Redis Cluster - production ready? - caching

I was reading Redis documentation, and I am most interested in the partitioning feature.
Redis documentation states the following:
Data store or cache? Partitioning when using Redis ad a data store or
cache is conceptually the same, however there is a huge difference.
While when Redis is used as a data store you need to be sure that a
given key always maps to the same instance, when Redis is used as a
cache if a given node is unavailable it is not a big problem if we
start using a different node, altering the key-instance map as we wish
to improve the availability of the system (that is, the ability of the
system to reply to our queries). Consistent hashing implementations
are often able to switch to other nodes if the preferred node for a
given key is not available. Similarly if you add a new node, part of
the new keys will start to be stored on the new node. The main concept
here is the following: If Redis is used as a cache scaling up and down
using consistent hashing is easy. If Redis is used as a store, we need
to take the map between keys and nodes fixed, and a fixed number of
nodes. Otherwise we need a system that is able to rebalance keys
between nodes when we add or remove nodes, and currently only Redis
Cluster is able to do this, but Redis Cluster is not production ready.
From the last sentence I understand that Redis Cluster is not production ready. Does anyone knows whether this documentation is up to date, or Redis Cluster is already production ready?

[Update] Redis Cluster was released in Redis 3.0.0 on 1 Apr 2015.
Redis cluster is currently in active development. See this article from Redis author: Antirez.
So I can pause other incremental improvements for a bit to focus on Redis Cluster. Basically my plan is to work mostly to cluster as long as it does not reach beta quality, and for beta quality I mean, something that brave users may put into production.
Redis Cluster will support up to ~1000 nodes.
The first release will have the following features (extracted from Antirez post):
Automatic partition of key space.
Hot resharding.
Only single key operations supported (and it will always be that way).
As of today antirez is working on the first Redis cluster client (redis-rb-cluster) in order to be used as a reference implementation.
I'll update this answer as soon as Redis Cluster goes production ready.
[Update] 03/28/2014 Redis Cluster is already used on large cluster in production (source: antirez tweets).

Today the first Release Candidate for Redis 3.0.0 has been released, which includes a stable version of Clustering:
See also this post by Antirez:

Redis Cluster is included in Redis 3.0.0, released 1 Apr 2015.
--[ Redis 3.0.0 ] Release date: 1 Apr 2015
What's new in Redis 3.0 compared to Redis 2.8?
Redis Cluster: a distributed implementation of a subset of Redis.


Upgrade from RDS Aurora 1 (MySQL 5.6) to Aurora 2 (MySQL 5.7) without downtime on a very active database

Is there a way to upgrade from Aurora 1 (MySQL 5.6) to Aurora 2 (MySQL 5.7) without downtime on an active database? This seems like a simple task given we should be able to simply do major version upgrades from either the CLI or the Console, but that is not the case.
We tried:
Creating a snapshot of the database
Creating a new cluster using Aurora 2 (MySQL 5.7) from the snapshot
Configure replication to the new cluster from the primary cluster
However, because you can't run commands that require SUPER user privileges in Aurora you're not able to stop transactions long enough to get a good binlog pointer from the master, which results in a ton of SQL errors that are impossible to skip on an active database.
Also, because Aurora is not doing binlog replication to its Read replicas I can't necessarily stop replication to that read replica and get the pointer.
I have seen this semi-related question, but it certainly requires downtime: How to upgrade AWS RDS Aurora MySQL 5.6 to 5.7
UPDATE: AWS just announced in-place upgrade option available for 5.6 > 5.7:
Simple as Modify and choose version with 2.x. :)
I tested this Aurora MySQL 5.6 > 5.7 on a 25Gb db, many minor versions behind and it took 10 min, with 8 min of downtime. Not zero downtime, but a very easy option, and it can be scheduled in AWS to happen automatically during off-peak times (maintenance window).
Additionally consider RDS Proxy to reduce downtime. During small windows of db unavailable time (eg. reboot for minor updates), the proxy will hold connections open, instead of completely unavailable, simply appearing as a brief delay/latency, only.
Need was to upgrade the AWS RDS Aurora MySQL from 5.6 to 5.7 without causing any downtime to our production. Being a SaaS solution, we could not afford any downtime.
We have distributed architecture based on micro services running in AWS Fargate and AWS Lambda. For data persistency AWS RDS Aurora MySQL is used. While there are other services being used, those are not of interest in this use case.
After a good deliberation on in place upgrade by declaring a downtime and maintenance window, we realized that having zero downtime upgrade is the need. As without which we would have created a processing backlog for us.
High level approach was:
Create an AWS RDS Cluster with the required version and copy the data from the existing RDS Cluster to this new Cluster
Setup AWS DMS(Data Migration Service) between these two clusters
Once the replication is done and is ongoing then switch the application to point to the new DB. In our case, the micro-services running in AWS Fargate has to upgraded with the new end point and it took care of draining the old and using the new.
For Complete post please check out
When you create a new Aurora cluster from a snapshot, you get a binlog pointer in the error log from the point at which the snapshot was taken. You can use that to set up replication from the old cluster to the new cluster.
I've followed a similar process to what you've described in your question (multiple times in fact) and was able to keep the actual downtime in the low seconds range.

