Example of OpenGL game coordinates system - done right? - opengl-es

Well it is not surprise what default OpenGL screen coords system quite hard to operate with x-axis: from -1.0 to 1.0, y-axis: from -1.0 to 1.0, and (0.0,0.0) in center of screen.
So i decided to write some wrapper to local game coords with next main ideas:
Screen coords will be 0..100.0 (x-axis), 0..100.0 (y-axis) with (0.0,0.0) in bottom left corner of screen.
There are different screens, with different aspects.
If we draw quad, it must stay quad, not squashed rectangle.
By the quad i mean
quad_vert[0].x = -0.5f;
quad_vert[0].y = -0.5f;
quad_vert[0].z = 0.0f;
quad_vert[1].x = 0.5f;
quad_vert[1].y = -0.5f;
quad_vert[1].z = 0.0f;
quad_vert[2].x = -0.5f;
quad_vert[2].y = 0.5f;
quad_vert[2].z = 0.0f;
quad_vert[3].x = 0.5f;
quad_vert[3].y = 0.5f;
quad_vert[3].z = 0.0f;
I will use glm::ortho and glm::mat4 to achieve this:
#define LOC_SCR_SIZE 100.0f
typedef struct coords_manager
mat4 ORTHO_MATRIX;//glm 4*4 matrix
glViewport(0, 0, screen_width, screen_height);
coords_manager CM;
CM.SCREEN_ASPECT = (float) screen_width / screen_height;
For example our aspect will be 1.7
Now bottom left is (0,0) and top right is (100.0, 100.0)
And it works, well mostly, now we can translate our quad to (25.0, 25.0), scale it to (50.0, 50.0) and it will sit at bottom-left corner with size of 50% percent of screen.
But problem is what it not quad anymore it looks like rectangle, because our screen width not equal with height.
So we use our screen aspect:
Yeah we get right form but another problem - if we position it at (50,25) we get it kinda left then center of screen, because our local system is not 0..100 x-axis anymore, it's now 0..170 (because we multiply by our aspect of 1.7), so we use next function before setting our quad translation
void loc_pos_to_gl_pos(vec2* pos)
pos->x = pos->x * CM.SCREEN_ASPECT;
And viola, we get right form squad at right place.
But question is - am i doing this right?

OpenGL screen coords system quite hard to operate with x-axis: from -1.0 to 1.0, y-axis: from -1.0 to 1.0, and (0.0,0.0) in center of screen.
Yes, but you will never use them directly. There's usually always a projection matrix, that transforms your coordinates into the right space.
we get it kinda left then center of screen, because our local system is not 0..100 x-axis anymore,
That's why OpenGL maps NDC space (0,0,0) to the screen center. If you draw a quad with coordinates symmetrically around the origin it will stay in the center.
But question is - am i doing this right?
Depends on what you want to achieve.


