Ubuntu:- append remove keyword to a file - shell

I have a file containing file name.
I wan to create a shell script that add the'rm' infront
rm file1
rm file2
rm file3
rm file4
How to append the rm in front the file name?

You can do that many ways - sed, vim, perl, awk.
Or you can simply use xargs like this:
xargs rm < filelist
If you really insist on editing filelist, use sed:
sed 's/^/rm /g' filelist > newscript
(which means find start of line ^ and replace it with rm for every line /g).
You can even edit filelist in-place using sed -i:
sed -i 's/^/rm /g' filelist

I think mvp's answer is the best, but if you're talking about changing your current file list to a shell script with rm inserted before each filename, you can do this simply with any good text editor that supports find and replace with regular expressions.
Search term : ^(.)
Replacement : rm \1
Vi one-liner :
:%s/^/rm /

Another way could be using a simple shell script.
while read line
echo "Removing $line"
rm $line
done < $FILE
You could then run it as sh multirm.sh filelist
If you want to simply add rm in to the file you could use awk for that.
awk '{ print "rm", $1" }' filelist


Combine multiple files into one including the file name

I have been looking around trying to combine multiple text files into including the name of the file.
My current file content is:
What I'm after is:
I found multiple example how to combine them all but nothing to combine them including the file name.
Could you please try following. Considering that your Input_file names extensions are .csv.
awk 'BEGIN{OFS=","} {print FILENAME,$0}' *.csv > output_file
After seeing OP's comments if file extensions are .txt then try:
awk 'BEGIN{OFS=","} {print FILENAME,$0}' *.txt > output_file
Assuming all your files have a .txt extension and contain only one line as in the example, you can use the following code:
for f in *.txt; do echo "$f,$(cat "$f")"; done > output.log
where output.log is the output file.
Well, it works:
printf "%s\n" *.txt |
xargs -n1 -d $'\n' bash -c 'xargs -n1 -d $'\''\n'\'' printf "%s,%s\n" "$1" <"$1"' --
First output a newline separated list of files.
Then for each file xargs execute sh
Inside sh execute xargs for each line of file
and it executes printf "%s,%s\n" <filename> for each line of input
Tested in repl.
Solved using grep "" *.txt -I > $filename.

How to rename a CSV file from a value in the CSV file

I have 100 1-line CSV files. The files are currently labeled AAA.txt, AAB.txt, ABB.txt (after I used split -l 1 on them). The first field in each of these files is what I want to rename the file as, so instead of AAA, AAB and ABB it would be the first value.
Input CSV (filename AAA.txt)
1234ABC, stuff, stuff
Desired Output (filename 1234ABC.csv)
1234ABC, stuff, stuff
I don't want to edit the content of the CSV itself, just change the filename
something like this should work:
for f in ./* ; do new_name=$(head -1 $f | cut -d, -f1); cp $f dir/$new_name
move them into a new dir just in case something goes wrong, or you need the original file names.
starting with your original file before splitting
$ awk -F, '{print > ($1".csv")}' originalFile.csv
and do all in one shot.
This will store the whole input file into the colum1.csv of the inputfile.
awk -F, '{print $0 > $1".csv" }' aaa.txt
In a terminal, changed directory, e.g. cd /path/to/directory that the files are in and then use the following compound command:
for f in *.txt; do echo mv -n "$f" "$(awk -F, '{print $1}' "$f").cvs"; done
Note: There is an intensional echo command that is there for you to test with, and it will only print out the mv command for you to see that it's the outcome you wish. You can then run it again removing just echo from the compound command to actually rename the files as desired via the mv command.

How do I add a header in each of my text files based on the first two words of the filename?

I have a folder with several hundred .txt files with numbers. The files are named in a format word1_word2_word3_word4.txt. The words are different for each of the .txt files.
I would like to add a header to each of those text files based on the filename such that the header is of the format:
Is there a way to do this for all the .txt files using the command line or a bash script?
Use this in bash and sed using some parameter expansion builtins :
for i in *.txt; do j="${i%_*}"; sed "1i >c_${j%_*}" "$i"; done
Output :
$ ls -1
$ cat word1_word2_word3_word4.txt
$ for i in *.txt; do j="${i%_*}"; sed -i "1i >c_${j%_*}" $i; done
$ cat word1_word2_word3_word4.txt
-i switch edit the file in place
This is just an alternative to Gilles' answer, using a regular expression
for f in *.txt; do
if [[ $f =~ ^([^_]+_[^_]+) ]]; then
sed -i "1i>c_${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" "$f"

