Load texture resized in XNA - windows-phone-7

I'm developing for Windows Phone XNA and would like to load textures with a smaller size to decrease memory impact where the full image isn't required.
My current solution is to use a rendertarget to draw and return that rendertarget as a smaller texture to use:
public static Texture2D LoadResized(string texturePath, float scale)
Texture2D texLoaded = Content.Load<Texture2D>(texturePath);
Vector2 resizedSize = new Vector2(texLoaded.Width * scale, texLoaded.Height * scale);
Texture2D resized = ResizeTexture(texLoaded, resizedSize);
return resized;
public static Texture2D ResizeTexture(Texture2D toResize, Vector2 targetSize)
RenderTarget2D renderTarget = new RenderTarget2D(
GraphicsDevice, (int)targetSize.X, (int)targetSize.Y);
Rectangle destinationRectangle = new Rectangle(
0, 0, (int)targetSize.X, (int)targetSize.Y);
SpriteBatch.Draw(toResize, destinationRectangle, Color.White);
return renderTarget;
This works in that the texture gets resized but from memory usage it looks like the Texture "texLoaded" doesn't get freed. When using the uncommented Dispose method the SpriteBatch.End() will throw a disposed exception.
Any other way to load the texture resized for less memory usage?

Your code is almost ok. There's a minor bug in it.
You'll probably notice that it only throws that exception the second time that you call LoadResized for any given texture. This is because ContentManager keeps an internal cache of content that it loads - it "owns" everything that it loads. That way, if you load something twice, it just gives you back the cached object. By calling Dispose you are disposing the object in its cache!
The solution, then, is to not use ContentManager to load your content - at least not the default implementation. You can inherit your own class from ContentManager that does not cache items, like so (code is based on this blog post):
class FreshLoadContentManager : ContentManager
public FreshLoadContentManager(IServiceProvider s) : base(s) { }
public override T Load<T>(string assetName)
return ReadAsset<T>(assetName, (d) => { });
Pass in Game.Services to create one. Don't forget to set the RootDirectory property.
Then use this derived content manager to load your content. You now can safely (and now should!) Dispose of all content that you load from it yourself.
You may also wish to attach an event handler to the RenderTarget2D.ContentLost event, so that, in the event the graphics device is "lost", the resized texture gets recreated.


How to get smooth animation in SkiaSharp

I am trying to achieve smooth animation using Xamarin SkiaSharp. The core issue is the the time between calling canvasView.InvalidateSurface(); and hitting the mathod OnCanvasViewPaintSurface to do the redraw can vary from 3 to 30 ms which gives a somewhat jerky appearance when you are moving an object across the screen. I have tried to mitigate this by adding a dead loop in the draw code, which helps some but is not a great solution. I do not understand why the time varies so much, and I do not see any way around this. You cannot put a sleep in the draw code. How do games achieve smooth animation? My code follows
async Task DoAnimationLoop()
while (DoAnimation)
AccumulatedTime = StopWatch1.ElapsedMilliseconds;
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(5));
if (AccumulatedTime > 50)
SKCanvasView canvasView = Content as SKCanvasView;
TotalBounds = new Size(canvasView.Width,
private void OnCanvasViewPaintSurface(object sender,
SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs e)
AccumulatedTime = StopWatch1.ElapsedMilliseconds;
while (AccumulatedTime < 30)
AccumulatedTime = StopWatch1.ElapsedMilliseconds;
e.Surface.Canvas.DrawBitmap(Background, 0, 0);
foreach(Item item in AllItems)
item.CurrentPositionX, item.CurrentPositionY);
For future readers:
From experience, I get the smoothest animations with SkiaSharp by creating SkiaSharp SKCanvasViews that have Bindable properties that can be incremented with Xamarin.Forms.Animate. Animate handles all the timing and sleeping code based on variables you configure it with. As you want a loop, you can set the repeat delegate to return true when calling Animate.Commit( ... repeat: () => true ...)
Here is a method example that animates a progress bar "filling" to 100 percent (without looping), by incrementing the ProgressBar's PercentageFilled Property. Note the timing settings you can configure: Refresh rate = 11ms (equates to "90 fps": 1000ms/90 = 11.11), timeToAnimate is the length of time the animation should take to complete in ms, and you can choose from several easing functions.
private void AnimateProgressBar()
double startPercentage = 0; //start at 0 percent
double endPercentage = 1; //fill to 100 percent (Forms.Animate will evenly increment
//between 0 and 1 , and in this case the ProgressBar's OnPaintSurface method knows how to draw based
//on the given decimal i.e. if PercentageFilled is .5 it will draw the bar to
//50 percent of its possible max length)
uint timeToAnimate = 1000;
Xamarin.Forms.Animation animation = new Animation(v => _ProgressBar.PercentageFilled = (float)v, startPercentage, endPercentage, easing: Easing.CubicOut);
animation.Commit(_ProgressBar, "FillPercentage", length: timeToAnimate, finished: (l, c) => animation = null, rate: 11);
When the PercentageFilled Property is changed it triggers InvalidateSurface by placing a call to InvalidateSurface() within the OnPropertyChanged method. To do this override OnPropertyChanged like so in your SKCanvasView derived class:
class ProgressBar: SKCanvasView
public BindableProperty PercentageFilledProperty =
BindableProperty.Create(nameof(PercentageFilled), typeof(float), typeof(ProgressBar), 0f);
public float PercentageFilled
get { return (float)GetValue(PercentageFilledProperty ); }
set { SetValue(PercentageFilledProperty , value); }
protected override void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName = null)
protected override void OnPaintSurface(SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs args)
//Draws progress bar based on the PercentageFilled filled property
In the question's code it appears that a lot of items are being moved (MoveItems();) in sequence and this technique of drawing items one by one moving might be the cause of jitter? But MoveItems appears to be the place where you might want to use Forms.Animate that is you could Create a Forms.Animation with MoveItems() as the Callback. Look into the microsoft documentation for "Custom Animations in Xamarin.Forms" for more info on how to animate with callbacks.
Also check out "The basics to create custom Xamarin.Forms controls using SkiaSharp" by Konrad Müller on Medium which contains this helpful paragraph which might be useful to consider if you are making a game:
The basic SkiaSharp.Views.Forms provides two views you can use as a
base for your controls: SKCanvasView and SKGLView. The CanvasView uses
the CPU accelerated backend while the GLView uses OpenGL and therefore
the GPU. You might intuitively think that using the GPU for graphics
operations is always the better choice but in fact, OpenGL has a high
overhead when creating the GL context. The CanvasView simply allocates
the memory it needs and as long as enough CPU power is available, it
can render without problems. In theory, the CanvasView should be
better suited for less demanding renderings and GlView better for
complex renderings but the power of modern smartphones makes these
differences mostly unnoticable. I would recommend to simply stick to
the CanvasView and switch to the GlView if the rendering gets to
complex and you notice performance problems.

