Measuring effective bandwidth on CUDA - performance

So I want to know how to calculate the total memory effective bandwidth for:
cublasSdot(handle, M, devPtrA, 1, devPtrB, 1, &curesult);
where that function belows to cublas_v2.h
That function runs in 0.46 ms, and the vectors are 10000 * sizeof(float)
Am I having ((10000 * 4) / 10^9 )/0.00046 = 0.086 GB/s?
I'm wondering about it because I don't know what is inside the cublasSdot function, and I don't know if it is necesary.

In your case, the size of the input data is 10000 * 4 * 2 since you have 2 input vectors, and the size of the output data is 4. The effective bandwidth should be about 0.172 GB/s.
Basically cublasSdot() does nothing much more than computing.
Profile result shows cublasSdot() invokes 2 kernels to compute the result. An extra 4-bytes device-to-host mem transfer is also invoked if the pointer mode is CUBLAS_POINTER_MODE_HOST, which is the default mode for cublas lib.

If kernel time is in ms then a multiplication factor of 1000 is necessary.
That results in 86 GB/s.
As an example refer to example provide by NVIDIA for Matrix Transpose
On Last Page entire code is present. The way the Effective Bandwidth is computed is 2.*1000*mem_size/(1024*1024*1024)/(Time in ms)


Desired Compute-To-Memory-Ratio (OP/B) on GPU

I am trying to undertand the architecture of the GPUs and how we assess the performance of our programs on the GPU. I know that the application can be:
Compute-bound: performance limited by the FLOPS rate. The processor’s cores are fully utilized (always have work to do)
Memory-bound: performance limited by the memory
bandwidth. The processor’s cores are frequently idle because memory cannot supply data fast enough
The image below shows the FLOPS rate, peak memory bandwidth, and the Desired Compute to memory ratio, labeled by (OP/B), for each microarchitecture.
I also have an example of how to compute this OP/B metric. Example: Below is part of a CUDA code for applying matrix-matrix multiplication
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
sum += A[row*N + i]*B[i*N + col];
and the way to calculate OP/B for this matrix-matrix multiplication is as follows:
Matrix multiplication performs 0.25 OP/B
1 FP add and 1 FP mul for every 2 FP values (8B) loaded
Ignoring stores
and if we want to utilize this:
But matrix multiplication has high potential for reuse. For NxN matrices:
Data loaded: (2 input matrices)×(N^2 values)×(4 B) = 8N^2 B
Operations: (N^2 dot products)(N adds + N muls each) = 2N^3 OP
Potential compute-to-memory ratio: 0.25N OP/B
So if I understand this clearly well, I have the following questions:
It is always the case that the greater OP/B, the better ?
how do we know how much FP operations we have ? Is it the adds and the multiplications
how do we know how many bytes are loaded per FP operation ?
It is always the case that the greater OP/B, the better ?
Not always. The target value balances the load on compute pipe throughput and memory pipe throughput (i.e. that level of op/byte means that both pipes will be fully loaded). As you increase op/byte beyond that or some level, your code will switch from balanced to compute-bound. Once your code is compute bound, the performance will be dictated by the compute pipe that is the limiting factor. Additional op/byte increase beyond this point may have no effect on code performance.
how do we know how much FP operations we have ? Is it the adds and the multiplications
Yes, for the simple code you have shown, it is the adds and multiplies. Other more complicated codes may have other factors (e.g. sin, cos, etc.) which may also contribute.
As an alternative to "manually counting" the FP operations, the GPU profilers can indicate the number of FP ops that a code has executed.
how do we know how many bytes are loaded per FP operation ?
Similar to the previous question, for simple codes you can "manually count". For complex codes you may wish to try to use profiler capabilities to estimate. For the code you have shown:
sum += A[row*N + i]*B[i*N + col];
The values from A and B have to be loaded. If they are float quantities then they are 4 bytes each. That is a total of 8 bytes. That line of code will require 1 floating point multiplication (A * B) and one floating point add operation (sum +=). The compiler will fuse these into a single instruction (fused multiply-add) but the net effect is you are performing two floating point operations per 8 bytes. op/byte is 2/8 = 1/4. The loop does not change the ratio in this case. To increase this number, you would want to explore various optimization methods, such as a tiled shared-memory matrix multiply, or just use CUBLAS.
(Operations like row*N + i are integer arithmetic and don't contribute to the floating-point load, although its possible they may be significant, performance-wise.)

