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As denoted in This Article ReSharper's .sln.DotSettings file contains only those settings which values changed from default ones. Is there a way to store all the code editting and code inspection settings in a team-shared layer, regardless of the value being changed or default?
The only way to do this I see is changing each and every value and switching it back (so all of them end up in .sln.DotSettings file), however this seems to be quite a time-consuming task.
The problem I'm trying to avoid is as follows:
Suppose a team has 2 developers, say Jessika and John, and they decide that they are OK with Resharper's default to prefix private fields with with an underscore:
int _myPrivateField = 1;
So they are not changing the "Instance fields(private)" setting under "C# Naming Style" section and check in the .sln.DotSettings file.
However, when Jessica checks out the source code on her home laptop it Resharper still suggests using
int myPrivateField = 1;
because her computer has its setting changed to have no prefix, saved as "Save to this computer". As denoted in Resharper's docs if a "This Computer" layer has a value for a setting, whereas the other layers don't the value will be applied (see the middle green setting in this picture:

Regrettably, at the moment we can offer no option other than changing options one by one and saving them in the requisite layers. We are aware that this approach is inconvenient, and are in discussions as to how to best handle this.


REXX /CLIST PANEL- finding code location

Is there any way to find quickly the program behind a rexx/clist panel.
I know that i have check one by one all the panle librairies to find the panel.
But it takes lot of time.
First step is is to turn panelid on with the ispf panelid command
panelid on
This will list name of panel on all ISPF panels being displayed
Actually you do not need to search each panel library, you can use Ispf rexx program
to allocate a DataId to ispplib and edit using the DataId i.e.
/* rexx */
address ispexec
'edit DATAID('didVar') memeber(panelname)'
'lmfree DATAID('didVar')'
Note: If you make changes while editing, the changes are saved in the first library in the list. So if ISPPLIB is setup as
any changes will always be save in my.panels
Note: if you edit without a specifying the member, the member list will include a dataset number relating to the top level where the panel will be picked up from.
Note: There is almost certainly a limit on the number datasets that can be accessed this way. So if there are a lot of datasets allocated to ISPPLIB, there could be issues.
Hopefully there will be a
Relationship between where the panel is stored and where the rexx/clist is stored
relationship between the panel name and the rexx/clist name; often they are nearly the same. Some times the panel might have a P at a certain character position while the rexx might have a R
If there is no relationship between the panel and the Rexx/clist; you will have to search for it. You could set up a batch search for to search for the panel in all the rexx/clist libraries. A bit of a pain to set up, but it only has to be done once and then you have it for future use.
If you want to get really smart you could use the LM services to extract rexx/clist libraries
Building on some of what #Bruce Martin said, type TSO ISRDDN on any COMMAND ==> line in ISPF. Use the member command to search your SYSPROC and SYSEXEC concatenations. You can also use SRCHFOR when in a member list, looking for the panel name.

What is VERSIONINFO.InternalName of a dll?

The VERSIONINFO resource has an InternalName property. Why is this needed and what is its meaning? Is it a required property for every dll? How is this property used?
Fairly subjective, but VERSIONINFO certainly looks like it was designed by a committee instead of a programmer. They didn't know when to stop adding features and everybody got something in that they thought was important. The exact reasoning is lost in the fog of time and MSDN isn't specific enough to guess at the intention.
At least part of the schizophrenia is that the resource is intended both to be read by a human, it fills the Details property sheet that you see in Explorer, as well as machine readable through GetFileVersionInfo() and friends. A particularly painful winapi to use. This does for example somewhat explain the oddity of having two ways to specify the file and product version numbers. Both as a binary number and as a string. With the intention that the string can be localized, perhaps.
InternalName fits the machine-readable usage, note how it does not show up in the Details property sheet. Which makes it "internal", perhaps. And note that the OriginalFilename property does show up, thus intended for a human.
There is very little guidance on why it matters since there is no fixed usage of the property. It doesn't show up on the property sheet and afaik it doesn't get used by Windows itself at all. It is therefore completely up to you want you enter here, do note that it is required property. Maybe you'll have a use for it some day, I personally never found one. Just enter the name of the module as you originally specified it in your spec, simply set OriginalFilename to the same string with, say, .dll appended.

How to make Intellisense in Visual Studio 2012 not to substitute text right to the cursor?

