Say that we have the following part of an algorithm, provided that I want to implement it in matlab:
k = 0;
while k<n
among all pixels that "belong to" a set, select that pixel
k = k+1;
How can I implement?
Determining if a pixel "belongs to" an image or a set of the image
Generally, in Matlab, image (gray/color) is represented as 2D/3D Matrix
For example,
I = imread("lena.jpg");
So, the size of the I is m x n for gray and m x n x 3 for color
Now if you want to select a pixel that "belongs to" a subset of image (rectangle) (xi yi) (w h).
The origin i.e., (1,1) pixel of the image is the top left corner.
Isub = I(xi:xi+w-1, yi:yf+h-1);
Also, you can just access pixels using pixel = I(i,j); ith pixel from top and jth pixel from left
If "belongs to" is something complex like all pixels which are red or something else, the approach/complexity would vary
A similar question was asked before, unfortunately I cannot comment Samgaks answer so I open up a new post with this one. Here is the link to the old question:
How to calculate ray in real-world coordinate system from image using projection matrix?
My goal is to map from image coordinates to world coordinates. In fact I am trying to do this with the Camera Intrinsics Parameters of the HoloLens Camera.
Of course this mapping will only give me a ray connecting the Camera Optical Centre and all points, which can lie on that ray. For the mapping from image coordinates to world coordinates we can use the inverse camera matrix which is:
K^-1 = [1/fx 0 -cx/fx; 0 1/fy -cy/fy; 0 0 1]
Pcam = K^-1 * Ppix;
Pcam_x = P_pix_x/fx - cx/fx;
Pcam_y = P_pix_y/fy - cy/fy;
Pcam_z = 1
Orientation of Camera Coordinate System and Image Plane
In this specific case the image plane is probably at Z = -1 (However, I am a bit uncertain about this). The Section Pixel to Application-specified Coordinate System on page HoloLens CameraProjectionTransform describes how to go form pixel coordinates to world coordinates. To what I understand two signs in the K^-1 are flipped s.t. we calculate the coordinates as follows:
Pcam_x = (Ppix_x/fx) - (cx*(-1)/fx) = P_pix_x/fx + cx/fx;
Pcam_y = (Ppix_y/fy) - (cy*(-1)/fy) = P_pix_y/fy + cy/fy;
Pcam_z = -1
Pcam = (Pcam_x, Pcam_y, -1)
CameraOpticalCentre = (0,0,0)
Ray = Pcam - CameraOpticalCentre
I do not understand how to create the Camera Intrinsics for the case of the image plane being at a negative Z-coordinate. And I would like to have a mathematical explanation or intuitive understanding of why we have the sign flip (P_pix_x/fx + cx/fx instead of P_pix_x/fx - cx/fx).
Edit: I read in another post that the thirst column of the camera matrix has to be negated for the case that the camera is facing down the negative z-direction. This would explain the sign flip. However, why do we need to change the sign of the third column. I would like to have a intuitive understanding of this.
Here the link to the post Negation of third column
Thanks a lot in advance,
why do we need to change the sign of the third column
To understand why we need to negate the third column of K (i.e. negate the principal points of the intrinsic matrix) let's first understand how to get the pixel coordinates of a 3D point already in the camera coordinates frame. After that, it is easier to understand why -z requires negating things.
let's imagine a Camera c, and one point B in the space (w.r.t. the camera coordinate frame), let's put the camera sensor (i.e. image) at E' as in the image below. Therefore f (in red) will be the focal length and ? (in blue) will be the x coordinate in pixels of B (from the center of the image). To simplify things let's place B at the corner of the field of view (i.e. in the corner of the image)
We need to calculate the coordinates of B projected into the sensor d (which is the same as the 2d image). Because the triangles AEB and AE'B' are similar triangles then ?/f = X/Z therefore ? = X*f/Z. X*f is the first operation of the K matrix is. We can multiply K*B (with B as a column vector) to check.
This will give us coordinates in pixels w.r.t. the center of the image. Let's imagine the image is size 480x480. Therefore B' will look like this in the image below. Keep in mind that in image coordinates, the y-axis increases going down and the x-axis increases going right.
In images, the pixel at coordinates 0,0 is in the top left corner, therefore we need to add half of the width of the image to the point we have. then px = X*f/Z + cx. Where cx is the principal point in the x-axis, usually W/2. px = X*f/Z + cx is exactly as doing K * B / Z. So X*f/Z was -240, if we add cx (W/2 = 480/2 = 240) and therefore X*f/Z + cx = 0, same with the Y. The final pixel coordinates in the image are 0,0 (i.e. top left corner)
Now in the case where we use z as negative, when we divide X and Y by Z, because Z is negative, it will change the sign of X and Y, therefore it will be projected to B'' at the opposite quadrant as in the image below.