How does one compute FLOPS from time elapsed for a computation?

One can see from this tutorial on the usage of Intel MKL DFTs that Dr. Andrey E. Vladimirov uses the time elapsed during a task, namely t1-t0, to compute the number of GigaFLOPS using GF/s = HztoPerf/(t1-t0) where HztoPerf = 5.0 * 1e-9 * double(fft_size) * log2(double(fft_size)) * double(num_fft).
Is this a general formula? If not, how do I deduce the average GF/s for my CPU (Intel Xeon E5-1660 at 3 GHz with 8 cores) if I know the time elapsed to run a computation (e.g. involving various FFTs)?
You have to know how many FP operations your problem requires. Then you divide that by time.
1e-9 accounts for the Giga = 10^9 metric prefix. Without that, you'd have FLOP/s not GFLOP/s if you divide FLoating point OPeration count by seconds.
5.0 * fft_size * log2(fft_size) appears to be the number of FP ops per FFT.
An efficient FFT is O(n log2(n)), and apparently this implementation has a constant factor of 5. (Or possibly that's including some work done using the result?)
num_fft is presumably the total number of FFTs of that size done, i.e. the repeat count. So the product of all those things is the number of FP ops actually done during computation of the FFT.
Hardware performance counters on Intel CPUs can record number of FLOPs (even counting FMAs as 2): there are events like fp_arith_inst_retired.256b_packed_double for various SIMD widths.
perf has a GFLOPs "metric group" you can use that enables the relevant events and calculates it for you:
perf stat --all-user -M GFLOPs ./my_program my args
Counting only in user-space is probably redundant; kernel code might use SIMD for software RAID5/6, but not in interrupt handlers and probably not system calls. And not FP math.
Example on my i7-6700k Skylake
$ perf stat --all-user -M GFLOPs awk 'BEGIN{for(i=0;i<100000000;i++){}}'
Performance counter stats for 'awk BEGIN{for(i=0;i<100000000;i++){}}':
0 fp_arith_inst_retired.256b_packed_single # 0.03 GFLOPs (66.58%)
99,934,901 fp_arith_inst_retired.scalar_double (66.68%)
0 fp_arith_inst_retired.128b_packed_single (66.71%)
0 fp_arith_inst_retired.scalar_single (66.71%)
0 fp_arith_inst_retired.256b_packed_double (66.71%)
0 fp_arith_inst_retired.128b_packed_double (66.62%)
3,352,766,500 ns duration_time
3.352766500 seconds time elapsed
3.347268000 seconds user
0.000000000 seconds sys
Unfortunately it had to multiplex between those events, since there were more than 4, and hyperthreading is enabled, so the total number of scalar double-precision FP operations (99,934,901) was measured a bit lower than the awk loop iteration count. With just -e task_clock,cycles,instructions,fp_arith_inst_retired.scalar_double, it came out at exactly 100,000,000 counts, since apparently gawk did no other FP operations.
Of course awk is not a high-FP-throughput program, and only used scalar FP math. Numeric variables in awk are double-precision, like JavaScript, but unlike JS it doesn't JIT, let alone take advantage of the ability to do them as integer.

why executation time of tf.nn.conv2d function different while the multiply times are the same?

