Custom landing page with Octopress - compass-sass

I've setup Octopress and want to use totally custom styling basically throwing out most of the standard styling that applies to the rest of the site.
I do want to keep reference to all responsive goodness though that is baked in.
What's the best way to setup my custom landing page?

You mean like this?
^- My Octopress site.
Blog is at:
Since Octopress uses Jekyll under the skin, it would be better to think about how to accomplish this in terms of Jekyll - and there are many ways to do this.
OT: Personally, I find Octopress' theme layout, includes and customs far too complex and too granular. They did this to make it highly customable; but in my view, it tightly couples every template to another template.
Now with that said, there are multiple ways to achieve this. I did answer a very similar question here:
Creating an octopress theme from a wordpress theme
It's Jekyll: therefore, just go create the page however you want it. Replace the /source/index.html with whatever design, html and css you want.
If you don't want the blog roll, or want to move the "blog to another directory", just move the current /source/index.html to, say, /source/blog/index.html. That's it.
As I noted in the answer above, the only import thing is to keep the YAML frontmatter and specify the "layout" as you want to use. For example, I have a layout called "homepage" that is far different than any other layout. My /source/index.html uses layout: homepage.
But even then, you don't even have to use the YAML - create your own raw html file as you see fit. It will be used when you rake generate. This is what I personally did at first. Then, I slowly split up the homepage into the /source/_layouts/homepage.html and just went from there. I did not follow Octopress' entire theme at all - just enough to use posts and pages.


Joomla - Modifying default category list view (through overrides?)

I'm building a site for a friend and I should state that this is not what I'm doing for living. I just started working with Joomla a few days ago.
Everything is good so far, except I'm stuck at one point.
This is a site for a construction company and I need to create articles for on-going and completed projects. I will create an article for each project and each article will belong to a category, 'Completed' and 'On-Going', respectfully.
I plan to create menu links for 'Completed' and 'On-Going' categories in main menu. I also want to present a thumbnail of the article on the category list. Problem is, standard look of the category list is kinda ugly, and I have no idea how to change it. I'm using a template named PixelDot, but it does not seem to do any good for my problem.
During my research, I stumbled upon concepts 'Layout Overrides' and 'Alternative Layouts'. I have basic html and css knowledge, also some PHP, but I am totally lost on which file(s) to modify. I also need a little help on get the entry text picture as a thumbnail on the category list (this is the list where you see 'articles' aka projects which belongs to the category (completed or on-going), when you clicked on relevant menu button)
Any help will be highly appreciated. My Joomla version is 3.4.1. (which I believe most up-to-date version as today)
I'm sometimes making it more complex while I try to make things detailed and clear, I hope this is not one of those cases.
First, I would suggest using tags rather than categories to manage this. Tags are much better suited for temporary labelling or dividing into groups.
Second, go to the template manager, template view for your template.
Go to the create over ride tab and select the view that you want to override (i.e. tagged items).
This will automatically copy all the files to the correct location in your template.
At that point you can play around with the layouts to your heart's content.
Also ... some pieces of the layout you may want to override may not be in the traditional layout but may be in a jlayout. You can do the same thing with them. THis is all documented in the site as well as around the web.
I also would do this with Tags. One reason is, assuming you are using SEF URLS, that the projects article pages will have a unique URL. If you move a project's article from "on-going" to "completed" then you may be changing that SEF url. This will cause your search engine ranking for that page to be lost.
I would tag each article "on-going", "completed", etc and then create a menu item to display only that specific tag. The project's article would stay in its original category, that could be my project type, project location, etc; which also will increase the SEO for that given project's article.