How to cache TextureAtlas results?

When using a TextureAtlas to create a Sprite with the createSprite method, the LibGDX documentation says: This method uses string comparison to find the region and constructs a new sprite, so the result should be cached rather than calling this method multiple times.
How do I cache these results? Is it just a variable I create to store the created sprite? If so then how do I create different copies of the same sprite?
Each time you use the createSprite method, a new Sprite gets created. Usually you'd have one sprite per enemy for example. Let's say that you have a class Frog which is one of your enemies. It should look like this (pseudo-code):
public class Frog {
private Sprite sprite;
public Frog(TextureAtlas atlas) {
sprite = atlas.createSprite("frog");
public void update(float deltaTime) {
// update the sprite position
public void render(Batch batch) {
Now each Frog would have its own Sprite. This is necessary, since all frogs can be in different places. The position will be configured via the Sprite. You will create the sprite just once in the constructor and all of those sprites share the same TextureRegion of the same TextureAtlas, which will result in a good performance, since there won't be many texture switches on the graphics card, when you render your frogs.

How to change format of texture at runtime in unity3d [duplicate]

I have a Textured2D loaded which is represented in ETC_RGB4 how can I change this to another format? say RGBA32. Basically I want to switch from 3 channels to 4 and from 4 bit per channel to 8 per channel.
You can change texture format during run-time.
1.Create new empty Texture2D and provide RGBA32 to the TextureFormat argument. This will create an empty texture with the RGBA32 format.
2.Use Texture2D.GetPixels to obtain the pixels of the old texture that's in ETC_RGB4 format then use Texture2D.SetPixels to put those pixels in the newly created Texture from #1.
3.Call Texture2D.Apply to apply the changes. That's it.
A simple extension method for this:
public static class TextureHelperClass
public static Texture2D ChangeFormat(this Texture2D oldTexture, TextureFormat newFormat)
//Create new empty Texture
Texture2D newTex = new Texture2D(2, 2, newFormat, false);
//Copy old texture pixels into new one
return newTex;
public Texture2D theOldTextue;
// Update is called once per frame
void Start()
Texture2D RGBA32Texture = theOldTextue.ChangeFormat(TextureFormat.RGBA32);