OpenGL simple antialiased polygon grid shader

How to make a test grid pattern with antialiased lines in a fragment shader?
I remember I found this challenging, so I'll post the answer here for my future self and for anyone who wants the same effect.
This shader is meant to be rendered "above" the already textured plane in a separate render call. The reason I'm doing that - is because in my program I am generating the texture of the surface through several render calls, slowly building it up layer by layer. And then I wanted to make a simple black grid over it, so I make the last render call to do this.
That's why the base color here is (0,0,0,0), basically a nothing. Then I can use GL mixing patterns to overlay the result of this shader over whatever my texture is.
Note that you needn't do that separately. You can just as easily modify this code to display a certain color (like smooth grey) or even a texture of your choice. Simply pass the texture to the shader and modify the last line accordingly.
Also note that I use constants that I set up during shader compillation. Basically, I just load the shader string, but before passing it to a shader compiler - I search and replace the __CONSTANT_SOMETHING with an actual value I want. Don't forget that that's all text, so you need to replace it with text, for example:
//java code
shaderCode = shaderCode.replaceFirst("__CONSTANT_SQUARE_SIZE", String.valueOf(GlobalSettings.PLANE_SQUARE_SIZE));
If I could share with you the code I use for anti-aliased grids, it might help the complexity. All I've done is use the texture coordinates to paint a grid on a plane. I used GLSL's genType fract(genType x) to repeat texture space. Then I used the absolute value function to essentially calculate each pixel's distance to the grid line. The rest of the operations are to interpret that as a color.
You can play with this code directly on Shadertoy.com by pasting it into a new shader.
If you want to use it in your code, the only lines you need are the part starting at the gridSize variable and ending with the grid variable.
iResolution.y is the screen height, uv is the texture coordinate of your plane.
gridSize and width should probably be supplied with a uniform variable.
void mainImage(out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord) {
// aspect correct pixel coordinates (for shadertoy only)
vec2 uv = fragCoord / iResolution.xy * vec2(iResolution.x / iResolution.y, 1.0);
// get some diagonal lines going (for shadertoy only)
uv.yx += uv.xy * 0.1;
// for every unit of texture space, I want 10 grid lines
float gridSize = 10.0;
// width of a line on the screen plus a little bit for AA
float width = (gridSize * 1.2) / iResolution.y;
// chop up into grid
uv = fract(uv * gridSize);
// abs version
float grid = max(
1.0 - abs((uv.y - 0.5) / width),
1.0 - abs((uv.x - 0.5) / width)
// Output to screen (for shadertoy only)
fragColor = vec4(grid, grid, grid, 1.0);
Happy shading!
Here're my shaders:
#version 300 es
precision highp float;
precision highp int;
layout (location=0) in vec3 position;
uniform mat4 projectionMatrix;
uniform mat4 modelViewMatrix;
uniform vec2 coordShift;
uniform mat4 modelMatrix;
out highp vec3 vertexPosition;
const float PLANE_SCALE = __CONSTANT_PLANE_SCALE; //assigned during shader compillation
void main()
// generate position data for the fragment shader
// does not take view matrix or projection matrix into account
// TODO: +3.0 part is contingent on the actual mesh. It is supposed to be it's lowest possible coordinate.
// TODO: the mesh here is 6x6 with -3..3 coords. I normalize it to 0..6 for correct fragment shader calculations
vertexPosition = vec3((position.x+3.0)*PLANE_SCALE+coordShift.x, position.y, (position.z+3.0)*PLANE_SCALE+coordShift.y);
// position data for the OpenGL vertex drawing
gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4(position, 1.0);
Note that I calculate VertexPosition here and pass it to the fragment shader. This is so that my grid "moves" when the object moves. The thing is, in my app I have the ground basically stuck to the main entity. The entity (call it character or whatever) doesn't move across the plane or changes its position relative to the plane. But to create the illusion of movement - I calculate the coordinate shift (relative to the square size) and use that to calculate vertex position.
It's a bit complicated, but I thought I would include that. Basically, if the square size is set to 5.0 (i.e. we have a 5x5 meter square grid), then coordShift of (0,0) would mean that the character stands in the lower left corner of the square; coordShift of (2.5,2.5) would be the middle, and (5,5) would be top right. After going past 5, the shifting loops back to 0. Go below 0 - it loops to 5.
So basically the grid ever "moves" within one square, but because it is uniform - the illusion is that you're walking on an infinite grid surface instead.
Also note that you can make the same thing work with multi-layered grids, for example where every 10th line is thicker. All you really need to do is make sure your coordShift represents the largest distance your grid pattern shifts.
Just in case someone wonders why I made it loop - it's for precision sake. Sure, you could just pass raw character's coordinate to the shader, and it'll work fine around (0,0), but as you get 10000 units away - you will notice some serious precision glitches, like your lines getting distorted or even "fuzzy" like they're made out of brushes.
Here's the fragment shader:
#version 300 es
precision highp float;
in highp vec3 vertexPosition;
out mediump vec4 fragColor;
const float squareSize = __CONSTANT_SQUARE_SIZE;
const vec3 color_l1 = __CONSTANT_COLOR_L1;
void main()
// calculate deriviatives
// (must be done at the start before conditionals)
float dXy = abs(dFdx(vertexPosition.z)) / 2.0;
float dYy = abs(dFdy(vertexPosition.z)) / 2.0;
float dXx = abs(dFdx(vertexPosition.x)) / 2.0;
float dYx = abs(dFdy(vertexPosition.x)) / 2.0;
// find and fill horizontal lines
int roundPos = int(vertexPosition.z / squareSize);
float remainder = vertexPosition.z - float(roundPos)*squareSize;
float width = max(dYy, dXy) * 2.0;
if (remainder <= width)
float diff = (width - remainder) / width;
fragColor = vec4(color_l1, diff);
if (remainder >= (squareSize - width))
float diff = (remainder - squareSize + width) / width;
fragColor = vec4(color_l1, diff);
// find and fill vertical lines
roundPos = int(vertexPosition.x / squareSize);
remainder = vertexPosition.x - float(roundPos)*squareSize;
width = max(dYx, dXx) * 2.0;
if (remainder <= width)
float diff = (width - remainder) / width;
fragColor = vec4(color_l1, diff);
if (remainder >= (squareSize - width))
float diff = (remainder - squareSize + width) / width;
fragColor = vec4(color_l1, diff);
// fill base color
fragColor = vec4(0,0,0, 0);
It is currently built for a 1-pixel thick lines only, but you can control thickness by controlling the "width"
Here, the first important part is dfdx / dfdy functions. These are GLSL functions, and I'll simply say that they let you determine how much space in WORLD coordinates your fragment takes on the screen, based on the Z-distance of that spot on your plane.
Well, that was a mouthful. I'm sure you can figure it out if you read docs for them though.
Then I take the maximum of those outputs as width. Basically, depending on the way your camera is looking you want to "stretch" the width of your line a bit.
remainder - is basically how far this fragment is from the line that we want to draw in world coordinates. If it's too far - we don't need to fill it.
If you simply take the max here, you will get a non-antialiased line 1 pizel wide. It'll basically look like a perfect 1-pixel line shape from MS paint.
But increasing width, you make those straight segments stretch further and overlap.
You can see that I compare remainder with line width here. The greater the width - the bigger the remainder can be to "hit" it. I have to compare this from both sides, because otherwise you're only looking at pixels that are close to the line from the negative coord side, and discount the positive, which could still be hitting it.
Now, for the simple antialiasing effect, we need to make those overlapping segments "fade out" as they near their ends. For this purpose, I calculate the fraction to see how deeply the remainder is inside the line. When the fraction equals 1, this means that our line that we want to draw basically goes straight through the middle of the fragment that we're currently drawing. As the fraction approaches 0, it means the fragment is farther and farther away from the line, and should thus be made more and more transparent.
Finally, we do this from both sides for horizontal and vertical lines separately. We have to do them separate because dFdX / dFdY needs to be different for vertical and horizontal lines, so we can't do them in one formula.
And at last, if we didn't hit any of the lines close enough - we fill the fragment with transparent color.
I'm not sure if that's THE best code for the task - but it works. If you have suggestions let me know!
p.s. shaders are written for Opengl-ES, but they should work for OpenGL too.

