Extract data from oracle to multiple sheets in excel - oracle

Is there any way we can extract data from oracle tables to multiple sheets in an excel?
For example: I have two tables checkpoints and hold. I want data from checkpoints to go to sheet1 of MS excel and data from hold to go to sheet2.
Is this possible to implement in oracle?
Oracle version: Oracle 11G
I would like to implement this using PL/SQL. This code will be executed as a batch job.

If the spreadsheet you want to generate is very simple (i.e. just cells with data, and multiple sheets) you could try the Excel generation API in the Alexandria PL/SQL Library - just grab XLSX_BUILDER_PKG and its dependencies (I don't think there are many) and it should do the job.
I've used it myself to generate simple spreadsheets in XLSX format, and it's all in PL/SQL. It returns the results in a BLOB, and there's another routine in the library for spitting that out with UTL_FILE, if you need the result on the database server.

Of course it is possible, but it depends how do you want that to be done.
1) If you have a reporting tool (Jasper Reports, Oracle BI) you can use that tool to create a report and export the data.
2) If you have a developer tool (Toad, SQL Developer) you can export the two tables "by hand".
3) If you know how to write code, than you can use a API to create the Excel file and populate it with the data. You can use PL/SQL, PHP, C, C++ or almost any other language, it just needs a Oracle API and an Excel API.

There is PL/SQL package that is able to create Excel document with multiple sheets and put data from SQL query to separate sheets.
Please see example below:
ORA_EXCEL.query_to_sheet('select * from employees');
ORA_EXCEL.query_to_sheet('select * from departments', FALSE);
ORA_EXCEL.query_to_sheet('select * from locations');
-- EXPORT_DIR is an Oracle directory with at least
-- write permission
ORA_EXCEL.save_to_file('EXPORT_DIR', 'example.xlsx');
More details you can find here:


How to export data from multiple tables in a dynamic fashion in plsql

I have an plsql SP that creates multiple tables on a daily basis, however the number of tables are not always the same, however, the generated tables have a predefined pattern in its name.
I'm trying to create a plsql SP who exports those tables to a csv or excel file, based on a list input with the name of the generated tables.
Any ideas for achieving this rather than use PLSQL or is there any useful way of achieve this with it?
Thanks in advance
i think this question is very abstract and can have many solutions. Here is a solution that you can try if you want to create Excel from your data.
First you need a tool to create an excel file. Anton Scheffer has developed a package that you can use to create easily an Excel file from a cursor. Have a look: Create an Excel-file with PL/SQL.
Next, you can determine the created tables and create a query string that you can pass as parameter into query2sheet procedure of the Anton's package. All Tables you can find in user_tables View.
So your code could looks like:
for rec in (select * from user_tables where 1=1 /* or condition you need to filter the correct tables*/)
-- as_xlsx - is a package created by Anton Scheffer
as_xlsx.query2sheet( 'select * from '||rec.table_name );
-- MY_DIR is a database Directory that you have to create
as_xlsx.save( 'MY_DIR', rec.table_name||'.xlsx' );
end loop;
If you want to create a csv files, so you can use a package developed by William Robertson, Ref cursor to CSV converter.
The usage is quite similar to the Excel package.

Export SQL query data into an Excel or PDF file? [duplicate]

