MiniProfiler with ASP.NET WebForms Classic Mode - webforms

We're trying to configure MiniProfiler with an ASP.NET WebForms app that runs in a classic mode app pool (cannot change it to integrated). We couldn't get the handlers to work so loading the resources failed.
To solve this we included the .js, .css, .tmpl, and .html from After doing that these resources get loaded, but we still don't see anything.
The initialization script is rendered in the final html, but the ... block never gets generated. I'm assuming because the script never runs. We tried loading jQuery v1.7.1 and a newer version; neither worked.
There are no 404s or anything in the console (Chrome or FireFox). Any ideas? Thanks.

Are you having the issue running the profiler in IIS on your local machine or on a server?
The quick code sample on the site suggests wrapping the MiniProfile.Start() call in a Request.IsLocal condition (code below), this would prevent the profiler from being rendered on the server (unless you were viewing the page from the server itself). Try removing the Request.IsLocal code and see if that helps.
protected void Application_BeginRequest()
if (Request.IsLocal)


Blazor app not running server code when on hosted server

I have a blazor web assembly app and I have 3 projects that were created. The client, server and shared. I assume all of these are deployed as standard when using the webdeploy?
The site works in that it displays the pages etc. However when I go to a page that contacts the server project via the Http.PostAsJsonAsync() method, I get the blazor error page (which I setup to say "oops").
Obviously I get no details as to what is going wrong. So I have no idea what is happening. Is the server app compiled into the Web assembly app? If so why would it not be running the server code? Plus I suppose the other question is how do I get it to report the error so that I can get an idea as to what is going wrong?
It works absolutely fine when running it through Visual Studio.
This is the first time I have deployed to a hosted server so there is a very high chance I have done something wrong...
The method I am calling literally does nothing other than returning a 200 message. So I assume the issue is with calling the server method itself.
Firstly, use Logging:
#inject ILogger<MyComponent> Logger
Then wrap your Http.PostAsJsonAsync() call in a Try Catch block.
Log the error in the Catch block:
await Http.PostAsJsonAsync()
catch (Exception e)
After deployment, edit your web.config file:
<aspNetCore processPath="dotnet"
stdoutLogEnabled="true" // <<< MAKE THIS true
Note, the setting stdoutLogEnabled="true". This will cause your hosting provider to generate log files.
Then recycle your app pool on your hosting provider.
Connect to your website again, and after the error you should have some more details about error logged in
on the hosting server.
Take it from there ...

Abp Template Problem for MVC Core - JQuery 4.6.0

Using the very latest stable mvc core jquery template (4.6.0).
downloaded, ran db migration all good.
logged in using admin/123qwe and put a break point on the line AccountController line 104:
var loginResult = await GetLoginResultAsync(loginModel.UsernameOrEmailAddress, loginModel.Password, GetTenancyNameOrNull());
I'm seeing success result returned from above line.
Problem: The page stays on the login page (as though it was not authenticated) and I cannot navigate away to another page (eg \About)
No changes were made to the template code - What am I missing or should I report a bug in the repo?
This turned out to possibly be a local browser issue with a Chrome install.
To Fix the following steps were taken:
1) reinstall Chrome
2) clear all browser cookies, cache, history
3) restart Chrome, Close Chrome
4) re-run Abp app using Chrome

Vuepress oidc-client preventing build

It looks like Vuepress is made for public docs, but we decided to add client and server security to protect some of the doc pages. But unfortunately although oidc-client ( works during dev, it throws exception when build.
I get ReferenceError: window is not defined and when I try to trick the compiler with const window = window || { location: {} }; I get TypeError: Cannot read property 'getItem' of undefined
Any idea how to make this work?
This was driving me nuts also. I discovered the component I was trying to add was looking at window.location in its code - this was triggering the error.
My understanding is that the build process has not access to Browser things like window etc.
As soon as I removed the window.location bit from my code things built just fine and all is well.

How do I clear the cache of Cordova Web View on Windows Phone 8?

I'm developing a Cordova 2.9.0 app for Windows Phone 8. The app in question utilises external content heavily, using the JS and HTML content that's being served from another source. It all works fine, but the browser component caches heavily.
The only way I have discovered to clear caches is to uninstall-install the app again to take effect. The downside to this is that my localStorage also clears, slowing down my cycles.
I presume the cache can be cleared by writing extra C# into the Cordova template they serve, which I use by the way.
So while it was not that critical, I did stumble to a working answer. The WebBrowser class does have a suitable method to call: ClearInternetCacheAsync.
Since CordovaBrowser inherits from WebBrowser, it's just a matter of adding one line to MainPage.xaml.cs where the C# init of the start page happens:
namespace FooBarApp
public partial class MainPage : PhoneApplicationPage
// Constructor
public MainPage()
this.CordovaView.Loaded += CordovaView_Loaded;
// blammo!
Phonegap Cookies Plugin can be found HERE
A simple, lightweight jQuery plugin for reading, writing and deleting cookies can be found HERE
I hope it will resolve your problem. Thanks!!

AJAX UpdateProgress not working on server?

I am trying to show an animated image while data is loading into a gridview after a button click. It works great on localhost, but when I deploy it, it doesn't. I have searched through posts, and I have not made any of what seem to be the most common mistakes ... ie. putting the updateprogress inside the updatepanel, etc. However, I am using a masterpage - but the masterpage doesn't have a scriptmanager on it. I noticed the following difference in my view source pages when I compare production to localhost .. Can anyone help me understand why the JavaScript to make this work might not be showing up in production?
On localhost (where it works) I see this at the bottom of the page:
Sys.Application.add_init(function() {
$create(Sys.UI._UpdateProgress, {"associatedUpdatePanelId":null,"displayAfter":500,"dynamicLayout":true}, null, null, $get("ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_UpdateProgress1"));
In production (where it does NOT work), this is all I see:
I was having really hard time after converting my project from VS2008 to VS2010. The UpdateProgress stopped working suddenly, which was fine in VS2008. Spending a whole afternoon to search the answer and experimenting this and that, finally I found what went wrong from Scott Gu's posting.
It was an automatically generated web.config entry 'xhtmlConformance mode="Legacy"'.
After disabling this, it started to work again. May be not the case for you but just for guys struggling with the same problem.
Happy coding
This may not be your ideal solution, but you could show() or hide() your animated image just using javascript. Using the following javascript functions (and getting rid of the UpdateProgress control) should do the trick.
function beginRequest(sender, args) {
document.getElementById('myImageElement').style.display = 'block';
function endRequest(sender, args) {
document.getElementById('myImageElement').style.display = 'none';
Keep in mind this will happen for every postback, you may need to use the sender parameter to deduce which element called the postback and only perform the display when the correct updatepanel is hit. These events are fired at the beginning and end (respectively) of each UpdatePanel postback. Good luck.
