. Provide a more object-oriented view of the persistence layer .
3. Provide a clean separation between the domain class and code which
will perform the data access from databse.[using JDBC,ORM[like
hibernate] or JPA]
4. Once you have the general CRUD flow set, the same layout can be
repeated for other DAOs.
1. If you handwrite the DAOs, then the code can become tedious and repetitive you have to use code generators/templates and ORM.
Q - Can any one tell Is it advisable to use this pattern?
A- After Observing above pros and cons I used Generic DAO in my application as abstraction layer to communicate with database in Terms Of CRUD which actual helped me reduces lots of duplicate code to do same thing other DAOs.At first it will take time to get used to it of afterwards use of Generic DAO will make you life easy.

Realm Swift2: Best practice for model and Realm model class separation

I just have started working with Realm for Swift. After reading the documentation, still I have a couple of question marks in mind.
My biggest one is, if there is a best practice for separation Model classes from Realm classes.
For example, in Java MVC projects we used DAO classes (Data Access Object classes) which were responsible for the communication with the database layer.
Our corresponding model classes only have either the dao object injected or we used service classes for this (like CRUD operations).
If I habe a Realm “Model” class, this seems now to be everything in one. But after having the object persisted to the database, changing attributes of the object in the UI-Layer results in
'Attempting to modify object outside of a write transaction - call
beginWriteTransaction on an RLMRealm instance first.'
Which brings me back to my initial though: Shouldn’t this be separated in Realm objects and model objects. Or is it OK to have "realm.write" processes in View-Classes then?
I did some research on this but the results are very vage on this.
How do you deal with this in your projects. Do you have some kind of best practice or guidance?
Many thanks in advance
Officially, (on the iOS side at least), there's no established best practice for abstracting the model class logic away from the actual Realm Object subclasses. That being said, I've definitely heard of apps in the past who do do this sort of logic in order to support multiple types of data frameworks.
If I were to do this, I would make a separate object class for each model implementing my own API on how to get/set data properties, and make the Realm object an internal member of this object. This object would then serve as the generic interface between my app's logic and how to save that data to Realm. That way, if I did want to swap out the data framework down the line, I could simply replace my own data object with a new one, but keep the API consistent.
In regards to that error message you posted, in order to ensure data integrity, you cannot modify a Realm object (UI thread or otherwise) unless it's in a write transaction. That being said, you could encapsulate that logic (i.e. open up a Realm write transaction on the current thread) pretty easily within that abstract object.

