I have a result coming back from a LINQ statement that looks like this:
Id dataId dataVal
A 1 1000
A 2 2000
A 3 3000
A 3 3001
A 3 3002
What I'd like is to just get the 1st item (dataId = 3 and dataVal = 3000)
Here is my query that is generating the above result:
var myIds = myList
.Where(a => ListIds.Contains(a.dataId))
.Select(x=> new
Id = x.Id,
DataId = x.dataId,
DataValue = x.DataValue
Do I need to do some grouping or is there an easier way?
Group your items by dataId, and then select first item from each group:
var myIds = (from a in myList
where ListIds.Contains(a.dataId)
group a by a.dataId into g
let firstA = g.OrderBy(x => x.DataValue).First()
select new {
Id = firstA.Id,
DataId = g.Key,
DataValue = firstA.DataValue
Or with extension methods (it returns first item in original order):
var myIds = myList
.Where(a => ListIds.Contains(a.dataId))
.GroupBy(a => a.dataId)
.Select(g => new
Id = g.First().Id,
DataId = g.Key,
DataValue = g.First().DataValue
Use .FirstOrDefault() after the Select
var myIds = myList
.Where(a => ListIds.Contains(a.dataId))
.Select(x=> new
Id = x.Id,
DataId = x.dataId,
DataValue = x.DataValue
Attempting to return the below 2 lists into something I can then query against.
var people = (from c in _context.FollowingPeople
select new Models.Following.FollowingModel
Id = c.Id,
MediaTypeId = c.MediaTypeId,
Title = c.Title,
ClientId = c.ClientId,
Person = (from p in _context.SocialMediaPeople
where p.Id == c.SocialMediaId
select new Models.SocialMediaPeople
Id = p.Id,
Photo = p.Photo
var generic = (from c in _context.FollowingGeneric
select new Models.Following.FollowingModel
Id = c.Id,
MediaTypeId = c.MediaTypeId,
Title = c.Title,
ClientId = c.ClientId,
Person = null
var temp = people.Concat(generic).ToList();
//var data = temp.AsQueryable();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter))
data = data.Where(filter);
data = data.Where(x => x.ClientId == ClientId);
return await data
.GetPaged(page, pageSize);
I have tried join, concat, even Zip but it results in various errors such as
(Unable to translate set operation after client projection has been applied. Consider moving the set operation before the last 'Select' call.)
So I finally got this working, the trick is to not perform any queries on the data until AFTER the concat. Th below works...
var queryA =
from c in _context.Set<FollowingPeople>()
select new Models.Following.FollowingModel
Id = c.Id,
MediaTypeId = c.MediaTypeId,
Title = c.Title,
ClientId = c.ClientId
var queryB =
from c in _context.Set<FollowingGeneric>()
select new Models.Following.FollowingModel
Id = c.Id,
MediaTypeId = c.MediaTypeId,
Title = c.Title,
ClientId = c.ClientId
var queryC =
from c in _context.Set<FollowingPublication>()
select new Models.Following.FollowingModel
Id = c.Id,
MediaTypeId = c.MediaTypeId,
Title = c.Title,
ClientId = c.ClientId
var data = (from v in queryA.Union(queryB).Union(queryC)
select new Models.Following.FollowingModel
Id = v.Id,
MediaTypeId = v.MediaTypeId,
Title = v.Title,
ClientId = v.ClientId,
data = data.Where(x => x.ClientId == ClientId);
return await data.GetPaged(page, pageSize);
As far as I know, there is not a way to select information from the output of a Single statement. It means it is not possible to write like this:
var playerIdName = context.Players
.Single(p => p.ID == playerID)
.Select(p => new
ID = p.ID,
Name = p.Name + " " + p.LastName,
Instead, you can write in this two ways:
var playerIdName = context.Players
.Select(p => new
ID = p.ID,
Name = p.Name + " " + p.LastName,
.Single(p => p.ID == playerID);
var playerIdName = context.Players
.Where(p => p.ID == playerID)
.Select(p => new
ID = p.ID,
Name = p.Name + " " + p.LastName,
}).Single(p => p.ID == playerID);
but both of them seem tremendously unefficient. Any suggestion of what is the efficiency of this two statements and what is the better way to get information from a selected item apart to make two different statements like:
var player = context.Players
.Single(p => p.ID == playerID);
var playerIdName = new
ID = player .ID,
Name = player .Name + " " + player .LastName,
How about:
var playerIdName = context.Players
.Where(p => p.ID == playerID)
.Select(p => new
ID = p.ID,
Name = p.Name + " " + p.LastName,
Take(1) will get the first object that matches the filter in the Where(), Select() projects it, and Single() then executes the whole set.
The iterator in Where() will only iterate until it finds the first match.
I did not test if EF is able to convert this to SQL.