Now the second image will instead be:
Because of this, instead of adding the principal point, we need to subtract it. That is the same as negating the last column of K.
So we have 240 - 240 = 0 (where the second 240 is the principal point in x, cx) and the same for Y. The pixel coordinates are 0,0 as in the example when z was positive. If we do not negate the last column we will end up with 480,480 instead of 0,0.
Hope this helped a little bit
I have a problem where I need to determine whether a given latitude, longitude GPS-point is in a given orthoimage (approx. 1 hectare area) with known real-world orientation and GPS-location (corresponding to the center of image).
That is, given a GPS-point P, I need to determine:
Is point P located in the orthoimage, and if yes,
What is the pixel location of point P in the orthoimage.
My question is summarized in the following image:
As you can see in the image, I know the GPS-coordinates of the image (center) and where North is located with respect to the image. Also, I know how many centimeters in the ground each pixel corresponds to.
My question is: What would be an efficient and smart way to achieve the goals in my problem?
One approach I had in mind was to solve a linear mapping between the GPS- and pixel-points and then use this mapping to answer both problems 1-2. I thought this could be a reasonable approach, even though the earth has curvature and the GPS-coordinates are (I'd say) more like a parabolic function of the pixel coordinates, since the distances are very small (one image is an approximately 1 hectare area) I could assume without significant loss in accuracy that the GPS-coordinates change locally linearly w.r.t pixel coordinates.
What do you think? Thank you.
The orthophotos have been taken with a Phantom 4 Pro drone with gimbal camera system.
I thought about one possibility myself, not perfect but it's a start:
The following information is given:
a rectangular orthoimage Img, Yaw of the image (that is, how many degrees the image is facing away from north), pix_size pixel size in the ground (centimeters/pixel).
The problem is: Given an arbitrary GPS-point p = (lat, long), determine the pixel location of p in Img.
Denote c = (latc, longc) and cp = (x,y) as the GPS- and pixel-coordinates of the center point of Img.
Determine how much we must move along North-South and West-East axes to get from c to p. Let lat_delta = latc-lat and long_delta = longc-long. If lat_delta < 0 -> p is more in north than c, otherwise p is more in south than c. The same goes analoguously for long_delta.
> if lat_delta < 0:
> pN = [latc + abs(lat_delta), longc]
> else:
> pN = [latc - abs(lat_delta), longc]
> if lat_long < 0:
> pE = [latc, longc + abs(long_delta)]
> else:
> pE = [latc, longc - abs(long_delta)]
Now the points c, p, pN and pE form a "spherical" right triangle (I think I could safely assume it to be planar because the orthophoto describes max 1 hectare area). So the Pythagorean theorem applies sufficiently enough for my purposes.
Next, I calculate the ground distances dN = Haversine(c,pN) and dE = Haversine(c, pE), which tell me how much in ground distance I must move in North-South and West-East axes in order to get from c to p.
Now I will apply a rotation matrix R(-Yaw) to vectors n = [0,1] and e = [1,0], which represent the upwards and right vectors in my pixel coordinate system. So I get nr = R(-Yaw)*n and er = R(-Yaw)*e where nr is a unit pixel vector pointing towards North in the image and er is similarly a unit pixel vector pointing towards East in the image.
Next, I calculate the ratios mN = dN/pix_size and mE = dE/pix_size (the factors also need to take into account the +- direction). Now I calculate the pixel location of p by:
pp = cp + mN*nr + mE*er,
where I can now easily check if the pixel values pp are within the bounds of the image Img.
Of course this method does not work in a general large area case and needs to be refined for this purpose.
I have a gray scale image stored in a matrix Mat and am asked to extract the covariances for 1 pixel horizontal and vertical displacement.
I thought of using circshift and cov to extract the covariance.
Mat = magic(5); % this represents my gray scale image
MatHs = circshift(Mat,[0 1]); % horizontal displacement
MatVs = circshift(Mat,[1 0]); % vertical displacement
covMatH = cov(Mat,MatHs)
covMatV = cov(Mat,MatVs)
However, the result of covMatH and covMatV must be of size 1 by 1 where mine is 2 by 2.
Did I misapplied the cov functions or have I not understood the question correctly and this task must be solved completely different?
Since your image is 2-dimensional, you will be receiving a covariance matrix (link) of size 2*2. You have definitely solved the task of finding the covariance, but each element of the 2*2 matrix represents a different index. Lets say the matrix is [A B; C D]. A and D would represent variance of the inputs. B and C would represent cross-covariance between the inputs.