No horizontal navigation showing on Magento custom theme

I have decided to sit down and build my first custom theme in Magento and I'm using this tutorial:
However I cant for the life of me find a way to include horizontal navigation (Home | Shop | Contact etc.) along the top of my website!
I tried all the suggestions I could find including placing everything in the root category and enabling all cats in the navigation.. refreshing the cache etc.
I've been working at this for hours now and been searching everywhere for an answer. I've pretty much followed the tutorial step by step but I can't see any way to enable the Nav - can someone please point me in the right direction with this?
(I'm kind of assuming Magento have a way to do this to add categories automatically - I'm aware I could hard code the navigation bar but I'm trying to avoid this.)
Looking at the screenshot on the tutorial, it doesn't actually have the menu anyway.
I'd recommend you check out leveluptuts magento theming tutorials, who actually take the base theme and manipulates it into the desired theme. I think you'll have much more luck that way as most of the templates and layout files are already built.
For the top menu, the default theme pages call the "header.phtml" template for the header block (app/design/frontend/base/default/template/page/html/header.phtml), which in turns calls the "topmenu.phtml" template (app/design/frontend/base/default/template/page/html/topmenu.phtml) where the menu code is.
The layout files is page.xml
Hope this helps!

Where to find the tags used in theme short codes? As well as the general tags used in pyroCMS?

I was wondering where to find the tags to type to take advantage of shortcodes programmed in themes. Many themes have them, such as the one below. However I can never find the information required to make use of them in the read me's or on site documentation. Which makes using them impossible for me. Is there a specific html, css, or php file that is consistent to each theme and shows them?
Given the lack of write ups on what tags to use suggests that theme creators expect people to know which file to find them in.
On a more PyroCMS rather than theme specific note, is there a list of all tags and their uses? Such as {{ settings:site_name }}, or the page body tag. Every link I have found to a list says that the list has been moved.
Thank you for your time once again.
Open up your file directory and navigate to:
Each one you can use is listed here along with an example in the function description. Each plugin in this folder is lined out the same way (files, session, asset, etc). You should be able to view each one and play with how to incorporate them into your project.
Edit: Also, you can find more information here:
Notice that this is specific to version 2.1. If you are not using 2.1, in the top navigation add click on documentation and then select your version.

Custom data in pyro cms pages, such as images or other data

I'm wondering how in PyroCMS I can add a custom field to a page. Ideally I would like to have an image area at the top of the layout, and have a custom field in pyro that would allow someone to populate that image from the pages module. I realize that there are some image plugins that allow me to attach images to pages, but I would like to be able to add the images directly into the page in the admin (as well as other custom fields for the pages). Even on a separate tab would be fine with me. I'm fine building something if someone can point me in the right direction.
Currently if you want to add a custom field to a page you have to hack the module. This is obviously not ideal and im not really suggesting it, but I had to do it for to add a "Subtitle" field to each page.
2.2/develop is having its Pages and Blogs moved over to Streams, so you can add custom fields to all pages globally, meaning you can add an image in if you like, or append a US State for some reason, or add a slider. Whipee!
So right now: Hack it or wait. 2.2/develop will have your feature in a week or two.
I'm not sure you can do this directly from the pages module yet or not without some customization (possible hacking) though, I just asked and will update if possible.
In the meantime this might be helpful:
Consider looking into PyroStreams. for this though, it will require the Pro version of PyroCMS or you can purchase it from Parse19 directly.
You might find this article helpful about organization and page layouts.
Here is an article called Dynamic Pages with PyroCMS and PyroStreams though, it's a bit outdated now.
You may also make use of the gallery module, which is free though, I'm not sure this will meet your needs.

Making a different type of home page in Orchard

I've just started with the Orchard CMS and I can see that I can create a page and have different widgets on them, but I need the homepage to have a different layout.
I'd like to have some sort of different cshtml file for the homepage, but I can't seem to work out how to do it from the documentation. I also need to have four text areas on the home page that aren't on the main page.
Can someone who has done this point me in the right direction?
You should use designer tools module if you are using Orchard 1.1 +. Just search for Shapes in the admin and install the tools. Then you can create Alternates by reviewing the shapes in-browser.
In your case you should be able to create a view with the name: Content-url-homepage.cshtml
This may help you, it's a post I found about making your own themes and is a fairly simple example but covers what you are looking for:
I wanted to display the content on my
homepage slightly differently than
other pages. My homepage has an ID of
11 so I was able to reference it with
a file called Content-11.cshtml. I
could also have created a template for
all blog post content using a file
called Content-BlogPost.cshtml had I
needed to do so.
You can try this to vary the homepage layout:
Orchard 1.1 will also give you a homepage alternate out of the box.
