shell bash get file path and put into sub-directory - bash

i have a long string in each line, one line like,
1000 AS34_59329 RICwdsRSYHSD11-2-IPAAPEK-93 /ifshk5/BC_IP/PROJECT/T11073/T11073_RICekkR/Fq/AS34_59329/111220_I631_FCC0E5EACXX_L4_RICwdsRSYHSD11-2-IPAAPEK-93_1.fq.gz /ifshk5/BC_IP/PROJECT/T11073/T11073_RICekkR/Fq/AS34_59329/111220_I631_FCC0E5EACXX_L4_RICwdsRSYHSD11-2-IPAAPEK-93_2.fq.gz /ifshk5/BC_IP/PROJECT/T11073/T11073_RICekkR/Fq/AS34_59329/ 11.824 0.981393 43.8283 95.7401 OK
this line contains three file locations(bold parts), i need to scp those files to another location like /sample . and also create sub-directory to put files, like this line files put into AS34_59329. so need create /sample/AS34_59329
Maybe many lines' sub-directory name is the same, so it need to judge whether the sub-directory has already create.
how to auto create the sub-directory?
#! /bin/bash
while read myline
for i in $myline
if [ -f $i]; then
scp -r $i xxxx#
done < data.list

It looks like you have ssh keys, so if you ssh then remote commands will work for you
if [ -f $i]; then
ssh xxxx# '[ -d /sample ] && echo "OK" || mkdir /sample'
scp -r $i xxxx#
This will only work if you have privilege on the remote box to create /sample.


Copying file between servers

i'm trying to create a simple script that will copy files from server1 to server 2 or from server 2 to server1(depends where i run the script from)
I created a script that should recognize on which server I am, take the source folder and destination folder and execute.
for example
sh /home/test /destest
should cop y files from test folder to the other server to destest folder
but something is not working for me, I keep getting
No such file or directoryscp:
any ideas?
if [ $BOX=server1 ]; then
sudo scp $SRC1 server2:\ $DEST
sudo scp -v $SRC1/* server1:\ $DEST
Don't put a space after server1: and server2:.
You need a space around = in the if test.
You should almost always quote variables, in case the value contains whitespace, unless you actually want to split it into separate arguments.
if [ "$BOX" = server1 ]; then
sudo scp "$SRC1" "server2:$DEST"
sudo scp -v "$SRC1"/* "server1:$DEST"
This is my fixed script that is now working :)
if [ "$BOX" = server1 ]; then
sudo scp "$1" user#server2:\ "$2"
sudo scp "$1"/* user#server1:\ "$2"

Bash: Check if remote directory exists using FTP

I'm writing a bash script to send files from a linux server to a remote Windows FTP server.
I would like to check using FTP if the folder where the file will be stored exists before attempting to create it.
Please note that I cannot use SSH nor SCP and I cannot install new scripts on the linux server. Also, for performance issues, I would prefer if checking and creating the folders is done using only one FTP connection.
Here's the function to send the file:
sendFile() {
ftp -n $FTP_HOST <<! >> ${LOCAL_LOG}
quote USER ${FTP_USER}
quote PASS ${FTP_PASS}
$(ftp_mkdir_loop "$FTP_PATH")
And here's what ftp_mkdir_loop looks like:
ftp_mkdir_loop() {
local r
local a
while [[ "$r" != "$a" ]]; do
echo "mkdir $a"
echo "cd $a"
The ftp_mkdir_loop function helps in creating all the folders in $FTP_PATH (Since I cannot do mkdir -p $FTP_PATH through FTP).
Overall my script works but is not "clean"; this is what I'm getting in my log file after the execution of the script (yes, $FTP_PATH is composed of 5 existing directories):
(directory-name) Cannot create a file when that file already exists.
Cannot create a file when that file already exists.
Cannot create a file when that file already exists.
Cannot create a file when that file already exists.
Cannot create a file when that file already exists.
To solve this, do as follows:
To ensure that you only use one FTP connection, you create the input (FTP commands) as an output of a shell script
$ cat
cd /home/test1
mkdir /home/test1/test2
$ ./ | ftp $Your_login_and_server > /your/log 2>&1
To allow the FTP to test if a directory exists, you use the fact that "DIR" command has an option to write to file
# ...continuing
# In a loop, $CURRENT_DIR is the next subdirectory to check-or-create
echo "DIR $CURRENT_DIR $local_output_file"
sleep 5 # to leave time for the file to be created
if (! -s $local_output_file)
echo "mkdir $CURRENT_DIR"
Please note that "-s" test is not necessarily correct - I don't have acccess to ftp now and don't know what the exact output of running DIR on non-existing directory will be - cold be empty file, could be a specific error. If error, you can grep the error text in $local_output_file
Now, wrap the step #2 into a loop over your individual subdirectories in
DIRECTORY=/foo # /foo does not exist, /pub exists
ERROR="Failed to change directory"
ftp -n $FTP_HOST << EOF | tee -a ${LOCAL_LOG} | grep -q "${ERROR}"
quote USER ${FTP_USER}
quote pass ${FTP_PASS}
if [[ "${PIPESTATUS[2]}" -eq 1 ]]; then
echo ${DIRECTORY} exists
echo ${DIRECTORY} does not exist
/foo does not exist
If you want to suppress only the messages in ${LOCAL_LOG}:
ftp -n $FTP_HOST <<! | grep -v "Cannot create a file" >> ${LOCAL_LOG}

How to copy only file permissions and user:group from one machine and apply them on another machine in linux?

