Install Mac Dashboard Widget directly from website - macos

We have a dashboard widget for the Mac that we want to provide to our customers. It seems that the typical delivery method is to have the user download the widget as a zip file then double-click the widget inside of the zip. Is there a way to directly download the widget without having to take the zip step? In other words, is it possible to have a button that they click which results in a popup saying something like: "Do you want to install this dashboard widget?"

No, this is not possible. Widgets consist of multiple files, so they must be downloaded as some sort of archive (whether it's a .zip or something else) and extracted by the user.


I want to make a program that can download files automatically from website

There are buttons to click for downloading files in some websites.
So I need to make a program that can automatically download.
or automatically click those buttons.
I need your help. Thank you
I want to know ways to solve that problem or I want to get related url

How to show photos in Dropbox Chooser window by default?

My application accepts photographs from end-users. They will most likely select pictures that are recently taken. The initial view of Chooser, which shows the file structure of the user's Dropbox folder is therefore far less useful compared to the Photos view. Is there a parameter than can be passed to make the window opens to that view? Just a matter of saving an inevitable click.
I tried to examine the source code but the library appears to be written in Coffee.
There's no way to open a specific folder in the Dropbox Chooser. You can make the UI a bit nicer by using the extensions option to specify only image file types.

i want to select file from CKeditor from browse server button

I have browae server button
I am working in c#.
I want to select image from my imagefolder
it means when i click on Browse Server button, my imagefolder must open and when i click any of the image. it must be selected and selected image path mustbe copied on url textbox..
If I understood correctly your question, basically you need two things:
make sure that the filebrowser plugin is available in your CKEditor package - this plugin makes it possible to attach external file managers to CKEditor
...and you need some file manager.
There is an official ajax file manager for CKEditor created by CKSource and it is called CKFinder. If you decide to give it a try make sure to check the documentation

How to detect back button -vs- GoBack() in WP7 app

Maybe I'm over-thinking this, but here's what I'm trying to accomplish.
I have two MVVM projects (assemblies) in my WP7 app. One page in the main project will call another page in the second project. The second page will allow the user to browse through a list of files on the web and select one to be downloaded to Isolated Storage. The files are rather small.
For a little background: I want two assemblies because this file-selection feature is not used often in the app and I want the Main assembly to be as small as possible to decrease startup time. I also want to be able to re-use this file-selection/download component in other apps.
The simple thing I'm trying to figure out is that when the user selects the file and it is downloaded, I will execute a GoBack() to return to the calling page. On the calling page, I need to know if, in fact, the user downloaded a file or if they cancelled out of the operation by simply hitting the back button. I thought the obvious thing might be to just check for the existence of the file in Isolated storage, but that just feel like a bit of a kludge to me.
I also thought about the Messenger, but I'm not sure how that would work across two assemblies.
Any advice would be appreciated.
It is tough to know without looking at the code. However, I would suggest that you could pass back a value to the page depending on whether you successfully downloaded your file. Navigate with the value as follows (pass true or false depending on download success):
NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri(("/Page.xaml?download=true", UriKind.Relative));
Then evaluate the page in the destination as follows:
string download = "";
if (NavigationContext.QueryString.TryGetValue("download", out imageurl))

Modify contents of Firefox download dialog from add-on kit

I'd like to be able to add an option to the download dialog that pops-up in Firefox when starting a file download. Is it possible to do so using the new add-on SDK or do I have to do it the old way?
edit: Obviously, if the new option is selected, I need a way to know it and execute code based on it.
That's something you would use XUL overlays for. I guess that the dialog you are talking about is chrome://mozapps/content/downloads/downloads.xul - the download manager. AFAIK doing this isn't possible with the Add-on SDK, it only provides the most common UI integration points. You could create a traditional extension however, it can overlay any dialog.
There is no existing module that will help you that I know of, so you would have to create one, or wait for one to be made by someone else. But the main idea to extending browser UI is simple, and goes like this:
When the addon is loaded, scan for open windows of the type that you wish to extend.
extend the open windows by adding xul elements and javascript to the page.
listen for newly opened windows, and test that they are the type that you are looking for once they open
extend newly opened windows while your addon is active
Clean up after yourself when windows close or when your addon is disabled/uninstalled.
The last step is the most important and never matter with old school extensions which were not restartless.
Some for the built-in modules that you can look at that do this are the widget module, the context menu module, and the hotkeys module, all of which you can find here.
I've made a couple myself which are the toolbar button module, the xulkeys module, the menuitems module, and a few others, all of which you can find here.
Recently I wrote an extension do the same things. A bootstrap extension, not using addon-sdk.
I already submit it on AMO, but wait for review
And the source code
