Telerik MVC Grid paging Querystring Parameters -

I'm using Telerik MVC controls heavily, specifically the Grid and Tab strip. On a "Customer Edit" screen, I have a tab strip such as the following:
.Items(tabs =>
tabs.Add().Text("Phone / Email").Content(PhoneNumbers().ToHtmlString());
tabs.Add().Text("Card Numbers").Content(CardNumbers().ToHtmlString());
tabs.Add().Text("Account Info").Content(AccountInfo().ToHtmlString());
In the "Transactions" tab, I have a Grid which right now is using AJAX binding:
.DataBinding(bind => bind.Ajax().Select("AccountTransactionBinding", "Accounts", new { customerId = Model.CustomerId }))
.Columns(cols =>
cols.Bound(x => x.TransactionDate).Format("{0:d}").Title("Date").Width("10%");
cols.Bound(x => x.Outlet.Name).Title("Outlet").Width("15%");
cols.Bound(x => x.CheckNumber).Title("Check/Folio").Width("15%");
cols.Bound(x => x.Type.Name).Title("Type").Width("15%");
cols.Bound(x => x.CardNumber).Width("15%");
cols.Bound(x => x.AmountSpent).Format("{0:c2}").Width("15%");
cols.Bound(x => x.BasePoints).Title("Points").Width("15%");
.Pageable(paging => paging.PageSize(15))
.Sortable(sort => sort.OrderBy(ob => ob.Add(x => x.TransactionDate).Descending()))
Unfortunately, I need to add some additional items to the grid which will not let me do in AJAX binding. I can easily change this to a server binding, but then my issue is with paging. This grid could have hundreds or thousands of items, so it needs paging. If I just use paging the "regular" way, it works, but it defaults to the first tab on every page load.
Now the background is out of the way, question:
Is there any way to "append" a QueryString parameter to the paging URL?

If you still have problems with this, you can get the GridCommand parameter in the backend binding, here's some code that can help to do it :
[GridAction(EnableCustomBinding = true)]
public virtual ActionResult ListCompanyAjax(GenericSearchModel searchModel, GridCommand command)
var data = _searchService.SearchCompany(searchModel);
if (searchModel != null &&
data = data.ToList().OrderByDescending(x => x.GetPower(searchModel.Text)).AsQueryable();
else if(command.SortDescriptors.Count == 0)
command.SortDescriptors.Add(new SortDescriptor{Member = "Name", SortDirection = ListSortDirection.Ascending});
var results = data
.Select(x => new CompanyForListingModel
Id = x.Id,
Name = x.Name,
IsActive = x.IsActive,
IsNotActive = !x.IsActive,
Class = x.Type.Name
return View(results);


How can I add Sum from another Table in my Model?

So I have my View setup like this in the controller:
public ActionResult View(Guid projectID)
OnboardModel model = context.onboard_projectInfos.Where(x => x.projectID == projectID).Select(x =>
new OnboardModel()
propertymanagername = x.propertymanagername,
propertymanagercontactemail = x.propertymanagercontactemail,
date_modified = (DateTime)x.date_modified,
projectmanagercontactnumber = x.projectmanagercontactnumber,
Developer = x.onboard_projectCreate.Developer,
status1 = x.onboard_projectCreate.status1,
ProjectName = x.onboard_projectCreate.ProjectName
var pix = projectID.ToString();
context.onboard_BuildingInfos.Where(x => x.buildprojectID == pix).GroupBy(x => x.buildprojectID).Select(g => {
model.totalres = g.Sum(b => b.numberofres);
model.totalcom = g.Sum(b => b.numberofcommer);
return View(model);
Problem is grabbing the sum of numberofres and numberofcommer from BuildingInfos.
Using .Select gives me the error:
Error CS0411 The type arguments for method 'Queryable.Select(IQueryable, Expression>)' cannot be inferred from the usage. Try specifying the type arguments explicitly.
How to I write this LINQ statement correctly?
You cannot modify an object within a select (you can only create a new object). Further, you can't add new properties to an existing object.
We'll assume that OnboardModel defines the totalres and totalcom properties.
var query = context.onboard_BuildingInfos
.Where(x => x.buildprojectID == pix)
.GroupBy(x => x.buildprojectID);
foreach(var g in query)
model.totalres = g.Sum(b => b.numberofres);
model.totalcom = g.Sum(b => b.numberofcommer);

How to delay ReactiveCommand.CreateFromTask first execution

I have an App made with Xamarin.Forms and ReactiveUI.
Picture a View in this App where you have a kind of dropdown (actually a button that push another view where the user can filter and select one option) and when this "dropdown" is changed, I need to reload a list based on its value.
This "dropdown" won't start with some value, I need to make a async request, grab a value and then update the view.
The problem is, when I'm creating the command to load the documents:
LoadAllDocuments = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromTask<string, IEnumerable<Document>>(_ => m_service.GetAllDocumentsByTodoListAsync(SelectedTodoList.Id), canLoadAll, m_scheduler);
I need the Id from the SelectedToDoList, but this will be null at this point.
There's any way to delay this first execution of a command? Or maybe there's a better workflow to solve this?
Here is a sniped on how I'm doing it right now. Let me know if more information is needed.
LoadAllDocuments = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromTask<string, IEnumerable<Document>>(_ => m_service.GetAllDocumentsByTodoListAsync(SelectedTodoList.Id), canLoadAll, m_scheduler);
ChangeToDoListCommand = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromTask<DocumentListViewModel, bool>(vm => this.PushPageFromCacheAsync<ToDoListViewModel>((model) => model.ParentViewModel = this));
this.WhenActivated((CompositeDisposable disposables) =>
SelectedItem = null;
var SelectedTodoListChanged =
.WhenAnyValue(x => x.SelectedTodoList)
.Throttle(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), RxApp.MainThreadScheduler)
.Where(x => x == null)
.Subscribe(async _ => SelectedTodoList = await viewService.GetMyToDoListByVaultAsync(RuntimeContext.Current.VaultId))
.Where(x => x != null)
.Subscribe(list => AddViewsToList(list.ToList()))
If I understand your question correctly, you need to ensure Id is not null before calling InvokeCommand:
.Where(x => x?.Id != null)
Perhaps a better option is to bake this knowledge into the command itself. Since InvokeCommand respects the execution window of the command (as of RxUI 7, that is), if your command's CanExecute is currently false then InvokeCommand will not actually invoke your command:
var canLoadAllDocuments = this
.WhenAnyValue(x => x.SelectedTodoList?.Id)
.Select(id => id != null);
LoadAllDocuments = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromTask<string, IEnumerable<Document>>(
_ => m_service.GetAllDocumentsByTodoListAsync(SelectedTodoList.Id), canLoadAll,
Now you can do this:

