How to add link in atom feed using spring 3, netbeans - spring

Using spring3.2 and netbeans 7.2
Warning code :
protected List<Entry> buildFeedEntries(Map<String, Object> model,
HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
List<Feed_vo> contentList = (List<Feed_vo>) model.get("feedContent");
List<Entry> entries = new ArrayList<Entry>(contentList.size());
for (Feed_vo content : contentList) {
Entry entry = new Entry();
String date = String.format("%1$tY-%1$tm-%1$td", content.getCreatedDate());
entry.setId(String.format(",%s:%d", date, content.getId()));
entry.setTitle(String.format("%s | on %s by %s",content.getTitle(), date, content.getAuthor()));
entry = setLink(content, entry);
Content summary = new Content();
return entries;
private Entry setLink(Feed_vo vo, Entry entry) {
ArrayList l = new ArrayList();
Link link = new Link();
return entry;
This code works but Netbeans warning :
/home/sudhakar/**/ warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to add(E) as a member of the raw type java.util.ArrayList
1 warning
How to solve this warning.
Also inform me the correct format for atom and rss feed.
(How the output should look like. ie. output source).

Warnings solved by this code:
List<Link> v = new ArrayList<Link>();
Link link = new Link();


"reference to addValueChangeListener is ambiguous" in Spring-Boot, Vaadin application Error

reference to addValueChangeListener is ambiguous
[ERROR] both method addValueChangeListener(<V>) in and method addValueChangeListener(<T>) in com.vaadin.ui.AbstractField match
This is the compilation error i am getting during the build of project and the code is as following:
private void setTodos(List<Todo> todos) {
this.todos = todos;
todos.forEach(todo ->{
addComponent(new TodoLayout(todo, this));
} has the valueChangeListener which is registering each field to handle the change ...
private CheckBox done;
private TextField text;
public TodoLayout(Todo todo, TodoChangeListener changeListener) {
done = new CheckBox();
text = new TextField();
Binder<Todo> binder = new Binder<>();
binder.forField(text).bind(Todo::getText, Todo::setText);
binder.bind(done, Todo::isDone, Todo::setDone);
addComponents(done, text);
Arrays.asList(done, text).forEach(field ->
field.addValueChangeListener(change -> //line where getting the error
As according to the logic each field is registered with only one change listener, then how it is ambiguous.

eclipse scout image change

I am trying to change image inside Image view.
I know that getTestImageField().setImageId(Icons.Logo); would not work, because it would not refresh renderer.
Because I need to use setImage(), I need a way to get Image from Icons class.
As Patrick suggested I try
final IconProviderService provider = SERVICES.getService(IconProviderService.class);
final IconSpec ic = provider.getIconSpec(AbstractIcons.StatusError);
final byte[] content = ic.getContent();
but my problem is that ic is always null.
While I debug this I notice that inside IconProviderService.class in line 57 :
protected URL findResource(String fullPath) {
URL[] entries = FileLocator.findEntries(m_hostBundle, new Path(fullPath));
if (entries != null && entries.length > 0) {
URL url = entries[entries.length - 1];
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("find image " + fullPath + " in bundle " + m_hostBundle.getSymbolicName() + "->" + url);
return url;
return null;
URL[] entries is always empty no matter witch icon I try to present.
After further debugging I found out that FileLocator tries to find fragments from bundle, and then look for the path inside this fragments. (line 242)
Bundle[] fragments = activator.getFragments(b);
but Bundle[] fragments is always null.
Normally my bundle b is (Bundle) EquinoxBundle : org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.rap.mobile_4.0.100.20140829-1424.
I want to try with different bundle so I do :
final BundleContext context = Activator.getDefault().getBundle().getBundleContext();
for (final Bundle b : context.getBundles()) {
final IconProviderService provider = SERVICES.getService(IconProviderService.class);
final IconSpec ic = provider.getIconSpec(AbstractIcons.StatusError);
if (ic != null) {
final byte[] content = ic.getContent();
but fragments (from above code) is always null.
You can obtain the image content (byte[]) that you can set on the image field as follows:
IconProviderService provider = SERVICES.getService(IconProviderService.class);
byte[] content = provider.getIconSpec(Icons.YourIconName).getContent();
I quickly checked it and it works for me.
Please ensure that the icon is available and you set up the icon provider service as explained in this Wiki Article

Alfresco Solr SearchService.query() error parsing Xpath

I'm trying to query for some files in Alfresco using SearchService; my idea is:
1) get folder's noderef where I want to search in for files
2) then get noderef's path via NodeService
3) finally query Solar via SearchService to find files in that specific path
The problem raises when querying to Solr, I get the following exception:
ERROR [solr.core.SolrCore] [http-bio-8443-exec-1] org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: org.apache.lucene.queryParser.ParseException: **Cannot parse** 'PATH:"/{http\://}company_home/{http\://}user_homes/{http\://}abeecher/{http\://}nominas//*"': **Failed to parse XPath**...
Unexpected '{}company_home/{}user_homes/{}abeecher/{}nominas//*'
If I replace the full prefixes by prefixes of type cm: etc... the query works well.
Is there any "Alfresco Way" to do this instead of transforming the string with a regex? Or am I doing something wrong?
Code I'm using is:
Path path3 = nodeService.getPath(folder);
SearchParameters sp = new SearchParameters();
ResultSet results = null;
results = searchService.query(sp);
afaik PATH-Queries using full namespace syntax is not supported. Take a look here:
You'll have to use the prefix version. But, please don't use a regex to get the prefix. There is an org.alfresco.service.namespace.NamespacePrefixResolver (bean NamespaceService) taht defines a method Collection<String> getPrefixes(String namespaceURI).
your dummy code to get the QNamePath of a node:
Path path = nodeService.getPath(folder);
final Map<String, String> cache = new HashMap<String, String>();
final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(128);
for (final Path.Element e : path)
if (e instanceof Path.ChildAssocElement)
final QName qname = ((Path.ChildAssocElement)e).getRef().getQName();
if (qname != null)
String prefix = cache.get(qname.getNamespaceURI());
if (prefix == null)
// first request for this namespace prefix, get and cache result
Collection<String> prefixes = ns.getPrefixes(qname.getNamespaceURI());
prefix = prefixes.size() != 0 ? prefixes.iterator().next() : "";
cache.put(qname.getNamespaceURI(), prefix);
String searchPath = buf.toString();