I am using tensorflow to build cnn net in image classification experiment,I found such phenomenon as:
operation 1:tf.nn.conv2d(x, [3,3,32,32], strides=[1,1,1,1], padding='SAME')
the shape of x is [128,128,32],means convolution using 3x3 kernel on x,both input channels and output channels are 32,the total multiply times is
operation 2:tf.nn.conv2d(x, [3,3,64,64], strides=[1,1,1,1], padding='SAME')
the shape of x is [64,64,64],means convolution using 3x3 kernel on x,both input channels and output channels are 64,the total multiply times is
In contrast with operation 1,the feature map size of operation 2 scale down to 1/2 and the channel number doubled. The multiply times are the same so the running time should be same.But in practice the running time of operation 1 is longer than operation 2.
My measure method was shown below
eliminate an convolution of operation 1,the training time for one epoch reduced 23 seconds,means the running time of operation 1 is 23 seconds.
eliminate an convolution of operation 2,the training time for one epoch reduced 13 seconds,means the running time of operation 2 is 13 seconds.
the phenomenon can reproduction every time。
My gpu is nvidia gtx980Ti,os is ubuntu 16.04。
So that comes the question: Why the running time of operation 1 was longer than operation 2?
If I had to guess it has to do with how the image is ordered in memory. Remember that in memory everything is stored in a flattened format. This means that if you have a tensor of shape [128, 128, 32], the 32 features/channels are stored next to eachover. Then all of the rows, then all of the columns.
Accessing closely packed memory is very important to performance especially on a GPU which has a large memory bus and is optimized for aligned in order memory access. In case with the larger image you have to skip around the image more and the memory access is more out of order. In case 2 you can do more in order memory access which gives you more speed. Multiplications are very fast operations. I bet with a convolution memory access if the bottleneck which limits performance.
chasep255's answer is good and probably correct.
Another possibility (or alternative way of thinking about chasep255's answer) is to consider how caching (all the little hardware tricks that can speed up memory fetches, address mapping, etc) could be producing what you see...
You have basically two things: a stream of X input data and a static filter matrix. In case 1, you have 9*1024 static elements, in case 2 you have 4 times as many. Both cases have the same total multiplication count, but in case 2 the process is finding more of its data where it expects (i.e. where it was last time it was asked for.) Net result: less memory access stalls, more speed.

Matlab matrix multiplication speed

I was wondering how can matlab multiply two matrices so fast. When multiplying two NxN matrices, N^3 multiplications are performed. Even with the Strassen Algorithm it takes N^2.8 multiplications, which is still a large number. I was running the following test program:
a = rand(2160);
b = rand(2160);
2160 was used because 2160^3=~10^10 ( a*b should be about 10^10 multiplications)
I got:
Elapsed time is 1.164289 seconds.
(I'm running on 2.4Ghz notebook and no threading occurs)
which mean my computer made ~10^10 operation in a little more than 1 second.
How this could be??
It's a combination of several things:
Matlab does indeed multi-thread.
The core is heavily optimized with vector instructions.
Here's the numbers on my machine: Core i7 920 # 3.5 GHz (4 cores)
>> a = rand(10000);
>> b = rand(10000);
>> tic;a*b;toc
Elapsed time is 52.624931 seconds.
Task Manager shows 4 cores of CPU usage.
Now for some math:
Number of multiplies = 10000^3 = 1,000,000,000,000 = 10^12
Max multiplies in 53 secs =
(3.5 GHz) * (4 cores) * (2 mul/cycle via SSE) * (52.6 secs) = 1.47 * 10^12
So Matlab is achieving about 1 / 1.47 = 68% efficiency of the maximum possible CPU throughput.
I see nothing out of the ordinary.
To check whether you do or not use multi-threading in MATLAB use this command
This sets the number of cores to use to n. Now I have a Core i7-2620M, which has a maximum frequency of 2.7GHz, but it also has a turbo mode with 3.4GHz. The CPU has two cores. Let's see:
A = rand(5000);
B = rand(5000);
tic; C=A*B; toc
Elapsed time is 10.167093 seconds.
tic; C=A*B; toc
Elapsed time is 5.864663 seconds.
So there is multi-threading.
Let's look at the single CPU results. A*B executes approximately 5000^3 multiplications and additions. So the performance of single-threaded code is
5000^3*2/10.8 = 23 GFLOP/s
Now the CPU. 3.4 GHz, and Sandy Bridge can do maximum 8 FLOPs per cycle with AVX:
3.4 [Ginstructions/second] * 8 [FLOPs/instruction] = 27.2 GFLOP/s peak performance
So single core performance is around 85% peak, which is to be expected for this problem.
You really need to look deeply into the capabilities of your CPU to get accurate performannce estimates.

