I'm running Ubuntu 12.10, and I use Yahoo Webhosting, and I also have my own domain "example.com". I used to use FTP to transfer files to/from my webhosting account to update my website. But now Yahoo has just ended support for FTP, and now they require users to use only FTPS. I am happy about this change, because I know that FTP is insecure, and the move to FTPS is necessary. So I found lftp (http://lftp.yar.ru/), which seems to be a FTPS client that I could use to transfer files to/from Yahoo Webhosting. I was able to install it with "sudo apt-get install lftp", but when I try to connect to Yahoo Webhosting, it doesn't work.
Here's my system information:
user#hostname:~/Desktop >> more /etc/issue.net
Ubuntu 12.10
user#hostname:~/Desktop >> uname -a
Linux mojave 3.5.0-23-generic #35-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jan 24 13:05:29 UTC 2013 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux
user#hostname:~/Desktop >> lftp -v
LFTP | Version 4.3.8 | Copyright (c) 1996-2012 Alexander V. Lukyanov
LFTP is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with LFTP. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
Send bug reports and questions to the mailing list .
Libraries used: Readline 6.2, GnuTLS 2.12.14, zlib 1.2.7
Here's how I used to do it:
user#hostname:~/Desktop >> ftp username#ftp.example.com
Now, I try the command below, but it doesn't work:
user#hostname:~/Desktop >> lftp username#ftp.example.com
lftp username#ftp.example.com:~> ls
WARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn't connect to: /run/user/username/keyring-EvxB3g/pkcs11: No such file or directory
ls: Fatal error: Certificate verification: Not trusted
lftp username#ftp.example.com:~> quit
What am I doing wrong? How do I get lftp to create an FTPS session to Yahoo Webhosting?
Thanks in advance for any help!! I really appreciate it!!
Steve McMahon
It took me a while to figure this out but I was able to get it working using lftp like so:
set ssl:verify-certificate false
set ftp:ssl-force true
connect ftp.example.com
login username#somewhere.com
The method above worked for me connecting from Ubuntu 14 to Yahoo webhosting using ftps. To reduce typing, the lftp commands shown above where placed into a text file and -f was used to read the text file. Below are the two files, a shell script to run lftp and the lftp script.
The shell script contains:
#! /bin/bash
# script name: ylist.sh
echo "Get Directory List from Yahoo via FTPS"
lftp -f ylist-script.txt
The ylist-script.txt file contains:
set ssl:verify-certificate false
set ftp:ssl-force true
connect ftp.example.com
login username#example.com
These retrieve a directory list from the root of the yahoo webhosting account. lftp exits and when script completes.
I was migrating an FTP functionality to SFTP. In shell script that does FTP, I saw some lines and I can not convert them to SFTP. I searched but couldn't get a result.
With ftp, I can get remote file names to local log file like this:
cd remote_folder
ls -ltr local_file.tmp
With sftp (OpenSSH client) this doesn't work. It says "file could not be found" about ls command. And it also says -t or -r options are invalid with ls command. How can I do same thing with sftp?
Thank you.
We do not know what "ftp" client you were using. So it's hard to tell what the ls -ltr was doing. Though my guess is that your "ftp" client was transparently passing the switches to the FTP server, not processing them locally. Again, we do not know what FTP server you were using. But I know of only one FTP server that supports -ltr and that is ProFTPD. In ProFTPD the -ltr means long directory listing sorted reversely by timestamp. The OpenSSH sftp client supports the same switches for ls command with the very same meaning. If it is not working for you, you are probably using a very old version of OpenSSH. The -tr switches seem to be supported since OpenSSH 3.6 (February 2001) and the -l even longer.
OpenSSH sftp does not support writing the listing to a file. But you can redirect whole sftp output to a file.
Something like this:
sftp -b script.txt user#example.com > local_file.tmp
With script.txt containing:
cd remote_folder
ls -ltr
I am trying to connect to a server via ssh. Once connected, terminal should be cleared.
Due to generated keys, I can connect to the server via ssh usr#svr without being prompted a password. This works.
In order to get rid off
The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free
software; the exact distribution terms for each program are described
in the individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.
Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
permitted by applicable law.
I would usually just type clear. However, I would prefer not to type this every time but automate the procedure instead.
ssh usr#svr "clear" --> "TERM environment variable not set.". I googled several solutions about unset environment variables, but without success.