EF to ADO.NET transition

Need suggestion for migration few modules of mvc 3 application:
Right now we are using EF with POCO classes, but in the future for some performance driven modules we need to move to ADO.NET or some other ORM tool (may be DAPPER.NET).
The issue we are facing as of now is: our views dependent on Collection classes getting loaded through EF, what strategy should i used for these entity classes to be get loaded exactly the same way as by EF with some other ADO.NET or ORM tool.
What i want is to be able to switch between EF & ADO.NET with minimum of change at data access layer, as i don't want my Views to get effect by that.
You should use the Repository Design Pattern to hide the implementation of your data access layer. The Repository will return the same POCO's and have the same operations contracts no matter what data access layer you are using underneath the hood. Now this works fine if you are using real POCO's that do not have virtual methods for lazy loading in them. You will need to explicitly handle loading of dependent collections on entities to make this work.
What I've seen so far, a seamless transition from one ORM/DAL to another is an illusion. The repository pattern as suggested by Kevin is a great help, a prerequisite even (+1). But nonetheless, each ORM has a footprint in the domain layer. With EF you probably use virtual properties, maybe data annotations or, easily forgotten, a validation framework that easily fits in (and dismiss others that don't). You may rely on EF's ability to map across join tables. There may be things you don't (but would like to) do because of EF.
(Not to mention tools that execute scaffolding on top of an EF context. That would make the lock-in even tighter.)
Some things I might do in your situation (forgive me if I'm stating the obvious for you)
Use EF optimally. (Best mappings, best associations, ...) Preparing for the future is good, but it easily degenerates into the YAGNI pattern.
Become proficient in linq + EF: there are many ways to needlessly kill performance with EF. Suppose EF is good enough!
Keep looking for alternatives for high performance, like using stored procedures, parallellization, background processing, and/or reducing data volumes, and choose one when the requirements (functional and non-functional) are clear enough.
Maybe introduce an abstraction layer with DTO's that serve your views now, and in the future can be readily materialized by another ORM or ADO.
Expose POCO's as interfaces, which can be implemented by other objects later.
Just to add to both of these answers...
I always structure my solution into these basic projects:
Front end (usually MVC web app),
Services/Core with business processes,
Objects with application model POCOs and communication interfaces - referenced by all other projects so they serve as data interchange contracts and
Data that implements repositories that return POCO instances from Objects
Front end references Objects and Services/Core
Services Core references Objects and Data
Data references Objects
Objects doesn't reference any of the others, because they're the domain application model
If front end needs any additional POCOs I create those in the front end as view models and are only seen to that project (ie. registration process usually uses a separate type with more (and different) properties than Objects.User entity (POCO). No need to put these kind of types in Objects.
The same goes with data-only types. If additional properties are required, these classes usually inherit from the same Objects class and add additional properties and methods like generic ToPoco() method that knows exactly how to map from data type to application mode class.
Changing DAL
So whenever I need to change (which is as #GetArnold pointed out) my data access code I only have to provide a different Data project that uses different library/framework. All additional data-specific types etc. are then part of it as well... But all communication with other layers stays the same.
Instead of creating a new Data project you can also change existing one, by changing repository code and use a different DAL in them.

How to extend an existing Ruby model to support persistence

I have a gem which implements my entire business logic, so that I can use it in different applications. Now, one of these applications requires persistence. How do I easily extend my existing Ruby models to support persistence? Should I monkey patch them?
To give you a bit of a background, my model objects are usually just built from XML or JSON files, but now I need to store them in an relational database.
Are there common patterns for this problem? Should I write new model objects that support persistence and map between my legacy objects and the new model objects or should I extend the existing ones to be representable in a database?
Any tips, hints, and links are highly welcome.
I am not sure that I fully understand your question. However, the DataMapper library can be very easily used to add persistence to an already existing object model after the fact, for two reasons:
It doesn't rely on class inheritance (like e.g. ActiveRecord does) but on mixin inheritance, and you can inherit from as many mixins you like, which means you won't have to change the inheritance tree of your object model just to add DataMapper to it.
The object-relational-mapping is declared explicitly in the model, not inferred from the data-store. This means that you can have very complex mappings between the data-store and your models, unlike the rather simple 1:1 table == class, row == object, column == attribute mapping of ActiveRecord.
Now, whether or not you will manage to keep the persistence aspect fully orthogonal, and e.g. in a separate gem, that's another question. You could indeed keep it in a separate library that just opens up all the model classes and include DataMapper::Resource and declare all the properties. This will allow you to still deploy your object model gem without persistence, but the persistence gem will obviously be rather tightly coupled to the object model gem.

If Entity Framework is meant to work with POCOs, then why the dependency on IObjectSet?