While programming I often realize that I need to add something before already typed code. For example I type the name of the variable:
and then I realize that my array is of type string and I need to convert it. So, I move to the beginning of the word (with Ctrl-Left Arrow) and start typing
with pipe used to show the position of my cursor. I get some suggestions from Intellisense, including the ToInt32() method I am looking for. But as long as I confirm this suggestion with Tab or Space, I get the following:
So, the text from the cursor position to the end of the word is substituted with suggestion, and this is definitely not what I want.
This problem is not specific for VS 2012 and might be due to some extensions I have installed, but my attempt to pursue its origin did not yield anything. I have following extensions installed: ReSharper, PowerCommands, Productivity Power Tools.
If you are entering an unrelated expression before an identifier, add a space before you start typing the new expression. This will prevent the completion from replacing the existing identifier.
For example, if | marks the caret, the following scenario would avoid the problem you are facing.
Convert.To| input
This code completion feature is designed to prevent the insertion of incorrect identifiers. If Visual Studio behaved like some other IDEs I know of, using the code completion feature in your original example would result in the insertion of ToInt32input, which would never be valid.
If you are interested in additional thoughts regarding this feature in general, I have described this as the Extend (default for Visual Studio) and No-extend (default for NetBeans, Eclipse, and others) modes in my blog article Code Completion filtering, selection, and replacement algorithms.
A two years later answer. But it might still be useful for some.
What helped for me in VS2015 (which might also work in VS2012) is to add the a space character to the list of 'Member List Commit Characters' in the Intellisense settings.
After this the characters after the cursor are not removed by an auto-completion.

Is there any way to clear out the "Testers" field in Microsoft Test Manager (or in TFS)

Seems like once you set the Testers field on a Test Case in MTM, it will not allow you to clear it. You are only allowed to change it to a different value. Has anyone found a way to clear this field?
It is important to not get the "Assigned" Tester field confused with the Assigned To field. They are distinct fields on a Test Case work item. One reason why someone might want the Tester field to be blank is if a team all pitches in to help with testing during an iteration and leaving the assigned tester blank allows the team to know that no one has "picked up" this test to execute. The team member could then assign the test to his or herself and execute it.
The template pulls the Assigned Tester Values from a list using the 'AllowedValues' tag. Instead, simply change this to 'SuggestedValues'. That will allow for empty values - easy as that.
If you'd rather not allow free entry, you can also add a default value such as 'None' and use that rather than blank.
Unless you've customized your work item type, this field should never be blank after being saved. It defaults to the person who created the bug in all Microsoft supported process templates, and a value is required by default.
That being said, why would you want to change it to blank?
If you really, really want to be able to blank it out (which I don't think is a good idea at all), you'll need to customize your template. See the below guidance:

General Purpose Filter As You Type (aka typeahead, Incremental find, autocomplete) is it out there?

Lately I've become a fanatic that everything I type while working on a computer should be compatible with "DRY". If there's anything I have to type more than once in any context, I want some kind of user-aware auto-complete option to do some of the work for me -- always -- no exceptions.
Having to work under Windows, I've looked at GUI solutions to make this insane goal a reality.
The (almost) optimal solution
If you have a moment, open up Firefox 3.0 and type a few keystrokes into the address bar. You will notice that it performs a kind of Incremental Autocomplete based on space-separated sub-strings of whatever you type. Another place in Firefox that does something similar is the about:config URL.
This is sub-optimal, because I don't want this in Firefox only. I want to use this everywhere.
The Question
Does anyone out there know of a widget or app that does nothing but insanely good incremental auto-complete that can be used as a general purpose "run everywhere" tool? Something that allows the user to: 1) maintain one or more "completion candidate files"; 2) pick one of those files as the source for Firefox 3.0 style completion; 3) return the result (or blank if the user canceled), and do those three things only?
Here's how it should work:
STEP1: user saves or more csv file(s) (or other easy-edit format) somewhere in his hard-drive
STEP2: user creates a Windows Script Host script or a batch file (or whatever) instantiates the FilterAsYouType GUI
STEP3: user runs the script file, and the script file instantiates the GUI, telling it which CSV file to use as the source of all potential completions
STEP4: the user either chooses one of the completions, supplies his own text that is not in the list, or cancels out without supplying anything
STEP5: when the user is done the script saves the result to a variable and does something with it
Here is some pseudo-code for the script:
include "GenericTypeaheadWidget";
var gengui = new GenericTypaheadWidget('c:\docs\favorite_foods.csv');
var fave_food = gengui.get_user_input();
if(fave_food != ''){
alert('you chose '+fave_food+'!');
The rationale
The goal is to just have a way to always be able to do auto-completions from a list of arbitrary items, even if the list is a couple thousand items, and not have to rely on it being built into some IDE or standalone application that only accepts certain kinds of input or has an overly-complicated API relative to the simplicity of this task.
CSV (or text or sqlite database) would provide a way for me to self-generate "candidate lists" or "history logs" and then just use those logs as the source of the possible completions.
The disclaimer
I've tried several GUI "launcher" programs, command-line engines like power-shell and scripting shells, the regular plain old command-line history with varying degrees of satisfaction. The problem with these is they all do extra superfluous stuff like searching directories or built-in commands. I just want nothing but whatever is in the CSV file I happen to be pointing at.
I'm wondering if there is any simple tool that does nothing but what I'm describing above.
UPDATE: It looks like this question is very closely related to Graphical Command Shell, which captures the essential idea presented here.
You should really try Launchy - it's exactly what you're looking for, a "run anything" with intelligent autocompletion. It completely changes the way you interact with a Windows PC.
And it has open source-code, so you can borrow its autocompletion code if you want to roll your own interface.