So instead, I tried ssh -t usr#vr "clear"; this successfully clears the terminal, but also closes the connection right away ("Connection to IP closed."). Computer connects to server, clears the screen, closes the connection.
Next attempt was to create a bash script on the server to be run after connecting to it.
## cl.sh, chmod +x
ssh usr#svr ./cl.sh --> "TERM environment variable not set.".
Another attempt was to create a bash script connecting to the server and clearing the terminal via ENDSSH.
ssh usr#svr <<'ENDSSH'
## sc.sh, chmod +x
Running this results in:
> ./sc.sh
Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
Linux raspberrypi 3.18.7-v7+ #755 SMP PREEMPT Thu Feb 12 17:20:48 GMT 2015 armv7l
The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.
Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
permitted by applicable law.
TERM environment variable not set.
I am a beginner at this, so please be patient if I have made a very obvious mistake. I tried to be as detailed as possible and researched this before posting, but could not find an answer to my question. For example, commands other than "clear" work (ssh usr#svr ls), but that does not help me.
I have found another easy solution
ssh -t usr#svr 'clear;bash'
The text your question refers to is part of the message-of-the-day (MOTD).
If you can become root on the server, you can just modify that message in /etc/motd. Note that depending on the server's distribution, this file will usually be generated somehow (overwriting any changes), e.g. on Debian it is generated from /etc/motd.tail at boot, so you might have to change that file instead.
See manpage motd(5).
To prevent that message from being printed you can create a file named .hushlogin in your home directory (on the server). SSH to the server and run the command touch ~/.hushlogin. If that file exists then the login shell will no longer print the motd (message of the day) which is what you are seeing.
All startup messages are defined in motd file (/etc/motd).
However if you'd like to having your console cleared to increase privacy, add the following code:
[ -x /usr/bin/clear_console ] && /usr/bin/clear_console -q
Either to your .bash_profile or .bash_logout (on logout). Or by using clear command.
Clearing screen on logout is the default behaviour on Debian Linux distribution.
I am getting a error while accessing the firefox using X11Forwarding.
[root#station2 ~]# firefox
KiTTY X11 proxy: wrong authorisation protocol attemptedKiTTY X11 proxy: wrong authorisation protocol attemptedError: cannot open display: localhost:10.0
setup the following values: /etc/ssh/sshd_config
X11Forwarding yes
X11DisplayOffset 10
X11UseLocalhost yes
** Installed the package**
#yum install xorg-x11-xauth
#yum -y install xauth
[root#station2 .ssh]# echo $DISPLAY
#mkxauth -c
adding key for station2.example.com to /root/.Xauthority ... done
export XAUTHORITY=$HOME/.Xauthority
This fix worked for me
There is a hard, if not even impossible, to find (by search engine) scenario that may may cause that error message.
Preliminary note: The topic of this answer is not to discuss if it is a safety
risc or recommondable at all to use a graphical desktop as root on an remote, display-less, webserver.
A remote internet connected Linux server S has assigned the domain
name example.com to it's public IP4-address
The /etc/hostname file on S contains the single line example.
The /etc/hosts
file on S contains the line localhost example.com example.
The (remote) ssh access to S is by (sshd-) configuration (on S) forbidden
for root by the line DenyUsers root in /etc/ssh/sshd_config, but
allowed for a dummy user user1. From a client computer C a ssh
connection, using the ssh parameter -X or -Y, is established to S
as user user1.
Then, in a remote terminal on S owned by user1,
if any X11 related command is tried to be executed as root, may it be by
su, then trying to start the X11 desktop environment
or, as in the concrete case executing a script containing
su --preserve-environment -c "xfce4-session &" root
the error message
X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication.
is output and the start of any X11 related program fails.
The DISPLAY variable of root's environment contains
One solution to the problem is, in this special case, to modify the line localhost example.com example
in /etc/hosts to localhost
Solution: run the application with the same user you are SSHing.
I have also encounter such errors while using X11.
The source of my problem was that i used SSH with my own username (which was not root).
Then, once logged in i tired running stuff with X11 while doing "su" or doing "sudo",
the problem with that is that the SSH session is configured with your own username - e.g: Raj, but then you switch to user root which is not part of the X11 session.