I keep hearing about EF 4.0, POCO, IObjectSet, UnitOfWork (by the way, UoW is atleast more than 17 years old when I first heard it) etc.
So some folks talk about Repository "pattern". etc. There are numerous bloggers showcasing their concoction of a "wrapper" or repository or something similar.
But they all require IObjectSets (or in some cases - IQueryables) to be hanging off their POCOs. Expectation seems to be that you can write queries against them.
So if one needs IObjectSet and not just IList or some other simpler collection, why are we saying this is POCO and free from EF?
If I want to swap EF from underneath, I need to make sure my "other" O/R Mapper (I know I know.. EF is not just an O/R Mapper) understands IObjectSet and be able to parse the ExpressionTrees from the queries, execute and otherwise behave similar to EF.
IObjectSet is not the interface that makes an Entity POCO, it's just the persistence container IObjectSet. The point of POCO is to prevent you from having to derive your Model classes from an EF type, which the T4 POCO template in EF4 provides.
The Repository pattern is an optional additional layer of abstraction from your ORM to allow easier implementation of a different one if the need arose. Separation of concerns etc etc.
Take a look at Entity Framework Code First:
In response to the phrase: "If I want to swap EF from underneath":
In my business, it is more likely that I would swap out the database, say from Oracle to SQL Server (or vice versa), than that I would swap out the data access framework. On the other hand, there do exist options that make EF a favorable choice.
There are other LINQ providers than those provided by EF (e.g. LLBLGen). Sure, swapping out an EF data tier for NHibernate or EasyObjects would be difficult, because the frameworks do not have sufficient feature parity to ease the transition; however, LINQ was designed to open the way for other LINQ providers to step in and provide their own solution.
Your question contains a wrong statement: Correct is that POCOs do not depend on IObjectSet.
POCOs themselves are independent from EF. Or better: They are supposed to be independent from EF. Since YOU are implementing the POCO classes you are finally responsible to make this sure. (Otherwise the term POCO would be the wrong one.)
If you are using the standard T4 template to create POCO classes from a model description instead of writing the classes on your own the template ensures that the classes do not depend on EF - they are not derived from Entity and collections as members of a class are generated with ICollection by this template, not with IObjectSet.
Repository pattern is another question. The POCO T4 template does not create a Repository as an abstract interface to act on a database with POCOs. It creates a derived ObjectContext which is rather an EF specific implementation of a possible repository interface (or at least helps to easily implement a possible repository interface).
If you want to have a repository interface which doesn't depend on EF or LINQ you have to define it this way. Nothing forces you to use IObjectSet or IQueryable in that interface. Perhaps the examples of implementing the Repository pattern you saw didn't intend to be independent from Entity Framework or LINQ.
An example:
Suppose, in your business layer you need a list of all products of a given category returned from the persistance layer. What would this layer expose to fulfill the request?
If you only have databases in mind which offer a LINQ provider you might design the repository interface like so:
public interface IProductsRepository
IQueryable<Product> AllProducts { get; } // Product is the POCO class
A concrete implementation of this repository based on EF would simply return an ObjectSet<Product> from the ObjectContext which the T4 template did create.
And your business layer runs a query this way:
IProductsRepository rep = new SomeConcreteImplementationOfProductsRepository();
IList productsOfCategory =
rep.AllProducts.Select(p => p.Category == "stuff").ToList();
But if you want to be more open what kind of persistance storage you like to support it might be better to design the repository independent from IQueryable. The consequence could be that your abstract repository interface needs more specific methods to answer requests from the business layer, for instance you need now:
public interface IProductsRepository
IList<Product> GetProductsOfCategory(string category);
and the business layer does this:
IProductsRepository rep = new SomeConcreteImplementationOfProductsRepository();
IList productsOfCategory = rep.GetProductsOfCategory("stuff");
A concrete implementation of this Repository using EF (or another data framework supporting LINQ) could still leverage a LINQ query like the business layer did in the first example. But other implementations could work in another way (say: you have a "database" which stores products in one text file per category. Then the implementation for that interface method would read one specific file from disk. Or your repository implementation asks a webservice for the data, and so on...)
Key point is: If you are using POCO classes you are open for all those kinds of repositories. EF with POCO support doesn't force you to build repository interfaces based on IQueryable or even IObjectSet. It finally depends on what kind of persistance layers you have in mind. The more different they are the more specific methods you might need to support in your repository interface and the more work you'll have to implement those methods. Using IQueryable is a comfortable compromise which allows to define a simple repository interface while enabling simple implementations by EF but also other databases with LINQ provider. I think that's the only reason why you see examples of repository pattern implementations with IQueryable so often. It's not an inherent restriction imposed by EF with POCOs.
(That's how I think about it, not being an expert in design patterns, so heavy attacks and corrections in the comments are welcome.)
