jqgrid: using setselection as if the user clicked on the row? - jqgrid

I have a grid (master/detail) with keys bound. I'd like to have the first row in the master grid automatically selected when the page starts.
I used setSelection in the GridComplete event and can get the row selected. However, the up/down arrows (and the detail grid) do not function until the user actually clicks on a row with the mouse.
Does anyone have any ideas about how to get a row selected programatically so that the grid operates as if the user had clicked the row?

The problem is that the grid does not have focus, so keyboard commands are not routed to it when the grid is initially displayed. You can work around this by explicitly calling focus after setting your initial selection:


Kendo grid. Event when selection is become empty

I need some event when my Kendo grid lose selection (no row selected).
Select one or more rows.
Filter by some field that so no selected rows show.
Expecting event appearance because now no row selected.
How to implement item 3?
There is no event like lostSelection. The change-event triggers if the user changes the selection only.
Once the filter was executed, the dataBound-event is triggered (as you can see on the demo page https://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/grid/events). There you could check for the list of selected items with the method select (https://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/api/javascript/ui/grid/methods/select)

Kendo Hierarchy Grid clear selection

I am playing with this example by Kendo: http://dojo.telerik.com/EneFe
I have modified it so that the rows are selectable (selectable:true).
I have added a button on the top which calls the grid.clearSelection() function.
This is supposed to clear all selection but it does not clear the selection of rows that are selected in the dropdown table. (Recreate: click on the first row "Nancy", expand it and click on "10258 - Austria", then click the "Clear Selection" button and only "Nancy" will clear)
Is the function not working properly or am I misusing it?
In any case - how can I achieve a total clearing of all selected rows?
This is because they are two separate grids. Check this:

kendo ui grid looses selection when bound value changes

It seems like the grid widget looses selection when a value that a column is bound to is changed. Does anyone know how to not loose the selection?
Example here (select a row then click "click here"):
Yes, the Grid is refreshed and any selection is lost. In this code library you can get the idea how to persist the selection.
Basically there is a cookie which is used but since you do not reload the page you can simply safe it into a JavaScript variable.

Slickgrid 2.1 - Apply and Remove Formatters On The Fly (i.e., Depending on Runtime Conditions)

I'm using slickgrid 2.1 and successfully using a formatter for one of my columns in order to display a button that, when clicked, deletes the corresponding row from the grid.
My requirements and question: I need to only display this button in the row the user single-clicks on. When the user clicks one row, then another, the button from the first selected row needs to be hidden and the button on the second selected row needs to be displayed. How can I programmatically do this?
Many thanks.

Click an element in jqgrid and select the row it is in

When you click on a row in jqgrid it gets "selected" (applies some coloring and styles), other "selected" rows get deselected. However, when I click on an input button element in one of the cells in a row nothing happens... the row is not "selected". How would I make the clicking of this button (or link or whatever) cause the row to be "selected" (and deselected when a different row is clicked)?
In the gridComplete method of jqgrid I can attach a click handler to each button, get the ID of the button's parent row and then call jqgrid's setSelection method on it, passing in the required row id as a parameter.
$('#mygrid').find('input[type=button]').each(function() {
var therowid = $(this).parents('tr:last').attr('id');
$('#mygrid').jqGrid('setSelection', therowid );
On "tricky" thing about this is that instruction on the jqgrid website show two different ways to go about doing this. The above uses the new API which does things rather differently so you will find a mix of suggestions online that switch between this new API and the older one.
