ajax error with openscholar profile in Drupal - ajax

Creation of a Drupal 7.19 website for OpenScholar 3.x failed with message: "The website encountered an error while retrieving /install.php?profile=openscholar&locale=en&id=1&op=finished" .
This appeared during the "install profile" phase on Lion, with MAMP despite php max_execution_time = 240 and memory_limit = 128 MB; after >80% of modules were installed, and just after the Google_Analytics module was installed. (Same happened, exactly, with .gitignore there or not; and with max_execution_time = 30). Used git to place OpenScholar stuff in the Drupal profile directory, and that seems correct, since ~80% of OpenScholar modules were found and reportedly installed.
Is there a fix to use at my end, or is this an error in OpenScholar 3.x (which is not yet available in production version, but seems to work for other people)?
I've received suggestions to delete os_ga from the openscholar.info file and to delete the install file. After I did both (either, alone, failed) the installation went through to completion. However many strict warnings appeared. I have not yet tried to bring in the ga (Google Analytics) module independently of the OpenScholar profile approach.
In any case, this experience may be useful to others.


Windows 10 Magento 2.4 zip install on XAMPP has nowhere to agree to terms

I'm trying to get Magento 2.4 running using the production ready zip and I keep getting it to this point where I believe it's ready to start the setup process, but it's waiting for me to agree to the ToS. Unfortunately there's no agree button or instructions on if there's a file I need to edit. I just did a fresh install of XAMPP with PHP 7.4 and still have the same issue, and can't find a similar mention on google.
Is there supposed to be an agree button, do I need to edit a file?
Term & Agreement link leads here, still no agree button. Getting started link takes me to installation instructions for a Linux CLI
I saw I may still need to run the composer install command even on Windows, but I was under the impression the production ready zip already had the dependencies included. Where am I going wrong??
Update: I got composer running in windows terminal and it returns that there is nothing to install.
According to the official site docs, in a note at the top of the installation instructions for a CLI install of Magento 2.3:
"The Web Setup Wizard is being deprecated in Magento 2.3.6 and will be removed in Magento 2.4.0. After it is removed, you must use the command line to install or upgrade Magento."
So you cannot install Magento 2.4 without touching the command line.

Error "ionCube PHP Loader" after using composer. Magento 2 showing error. Please advise

I'm encountering this message:
"Site error: the ionCube PHP Loader needs to be installed. This is a widely used PHP extension for running ionCube protected PHP code, website security, and malware blocking.
Please visit get-loader.ioncube.com for install assistance"
I'm getting this message after using Composer/Magento commands (update, upgrade, compile, and deploy). I'm running a localhost install of Magento 2, which is now showing the following message.
"There has been an error processing your request
Exception printing is disabled by default for security reasons.
Error log record number: 629950493790"
I have looked for other solutions online but these solutions didn't fit. One solution seemed too risky, which was to change the name of my php.ini file to .php.ini (note the dot before). One solution advises to install a version of ionCube with the right PHP version, but since I'm working with PHP 7.0.* I'm not able to find that version of ionCube. I have also looked for the error that matches the error number I was given, but no luck.
I encountered these errors while trying to install a theme. I am new to Magento so I followed a guide that gave me a list of composed commands to go through. I selected the new theme through my admin's Configuration > Design, but noticed the design didn't really push through (cache or compile issue I think? I'm learning, if slowly.) I tried the command "composer update" but got my login credentials wrong.
My environment: Windows, XAMPP, PHP 7.0, Magento 2.2.8
If there are any resources that can help me, please let me know about them, incl. books. I really don't know how to proceed.
C:\xampp\htdocs\magento2> composer update
I want to be able to push the theme's visual changes, and safely and correctly clear the cache and update the files as needed.

getting "ERROR: AJAX Loading Error: Forbidden" error when trying to upgrade Joomla version 3.5.1 to 3.6.4

