Laravel 4: reading cookies set by javascript - laravel

If I set a cookie with javascript, how would I read it using Laravel 4?
The reason I'm asking is that the docs say:
All cookies created by the Laravel framework are encrypted and signed
with an authentication code, meaning they will be considered invalid
if they have been changed by the client.

Just use the native PHP command to retrieve cookies: $_COOKIE['cookie'])
Or perhaps you can set the cookie via an AJAX command (rather than JS doing it itself) - and have Laravel set the cookie supplied by JS on its behalf?
This link confirms setting cookies via AJAX - it will just be a variation of that.

In Laravel 5.6 (and maybe earlier versions too):
Specify the cookie name in the $except array within App\Http\Middleware\EncryptCookies.php.
It tells Laravel that those cookies aren't encrypted (and therefore don't need to be decrypted when read).
(P.S. Thanks to


Get cookie within an Ajax API post request - Laravel 5.6

After running an API call, in my controller, I'm trying to get the cookie value like this:
It returns a empty value, although the cookie was already set in the browser.
Do I need to pass the cookie value as a parameter in the ajax call?
It is also happening in a WEB route call - the cookie is not there when trying to read it in the Controller
Ok, so laravel encrypts the cookie names.
As the cookie was set using Javascript in the frontend, I could not read it by using Laravel methods.
Therefore, I've used it using PHP standard:
Another option is adding an exception for that cookie name in the the middleware.

What is the use of "laravel_session" cookie?

So i have created a project and right now i have to give information about every cookie that it is used. I am using laravel 5.0 and the cookies that are used by laravel are the below :
1) laravel_session
I know about the second one, but i can't find information about the first one. Is it about knowing the current user? The project also uses socialite - facebook.
Please, if you need any further information feel free to ask and i will provide.
Internally laravel uses laravel_session to identify a session instance for a user, this can be changed by going into config/session.php and editing the cookie value

Cookies in browser console is different than cookies fetch from Laravel

I get two different values from the console and from the Laravel side.
This is how I get from the Laravel side
public function getCookies() {
$cookies = \Cookie::get();
It seems the cookies will be automatically decrypted when get function is called.
Is there any way I could get the original value of the cookies without getting decrypted?
Resolved this by including the cookies name in except array in EncryptCookies middleware. If you are interested in more of this discussion, can refer
Laravel will automatically encrypt and decrypt all cookies.
All cookies created by the Laravel framework are encrypted and signed with an authentication code, meaning they will be considered invalid if they have been changed by the client.
You can exclude a cookie from the automatic encryption by adding it to the $except array in the EncryptCookies middleware.

Get a cookie in Laravel 5 middleware

I'm trying to retrieve a cookie from a middleware in Laravel 5.3 but it seems like $request->cookie('language') is empty. I'm guessing that it is only set after the middleware runs.
I read somewhere that I should use \Cookie::queued('language'), but it's still empty.
Is my only option using the $_COOKIE variable?
When do you set this cookie?
Remember that cookies are stored in the browser, so the user needs to get the response in order for you to be able to retrieve the cookie later.
You should be able to get the cookie after the cookie is being set by a response that's successfully sent to the user. Remember also that if you use dd(), that doesn't let the cookie get created, because it skips all cookie headers from being sent to the user.
Another problem you might face for trying to get cookies from middleware is that it might not get decrypted automatically, so you'll have to do it yourself.
If someone encounters this problem in 2019 with Laravel 5.8:
You will need to use \Crypt::decryptString(Cookie::get('language')) or \Crypt::decrypt(Cookie::get('language'), false).
Otherwise it will try to unserialize the string and then strange things happen.

Does Laravel regenerate the Session ID? (compared to CodeIgniter)

CodeIgniter 2 regenerates the session id on every http-call. This leads to problems with concurrent ajax calls. This makes it possible that client and server get out of sync and the session is lost. A Fix to this is not updating the session on ajax-calls (see Codeigniter session bugging out with ajax calls). But if you use CodeIgniter as an API for a single page application, where every call is ajax, this just leads to the session never being updated at all. The user just get logged out after the session timeout (default 5 minutes).
In CodeIgniter 3 they attempted to fix this by using a write lock (see on session storage. Because this relies on a Database-Feature it is only possible to safely store session information in MySQL and PostgreSQL. Redis for example can not be used (see
Finally my question is: How does Laravel handle this Problem? Laravel can use Redis for session storage. So when does laravel regenerate the session id? And if Laravel doesnt regenerate it automatically on every http request, how can this be judged in context of security aspects?
Like pstephan1187 noted, "Laravel only regenerates the session ID when you sign in and sign out". CSRF Protection is used against cross-site request forgeries, and it consists of a field that is required by default (Laravel 5) in POST, PUT and DELETE requests.
Handling this in ajax-calls is outside the functionality offered by Laravel, but can be worked around pretty easily.
For more information about Laravel sessions, see the official documentation (Which, by the way, is a very nice and easy-to-understand read).
