Visual Studio Reordering RC Files - visual-studio-2010

I'm fairly sure I'm not imagining this, but it seems to me that Visual Studio (2010) often takes it upon itself to change the order of things in my source-controlled RC files.
For example, I might add some strings to the string table, or edit a dialog. Then, when I do a comparison for source-control purposes, I find whole sections of the string table, or whole dialog definitions, have been moved about, making merges and such like a much bigger pain than they need to be.
Am I imagining this?
If not, is there any way to stop it happening?


Making an application in Visual Basic to handle Dialogue in Morrowind?

I want to make a program for a very catered, specific purpose, to aid me in making a large set of quest mods to the videogame Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. I’m attempting to do this through either excel or Visual Basic, and here I’ve provided a little summary of how dialogue works in the game’s normal creation program and then what I want to create outside of it and improve on.
How Morrowind Dialogue works?
For those of you who may be familiar with the game, you’ll remember that the talking to NPC’s will bring up a set of text, and this text is their dialogue. There are different “topics” that if an NPC has dialogue set for, the player can see the topic and click on it, bringing up a new wall of text, and this is generally how dialogue works in the entire game on the player’s end.
In creating a Morrowind Mod, the way dialogue really works in the “Construction Set” (the program used to create and edit the game) is that a database contains every entry of text, and this these entries have conditions set to them which limit which NPCs can say a given entry of dialogue. So for instance, a topic like “latest rumors”, will have lots of entries in it with lots of different NPCs having something to say about it. The topic itself is a condition of sorts with potentially dozens of entries attached to it, and conditions set to specific entries can also be applied. Conditions can include checking to see if the NPC is in a given city, if the in-game time is night or day, if the player is at a certain numbered stage/index of a given quest line and much, much more. This system is what makes all quests possible and the game dynamic.
What I want to create:
I am beginning a rather large mod project that includes many entries of dialogue, many new and old topics, and many quest and quest stages. I could list all the reasons here but essentially my problem is that the Construction Set has many limitations in terms of organization that make it difficult to make a large mod’s dialogue in. I would be better off to design, set the topics for, and edit all of my dialogue entries outside of the Construction Set program and implement them when I’m confident that the writing and quests are finished.
Essentially if this is too complicated I could just write all the quests and dialogue in Microsoft Word, but optimistically I'd like to do something more dynamic and helpful to me, as a writer, and be able to use real variables to store and set Journal/Quest Indexes, filter dialogue by Quest or by NPC, and easily edit dialogue and quests without getting lost in the normal game’s thousands of lines of other dialogue.
*I can't post more than two links here, but I posted on reddit and there I have a gallery showing how the Construction Set works and what I have made in Visual Studio so far:
So, my intention is to make a program in Visual Studio using Visual Basic or Python that leaves me with a program that lets me write, organize, and set the text for dialogue and filter based on conditions.
This likely requires creating a database file for the program in Visual Studio and being able to create variables in runtime, for the program. That is because I want the user of the program to be able to add new dialogue topics, new journal/quests, and all of these things will have conditions with values associated with them.
Any help, advice, and direction is appreciated. I am relearning Visual Studio (I took two courses in it) and I am unfortunately very new to excel and databases in general.
You are correct in that a database of some kind would be needed. However, you could approach this several different ways depending upon your comfort level, money, portability requirements, etc...
One way to do it would be to use XML to store your data. It has the advantage of being extremely portable and transformable. Since this is likely a program where only one person would be directly accessing the data at any given time, it might be your best bet.
Another option is to use MS Access if you have office. This gives you a workable, albeit fairly basic, relational database. This would probably be a better choice if you have 2 or 3 people that could possibly be working in it.
A third option would be a full DBMS. MySQL is free and you could install that to your local machine, or to a remote server. Installed to a remote server would give you the option of allowing many people to connect to it and modify data transactionally. However, this would be overkill if it is only a one or two person system.
Circling back around to XML... That will most likely be your best bet. It is simple and integrates perfectly with .Net applications. It can be imported/transformed to any data-store later once you are finished (or multiple times as you progress). Interfacing with XML via .Net allows you to work with it like a database within your code, so if you design your data layer properly up front, you could even migrate to a full database later if the project expands drastically. The biggest downside to XML would be that it isn't relational in the way that a regular DBMS is, and it is not inherently transactional. You do not have atomic updates, so if you have several people modifying things at once you could lose data if it is overwritten.
You could get around that to an extent by writing a more advanced data layer to interface with the XML files, but if only one person is making changes locally, and then the data file is, say, uploaded to a remote datastore later, the only thing to keep in mind would be coordinating when and who can modify that file. Mostly logistics stuff at that point.