I have tried to upgrade Joomla version from 3.5.1 to 3.6.4 from Joomla control panel by click on "Update Now" button. And got "ERROR: AJAX Loading Error: Forbidden"
Please see the screenshot http://easycaptures.com/fs/uploaded/1107/5217107686.jpg
How can i fix the issue? Thanks advance for helping !
Here is what I would do, make a site backup.
Then manually updated by extracting the update patch package in the root directory. Go to the link below and find the package that is specifically intended for updating from versions prior to 3.6.X
Joomla! 3.6.4 Upgrade Package (.zip)
This package is for performing updates from Joomla! 2.5 and previous 3.x releases to 3.6.4
Please let me know if you have any issues with updating in this manner.
Mike Hamanaka
Here is the total solution of my mentioned issue !! I tried hard to solve the issue in various way but failed.
I fixed my issue once followed this tutorials.
Stay fine with Joomla !!!
"Forbidden" seems to indicate that there is a restriction accessing a file.
Some things to try:
temporarily revert to the default .htaccess file by backing up the current .htaccess file and copying htaccess.txt to .htaccess
reset file permissions by installing the free or paid version of Akeeba Admin Tools (if it's not already installed) and run the "Fix Permissions" tool
temporarily disable security extensions or tools that may be restricting access to the update files
In my particular case, it was the last suggestion which was relevant. I worked out how to bypass Sucuri as an administrator by adding an entry in my local hosts file to access
the website via its direct IP address. The update then worked flawlessly.

Magento Community Edition 1.9.2 Update failed - Unknown cipher in list: TLSv1

Today I did an upgrade to version so that patch SUPEE-6285 also is installed, but halfway the installation (With Magento connect) the console showed an error screen similar to wat you see when the maintenance.flag file is in your root (503 error). The maintenance.flag was indeed in the root, but very strange that it showed up in the console.
After removing the maintenance.flag the site stayed blank, also the admin page. I can access the connect manager, but everything I want to install with the extension manager fails with this message "CONNECT ERROR: Package community/Interface_Adminhtml_Default failed: Unknown cipher in list: TLSv1"
How to fix this? If I look in the files, half of the files have the date of today and the other half an older date, so it looks to me that the installation broke down or something
In the file downloader/lib/Mage/HTTP/Client/Curl.php Change the code
$this->curlOption(CURLOPT_SSL_CIPHER_LIST, 'TLSv1');
if(isset($var)){$this->curlOption(CURLOPT_SSL_CIPHER_LIST, 'TLSv1');}
and problem will be solve for now.
Probably related to this issue, the Magento Connect subsystem attempts to fire up curl and use an SSL connection which has apparently not been disabled on all the Magento servers as you did have a partially successful upgrade.
As noted here and the previous link, the fix is to enable TLSv1 by editing downloader/lib/Mage/HTTP/Client/Curl.php to include the line:
$this->curlOption(CURLOPT_SSL_CIPHER_LIST, 'TLSv1');
We ran into the issue back in February when Magento de-Poodlized the servers.
Note: links are all Stack Exchange questions related to the issue in this section (StackOverflow) and Magento.StackExchange
I went to the file downloader/lib/Mage/HTTP/Client/Curl.php and find out there was a line with TLSv1 in it, so i put // in front of it and that solved the problem! Now i can do updates with connect!
Now my site shows up with links that are not working and my admin stays blank...
Next problem...
If you have updated Magento to 1.9.2, you may encounter this error when using the downloader. The problem is due to older ciphers and remains an uncorrected bug. But this is fixed by adjusting one line of code.
To correct this, in downloader/lib/Mage/HTTP/Client/Curl.php, change:
$this->curlOption(CURLOPT_SSL_CIPHER_LIST, 'TLSv1');

Can I Enable simplexml on php.ini?

I've been using Joomla 1.6 locally on my computer. Everything's been working fine. I uploaded the web files to the company's server and all of a sudden I'm getting the following error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function simplexml_load_file() in...
I've checked several online communities and some people are saying that simplexml should be enabled. I checked phpinfo.php and simplexml seems to be enabled on my computer; while it is disabled on the company server.
I don't have the privileges to enable this on the company server, so I was wondering if it will be possible for me to use php.ini to enable simplexml?
ext/simplexml cannot be enabled in a php.ini. It either is enabled in your PHP installation (that's the default) or it has been disabled intentionally. You should contact your responsible administrator... In my opinion it's not really the best idea to disable core extensions such as ext/simplexml, ext/dom and so on - a lot of code builds upon those extensions, and XML capabilities should be considered a core feature.