So what you should do is simply try to run the application (firefox in your case) with the same user you started the X11 session.
Hope this helps.
I ran into this running gvim over ssh -t -Y and the solution that worked for me was:
xauth add $(xauth -f ~<logon_user>/.Xauthority list | tail -1) ; export NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 # gvim X11 fix for remote GUI failure after su
I do not know where I stumbled on this answer so I cannot give credit to the author.
i am connecting remote server via ftp and
i am sending ls -t command but it's outputting files sorted by name
how can i get last modified file via ftp ?
Note: i am connecting windows ftp server from linux machine
ls -t will give you the last modified file on top
You can confirm this by viewing with full timestamps
ls -lt
ftp -n server <<EOF|awk 'END{for(i=9;i<=NF;i++)printf "%s ",$i}'
user username password
ls -ltr
In most Unix/Linux based ftp servers, the ls command is linked to the actual ls command. This is why all the other answers are saying to use ls -t with maybe a few more parameters thrown in.
However, since you're using a Windows machine as your server, it's much harder to say how exactly the command will work. I don't believe Windows comes with a default FTP server service. I know many sites use third party FTP services on their Windows machines. It's going to depend on the software your Windows machine is using, and how it's been setup:
Try something like this:
ftp> dir /O:D
ftp> ls /O:D
These use the Windows parameters for the built in dir command.
try this one, it worked for me.
ls -t1 | head -1
I need to automatically copy files from a linux machine to a windows one every day.
I'm looking for something simple and secure like scp, rsync, sftp. Unfortunately, I'm at a loss of how to set this up on the Windows machine.
Does anyone know how to do this?
You can try mounting the Windows drive as a mount point on the Linux machine, using smbfs; you would then be able to use normal Linux scripting and copying tools such as cron and scp/rsync to do the copying.
You can find rsync for windows in cygwin, with that you can setup a rsync server on the windows box and run a cron job on your linux machine rsync'ing all the files to the windows machine. We used to do that and it worked fine.
"I'm at a loss of how to set this up on the Windows machine." Windows is the client or the server? At a loss means what, specifically? What can't you do?
"linux machine to a windows" can be done two ways.
Linux is client. Windows runs an FTP or SCP or SSH server. Linux has a client and pushes the file to Windows. Look at FileZilla for free windows FTP server. Also, windows often has an FTP service that's turned off. Turn it on.
Windows is client. Windows periodically pulls the file from the linux server. This is easier, since Linux already has all the necessary servers available. You do, howeveevr, need to start them on Linux.
There are scores of sftp, scp clients for Windows. Windows comes with an ftp client. Google for sftp client. You'll find WinSCP, Putty, filezilla, and list free country list of sftp clients.
I haven't used it in years now, but you could try Unison from http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/unison/
It could be done with 'smbclient', which acts much like an FTP client to a Windows share. Check out the manpage: man smbclient and look for ways to script it with the -c option, or man expect to drive it.
Here's how I'd probably do it though:
Pick which user you're going to be
when you sync the files. Log in as
this user and type 'id', and get the
numeric ID. You will use this ID in
step 4
Become 'root'
mkdir /mnt/sharename
Edit your /etc/fstab file and add an entry something like this. Replace the user ID of 500 with your user ID. Replace sharename with your windows share name. Replance WINDOWSHOSTNAME with your host name or IP address. If you don't know the shares, run smbclient -L WINDOWSHOSTNAME.
//WINDOWSHOSTNAME/sharename /mnt/sharename cifs credentials=/root/smblogin,uid=500,noauto,user 0 0
Edit /root/smblogin and put the following two lines in it
Log in as the user from step 1.
Try mounting the share: mount /mnt/sharename
If that succeeds, then write a script to do it automatically. Let's call it 'backup.sh':
df | grep -q /mnt/sharename
if test $? -ne 0 ; then
mount /mnt/sharename
cp -r /path/to/dir /mnt/sharename/destination/
Use cron to run the script.
Type crontab -e
Put the following in the file:
# Backup at 2:15 A.M. every day. Run 'man 5 crontab' for help on the time format
15 2 * * * /path/to/backup.sh
You may try WinSCP and its scripting support. And Windows support some kind of cron-like operation in its management stuff, don't they?