Which distributed database I need to choose for medium data project

Now we have java project with PostgreSQL database on spring boot 2 with Spring Data JPA (Hibernate).
Requirements to new architecture:
On N computers we have workplace. Each workplace use the same program with different configuration (configured client for redistributed database).
Computers count is not big - amount 10/20 PCs. Database must be scalable (a lot of data can be stored at the disk ~1/2 Tb).
Every day up to 1 million rows can be inserted into database from one workplace.
Each workplace works with redistributed database - it means, that each node must be able to read/write data, modified by each other. And make some decision based on data, modified by another workplace at runtime(Transactional).
Datastore(disk database archive) must be able to archived and copied as backup snapshot.
Project must be portable to new architecture with Spring Data JPA 2 and database backups with liquibase. Works on windows/ Linux.
The quick overview shows me that the most popular redistributed FREE database at now are:
1) Redis
2) Apache Ignite
3) Hazelcast
I need help in understanding way to architect described system.
First of all, I'm tried to use redis and ignite. Redis start easily - but it works like simple IMDG(in memory data grid). But I need to store all the data in persistent database(at disk, like ignite persistence). There is a way to use redis with existing PostgreSQL database? Postgres synchronized with all nodes and Redis use in memory cache with fresh data, produced by each workplace. Each 10 minutes data flushed at disk.
1) This is possible? How?
Also I'm tried to use Ignite - but my project works on spring boot 2. Spring data 2. And Ignite last released version is 2.6 and spring data 2 support will appears only in apache ignite 2.7!
2) I have to download 2.7 version nightly build, but how can I use it in my project? (need to install to local Maven repository?)
3) And after all, what will be the best architecture in that case? Datastore provider stores persistent data at disk, synchronized with each workspace In-memory cache and persist in-memory data to disk by timeout?
What will be the best solution and which database I should to choose?
(may be something works with existing PostgreSQL?)
Your use case sounds like a common one with Hazelcast. You can store your data in memory (i.e. in an Hazelcast IMap), use a MapStore/MapLoader to persist changes to your database, or read from database. Persisting changes can be done in a write-through or write-behind manner based on your configuration. Also there is spring boot and spring-jpa integration available.
Also the amount of data you want to store is pretty big for 10-20 machines, so you might want to look into hazelcast High-Density Memory Store option to be able to store large amounts of data in commodity hardware without having GC problems.
Following links should give you further idea:
Ignite is not suitable for that options, because JPA 1 supports only.
Redis isn't supports SQL queries.
Our choiсe is plain PostgreSQL master with slave replication. May be cockroachDB applies also.
Thx for help))