I have a table in a Oracle database. I have to create a complex spreadsheet structure from the Oracle table. I am looking for best approach to achieve this. Can I use SSIS or use some Oracle utilities to create the spreadsheet.
Any help would be extremely appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
I suppose the problem is, just how complex is your "complex structure"?
Programming IDEs such as Oracle SQL Developer or Quest TOAD have wizards to export data table to CSV files.
If you want to join data from multiple tables you could use a view, or even write a SQL statement
select e.ename||','||d.dname
from emp e
join dept d on ( e.deptno = d.deptno )
(rembering that columns can often contain data which includes commas, so you may want to use a more unusual character - or set of characters - as your separator.)
Another quick way of doing soemthing is to use SQL*Plus's HTML reporting function. Many spreadsheet tools can import well-structured HTML and XML without a snatch. Find out more.
If you want to flatten a hierarchical structure or something even more convoluted you'll probably need to move into PL/SQL. A hand-rolled approach would use a variant of the above statement fitted to use UTL_FILE:
csv_fh utl_file.filetype;
csv_fh := utl_file.fopen('C:\temp', 'data_export.csv', 'W');
for r in ( select e.ename, d.dname
from emp e
join dept d on ( e.deptno = d.deptno )
) loop
utl_file.put_line(csv_fh, r.ename||'|'||r.dname;
end loop;
If you want to export specifically to Excel (i.e. a .XLS file) then you'll need to go beyond Oracle built-ins. The usual solution for exporting straight from PL/SQL to Excel is Tom Kyte's OWA_SYLK wrapper for the SYLK api. Find out more.
This works with single worksheets. If you want to export to multiple worksheets there are a couple of alternative solutions.
Sanjeev Sapre has his get_xl_xml package. As the name suggests it uses XML to undertake the transformation. Find out more.
Jason Bennett has written a PL/SQL object which generates an Excel XML document. Find out more.
You can use ORA_EXCEL package to create Excel documents with complex structure. ORA_EXCEL have basic but powerful components which you may use to build complex Excel files.
Check functions list at: http://www.oraexcel.com/documentation
The first thing I would try is just dumping the values I wanted to CSV. Excel should be able to import that just fine, and it's often easier to fiddle with Excel formulas, etc., manually than to try to automate it. If you're using Oracle SQLDeveloper, there's an option to export results to CSV. If you're using SQL*Plus, then you can use set colsep , to make Oracle use commas to separate the columns. You'll probably want to do some more formatting tweaks if you're using SQL*Plus, though.
There is a 'disconnected' version of SSRS report descriptions called .RDLC (Report Definition Language Client). This is a subset of the RDL that is part of SSRS. There are report viewer controls that have built in exporters for Excel and PDF formats. The viewer control is available for both windows forms and web forms. The datasource for these reports are generic DataSets or data objects that are agnostic to data sources (SQL, Oracle,...smoke signals..)
set linesize 4000 pagesize 0 colsep ','
set heading off trimspool on trimout on
spool c:/file.xls
select * from tableName;
spool off;
this will generate your file.xls in c drive. You can give any address and if you want column heading then remove "heading off" clause and set pagesize to some numeric value.

Procedure to export table to multiple csv files

I am working with an Oracle database - the only way I have to access it is through SQL Developer. Part of my work involves exporting large tables to csv files to pass to another group. Since this is mostly babysitting the system, I've been looking for a way to automate the export process.
What I would like is to have a procedure like so:
PROCEDURE_EXAMPLE(table_in in VARCHAR2, file_out in VARCHAR2)
where table_in is the table I need to export, and it exports the table to a series of csv files titled "file_out_1.csv" "file_out_2.csv", etc.. each with no more than 5 million rows.
Is it possible to create a procedure like this?
You can using the UTL_FILE package. You can only read files that are accessible from the server on which your database instance is running.
See http://www.devshed.com/c/a/Oracle/Reading-Text-Files-using-Oracle-PLSQL-and-UTLFILE/
and Oracle write to file
I was just posting an answer here: Procedure to create .csv ouput
Using the UTL_FILE package is often not an option, because it can only create files on the server and is rather limited.
If you can only use SQL Developer, you can change the window to a command window and then you can run the commands just as I described in the other thread.
In the SQL Window right click -> Change Window to -> Command Window
set term off ...
spool c:\tmp\t\txt
select ...
spool off

