Reporting services - Interactive sort nulls last - Reportviewer VS2010 - visual-studio-2010

SSRS 2008
I've defined Interactive sort on a column that has also null values.
I want the nulls to always appear at the end of the report regardless of whether the
direction is Ascending or Descending.
Report is displayed by Reportviewer in VS2010
User clicks on column header to activate interactive sort
All help/suggestions are welcome.

I can think of one workaround here, which may or may not help, but at worst might give you more ideas.
What you can try doing is actually use two tables, and apply the sort to only one, but make it look like one table in the report.
Create two tables:
Apply filters to the tables to show non-null values in the first and null values in the second.
I used the expression:
=IIf(IsNothing(Fields!val2.Value), "NULL", "NOTNULL")
Apply Interactive Sorting to the first table.
This gives the results:
So in this simple case it's achieving what you're after.
Since it's actually two objects, you might get breaks in places users don't expect; this could be mitigated by keeping the objects together with a Rectangle.
If you're looking for multiple columns this might not be suitable, but hopefully it helps.


BIRT suppress multiple duplicate columns

I am working on a BIRT report. Its records are grouped on the basis of the status column. I was looking for an option in the Eclipse BIRT tool by which I can hide combinations of multiple columns in a row which are repeating. I have attached screenshots for both the current report and the expected report structure.
I tried the "suppress duplicate" option but that is limited to a single column. I am not able to apply this on multiple columns together. I couldn't figure out any other option. Please suggest any solution in the tool or do I need to change my query to return the result in the expected format?
Actual Result:
Expected Result:
There are three obvious ways to hide duplicate values.
All of these require you to configure this per column (BTW I don't understand why you consider this to be a problem).
As you already did: Use "suppress duplicates" at the column level.
Add more groups to your table after the existing group.
E.g. one group for the first column (whatever that is).
Then you can choose "Drop" "detail" in the properties of the corresponding group header cell. It's a bit difficult to get the layout right this way.
In your data set, if it's SQL, you can use a little construnct with CASE and the LAG analytic function to compare the column value to that of the previous row, and if they are equal, return NULL instead (pure SQL solution).

how to set dynamic header using BIRT?

I am newbie to BIRT and unfortunately my first task is over complicated.
I want to create table like this
Birt Report Snap
the columns in this picture must be dynamic. the data for the column name is in database and I have to fetch it and create columns on the go. 2nd to put values against it.
kindly tell me if this thing is doable in birt. I am new to this so please don't give negative ratings
I believe what you are looking for is called a Cross Tab Table.
Here is a tutorial video on it: BIRT - Cross Tab Table
In addition to SBurris answer, which is the way you should try first, I can assure you from my experience that what you want is in fact doable with BIRT, and even in two different ways.
However, some of the minor aspects might be a bit quite tricky for beginners, e.g. the merged cells in the column header, the different background colours and border widths for the columns. So, these style aspects shouldn't matter at first, you can tackle them later.
The first, by far easiest and standard way to achieve this kind of report layout is a cross tab, as SBurris said.
The second option is - depending on the database backend - to use a "normal" Table report item in they layout and to "create the cross tab" with SQL.
This is more powerful IMHO as the BIRT Cross Tab report item, but also more complicated.
For examples, see here:
Pivot / Crosstab Query in Oracle 10g (Dynamic column number)
Pivoting rows into columns dynamically in Oracle
How to do Pivoting in Oracle 10g
(you get the idea)
To use this with BIRT, you'll have to select the column title values in addition to the cell values.
You have to decide how many columns do/should fit on your page (if you're using PDF output).
You can use the maximum aggregate function in the visibility expression of the columns to hide empty columns.
If the number of logical columns exceeds the number of columns for a single page, you can extend the idea further by dividing the cross tab into several, each with at most N columns.
However, note that this approach will need an experienced BIRT developer...

SSRS sort not working

On a number of reports I have noticed that setting sort options through the tablix properties does not work. I choose the data I'd like to sort by (date) and set the option (Z to A), but the report still shows unsorted. Has anyone else seen this issue? I have read that updating the report xml to include the sort may be what needs to be done because the report builder does not preserve the changes made. Haven't gone down that road yet as I'm looking to see if there's a fix already identified.
Date Type Lead Name State distance Consultant ZIP State 1 Level Reason url
Those are the columns from the export with data filling each column. Can't give too much info because it shows phone numbers and addresses.
One option is to sort the data in your dataset. Then you can leave it and SSRS will honor that.
As the others mentioned, make sure you check the datatype so it's not trying to sort the dates as a string.
Set the sort priorities at the group level, not on the table or dataset properties.
You should never have to edit the XML to get this to work. This is a basic built-in feature that most reports use.
Do you have groups on your tablix? if yes, did you try sorting it with the Row Groups or Column Groups at bottom instead of the sorting properties of the tablix?

Oracle SqlDeveloper - order and size of column set in code completion window

I am currently using Oracle sql developer v4.0.3.16. When I do auto-complete of table columns, they show up in ascending order. I've got table with over 200 columns. Auto-completion window shows only 40 positions. When i choose last position '...' - window is being refreshed with all column names, but still in ascending order.
How can i change the way of presenting result in prompt, to show all column names in order as is returned by 'DESCRIBE table' command?
You can't influence the order, we do alphabetical only. Main reason is because a general user isn't going to have your data model memorized.
To get the best bang for your buck with this feature, you're going to want to type the first 1 to however many characters of your column or table or procedure name.
We don't show 200 columns by default, because that's not very helpful at all.
But give us the first letter, and now things become much more interesting.
Starting in a version very close to what you have, the automatic insight feature doesn't even make a suggestion unless you have 10 or fewer 'hits' - although this is configurable.

Qlikview chart sorting doesn't always work for users

I have several Qlikview charts that have interactive sorting enabled but the odd part is some columns can be sorted ascending or descending and others can only be sorted one way. Nothing happens if you click on the column again.
Each field has a proper sort defined, it looks like a bug - anyone else experience this?
It happens often when on the sort tab of the properties it has selected more than one way of sorting for example you have a field that has sort as text and numeric value