Unity3d UI issue with Xiaomi

In Xiaomi devices, there are drawn an image outside of camera's letterbox
In other devices everything is correct
I attached both sumsung and xiaomi images, the screenshot that looks ugly is xiaomi, and good look in samsung
float targetaspect = 750f / 1334f;
// determine the game window's current aspect ratio
float windowaspect = (float)Screen.width / (float)Screen.height;
// current viewport height should be scaled by this amount
float scaleheight = windowaspect / targetaspect;
// obtain camera component so we can modify its viewport
Camera camera = GetComponent<Camera>();
// if scaled height is less than current height, add letterbox
if (scaleheight < 1.0f)
Rect rect = camera.rect;
rect.width = 1.0f;
rect.height = scaleheight;
rect.x = 0;
rect.y = (1.0f - scaleheight) / 2.0f;
camera.rect = rect;
try setting the image to clamp instead of repeat.
this will give the result of black borders but you won't have that weird texture
I don't know what caused that problem, however i solved it in a tricky way. I just added second camera to display black background. Only My main camera's viewport is letterboxed, but not second camera. So it made display to look good

Having a point from 3 static cameras prespectives how to restore its position in 3d space?

We have same rectangle position relative to 3 same type of staticly installed web cameras that are not on the same line. Say on a flat basketball field. Thus we have tham all inside one 3d space and (x, y, z); (ax, ay, az); positionas and orientations set for all of them.
We have a ball color and we found its position on all 3 images im1, im2, im3. Now having its position on 2d frames (p1x, p1y);(p2x, p2y);(p3x, p3y), and cameras pos\orientations how to get ball position in 3d space?
You need to unproject 2D screen coordinates into 3D coordinates in space.
You need to solve system of equation to find real point in 3D from 3 rays you got on the first step.
You can find source code for gluUnProject here. I also provide here my code for it:
public Vector4 Unproject(float x, float y, Matrix4 View)
var ndcX = x / Viewport.Width * 2 - 1.0f;
var ndcY = y / Viewport.Height * 2 - 1.0f;
var invVP = Matrix4.Invert(View * ProjectionMatrix);
// We don't z-coordinate of the point, so we choose 0.0f for it.
// We are going to find out it later.
var screenPos = new Vector4(ndcX, -ndcY, 0.0f, 1.0f);
var res = Vector4.Transform(screenPos, invVP);
return res / res.W;
Vector3 ComputeRay(Camera camera, Vector2 p)
var worldPos = Unproject(p.X, p.Y, camera.View);
var dir = new Vector3(worldPos) - camera.Eye;
return new Ray(camera.Eye, Vector3.Normalize(dir));
Now you need to find intersection of three such rays. Theoretically that would be enough to use only two rays. It depends on positions of your cameras.
If we had infinite precision floating point arithmetic and input was without noise that would be trivial. But in reality you might need to exploit some simple numerical scheme to find the point with an appropriate precision.