I need to implement the arnold transformation on colour image as it is part of my project please suggest how to implement it for MxN image
In the classical sense, the continuous Arnold's map is defined on the unit square, and therefore the discrete version is defined on square images:
Consider your image as three NxN matrices; one NxN matrix for each colour channel (assuming you're working with RGB images). Do the following transformation with each of the matrices:
Map the (i,j) element of the input matrix to the ((i + j) mod N, (i + 2j) mod N) element of the output matrix.
It's a concatenation of a vertical and a horizontal shearing transformation, "wrapped around" to the original image rectangle:
(the image is from the corresponding Wikipedia article)
In pseudocode for a single colour channel:
Image arnold(inputImage){
outputImage = Image(inputImage.width, inputImage.height);
for(x = 0; x < inputImage.width; x++){
for(y = 0; y < inputImage.height; y++){
pixel = inputImage[x][y];
outputImage[(2*x + y) mod inputImage.width][(x + y) mod inputImage.height] = pixel;
return outputImage;
(note that conventionally we index matrices by (row,column) and images by (column,row))
So that's for square (NxN) images. What you want (Arnold's map for MxN images, where possibly M != N) is somewhat ill-posed in the sense that it's not clear whether it preserves some interesting properties of Arnold's map. However, if that doesn't bother you, you can generalize the map for MxN images the following way:
Perform a vertical shear with wrap-around in such a way, that the j-th column is circulalry shifted upward by j*M/N (note that this leaves the first column and the last column in-place) *
Perform a horizontal shear with wrap-around in such a way, that the i-th row is circulalry right-shifted by i*N/M (this leaves the first and the last row in-place) *
* : shearing is simply shifting columns/rows
Edit: updated my answer for the generalized MxN case
I want to extract centreline pixels in vessel. At first I have seleted a seed point close to a vessel edge using ginput(1) command. This provides the starting point and specifies the region of interest (ROI) on a vessel segment where the analysis needs to be performed.
figure; imshow(Igreen_eq); % Main green channel Image
p = ginput(1);
Then the selected seed point is served as centre of a circle with diameter less than the expected diameter of the vessel, in order for the circle not to intersect with the opposite edge.
t = 0:pi/20:2*pi;
d = 0.8*15; %d=80% of minwidthOfVessel so that it wont intesect with opposite edge;
xi = R0*cos(t)+p(1);
yi = R0*sin(t)+p(2);
line(xi,yi,'LineWidth',2,'Color',[0 1 0]);
roimask = poly2mask(double(xi), double(yi), size(Igreen_eq,1), size(Igreen_eq,2));
figure; imshow(roimask) % Binary image of region selected
Itry = Igreen_eq;
Itry(~roimask ) = 0;
Itry = im2double(Itry);
line(xi, yi,'LineWidth', 2, 'Color', [0 1 0]);
hold on; plot(p(1), p(2),'*r')
Hessian matrix is to be computed for the light intensity on the circumference of this circle and the eigenvectors has to be obtained.
I have calculated Dxx,Dyy,Dxy using:
[Dxx,Dxy,Dyy] = Hessian2D(Itry,2); %(sigma=2)
I need to write a code in MATLAB for following problem"
For a point inside the vessel, the eigenvectors corresponding to the largest
eigenvalues are normal to the edges and those corresponding to the smallest eigenvalues point to the direction along the vessels.
The first two consecutive vectors on the circle with maximum change in direction are considered as the pixels reflecting the vessel boundaries. The points on the tracking direction are considered as the centers for the subsequent circles. Repetition of this process gives an estimate of the vessel boundary.
How will I calculate largest eigen values and its correspoinding eigen vector of Hessian matrix to select new seed point as discussed above.
Thanks for your reply . I have used eig2image.m to find the eigen vectors at each point on the image (in my image, there is grey values on the concentric circular region and background is black ).
where Ix and Iy are largest eigen vectors.
But when I try to plot eigen vectors using :
quiver(Ix, Iy)
I can also see the vectors on the black background which should be zero !!
Can you please reply how can I plot eigen vector on the top of the image.
Assuming Dxx, Dyy, Dxy are matrices of second-order partial derivatives of dimensions size(Itry) then for a given point (m,n) in Itry you can do:
H = [Dxx(m,n) Dxy(m,n); Dxy(m,n) Dyy(m,n)];
[V,D] = eig(H); % check by H*V = V*D;
eigenVal1 = D(1,1);
eigenVal2 = D(2,2);
eigenVec1 = V(1,:);
eigenVec2 = V(2,:);
This local eigen-decomposition will give you eigenvalues (and corresponding eigenvectors) which you can sort according to magnitude. You can loop across image points or for a more compact solution see eig2image.m in FileExchange.