Maven plugin processing xml files - maven

What is the preferred way for a maven plugin to process Xml files (external, not the pom) and possibly map them to objects? (e.g. using perhaps the same "technique" like for the configuration via #Parameter)
Where can I find some good examples?
Thank you,

The way the maven plugins do this, by indirectly using the maven-modello which can be used of course separately without any relationship to maven, cause it's a different view which supports different versions etc. of a model instead in comparsion to things like JAXB etc.
The documentation of the modello model will give a good impression of what is possible.
Other plugins for example the maven-assembly-plugin are using the modello model to parse external xml file.


How can you chain/stitch Maven plugins?

I want to chain two Maven plugins which should execute in sequence. The output from the first plugin should be used as input for the second plugin. Let me explain:
I want to write a plugin which generates resources and sources, such as configuration files, Java classes, ... Let's call this plugin generator-plugin.
This plugin needs input information to generate all this. This information can be retrieved from file system or from a SQL database. Possibly, in the future one might introduce several other input sources. My idea is to write two plugins, one for getting all information from the file system and another from a SQL database.
This gives:
information-plugin-file ---\
|--- generator-plugin
information-plugin-sql ---/
How can this be done with Maven? Can you chain plugins? I am familiar with writing basic Mojo's, but I have no idea how to approach this, hence this question.
One possibility is to output to a standardized file in information-plugin-file/information-plugin-sql and let the subsequent generator-plugin plugin read from the same file (the Unix way of working, everything is a file).
But I am looking for more direct, Maven specific approaches of doing this. Are there such approaches?
With regards to execution order, all plugins will run in the generate-sources phases and will be defined in correct order in the <plugins> section. So that is already covered I think.
AFAIK, plugins in maven are designed to be totally independent, so the following methods of sharing the information can be used:
Sharing via maven properties:
Its possible to set a property in the first plugin, and probably it will be accessible from within the second plugin
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
// now inject it into your mojo of the first plugin
#Parameter(defaultValue = "${project}")
private MavenProject project;
// Inside the "execute" method:
project.getProperties().setProperty("mySampleProperty", <SOME_VALUE_GOES_HERE>);
Sharing via Files
The first plugin can generate some output file in the 'target' folder
And the second plugin can read this file
Write a "wrapping" plugin that executes other plugins (like both first and second plugin). After all mojos are just java code that can be called from the aggregator plugin
You can find Here more information about this method
I believe the only way you can have something ordered in Maven is through lifecycles. You could have your first plugin (for the input information) run in the generate-sources phase, and the second in process-sources phase.

Gathering javadocs from multimodule maven project

In a large maven multimodule context,
how can I gather javadoc-comments programmatically for a specific set of classes (e.g. all classes implementing some interface) or modules ?
I have tried a stupid doclet and looked at QDox, but neither seems to do the job well.
Actually I think this should be simple if done correctly.
Specifically, I do not know how to do this in a maven-build: How can I depend on and use the src-jars?
This should be possible with QDox, as long as you have the sources. QDox-2.x can also read source-files from jars, which can be generated by the maven-source-plugin.

How can I add meta data to a maven pom

I have a maven pom which is deployed to a repo -And I want to add extra meta data to the tags..... For example, date created, git md5, etc...
Most importantly , I want this meta data to be seen in the pom itself, (and also embedded in the jar/zip artifact, but that is easy to do).
Can I add more (nonidentifying) xml fields to a pom declaration, which can be used for browsing but not necessarily required for defining the pom resource ?
If not, what is a simple way to annotate information about a resource in a maven deployment server (I'm using archiva, which is similar to nexus)-- of course, there is the "version" field, but I don't want to have to cram all my metadata into just one field.
There are some fields in the pom.xml that can be used that are found under More Project Information in the Pom reference.
You could probably squeeze some information into the description tag and parse the way you like.
Or you could even use <properties/> and create some useful tags there that fulfill your requirements. It may not be the recommended way to use properties for this but it is still an option.
By using properties it would be very easy to get those values into the MANIFEST.MF file by using filtering techniques in combination with the Maven Jar Plugin.
An alternative approach is to use features offered by your chosen Maven repository manager:
Custom metadata in Nexus
Properties in Artifactory
Don't know if Archiva has these features, but they enable you to add custom information to artifacts but more importantly they also allow you to search on these tags.
Hope this helps.
Sonatype support question on metadata

Expected or Recommended usage of the Maven JAXB 2.x Plugin

I'm new to XML Schema and to JAXB and wondering what the best or expected approach to using the Maven JAXB plugin (
I have a simple XML document format for which I've defined a schema. I'm primarily interested in reading a compliant XML file into Java, but I'll probably also want to add extra properties to the POJOs which won't be in the XML, but will be used at runtime.
By default the plugin places generated code into ${}/generated-sources/xjc. What I think I want to do is copy the generated code into /src/main/java/whatever and add to/modify the code to add my extra properties. When I change the schema, I'd then merge changes form the newly generated POJOs into my own ones.
The alternative is to tell the plugin to place the generated source directly into /src/main/java and to perhaps subclass the POJOs to add my own properties, but I'm not sure whether the marshaling/unmarshaling can still be made to use my extended classes.
Anyone have any guidance on which approach is more normal or what the pitfalls of each are?
In your place I'd leave the generated sources where they are so that the corresponding jar can be built by Maven without further configuration and put your custom code in a different project that depends on the first one. This ensures that everything is build in the right order.
It is your choice whether to derive from the generated classes or just use instances of them in your code, as attributes or, even better, local variables. Personally I'd avoid derivation; after all JAXB is just low level machinery you use to perform I/O in a specific format.
Most importantly: forget about modifying the generated sources; why introduce an error prone manual step in your development process when you can get the same effect automatically?
(To provide a slight variation on to Nicola's answer)
If your schema rarely changes it might make sense to have a completely separate build which just creates the JAXB generated code, jars it, versions it, and sticks it in your repository.
Then in your downstream code you use that jar as a dependency and subclass the JAXB code as necessary to add your new fields.
We went this route because we felt that having JAXB complile every time we did a build was unnecessary as our schemas were pretty static.
Most importantly: forget about modifying the generated sources; why introduce an error prone manual step in your development process when you can get the same effect automatically?
To elaborate and extend on a point already well-made... if there are a lot of implicit relationships and things you'd like to put "getters" on the JAXB code for, bite the bullet and wrap the JAXB class hierarchy in one that does exactly what you want where you want it.
With IDE-assisted delegation, this is only a little tedious, and factors a lot of straightforward, distracting, low-level code out of your main app.
Another benefit of this is that you'll spend a lot less time fighting JAXB to generate things exactly the way you want - the wrappers will make you care a whole lot less.

Use Local Maven Repository

How can I use jars that buildr loads by default into the local maven repo, rather than creating new (and repetitive) artifact tasks/dependencies?
For example, if were creating a scala or groovy application buildr would automatically download the scala or groovy jars respectively. Is it possible to include or merge these (default) jars into an application rather than creating a new artifact?
I think that is not possible or doable in a one step, easy way. I recommend you talk with us on the dev list of Buildr and we can probably create an enhancement for that.
For each library you would like to depend on, you usual can grep the code to find where we define the default jar we depend on.
For the example you mention, here are the default method to retrieve the default jars:
For Groovy: Buildr::Groovy::Groovyc.dependencies
For Scala: Buildr::Scala::Scalac.dependencies
I hope that helps.
