drop down list selected index changed event handler in User Control - drop-down-menu

I have a UserControl:'TestControl' - which has one DropDownList: 'TestDDL' and a TextBox: 'TestAdditionalNotes' (there are no buttons or anything else in the Control that will cause a post back - and I don't need a postback as most of the data is client side). I have written a event handler for onSelectedIndexChange event in the Control. This control will be used in a 'Repeater Control' - Now I have a Testpage: 'Test.aspx' I have registered this user control on the test page - now what I want : When I change the DropDown list selected item in the contorl - the textbox should be visible/in visible based on my selection. But how to trigger the evenhandler on the control from the test page ?

I solved the problem... my code and the handlers where correct... it was just on that particular test page some javascripts libraries missing - which are required by the telerik rad control i.e the dropdown list... once I added those files manually... everything works...
(I figured this out by trying the control on a different page and the event was being raised).... Thanks


Angular Material md-select load options in async way

I need to load select's options asynchronously (
through a service), using the Angular Material md-select component.
Actually, I use a click event to load data. It works but I need to click the select twice to show the options. That it's a problem.
The expected behavior is shown at this link (AngularJs Material)
The actual behavior is shown at this link.
Is Async options' loading supported by md-select?
The reason you need to click twice is because when you first click, there are no options in the select control and so it doesn't try and open the panel. Then your async method loads the options into the DOM and on the next click it will open.
In order to deal with this, you must always include at least one <mat-option> in your <mat-select>. You can add a disabled <mat-option> with a <mat-spinner> showing that the data is loading for example.
Here the most simple example of that. This is not the best approach... see below.
However, this still uses the click event which isn't the best approach. If you put the click event on the <mat-select> there are spots where you can click on the control but your click event wont trigger even though the dropdown panel still opens (places like the floating label area). You could put the click event on the <mat-form-field> but then there will be places where you can click and trigger the click event but the dropdown panel wont open (places like the hint/error text area). In both cases you lose keyboard support.
I would suggest using the <mat-select> openChanged event instead of a click event. This has its own quirks too but they are manageable.
Here is an example using the openChanged event. I also made the component more robust overall.
I also made a version that uses the placeholder element to show the spinner instead of using a disabled mat-option. This required View Encapsulation to be turned off.
Note: In my example, the service can return different data depending on the circumstances. To simulate this my fake service keeps track of how many requests you send it and changes the options returned accordingly. So I have to set the option list back to empty and clear the formControl's value every time the list is opened. I save the selected value before clearing the formControl so that if the service returns a list with the same item I can automatically reselect the value. If you only need to load the options once, then you would want to modify the code a bit to only load the options the first time the user opens the select.

Hide 'Save' button on asset form

In OOB asset form save button is not there, but it is present in my instance.I want to hide this save button.As you can see there are many UI actions, how I can determine which one works an asset table?(all ui actions are on global table)
Please help me out....
As you have correctly pointed out, there are 4 global UI Actions with the name "Save". They all have different combinations of the true/false fields: "Form Button", "Form Context Menu", and "Show Insert".
You want to de-activate the one that has "Form Button" value of "True" and "Show Insert" value "true".
The only reason it is being displayed is because of the condition isAdvancedUI() is returning as true. This is because the system property 'glide.ui.advanced' has been set to true. By setting this to true, a number of useful options in the context menus, become visible as form buttons (Save, Insert, Insert and Stay). Unfortunately one of the save buttons that appears, is not very desirable, because there is already a "submit" for inserting new records.
This is why it is perfectly OK to disable this button globally.
Gordon's answer here (https://community.servicenow.com/thread/261454) is exactly what you're looking for. Identify and override the save buttons (ones with "form button" checked) and you'll be good to go.
Side note: Generally it's a good idea to avoid changing the out-of-box UI actions, especially for something simple like hiding the button. Using a method like adding a condition can result in you 'owning' the button and make upgrades more time consuming. That said, there is a mechanism called 'UI Action Visiblity' that can control visibility for views without modifying (and owning) the UI Action itself. I've used this in the past and it works well.
You can accomplish this with a Client Script. Keep in mind that hiding the button is obfuscating the Save button rather than restricting the access.
I tested this on a personal instance and it worked.
Name: Hide save button
Table: Asset [alm_asset]
UI Type: Both
Type: onLoad
Active: Checked
Inherited: Checked
Global: Checked
function onLoad() {
var items = $$('BUTTON').each(function(item){
if(item.innerHTML.indexOf('Save') > -1){
This will load when any form view loads that extends the Asset [alm_asset] table because the Inherited box is checked. This is important because you can have hardware assets, license assets, and so on.
When this runs, it will search each button for Save and then hide it if matched.


I Have three records which I want to display in three Accordion Panes
which (every pane) will have a Header and a content ( Two label controls, 1 text box and 1 checkbox and 1 link button)
I am able to display data on the accrodion from database but when I am trying to Update the text in textbox by clicking link button the LINKBUTTON doesnot fire and unabel to make the update. How can we create Update event working ??
I am creating the Accordion Panes and Content controls statically and directly assigning the values to the controls from Code behind in Page Load.
I was able to do it using the "ItemCommand" event of the Accordion Panel by using the Command Name property of a Link Button which will update the Text Boxes.
It works for me now but I felt JQUERY will be a better option which has no postback, css issues..

Telerik MVC treeview - dynamically added textbox - can't click to change cursor position

I have drag drop enabled and i know that is the cause of my problem. I am allowing the tree nodes to be editable and on edit i show a textbox, but when you click in it to change the cursor position, nothing happens.
if i disable drag/drop then it is not an issue. I have tried to stop the event from bubbling up by putting click event handler for the textbox and doing preventdefault, stopPropagation, returning false, but that doesn't work.
I have also disabled the li element but that doesnt help.
Some event handler is getting called and i cannot find out which one (i have set breakpoints in all event handlers in the telerik.treeview.js but none are called when i click inside the textbox.
anybody have any idea?

SL3 dataform validation indicators don't show in tab pages

I have a Prism/SL3 application with a tab control and each page of the tab control is a "Region" that has its own view and viewModel. when I want to validate the main page, I call dataForm.ValidateItem(), then I go to all the child views and do the same. the problem is, only the pages which user has clicked on them (on the tab page), get instantiated and the pages that are never shown, don't have their view instantiated, thus I can't validate them.
any help?
I created a psuedo work around for this. It's very hacky, but it does work. My example involved walking the visual tree (up and down) to find respective controls that are invalid and then "expanding" the selected item. I have used an accordian in my example, but have also tested this with tab:
EDIT: Link updated.