Can I mark some code as optional while debugging in Visual Studio 2012?

I'm not sure how to really put my question into words so let me try to explain it with an example:
Let's say my program runs into some weird behavior at a specific action. I already find some code which is the cause of this weird behavior. When disabling this sequence I don't run into this behavior. Unfortunately, I need this code because something else is not working then.
So, what I gonna do next is figuring out why something is going different when that code excerpt is active.
In order to better understand what's going on I sometimes want to run the whole action including the 'bad code' and sometimes without. Then I can compare the outcome, for example what happens in the UI or what my function returns.
The first approach which comes to my mind is to run my program with the code enabled, do whatever I want, then stop my program, comment out the code, recompile and run again. Um... that sounds dumb. Especially if I then again need to turn on that code to see another time the other behavior, and then again turn off, and on, and off and so on.
It's not an option for me to use breakpoints and influence the statement order or to modify values so that I run or not run into if-statements, for-loops etc. Two examples:
I debug a timing critical behavior and when I halt the program the timing changes significantly. Thus, the first breakpoint I can set must be at the end of the action. 1
I expect a tooltip or other window to appear which is 'suppressed' when focus is given to VS. Thus, I cannot use any breakpoints at all. Neither in the beginning nor at the end of the action.1
Is there any technique in Visual Studio 2012 which allows me to mark this code to be optional and I can decide whether or not I want to run this code sequence before I execute the action? I think of something like if(true|false) on a higher level.
I'm not looking for a solution where I need to re-run my program several times. In that case I could still doing the simple approach of simply commenting out the code with #if false.
1 Note that I, of course, may set a breakpoint when I need to look into a specific variable at a certain position (if I haven't written the value into output) but will turn off breakpoints again to run the whole action in one go.
In the Visual Studio debugger you can set a breakpoint right in front of your "code in question". When the code stops at that point, you can elect to let it continue or you can right-click on any other line and select Set Next Statement.
It's kind of a weird option, but I've come to appreciate it.
The only option I can think of is to add something to your UI that only appears when debugging, giving you the option to include/exclude the operations in question.
While you're at it, you might want to enable resetting the application to a "known state" from the UI as well.
I think of something like if(true|false) on a higher level.
Why "on a higher level"? Why not use exactly this?
You want a piece of code sometimes executed, sometimes not, and the switch should be changed at run time, not at compile time - this obviously leads to
// code in stake
The catch here is what kind of condition you will use - maybe a variable you set to true in the release version of your code, and to false sometimes in your debug version. Maybe the value is taken from a configuration file, maybe from an environment variable, maybe calculated by some kind of logic in your program, whatever and whenever you like.
EDIT: you could also introduce a boolean variable in your code for condition, initialize it to true by default and change its value using the debugger whenever you like.
Preprocessor Directives might be what you're after. They're bits of code for the compiler to execute, identifiable by starting with a # character (and stylistically, by default they don't follow the indent pattern of your code, instead always residing firmly at the left-hand edge of the editor):