CUDA - Blocks and Threads

I have implemented a string matching algorithm on the GPU. The searching time of a parallel version has been decreased considerably compared with the sequential version of the algorithm, but by using different number of blocks and threads I get different results.
How can I determine the number of the blocks and threds to get the best results?
I think this question is hard, if not impossible, to answer for the reason that it really depends on the algorithm and how it is operating. Since i cant see your implementation i can give you some leads:
Don't use global memory & check how you can max out the use of shared memory. Generally get a good feel of how threads access memory and how data is retrieved etc.
Understand how your warps operate. Sometimes threads in a warp may wait for other threads to finish in case you have 1 to 1 mapping between thread and data. So instead of this 1 to 1 mapping, you can map threads to multiple data so that they are kept busy.
Since blocks consist of threads that are group in 32 threads warp, it is the best if the number of threads in a block is a multiple of 32, so that you dont get warps consisting of 3 threads etc.
Avoid Diverging paths in warps.
I hope it helps a bit.
#Chris points are very important too but depend more on the algorithm itself.
Check the Cuda Manual about Thread alignment regarding memory lookups. Shared Memory Arrays should also be size of multiple of 16.
Use Coalesced global memory reads. But by algorithm design this is often the case and using shared memory helps.
Don't use atomic operations in global memory or at all if possible. They are very slow. Some algorithms using atomic operations can be rewritten using different techniques.
Without shown code no-one can tell you what is the best or why performance changes.
The number of threads per block of your kernel is the most important value.
Important values to calculate that value are:
Maximum number of resident threads per multiprocessor
Maximum number of resident blocks per multiprocessor
Maximum number of threads per block
Number of 32-bit registers per multiprocessor
Your algorithms should be scalable across all GPU's reaching 100% occupancy. For this I created myself a helper class which automatically detects the best thread numbers for the used GPU and passes it to the Kernel as a DEFINE.
* Number of Threads in a Block
* Maximum number of resident blocks per multiprocessor : 8
* ///////////////////
* Compute capability:
* ///////////////////
* Cuda [1.0 - 1.1] =
* Maximum number of resident threads per multiprocessor 768
* Optimal Usage: 768 / 8 = 96
* Cuda [1.2 - 1.3] =
* Maximum number of resident threads per multiprocessor 1024
* Optimal Usage: 1024 / 8 = 128
* Cuda [2.x] =
* Maximum number of resident threads per multiprocessor 1536
* Optimal Usage: 1536 / 8 = 192
public static int BLOCK_SIZE_DEF = 96;
Example Cuda 1.1 to reach 786 resident Threads per SM
8 Blocks * 96 Threads per Block = 786 threads
3 Blocks * 256 Threads per Block = 786 threads
1 Blocks * 512 Threads per Block = 512 threads <- 33% of GPU will be idle
This is also mentioned in the book:
Programming Massively Parallel Processors: A Hands-on Approach (Applications of GPU Computing Series)
Good programming advices:
Analyse your kernel code and write down the maximal number of threads it can handle or how many "units" it can process.
Also output your register usage and try to lower it to the respective targeted CUDA version. Because if you use too many registers in your kernel less blocks will be executed resulting in less occupancy and performance.
Example: Using Cuda 1.1 and using optimal number of 768 resident threads per SM you have 8192 registers to use. This leads to 8192 / 768 = 10 maximum registers per thread/kernel. If you use 11 the GPU will use 1 Block less resulting in decreased performance.
Example: A matrix independent row vector normalizing kernel of mine.
* ////////////////////////
* // Compute capability //
* ////////////////////////
* Used 12 registers, 540+16 bytes smem, 36 bytes cmem[1]
* Used 10 registers, 540+16 bytes smem, 36 bytes cmem[1] <-- with -maxregcount 10 Limit for Cuda 1.1
* I: Maximum number of Rows = max(x-dim)^max(dimGrid)
* II: Maximum number of Columns = unlimited, since they are loaded in a tile loop
* Cuda [1.0 - 1.3]:
* I: 65535^2 = 4.294.836.225
* Cuda [2.0]:
* II: 65535^3 = 281.462.092.005.375
