Changing device web management port on Billion 7800NXL - installation

Does anyone know how (or even if it's possible) to change the port on a Billion BiPac 7800NXL?
I can't find anything about it in the documentation or web management.
I want to be able to forward port 80 through to a machine on my network, but it doesn't seem to allow me to do that.

It appears you can forward port 80 without having to change the management port, any external requests to the port are forwarded through and internal requests are redirected through to the web management.
A dyndns on the external IP always seems to redirect through to the correct machine, even from the internal network.


Ways to host a web server with ports bellow 1024 blocked (except 22)?

My provider is Ask4 and they only provide 1:1 NAT which opens ports 22 and all above 1024. No UPnP. However, I want to use ports 80 and 443 for a web server.
Is there a way without changing those ports to host a web server?
Can SSH Dynamic port forwarding or Proxies/Tunnelling software help me with this?
I want to avoid VPNs as they tend to be a slower solution. The more responsive the better.
For me, i looked into it further and after a couple of days found that a reverse proxy was the best.
It works by running on one server running apache, nginx, etc and then basically sending that traffic to the designated IP. You can also select a port!

How do I route all traffic to my EC2's ip address to a specific port?

I have a basic web application running on a port in an EC2 instance. I have also created an A record in Route53 which points a domain name that I own towards the ip address of the EC2 instance.
When I directly access ip-address:port, it works fine, but because the a record does not point towards that specific port, the website cannot be accessed through the domain name.
How do I specify a port that all requests to that ip address should be routed to?
port is referenced by protocol you are using.
if you use http you will connect to port 80. https uses 443, ftp 21, smtp 25 and there are many others (they are called default ports for service but they may use every other defined).
You are probably running application, listening on some different port (but using protocol http) and that's why you can reach it by entering http://ip-address:port
what you can do to reach it by entering only http://ip-address is to set it to listen on port 80 (you will need root privileges to do this) or set redirect from port 80 to your applications port (you can use pure port redirection using iptables or (better) reverse proxy software. It can be apache as mentioned in comment above, or nginx or haproxy or something else (you haven't specified operating system anyway - those are mainly for linux).
Hope that helps

Non Port 80 Web Server and Pretty URL's

This is a "Blocked Port 80" related question, but maybe something a bit unique. I've yet to find a good answer. It's more academic than anything as I know running a production server at your house is a ridiculous idea.
I'm running a development server (LAMP) at my home but my ISP blocks port 80. The DNS for my domain is set up to "URL Redirect" to my IP and port number. My router is port-forwarding to my server, and I have Apache set up so it's listening on port 8081.
The issue is that when you access the domain, the URL in the browser is resolved from my domain name to the IP and port number, and is displayed as such. For example, you type "" into the browser, the site is displayed but now the URL is shown as "12.23.456.11:8081".
Is there any way to fix this so that the domain name does not become IP and port number?
Can you use Apache proxy functionality somehow?
Could you use mod_rewrite to change the IP and port number back to the domain name?
Thanks in advance!
This question has three parts. First the issue of the domain: in order to substitute a domain name in place of an IP address you need some name server that can map your desired name to an address. This is at the host level and not the port level so a domain name will encompass all ports you might host from it. If you are using your home Internet connection (which I suspect you are since you talk about a blocked port) then you need to take into account that from time to time your public IP address can change. Your options are to pay for (or request) a static IP from your ISP or use a dynamic DNS service that can rapidly update their records as your IP address changes.
As for your port number. Mod_rewrite only handles the path part of a URL, for using different ports internally you want mod_proxy. The Apache web sever with mod_proxy would be configured to listen on the public port you want (that I assume is port 80) then mod_proxy would take incoming requests and send them to another web server on a different port (or even different server). To the outside user this happens invisibly. The problem is if your ISP wont let you host your site on port 80 then it logically won't let you proxy from port 80. To get around this would be a little harder. Personally I would look at a virtualized server from people like Rackspace or Linode. You would get (for relatively little money) a fully configurable server on the open Internet with no restrictions on port usage and a static IP. Even better if you mess something up you can just virtually delete your server and start over with a fresh OS image.
Finally the clean URLs your question title suggests. It's possible this wasn't part of your actual question but just in case, mod_rewrite is a smart module that can let you map clean URLs like /cars/Toyota/1997 and turn them into more ugly requests like /cars.php?make=Toyota&year=1997. Clean URLs not only look better they make it easier to reorganize web code behind the scenes as your web site evolves.
One last thing, and its amazing to me that this question has gone so long without even a comment about this but, this question is really not a good fit for StackOverflow. Possibly Good luck! :)

Routing traffic from a specific application

Is there a way I can route traffic from an application to a diferent ip, let's say for instance route Firefox's traffic to localhost, for instance?
I'm using windows.
There is a wide variety of proxifer, firewall and port forwarding software that allows you to redirect traffic by IP address, protocol, internal port, and external port through a range of different packages for windows.
However, the only one I have found that allows you to specify rules (other than block) at the application level for Windows is the trialware package 'Proxifer' by Initex software.

Setting up a server

One of my real weak points in programming is networking, so I admit that I may be a little over my head with this project. Please feel free to tell me if what I'm trying to do doesn't make any sense
What I am trying to do, basically, is run a program on my laptop (Node.JS, probably) that handles requests from a website, does some functions, and serves data back to a client running on the website. (Research tells me this is called an RPC server)
When you listen for requests in Node.JS, you specify a port and optionally an IP Address- localhost,, is what all the tutorials I've read have used, but that's not sufficient for what I'm trying to do
I've read that I'll need to set up a static IP Address? But I think those are relative to my LAN, so they'll be like 192.168.0.X. So then what would I specify for the IP for the server and the client? (I don't think the port particularly matters). Do I need a DNS?
I hope this makes sense, sorry for so many questions, thank you for your help
You can run a server on your local machine, and you will specify your local IP address for the script, like 192.168.0.x. But for this server to ever receive a connection, your client must connect to your external IP address. It is the IP address that you get from your Internet provider when you connect to Internet. If your external IP is static, i.e. it does not change, then you can use it in your client script. If the external IP changes, you must setup a DNS record that would resolve the name of your computer. DynDNS can be used for that purpose.
If you have a router, it must be setup so that it forwards connections to your laptop where the server runs. And your firewall must be configured to allow connections.