GWT: Cyclically loading an Image

I try to implement kind of a Videostream that relays on simple JPEG Files.
On my server, a JPEG is being created cyclically by an external Camera.
And I just want to include this Picture in my GWT Application.
My first idea to reload the Picture by a Timer was very simple but not so good: The client opens a connection for each reload-cycle, and the Picture flickers (at least in Firefox).
How could I solve these problems? I was thinking about something like "Web-Sockets", but I don't really know how to do.
I want to avoid a single connection for each reload. My idea was to have something like an open connection that just provides a new Picture as often as the Client asks for.
And how could I avoid the flickering when swapping the Picture?
Any ideas are welcome!
Regards, VanDahlen
A solution to avoid flickering is to have two images absolutely positioned in the same location. A timer would load one or other alternatively in each frame. Set a load handler to each image, so that it changes the z-index when the image is loaded and it restarts the timer.
Adding an extra parameter to the image url, makes the browser ask the server each time to bypass its cache.
If the time between frames is small, normally the browser will re-use the same connection if keep-alive is correctly configured in your server. It normally is enabled with a typical value of 5-15 seconds which you could increase, so if your .jpg images are updated with this periodicity, you don't have to worry and look for a better solution.
I propose a UI solution based on these ideas. But it will work as well if you use a websocket/comet mechanism giving you the last .jpg file in base64 format (just change the url by the value returned).
GWT code:
public void onModuleLoad() {
final Image i1 = new Image();
final Image i2 = new Image();
AbsolutePanel panel = new AbsolutePanel();
panel.add(i1, 0, 0);
panel.add(i2, 0, 0);
panel.setSize("600px", "400px");
// You could change this by base64 data if you use comet/websockets
String url = "my_image_url.jpg?";
final Timer loadNext = new Timer() {
boolean b;
int c;
public void run() {
// the counter parameter forces to load the next frame instead of using cache
if (b = !b) {
i1.setUrl(url + c++);
} else {
i2.setUrl(url + c++);
i1.addLoadHandler(new LoadHandler() {
public void onLoad(LoadEvent event) {
i2.addLoadHandler(new LoadHandler() {
public void onLoad(LoadEvent event) {
If you want to use gwtquery, the code is obviously smaller:
// You could change this by base64 data if you use comet/websockets
final String url = "my_image_url.jpg?";
final GQuery images = $("<img/><img/>").appendTo(document);
images.css($$("position: fixed, top: 10px, left: 600px, width: 400px"));
final Timer timer = new Timer() {
int c;
public void run() {
images.eq(c%2).attr("src", url + c++);
images.bind("load", new Function(){
public void f() {
$(this).css($$("z-index: 1")).siblings("img").css($$("z-index: 0"));

How to construct simple wxWidgets image display

I wrote a wxPython program that I am translating to wxWidgets. The program has a scrolled window that displays an image. Following Rappin, wxPython In Action (Listing 12.1), I used a StaticBitmap within a panel. While surfing the latest wxWidgets documentation, I found a dire warning that wxStaticBitmap should only be used for very small images. It says, "... you should use your own control if you want to display larger images portably." Okay. Show me. I don't have my "own control."
Was Rappin wrong, or is the documentation out of date?
The question - a newbie one, no doubt - is what is the right way to do a simple image-view window in wxWidgets? A drop-in replacement for wxStaticBitmap would be nice. I looked into the "image" program in the wxWidgets "samples" directory. It's as long a War and Peace. Surely there must be a canned class or a simple recipe.
Don't let the size of the "image" sample fool you, only a few lines of code are necessary to do what you want.
Search for the MyImageFrame class in the image.cpp file, it is nothing more than a class with a private bitmap field, a custom constructor to set the bitmap and the window client size, and an event handler for EVT_PAINT:
void OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
wxPaintDC dc( this );
dc.DrawBitmap( m_bitmap, 0, 0, true /* use mask */ );
Since you don't want a frame class here's your recipe: You create a simple descendant of wxWindow that has a similar constructor, paint handler and duplicates the methods of wxStaticBitmap that you use in your code. Maybe simply one method to set a new bitmap and resize the control to the new bitmap dimensions.
// A scrolled window for showing an image.
class PictureFrame: public wxScrolledWindow
: wxScrolledWindow()
, bitmap(0,0)
void Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id = -1)
wxScrolledWindow::Create(parent, id);
void LoadImage(wxImage &image) {
bitmap = wxBitmap(image);
SetVirtualSize(bitmap.GetWidth(), bitmap.GetHeight());
wxClientDC dc(this);
dc.DrawBitmap(bitmap, 0, 0);
wxBitmap bitmap;
void OnMouse(wxMouseEvent &event) {
int xx,yy;
CalcUnscrolledPosition(event.GetX(), event.GetY(), &xx, &yy);
event.m_x = xx; event.m_y = yy;
event.ResumePropagation(1); // Pass along mouse events (e.g. to parent)
void OnPaint(wxPaintEvent &event) {
wxPaintDC dc(this);
dc.DrawBitmap(bitmap, 0,0, true);