Deleting List<Object> using HibernateTemplate() is giving Exception

I am trying to fetch List from table FlexiBooking and then add this to another list i.e. to move to another table and delete those entries fetched from this table. I have used HibernateTemplate() object, since the project is being done using Spring Framework. But I am getting exception that trying to delete Detatched object. What is the problem?
Below is my code:
public void moveToNormalBooking(User user,
int no_of_seats) {
String queryString = "FROM FlexiBooking";
HibernateTemplate hibernateTemplate = getHibernateTemplate();
List<FlexiBooking> flexiBookingsTobeMoved = hibernateTemplate.find(queryString);
List<FlightBooking> flightBookings = new ArrayList<FlightBooking>();
int i =0;
while(i < flexiBookingsTobeMoved.size()) {
FlightBooking flightbooking = new FlightBooking();
Booking booking = new Booking();
// hibernateTemplate.update(flexiBookingsTobeMoved);

How to set the default namespace or how to define the #key values when using google-api and using Atom serialization/parser

I'm having trouble with Atom parsing/serializing - clearly something related to the namespace and the default alias - but I can;t figure out what I'm doing wrong.
I have two methods - one that I'm trying to do a GET and see if an album is defined and what that tries to do a POST to create the album (if it does not exist).
The GET I managed to get working - although there too I'm pretty sure I am doing something wrong because it is different from the PicasaAndroidSample. Specifically, if I define:
public class EDAlbum {
public String title;
public String summary;
public String access;
public EDCategory category = EDCategory.newKind("album");
Then the following code does indeed get all the albums:
PicasaUrl url = PicasaUrl.relativeToRoot("feed/api/user/default");
HttpRequest request = EDApplication.getRequest(url);
HttpResponse res = request.execute();
EDAlbumFeed feed = res.parseAs(EDAlbumFeed.class);
boolean hasEDAlbum = false;
for (EDAlbum album : feed.items) {
if (album.title.equals(EDApplication.ED_ALBUM_NAME)) {
hasEDAlbum = true;
But - if instead I have:
public class EDAlbum {
public String title;
public String summary;
public String access;
public EDCategory category = EDCategory.newKind("album");
Then the feed has an empty collection - i.e. the parser does not know that this is Atom (my guess).
I can live with the android:title in my classes - I don;t get it, but it works.
The problem is that I can't get the POST to wok (to create the album). This code is:
EDAlbum a = new EDAlbum();
a.access = "public";
a.title = EDApplication.ED_ALBUM_NAME;
a.summary = c.getString(R.string.ed_album_summary);
AtomContent content = new AtomContent();
content.entry = a;
content.namespaceDictionary = EDApplication.getNamespaceDictionary();
PicasaUrl url = PicasaUrl.relativeToRoot("feed/api/user/default");
HttpRequest request = EDApplication.postRequest(url, content);
HttpResponse res = request.execute();
The transport and namespace are:
private static final HttpTransport transport = new ApacheHttpTransport(); // my libraries don;t include GoogleTransport.
private static HttpRequestFactory createRequestFactory(final HttpTransport transport) {
return transport.createRequestFactory(new HttpRequestInitializer() {
public void initialize(HttpRequest request) {
AtomParser parser = new AtomParser();
parser.namespaceDictionary = getNamespaceDictionary();
public static XmlNamespaceDictionary getNamespaceDictionary() {
if (nsDictionary == null) {
nsDictionary = new XmlNamespaceDictionary();
nsDictionary.set("", "");
nsDictionary.set("atom", "");
nsDictionary.set("exif", "");
nsDictionary.set("gd", "");
nsDictionary.set("geo", "");
nsDictionary.set("georss", "");
nsDictionary.set("gml", "");
nsDictionary.set("gphoto", "");
nsDictionary.set("media", "");
nsDictionary.set("openSearch", "");
nsDictionary.set("xml", "");
return nsDictionary;
If I use
public String title;
then I get an exception that it does not have a default namespace:
W/System.err( 1957): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: unrecognized alias: (default)
W/System.err( 1957): at
W/System.err( 1957): at
W/System.err( 1957): at
and if I use
public String title;
then it does serialize but each element has the atom: prefix and the call fails - when I to a tcpdump on it I see something like
.`....<? xml vers
ion='1.0 ' encodi
ng='UTF- 8' ?><at
om:entry xmlns:a
tom="htt p://www. 005/Atom
"><atom: category
scheme= "http://
schemas. google.c
om/g/200 5#kind"
term="ht tp://sch
photos/2 007#albu
m" /><at om:gphot
o:access >public<
/atom:gp hoto:acc
What do I need to do different in order to use
public String title;
and have both the GET and the POST manage the namespace?
It looks you are adding either duplicate dictonary keys or keys that are not understood by the serializer.
Use the following instead.
static final XmlNamespaceDictionary DICTIONARY = new XmlNamespaceDictionary()
.set("", "")
.set("activity", "")
.set("georss", "")
.set("media", "")
.set("thr", "");
Removing the explicit set for the "atom" item namespace solved this issue for me.