Oracle query output in excel

I have an Oracle 10G database and I need to write a fairly straightforward query that joins two tables and selects some data. However, I'd like to export the result list to an excel, so end users can use this .xls document to see the results and filter by one of the fields (location)
When I write the query, is there an easy way I can generate/ create an excel document that would hold these results as described above? The SQL doesn't need to run from within excel, but I guess that would be a useful feature now that I think about it!
There is simple solution for your request.
By using ora_excel, small pl/sql package which generates Excel xlsx file, you can select data and export selected data to Excel and set filtering.
Please see following example:
ORA_EXCEL.add_sheet('My sheet');
ORA_EXCEL.query_to_sheet('select * from employees'); -- Select data from database
ORA_EXCEL.set_cells_filter('A1', 'K1'); -- Add cell filtering from column A1 to column K1
-- Save generated Excel to file with name example.xlsx to Oracle folder EXAMPLE_XLSX
ORA_EXCEL.save_to_file('EXPORT_DIR', 'example.xlsx');
For more details please check here
Pretty easy to do in excel; and when done user can right click the data and say "Refresh" to get the latest updates.
but why reinvent the wheel lots of online articles already explain how to do this... Here's one
After you've connected to a table, you can edit the properties on the connection and enter custom SQL (copy and paste from your developer tools)
Since you cannot use OLE DB in your version of Excel. Use SPOOL to create a CSV file.
SQL> SET echo off
SQL> SET verify off
SQL> SET colsep ,
SQL> SET pagesize 0
SQL> SET trimspool on
SQL> SET feedback off
SQL> SPOOL C:\data.csv
The .csv file should open in Excel by default. Use proper column aliases so that users understand the column headers.
Quick way:
At first create a view which contains your Query(Best way because you might need to change this query later).
Be sure to properly have installed oracle client.
In Excel(2007 and above) in Data tab go this way:
From Other sources -> From Data Connection Wizard -> Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB Provider for Oracle
Now Enter your DataSource Name(Stored in tnsnames.ora) and user password
Find you view and Then You'll have what you need.
You can save password and set option to refresh automatically in connection properties.
You are able to query an oracle database directly from Excel 2003 however, your sql statements are interpreted by MS Query and because of this it can often be frustrating. I will assume the machine in question already has the ability to query your database and has properly configured the database naming.
To query your database from excel 2003 you must:
Install and configure oracle's ODBC Driver (You must have the 32bit drivers installed since excel03 is a 32bit application). ODBC can be configured under start > administrative tools > ODBC Data Source Administrator
Open excel 2003 and goto data > import external data > new database query.
This should bring up MS Query which is an Access-like interface.
Obviously this is a very brief starter to get you stepping in the right direction. If you have any specific questions, please comment and I will try and help you.
Step 1
Run Your Query
Right Click on Resultenter image description here
Step 2
Click on Export
enter image description here
Step 3
Select Format To Excel
Enter datasheet name and location
Step 4
Click on Next and then finish
enter image description here
You can do one thing.
First generate the output in a form that includes column separators using symbols (like , or #).
Import the data to the excel and then define the placeholders as the column separators.

How to export the result into different tabs of Excel in Toad for Data Analyst?

Does anyone know how to export results from more than one query into different sheets of the same Excel workbook using the report automation in TOAD for data analyst?
Thank you
I'm not sure that you can do that with Toad automatically but there is a little trick that you can do with Excel.
Write first query and execute it in Toad, after that right click on query result data grid and choose "Export dataset...", under Excel format choose "Excel instance" and click OK. It will open Excel and add one sheet with data from your query.
Repeat same process for second query and it will add another sheet to same document and fill with data from second query.
After you executed all queries and added it to Excel save excel document.
If you want to do that completely automatically, there is another solution which you can use to create single Excel document with multiple sheets which are loaded with data from different queries. Purchase the third party PL/SQL package, ORA_EXCEL.
Here is example how to do that:
ORA_EXCEL.query_to_sheet('select * from employees');
ORA_EXCEL.query_to_sheet('select * from departments', FALSE);
ORA_EXCEL.query_to_sheet('select * from locations');
-- EXPORT_DIR is an Oracle directory with at least
-- write permission
ORA_EXCEL.save_to_file('EXPORT_DIR', 'example.xlsx');
It can generate Excel file and store it to Oracle directory, or you can get generated Excel file into PL/SQL BLOB variable so you can store it to table or create your own process to distribute file like sending it to email.
More details you can find on products documentation/examples page: http://www.oraexcel.com/examples
I don't think this functionality exists in TOAD.
The usual solution for exporting straight from PL/SQL to Excel - Tom Kyte's OWA_SYLK wrapper for the SYLK api - only works with single worksheets. There are a couple of alternative solutions.
Sanjeev Sapre has his get_xl_xml package. As the name suggests it uses XML to undertake the transformation. Find out more.
Jason Bennett has written a PL/SQL object which generates an Excel XML document. Find out more.
You no longer need to write code to output data for multiple sheets.
As long as your SQL has queries identified clearly (with semicolons), TDA or now TDP will automatically dump data for different SQLs in different worksheets.
I have Toad for Data Analyst 2.6. I use the keyword GO between queries.
Select * from tableA;
Select * from tableB;
This creates two tabs in Excel.
