Does Kendo Grid work in Mono? -

Just a simple question I've been unable to track down an answer to. If anyone knows I would appreciate if you would be willing to share your knowledge here.

I guess you mean Kendo UI Grid for ASP.NET MVC. Yes, it works in Mono. In fact we are actively using Mono for development.


kendo UI to develop website + apps

I am a rusty developer who last worked on .Net 2.0 some 4 years ago! However, I'm ambitious and hope to spend the free time I get while raising my son on developing a website with supporting apps. I've used and liked telerik before but havent touched Linq, Jquery, xcode etc. How good is Kendo UI and how easy will it be to learn to use it? Are webservices the way to go?
EDIT: Thank you for your answers and sorry for causing grief, but I haven't had the time to investigate Kendo UI yet. I was wondering if I can create web and mobile apps talking to the same core web services.. and if kendo might help me build these presentation layers that talk to the same business logic.
Thanks for clarifying mustafa and Lars, turns out jQuery and kendo are related and things come together if you read the first line of their documentation! Kendo means I don't have to learn jQuery. So my life will be easier (I hope).
I m working for 5 months on a project in which Kendo Ui is used. There are lots of documents, demos and examples, so learning Kendo Ui is too easy. Also coding is very simple and I like its themes.
I noticed only one bad way because of thread structure, sometimes events and read functions don't work correctly and stable . I had to use setTimeOut() for queuing functions and events.
I didn't use any WebService with Kendo, so I can't say anything about it. But I can certanly suggest Kendo Ui

KendoUI or DevExpress for inexpirienced with Javascript?

I come from a Powerbuilder background and our company made a shift to .NET.
We discuss about what platform to use. .NET, Web, C#, Entity Framework for the moment but we need a "client" component solution...something a bit RAD (if there is such in web development)
We know very little apbout javascript, json etc
Having that in mind, which platform do you think is easier to develop with, KendoUI or DevExpress?
I have only seen Kendo
(we want the client thing...the whole server components matter made us stay in PB for so long)
Waiting your advices! Thanx
I may be biased here as i work for Telerik as an evangelist. Having said that i am a hard core programmer myself so this is based on my experience.
I was more of a windows platform guy for more than 5 years now and my work made me shift to this. But i had started out as a web guy almost 10 years ago. When I started to look at web as building myself back on the web around couple of years ago, I had to start understanding JQuery as that has become the default JS in my opinion. So when kendo came out - it was as if Kendo was complimenting JQuery. No new syntax or no new learning curve for me. Of course being a framework it has its own methods, properties and events that's it but no new language.
Another biggest factor with kendo is - it is completely HTML5 based and completely client side UI framework. It is one package you need for everything instead of 100s of plugins you would normally do.
Kendo UI is from Telerik - so there is a clear cut release cycles and a world class support backing it.
Here is a live example of how kendo ui can be used to build real world apps
Music Store is a famous example from Microsoft on ASP.NET MVC. The same example has been re done with Kendo UI powering the UI and WebAPIs in the backend.
Hope this provides you with some insights to your decision making.
Based on my experience, the DevExpress DXTREME offers the framework and corresponding wizards that allow you to create prototypes of the multi-channel applications (for iOS and Android) quickly.
At the same time, the Kendo UI provides more "clear" access to the used widgets' JavaScript code. But it may require additional effort with the JavaScript.
In any case, I belive you can decide only once you try to build something using both of them. It is still up to you. Good luck!

UI design - Trying to come up with some UI design ideas for a mobile app layout

I am looking for some design ideas for a layout. Are there any web sites that people here would recommend that I should refer? The app is simply a question and answer type app. There is a question with 4 answers as a radio button.
Any help would be appreciated
jQuery mobile if you are looking for what to use.
I don't think that anyone here will tell you how to design it. It's up to you.
Here's a couple of resources that may help: and

Is it worth learning ASP.Net AJAX

I know this is a duplicate kind of question.
I have worked with ASP.Net and ASP.Net MVC 1.0. I never really got a chance to get into ASP.Net AJAX.
My question is it really worth to invest in learning ASP.Net AJAX 3.5 or 4.0 given the fact, I have hardly used it ?
Please let me know your advise.
EDIT : - Thanks all for your response. Robert\Justin\etc have provided valuable insight.
I have a copy of ASP.Net AJAX In Action in my office library. My guess this book should be pretty enough for me, though It was for ASP.Net 2.0.
Do I need to invest in books\Time for ASP.Net AJAX 3.5 or 4.0 ?
There are so many Ajax Libraries out there, is not even funny. Here is a good link on what is out there.
Since we already use, I made sure to spend a little bit of time familiarizing myself with ajax. Just enough to do the basics. However, for everything else, we use jQuery, which, by the way, integrates nicely with ASP.Net. Have you ever wondered why the ASP.Net team has started supporting jQuery: intellisense, included scripts, contributing to the project, doing demos with it, etc...
So here is my 2 cents. Look into the basics in ajax but focus your efforts into, IMHO, a better library like jQuery.
Good luck!
Are you interested in it? Do you think you might want to use it someday for something? Do you want to make sure you're equipped to use the best tools for the problem at hand?
If you answered yes (to any of them), you should invest the time to learn it.
You can never hurt yourself by learning new things (as long as you learn how to properly apply them).
ASP.Net AJAX is probably not worth learning if you're going to stick with Asp.Net MVC going forward. Or to put it another way... You can spend your time and resources learning something else.
It's not that it's a bad framework, it's good. But it's designed to make javascript familiar to .Net Developers who are used to the Webforms model.
I suspect that MS has de-emphasized the role Ajax will play in the future. ajax is a pretty terrible library, compared to the alternatives. The only reason to use it is if you are using the ajax controls.
Yes. Learn as much as you can as often as you can. While you may never use these skiils directly, the experience and breadth of knowledge will help you in any situation.
If you have an understanding of ASP.NET already, I'm assuming you also understand JavaScript and etc. As a result, AJAX wouldn't buy you that much (unless you're on a project that requires knowing it). If you plan on being a web developer for any length of time, I would say that Silverlight and/or jQuery would be much more valuable than Ajax.

Create a web Ajax version of excel?

I'm trying to figure out how to create basic functionality of a excel spreadsheet in a web app. Is basic Ajax the best way or is there a good framework for this?
qooxdoo is one of the best for these kind of applications, in my opinion.
The reason is because it implements its own Widget system (like Cappuccino), completely using divs and canvas elements, making the development experience much more like a desktop.
Are you looking to implement saving? Or semi-advanced data retrieval (such as from a database)?
Because I think you can get away with just the Javascript and not have to tap the server too much.