Replacing empty values with a default value in a Linq to Entities query

In the Linq to Entities query below I need to place a default value in the x.Number in the returned value if the query returns 0 OfficeTelephone objects. I have tried
x.Number??"555-1212" but that throws an error.
from c in Contacts
.Where(a => a.LastName.Contains("ANDUS")).Take(10)
select new
Id = c.Id,
OfficeTelephone = c.Telephones.Where(a=>a.TelephoneType.Name.Contains("Office")).Select(x => new { x.AreaCode, x.Number, x.TelephoneType, x.Primary })
I've tried something like:
from c in Contacts
.Where(a => a.LastName.Contains("ANDUS")).Take(10)
select new
Id = c.Id,
OfficeTelephone = c.Telephones
.Select(x => new { x.AreaCode, x.Number, x.TelephoneType, x.Primary })
But I'm not sure how to push a default object into the DefaultIFEmpty()
Use DefaultIfEmpty and pass a default instance with those value which you would want by default i.e. if no rows are returned.
try it like this:
.Select(x => new
Id = x.Id,
OfficeTelephone = x.Telephones
.Where(a=> a.Telephone.Name.Contains("Office"))
.Select(b=> new Telephone
.DefaultIfEmpty(new Telephone())
where I've assumed that typeof(x.Telephones) == typeof(List<Telephone>)

Linq select subquery

As the title states, I'm trying to perform a select subquery in Linq-To-SQL. Here's my situation:
I have a database view which returns the following fields:
Now I want to be able to store this in a model of mine which has the following properties
Characteristics (this is List which has Id, Name and Icon => Icon is byte[])
Here's the query I wrote which doesn't work:
var licensesWithCharacteristics =
.Where(x => x.SourceID == sourceId)
.Select(a => new LicenseWithCharacteristicsModel()
LicenseId = a.LicenseId,
LicenseName = a.LicenseName
,CharacteristicList = _vwAllLicensesWithAttributesAndSourceIdRepository.GetAll()
.Where(x => x.LicenseId == a.LicenseId)
.Select(c => new CharacteristicModel { Id = c.CharacteristicID, Name = c.CharacteristicName, Icon = c.Icon })
How would you solve this? I'm trying to do this in one query to keep my performance up, but I'm kind of stuck.
Your sample query and models are not that coherent (where does Icon come from, Characteristics or CharacteristicList), but anyway.
I do this in two parts, you can of course regroup this in one query.
I enumerate the result after the grouping, you may try to do without enumerating (all in linq to sql, but not sure it will work).
var groupedResult =
.Where(x => x.SourceID == sourceId)
.GroupBy(m => new {m.LicenseId, m.LicenseName})
var results = groupedResult.Select(group => new LicenseWithCharacteristicsModel {
LicenseId = group.Key.LicenseId,
LicenseName = group.Key.LicenseName,
Characteristics = group.Select(m=> new CharacteristicModel {
Id = m.CharacteristicId,
Name = m.CharacteristicName
in "single query"
.Where(x => x.SourceID == sourceId)
.GroupBy(m => new {m.LicenseId, m.LicenseName})
.Select(group =>
new LicenseWithCharacteristicsModel
LicenseId = group.Key.LicenseId,
LicenseName = group.Key.LicenseName,
Characteristics = group.Select(m =>
new CharacteristicModel
Id = m.CharacteristicId,
Name = m.CharacteristicName

How to get DropDownList text from selected value via Linq

I am quite new to MVC3, and developing a DropDownListFor which i need to get both value and text for display result purpose. Any ideas on this issue? Thanks!
In my controller:
ViewBag.vehicleSizes = totalGreenCalculator.GreenCalculator.getVehicleFuelEfficiency();
In my Model:
//Datatype: fuelEfficiency = double, vehicleSizes = string
public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> getVehicleFuelEfficiency()
var size = new[] {new vehicleSize {fuelEfficiency = 0.0, vehicleSizes = "Choose your vehicle size"},
//and so on
return size.Select(a => new SelectListItem() { Text = a.vehicleSizes, Value = a.fuelEfficiency.ToString() });
#Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.GreenCalculator.vehicleList[i].fuelEfficiency, (IEnumerable<SelectListItem>)ViewBag.vehicleSizes)
You can recieve IDictionary on controller. Dropdownlist name must match the name of the dictionary.
Your code looks fine. It will generate the dropdownlist from the given values. But it won't preselect the default option. That's because in the first argument you have used a complex expression. If you wanted to preselect some item you could do this:
x => x.GreenCalculator.vehicleList[i].fuelEfficiency,
new SelectList(