I have a list of files (absolute path of files/folders) stored in a text file. I need to copy only the permissions, user:group attributes (of all those files) from one machine and apply the same settings on the same set of files on another machine.
One way I can think of is to do it manually one by one, by checking the attributes on one machine and doing chmod/chown on another machine file by file but that seems to be a tedious task.
Any idea of how to automate this ?
edit: Just wanted to make clear that I don't need the data of these files from the source machine because the data is different in source machine. Target machine contains the updated data, only thing that I need now from source machine is file/folder permission and user:group.
How about this?
while read file
permission=$(stat -c %a $file) # retrieve permission
owner=$(stat -c %U $file) # retrieve owner
group=$(stat -c %G $file) # retrieve group
# just for debugging
echo "$file#local: p = $permission, o = $owner, g = $group"
# copy the permission
ssh $user#$host "chmod $permission $file" < /dev/null
# copy both owner and group
ssh $user#$host "chown $owner:$group $file" < /dev/null
done < list.txt
I am assuming that the list of the files is saved in "list.txt".
Moreover you should set the variables "user" and "host" accordingly to your setup.
I would suggest to configure ssh to have "automatic login". Otherwise you should insert
the password twice per loop. Here a good tutorial to do this SSH login without password.
Another solution that establishes just one ssh connection and uses the recursive option
for the directories (as asked in the comments) is the following:
cat list.txt | xargs stat -c "%n %a %U:%G" | ssh $user#$host '
while read file chmod_par chown_par
# $file contains %n
# $chmod_par contains %a
# $chown_par contains %U:%G
if [ -d $file ]; then
chmod -R $chmod_par $file
chown -R $chown_par $file
chmod $chmod_par $file
chown $chown_par $file

shell create new folder

I have many files' path, but I need to copy all files into other location /sample, and I want to copy files into different folders:
I want to copy those files into AS34_59329 folder inside /sample
I want to copy those file into AS34_59328 folder inside /sample
I write codes to scp all file into /sample folder, but I don't know how to put each files into different sub-directory, like:
put into AS34_59328
#! /bin/bash
while read myline
for i in $myline
if [ -f $i]; then
#how to put different files into different sub-directory
scp -r $i xxx#
done < data.list
new changed part
#! /bin/bash
while read myline
for i in $myline
if [ -f $i ]
relname=$(echo $i | sed 's%\(/[^/][^/]*\)\{5\}/%%')
echo $relname
done < /home/jesse/T11073_all_3254.fq.list
It appears you need to strip the leading 5 components of the pathname off the filename. Since you don't have spaces in your names (the way you're using for i in $myline precludes that possibility), you can use:
#! /bin/bash
while read myline
for i in $myline
if [ -f $i ]
relname=$(echo $i | sed 's%\(/[^/][^/]*\)\{5\}/%%')
scp -r $i xxx#$relname
done < data.list
The regex is just a way of looking for a sequence of five sets of slash followed by one or more non-slashes plus one more slash and deleting them. Since slashes figure prominently in the search, I used % to mark the sections of the s/// operation instead.
For example, given the input:
the output from the sed is:
Note that this code does not explicitly create directories on the remote machine; it just specifies where the file is to go. If you need to create them too, you will have to investigate ssh, probably, to run mkdir -p /sample/$(dirname $relname) on the remote machine (where the dirname operation can be run either locally or remotely).
Note that scp has a recursive copy mode (-r) which would simplify things considerably if you knew you needed to copy all the files from the local directory to the remote.

bash save last user input value permanently in the script itself

Is it possible to save last entered value of a variable by the user in the bash script itself so that I reuse value the next time while executing again?.
if [ -d "/opt/test" ]; then
echo "Enter path:"
read path
The above script is just a sample example I wanted to give(which may be wrong), is it possible if I want to save the value of p permanently in the script itself to so that I use it somewhere later in the script even when the script is re-executed?.
I am already using sed to overwrite the lines in the script while executing, this method works but this is not at all good practice as said. Replacing the lines in the same file as said in the below answer is much better than what I am using like the one below:
PATH=""; #This is line no 7
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )";
name="$(basename "$(test -L "$0" && readlink "$0" || echo "$0")")";
if [ condition ]
sed -i '7s|.*|PATH='$path';|' $DIR/$name;
Someting like this should do the asked stuff :
if [ "$ENTERED_PATH" = "" ]; then
echo "Enter path"
read path
sed -i 's/ENTERED_PATH=""/ENTERED_PATH='$path'/g' $0
This script will ask user a path only if not previously ENTERED_PATH were defined, and store it directly into the current file with the sed line.
Maybe a safer way to do this, would be to write a config file somewhere with the data you want to save and source it . data.saved at the begining of your script.
In the script itself? Yes with sed but it's not advisable.
echo "test currently is: $test";
test=`expr $test + 1`
echo "changing test to: $test"
sed -i "s/test='[0-9]*'/test='$test'/" $0
Preferable method:
Try saving the value in a seperate file you can easily do a
myvar=`cat varfile.txt`
And whatever was in the file is not in your variable.
I would suggest using the /tmp/ dir to store the file in.
Another option would be to save the value as an extended attribute attached to the script file. This has many of the same problems as editing the script's contents (permissions issues, weird for multiple users, etc) plus a few of its own (not supported on all filesystems...), but IMHO it's not quite as ugly as rewriting the script itself (a config file really is a better option).
I don't use Linux, but I think the relevant commands would be something like this:
path="$(getfattr --only-values -n "user.saved_path" "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")"
if [[ -z "$path" ]]; then
read -p "Enter path:" path
setfattr -n "user.saved_path" -v "$path" "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}"