system_auth replication in Cassandra

I'm trying to configure authentication on Cassandra. It seems like because of replication strategy that is used for system_auth, it can't replicate user credentials to all the nodes in cluster, so I end up getting Incorrect credentials on one node, and getting successful connection on another.
This is related question. The guy there says you have to make sure credentials are always on all nodes.
How to do it? The option that is offered there says you have to alter keyspace to put replication factor equal to amount of nodes in cluster, then run repair on each node. That's whole tons of work to be done if you want your cassandra to be dynamically scalable. If I add 1 node today, 1 node another day, alter keyspace replication and then keep restarting nodes manually that will end up some kind of chaos.
Hour of googling actually leaded to slightly mentioned EverywhereStrategy, but I don't see anywhere in docs it mentioned as available. How do people configure APIs to work with Cassandra authentication then, if you can't be sure that your user actually present on node, that you're specifying as contact point?
Obviously, talking about true scale, when you can change the size of cluster without doing restarts of each node.
When you enable authentication in Cassandra, then Yes you have increase the system_auth keyspace replication_factor to N(total number of nodes) and run a complete repair, but you don't need to restart the nodes after you add a new Node.
If repair is consuming more time then you optimize your repair like repair only the system_auth keyspace
nodetool repair system_auth
nodetool repair -pr system_auth
As per Cassandra a complete repair should be done regularly. For more details on repair see the below links:
Answering your questions:
Question: How do people configure APIs to work with Cassandra authentication then, if you can't be sure that your user actually present on node, that you're specifying as contact point?
Answer: I'm using Cassandra 2.2 and Astyanax thrift API from my Spring project, using which I am able to handle the Cassandra authentication effectively. Specify what version of Cassandra you are using and what driver you are using to connect CQL driver or Astyanax thrift API?
Question: Obviously, talking about true scale, when you can change the size of cluster without doing restarts of each node.
Answer: Yes you can scale your Cassandra cluster without restarting nodes, please check the datastax documentation for Cassandra 2.2 version:
Check the datastax docs for the version you are using.

Can I distribute the data from one machine and have this data be read from all nodes in the cluster?

We have to work with some Global Parameters. We want to calculate these parameters on one machine and distribute them to the Ignite Cluster, can we do this?
According to the guidance of the official website, Ignite is an distributed clustering which has no master or slaver or standby.
By the way, we need to use the ignite lightly first, we will use it as a Spring's bean in our Distributed System.
Yes, you can do that easily with a REPLICATED Ignite cache. Every value that you put to that cache will be copied to all other nodes in cluster. Data won't be lost while at least one node still runs.
Here is some documentation on cache modes.

Strategy to persist the node's data for dynamic Elasticsearch clusters

I'm sorry that this is probably a kind of broad question, but I didn't find a solution form this problem yet.
I try to run an Elasticsearch cluster on Mesos through Marathon with Docker containers. Therefore, I built a Docker image that can start on Marathon and dynamically scale via either the frontend or the API.
This works great for test setups, but the question remains how to persist the data so that if either the cluster is scaled down (I know this is also about the index configuration itself) or stopped, and I want to restart later (or scale up) with the same data.
The thing is that Marathon decides where (on which Mesos Slave) the nodes are run, so from my point of view it's not predictable if the all data is available to the "new" nodes upon restart when I try to persist the data to the Docker hosts via Docker volumes.
The only things that comes to my mind are:
Using a distributed file system like HDFS or NFS, with mounted volumes either on the Docker host or the Docker images themselves. Still, that would leave the question how to load all data during the new cluster startup if the "old" cluster had for example 8 nodes, and the new one only has 4.
Using the Snapshot API of Elasticsearch to save to a common drive somewhere in the network. I assume that this will have performance penalties...
Are there any other way to approach this? Are there any recommendations? Unfortunately, I didn't find a good resource about this kind of topic. Thanks a lot in advance.
Elasticsearch and NFS are not the best of pals ;-). You don't want to run your cluster on NFS, it's much too slow and Elasticsearch works better when the speed of the storage is better. If you introduce the network in this equation you'll get into trouble. I have no idea about Docker or Mesos. But for sure I recommend against NFS. Use snapshot/restore.
The first snapshot will take some time, but the rest of the snapshots should take less space and less time. Also, note that "incremental" means incremental at file level, not document level.
The snapshot itself needs all the nodes that have the primaries of the indices you want snapshoted. And those nodes all need access to the common location (the repository) so that they can write to. This common access to the same location usually is not that obvious, that's why I'm mentioning it.
The best way to run Elasticsearch on Mesos is to use a specialized Mesos framework. The first effort is this area is There is a more recent project, which is, AFAIK, currently under development: I don't know what is the status, but you may want to give it a try.