public void MyMethodWithDodgyBits() {
In this case, if #define INCLUDE_DODGY_CODE was included, the myDodgyMethod() call will be compiled into your program. Otherwise, the call will be skipped by the compiler and will simply not exist in your binary.
There are a couple of options for debugging as you ask.
Visual Studio has a number of options to directly navigate through code. You can use the Set Next Statement feature to move directly to a particular statement. You can also directly edit values through the Immediate Window the QuickWatch and the tooltip that hovers over variables while debugging.
Visual Studio also has the ability to playback the execution history. Take a look at IntelliTrace to get started. It can be helpful when you have multiple areas of concern that are interacting and generating the error condition.
You can also wrap your sections of code within conditional blocks, and set the conditional variables as appropriate. That could be while you're debugging, or you could pass parameters in through a configuration file. Using conditional checks may be easier than manually stepping through code if there are a number of statements you wish to exclude.
It sometimes depends on the version of VS and the language, but you can happily edit the code (to comment it out, or wrap it in a big #ifdef 0) then press alt+F10 and the compiler will recompile, relink and continue execution as if you'd never fiddled with it.
But while that works beautifully in VC++ (since VS v6 IIRC), C# can have issues - I find (with VS2010) that I cannot edit and continue in this way with functions containing any lambda (mainly linq) statements, and 64-bit code never used to do this too. Still, its worth experimenting with as its really useful sometimes.
I have worked on applications that have optional code used for debugging alone that should not appear in the production environment. This segment of optional code was easiest for us to control using a config file since it didn't require a re-compile to change.
Such a fix might not be the end all be all for your end result, but it might help get through it until a fix is found. If you have multiple optional sections that need to be tested in combination this style of fix could require multiple keys in the config file, which could be a downside and a pain to keep track of.
Your question isn't exactly clear, which is possibly why there are so many answers which you think are invalid. You may want to consider rewording it if no one seems able to answer the question.
With the risk of giving another non-valid answer I'll add some input on how I've dealt with the issue in the past.
The easiest way is to place any optional code within
//Optional code here
That way, when you run in debug mode the code is implemented and when you run in release mode it's not. Switching between the two requires clicking one button.
I've also solved the same problem in a similar way with a simple flag:
bool runOptionalCode = false;
if (runOptionalCode)
//Place optional code here
Again, switching between modes requires changing one word, so is a simple task. You mention this in your question but discount it for reasons that are unclear. As I said, it requires very little effort to switch between the two.
If you need to make changes between the code while it's running the best way is to use a UI item or a keystroke which modifies the flag mentioned in the example above. Depending on your application though this could be more effort than it's worth. In the past I've found that when I have a key listener already implemented as part of the project, having a couple of key strokes decide whether to run my debug (optional) code works best. In an application without key listeners I'd rather stick with one of the previous methods.