How can I make the expression add a counter (ID) that is 1,2,3,4 etc... ? I just want to have some unqiue key to identify the data
var query = data.Select(x =>
new DemoItemV1
Id = x.Field<double>("ID"),
AreaId = x.Field<int>("1Area ID"),
CategoryTitle = x.Field<string>("2Table Title")
I don't think you can do this purely in a Linq-to-Sql or Linq-to-Entities query. But, since you're already materializing it to a list, you can do this:
var query = data.Select(x =>
new DemoItemV1
AreaId = x.Field<int>("1Area ID"),
CategoryTitle = x.Field<string>("2Table Title")
.Select((x, i) => { x.ID = i + 1; return x })
I have the following schema:
ID int
ID int
Table1ID int
Datetime datetime
ID int
Table2ID int
Name varchar(255)
All columns are not null. How do I write the following SQL query in LINQ using lambda expressions?
select Table1.*
from Table2
inner join (
select Table1ID, max(Datetime) as Datetime
from Table2
group by Table1ID
) a on Table2.Table1ID = a.Table1ID and Table2.Datetime = a.Datetime
inner join Table3 on Table2.ID = Table3.Table2ID
inner join Table1 on Table1.ID = Table2.Table1ID
where Name = 'me'
I am using LINQ to EF. I have tried
var myEntities = new MyEntities();
var a = myEntities.Table2.Select(x => new { x.Id, x.Datetime }).GroupBy(x => x.Id).Select(x => new { Id = x.Key, Datetime = x.Max(y => y.Datetime) });
var b = myEntities.Table2.Join(a.ToList(), x => new { Id = x.Table1Id, x.Datetime }, y => new { y.Id, y.Datetime }, (x, y) => x.Id);
return myEntities.Table3.Where(x => x.Name == "me" && b.Contains(x.Table2Id)).Select(x => x.Table2.Table1).ToList();
but it comes back with
System.NotSupportedException: Unable to create a constant value of type 'Anonymous type'. Only primitive types ('such as Int32, String, and Guid') are supported in this context.
highlighting the last line above. The stack trace shows it is ToList() throwing this exception.
I figured it out; it was that
var b = myEntities.Table2.Join(a.ToList(),
should be
var b = myEntities.Table2.Join(a,
Also, the query should be
var myEntities = new MyEntities();
var a = myEntities.Table2.Select(x => new { x.Table1Id, x.Datetime }).GroupBy(x => x.Table1Id).Select(x => new { Table1Id = x.Key, Datetime = x.Max(y => y.Datetime) });
var b = myEntities.Table2.Join(a, x => new { x.Table1Id, x.Datetime }, y => new { y.Table1Id, y.Datetime }, (x, y) => x);
return b.Join(myEntities.Table3, x => x.Id, y => y.Table2Id, (x, y) => new { x.Table1, y.Name }).Where(x => x.Name == "me").Select(x => x.Table1).ToList();
I have a Batch with BatchItems entered by multiple users. I'm trying to not only get the subtotal per user for a single batch, but also grand total for that same batch regardless of the user grouping. Its this last part that I can't figure out. How might I get that total in order to return it as a list?
from b in context.BatchItem
where b.BatchId == batchId
group b by b.CreatedByUser into g
select new
BatchName = g.FirstOrDefault<BatchItem>().Batch.Name,
User = g.Key,
UserBatchCount = g.Count<BatchItem>(),
// something like this is what I can't figure out
TotalBatchCount = b.Count<BatchItem>()
Not sure, but try this:
from b in context.BatchItem
let cnt = context.BatchItem.Count()
b.BatchId == batchId
group b by b.CreatedByUser into g
select new
BatchName = g.FirstOrDefault<BatchItem>().Batch.Name,
User = g.Key,
UserBatchCount = g.Count<BatchItem>(),
// something like this is what I can't figure out
TotalBatchCount = cnt
var batch1 = new { Name = "Batch A", BatchId = 1, CreatedByUser = "David" };
var batch2 = new { Name = "Batch A", BatchId = 1, CreatedByUser = "Mike" };
var batch3 = new { Name = "Batch B", BatchId = 2, CreatedByUser = "Cathy" };
var batch4 = new { Name = "Batch B", BatchId = 2, CreatedByUser = "Cathy" };
var batch5 = new { Name = "Batch B", BatchId = 2, CreatedByUser = "David" };
var batch6 = new { Name = "Batch C", BatchId = 3, CreatedByUser = "Henry" };
var batchItem = new[] { batch1, batch2, batch3, batch4, batch5, batch6 }.ToList();
var result =
batchItem.Where(b => b.BatchId == batchId)
.GroupBy(b => b.BatchId, b => b)
.SelectMany(g =>
g.GroupBy(c => c.CreatedByUser, c => c)
.SelectMany(sg =>
sg.Select(c => new
BatchName = g.First().Name,
UserName = c.CreatedByUser,
UserBatchCount = sg.Count(),
TotalBatchCount = g.Count()
Audit Log: Removed previous two code blocks.