Remove Lines in Multiple Text Files that Begin with a Certain Word

I have hundreds of text files in one directory. For all files, I want to delete all the lines that begin with HETATM. I would need a csh or bash code.
I would think you would use grep, but I'm not sure.
Use sed like this:
sed -i -e '/^HETATM/d' *.txt
to process all files in place.
-i means "in place".
-e means to execute the command that follows.
/^HETATM/ means "find lines starting with HETATM", and the following d means "delete".
Make a backup first!
If you really want to do it with grep, you could do this:
for f in *.txt
grep -v "^HETATM" "%f" > $$.tmp && mv $$.tmp "$f"
It makes a temporary file of the output from grep (in file $$.tmp) and only overwrites your original file if the command executes successfully.
Using the -v option of grep to get all the lines that do not match:
grep -v '^HETATM' input.txt > output.txt

Redirect output from sed 's/c/d/' myFile to myFile

I am using sed in a script to do a replace and I want to have the replaced file overwrite the file. Normally I think that you would use this:
% sed -i 's/cat/dog/' manipulate
sed: illegal option -- i
However as you can see my sed does not have that command.
I tried this:
% sed 's/cat/dog/' manipulate > manipulate
But this just turns manipulate into an empty file (makes sense).
This works:
% sed 's/cat/dog/' manipulate > tmp; mv tmp manipulate
But I was wondering if there was a standard way to redirect output into the same file that input was taken from.
I commonly use the 3rd way, but with an important change:
$ sed 's/cat/dog/' manipulate > tmp && mv tmp manipulate
I.e. change ; to && so the move only happens if sed is successful; otherwise you'll lose your original file as soon as you make a typo in your sed syntax.
Note! For those reading the title and missing the OP's constraint "my sed doesn't support -i": For most people, sed will support -i, so the best way to do this is:
$ sed -i 's/cat/dog/' manipulate
Yes, -i is also supported in FreeBSD/MacOSX sed, but needs the empty string as an argument to edit a file in-place.
sed -i "" 's/old/new/g' file # FreeBSD sed
If you don't want to move copies around, you could use ed:
ed file.txt <<EOF
Kernighan and Pike in The Art of Unix Programming discuss this issue. Their solution is to write a script called overwrite, which allows one to do such things.
The usage is: overwrite file cmd file.
# overwrite: copy standard input to output after EOF
case $# in
0|1) echo 'Usage: overwrite file cmd [args]' 1>&2; exit 2
file=$1; shift
new=/tmp/overwr1.$$; old=/tmp/overwr2.$$
trap 'rm -f $new $old; exit 1' 1 2 15 # clean up
if PATH=$opath "$#" >$new
cp $file $old # save original
trap '' 1 2 15 # wr are commmitted
cp $new $file
echo "overwrite: $1 failed, $file unchanged" 1>&2
exit 1
rm -f $new $old
Once you have the above script in your $PATH, you can do:
overwrite manipulate sed 's/cat/dog/' manipulate
To make your life easier, you can use replace script from the same book:
# replace: replace str1 in files with str2 in place
case $# in
0|2) echo 'Usage: replace str1 str2 files' 1>&2; exit 1
left="$1"; right="$2"; shift; shift
for i
overwrite $i sed "s#$left#$right#g" $i
Having replace in your $PATH too will allow you to say:
replace cat dog manipulate
You can use sponge from the moreutils.
sed "s/cat/dog/" manipulate | sponge manipulate
Perhaps -i is gnu sed, or just an old version of sed, but anyways. You're on the right track. The first option is probably the most common one, the third option is if you want it to work everywhere (including solaris machines)... :) These are the 'standard' ways of doing it.
To change multiple files (and saving a backup of each as *.bak):
perl -p -i -e "s/oldtext/newtext/g" *
replaces any occurence of oldtext by newtext in all files in the current folder. However you will have to escape all perl special characters within oldtext and newtext using the backslash
This is called a “Perl pie” (mnemonic: easy as a pie)
The -i flag tells it do do in-place replacement, and it should be ok to use single (“'”) as well as double (“””) quotes.
If using ./* instead of just *, you should be able to do it in all sub-directories
See man perlrun for more details, including how to take a backup file of the original.
using sed:
sed -i 's/old/new/g' ./* (used in GNU)
sed -i '' 's/old/new/g' ./* (used in FreeBSD)
-i option is not available in standard sed.
Your alternatives are your third way or perl.
A lot of answers, but none of them is correct. Here is the correct and simplest one:
$ echo "111 222 333" > file.txt
$ sed -i -s s/222/444/ file.txt
$ cat file.txt
111 444 333
Workaround using open file handles:
exec 3<manipulate
Prevent open file from being truncated:
rm manipulate
sed 's/cat/dog/' <&3 > manipulate