Can Visual Studio (should it be able to) compute a diff between any two changesets associated with a work item?

Here is my use case:
I start on a project XYZ, for which I create a work item, and I make frequent check-ins, easily 10-20 in total. ALL of the code changes will be code-read and code-reviewed.
The change sets are not consecutive - other people check-in in-between my changes, although they are very unlikely to touch the exact same files.
So ... at the end of the project I am interested in a "total diff" - as if there was a single check-in by me to complete the entire project. In theory this is computable. From the list of change sets associated with the work item, you get the list of all files that were affected. Then, the algorithm can aggregate individual diffs over each file and combine them into one. It is possible that a pure total diff is uncomputable due to the fact that someone else renamed files, or changed stuff around very closely, or in the same functions as me. I that case ... I suppose a total diff can include those changes by non-me as well, and warn me about the fact.
I would find this very useful, but I do not know how to do t in practice. Can Visual Studio 2008/2010 (and/or TFS server) do it? Are there other source control systems capable of doing this?
You can certainly compute the 'total diff' yourself - make a branch of the project from the revision just prior to your first commit, then merge all your changesets into it.
I don't think this really is a computable thing in the general case - only contiguous changesets can be merged automatically like this. Saying it's 'unlikely' for others to have touched the files you're working on in the interleving commits doesn't cut it, you need guarantees to be able to automate this sort of thing.
You should be working on a branch of your own if you want to be able to do this easily.
The ability to generate diff information for display or for merge purposes is functionality provided by your version control system, as Mahesh Velaga commented on another answer. If you were able to compute the diff by cherry-picking non-contiguous changesets, then logically you would also be able to merge those changes in a single operation. But this is not supported by TFS. So I strongly suspect that the construction of the cherry-picked diff information is also not supported by TFS. Other version control systems (git, mercurial, darcs come to mind) might have more support for something like this; I don't know for sure.
From my reading of their answers on the TFS version control forums, I think that their recommendation for this would be to create a branch of your own for doing this work in the first place: then the changesets would be contiguous on that branch and creating the "total diff" would be trivial. Since it sounds like you are working on an independent feature anyway (otherwise a diff of only your changes would be meaningless), you should consider having an independent branch for it regardless of whether your version control system is TFS or something else.
The alternative is to construct what such a branch would have looked like after the fact, which is essentially what Jim T's answer proposes. You might prefer that approach if your team is very keen on everyone working in the same kitchen, as it were. But as you are already aware, things can get messy that way.
Create two workspaces. Get Specific Version for files specifying the date or upto those two changeset on those two workspace. Now compare folders using a compare tool. Araxis merge is best one.
sounds like you need a tool that supports changesets (changes over multiple files and committing them all at once) instead of committing each file alone
take a look at this comparison between sourcesafe and mercurial ( free and you can find tools to integrate it with visual studio )

Refactoring and non-refactoring changes as separate check-ins?

Do you intermingle refactoring changes with feature development/bug fixing changes, or do you keep them separate? Large scale refactorings or reformatting of code that can be performed with a tool like Resharper should be kept separate from feature work or bug fixes because it is difficult to do a diff between revisions and see the real changes to code in amongst the numerous refactoring changes. Is this a good idea?
When I remember, I like to check in after a refactoring in preparation for adding a feature. Generally it leaves the code in a better state but without a change in behaviour. If I decide to back out the feature, I can always keep the better structured code.
Keep it simple.
Every check in should be a distinct, single, incremental change to the codebase.
This makes it much easier to track changes and understand what happened to the code, especially when you discover that an obscure bug appeared somewhere on the 11th of last month. Trying to find a one-line change amidst a 300-file refactoring checkin really, really sucks.
Typically, I check in when I have done some unit of work, and the code is back to compiling/unit tests are green. That may include refactorings. I would say that the best practice would be to try to separate them out. I find that to be difficult to do with my workflow.
I agree with the earlier responses. When in doubt, split your changes up into multiple commits. If you don't want to clutter the change history with lots of little changes (and have your revisions appear as one atomic change), perform these changes in a side branch where you can split them up. It's a lot easier to read the diffs later (and be reassured that nothing was inadvertently broken) if each change is clear and understandable.
Don't change functionality at the same time you are fixing the formatting. If you change the meaning of a conditional so that a whole bunch of code can be outdented, change the logic in one change and perform the outdent in a subsequent change. And be explicit with your commit messages.
If the source code control system allows it..
(this does not work in my current job due to the source code control system not liking a single user checking out a single file to more than one location.)
I have two working folders
Both folders are checkout from the same branch
I use one folder to implement the new feature development/bug fixing changes
In the other folder I do the refactoring,
After each refactoring I check in the refactoring folder
Then update the new feature development folder that merges in my refactorings
Hence each refactoring is in own checkin and other developers get the refactoring quickly, so there are less merge problems.