Flip image with different size width smooth transition

I'm trying to flip some animations in LibGDX, but because they are of different width, the animation plays weird. Here's the problem:
(the red dot marks the X/Y coordinate {0,0})
As you can see, when the animation plays "left" when you punch, the feet starts way behind than were it was, but when you punch right, the animations plays fine because the origin of both animations is the left corner, so the transition is smooth.
The only way I think of achieving what I want is to see what animation is playing and adjust the coordinates accordingly.
This is the code:
public static float draw(Batch batch, Animation animation, float animationState,
float delta,
int posX, int posY, boolean flip) {
animationState += delta;
TextureRegion r = animation.getKeyFrame(animationState, true);
float width = r.getRegionWidth() * SCALE;
float height = r.getRegionHeight() * SCALE;
if (flip) {
batch.draw(r, posX + width, posY, -width, height);
} else {
batch.draw(r, posX, posY, width, height);
return animationState;
Any suggestion is welcome as how to approach this.
Use some other batch.draw option (with other parameters). You can set "origin" parameters. It's like a hot spot...center of the image... So if you i.e. rotate, rotation will be done around that hot spot.
I didn't use it for flipping, but it should work the same way. But if it doesn't then you have to adjust coordinates on your own, make some list with X offset for every frame and add it for flipped images.
Other solution would be to have wider frame images and keep center of the character always match the center of the image. That way your images will be wider then they have to - you'll have some empty space, but for sane number of frame it's acceptable.

XMVector3Project giving offset values when object is moved in world space

I am trying to convert world space coordinates to screen space coordinates for a 2D game so I can work on collisions with the edges of the window.
The code I am using to convert world space coordinates to screen space is below
float centerX = boundingBox.m_center.x;
XMVECTORF32 centerVector = { centerX, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
Windows::Foundation::Size screenSize = m_deviceResources->GetLogicalSize();
//the matrices are passed in transposed, so reverse it
DirectX::XMMATRIX projection = XMMatrixTranspose(XMLoadFloat4x4(&m_projectionMatrix));
DirectX::XMMATRIX view = XMMatrixTranspose(XMLoadFloat4x4(&m_viewMatrix));
worldMatrix = XMMatrixTranspose(worldMatrix);
XMVECTOR centerProjection = XMVector3Project(centerVector, 0.0f, 0.0f, screenSize.Width, screenSize.Height, 0.0f, 1.0f, projection, view, worldMatrix);
float centerScreenSpace = XMVectorGetX(centerProjection);
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "CENTER SCREEN SPACE X: " << centerScreenSpace << std::endl;
I have a window width 1262. The object is positioned at (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) and the current screen space X coordinate for this position is 631 which is correct. However, the problem occurs when I move the object towards the edges of the screen.
When I move the object to the left, the current screen space X coordinate for this position is 0.107788 when realistically it should be well above 0 as the center point is still on the screen and nowhere near the edge. The same happens on when moving the object to the right.
The screen size in pixels is correct, but something thinks that the screen has a premature cut-off like in the image below. It seems that the red dotted lines are the edges of the window when they're not. I can fix this by adding an additional offset but I don't believe that is the correct way to fix it and would like to know where I'm going wrong.
Does anyone know why the coordinates are incorrect?
World matrix is calculated for each object (black rectangle) in update using
XMMATRIX world = XMMatrixIdentity();
XMMATRIX scaleMatrix = XMMatrixScaling(m_scale.x, m_scale.y, m_scale.z);
XMMATRIX rotationMatrix = XMMatrixRotationY(0.0f);
XMMATRIX translationMatrix = XMMatrixTranslation(m_position.x, m_position.y, m_position.z);
world = XMMatrixTranspose(scaleMatrix * rotationMatrix * translationMatrix);
//update the object's world with new data
I have a feeling this could be something to do with the projection matrix as I'm currently using perspective projection for 2d rendering. Although I should be using orthographic, surely this isn't a problem?