Accurately accessing VB6 limitations

As antiquated and painful as it is - I work at a company that continues to actively use VB6 for a large project. In fact, 18 months ago we came up against the 32k identifier limit.
Not willing to give up on the large code base and rewrite everything in .NET we broke our application into a main executable and several supporting DLL files. This week we ran into the 32k limit again.
The problem we have is that no tool we can find will tell us how many unique identifiers our source is using. We have no accurate way to gauge how our efforts are reducing the number of identifiers or how close we are to the limit before we reach it.
Does anyone know of a tool that will scan the source for a project and return some accurate metrics and statistics?
OK. The Project Metrics Viewer which is part of the Project Analyzer tool from Aivosto will do exactly what you want. I've included a screenshot and also the link to the metrics list which includes numbers of variables etc.
Metrics List
The company I work for also has a large VB6 project that encountered the identifier limit. I developed a way to accurately count the number of identifiers remaining, and this has been incorporated into our build process for this project.
After trying several tools without success, I finally realized that the VB6 IDE itself knows exactly how many identifiers it has remaining. In fact, the VB6 IDE throws an "out of memory" error when you add one variable past its limit.
Taking advantage of this fact, I wrote a VB6 Add-In project that first compiles the currently loaded project in the IDE, then adds uniquely named variables to the project until it throws an error. When an error is raised, it records the number of identifiers added before the error as the number of identifiers remaining.
This number is stored in file in a location known to our automated build process, which then reads this number and reports it to the development team. When it gets below a value we feel comfortable with, we schedule some refactoring time and move more code out of this project into DLL projects. We have been using this in production for several years now, and has proven to be a reliable process.
To directly answer the question, using an Add-In is the only way I know to accurately measure the number of remaining identifiers. While I cannot share the Add-In code our project is using, I can say there is not much code involved, and it did not take long to develop.
Microsoft has a decent guide for how to create an Add-In, which can get you started:
Here are some important details specific to counting identifiers:
The VB6 IDE will not consistently throw an error when out of identifiers until the current loaded project has been compiled. Our Add-In programmatically does this before adding identifiers to guarantee an accurate count. If the project cannot be compiled, then an accurate count cannot be obtained.
There are 32,500 identifiers available to a new, empty VB6 project.
Only unique identifier names count. Two local variables with the same name in two different routines only count as one identifier.
CodeSmart by AxTools is very good.
Cheat - create an unused class with #### unique variables in it. Use Excel or something to generate the alphabetical unique variable names. Remove the class from the project when you hit the limit, or comment out blocks of 100 unique variables..
I'd rather lean on the compiler (which defines how many variables are too many) than on some 3rd party tool anyway.
(oh crud, sorry to necro - didn't notice the dates)
You could get this from a tool that extracted identifiers from VB6 code. Then all you'd have to do is sort the list, eliminate duplicates, and measure the list size. We have a source code search engine that breaks up source code into language tokens ("lexes"), with some of those tokens being exactly those identifiers. That would contain exactly the data you want.
But maybe there's another way to solve your problem: find out which variable names which occur rarely and replace them by a set of standard names (e.g., "temp"). So what you really want is a count of the number of each variable name so you can sort for "small numbers of references". The same lexer data can provide this information.
Then all you need is a tool to rename low-occurrence identifiers to something from the standard set. We offer obfuscators that replace one name by another that could probably do this.
[Oct 2014 update]. Just had a long conversation with somebody with this problem. It turns out there's a pretty conceptual answer on which to base a tool, and that is called register coloring, which allocates a fixed number of registers to an arbitrary number of operands. This works by computing an "interference graph" over operands; and two operands that don't "interfere" can be assigned the same register. One could use that to allocate 2^16 available variable names names to an arbitrary number of identifiers, if the interference graph isn't bad enough. My guess is that it is not. YMMV, and somebody still has to build such a tool, needing likely a VB6 parser and machinery to compute such a graph. [Check out my bio].
It seems that Compuware's DevPartner had that kind of code analysis. I don't know if the current version still supports Visual Basic 6.0. (But at least there's a 14-day trial available)
