C++ Builder 2009 - i18n - Quick Reports Exception - Class TQRPDFFilter not Found - When Change Format - windows-7

Using Win7, C++ Builder 2009 I have a project that I am able to compile and run without any issues when my region and language format is set to "English (United States)".
When I change the format to "Italian (Italy)", my program compiles then I get an exception that "Project .exe raised exception class EClassNotFound with message 'Class TQRPDFFilter not found'."
Nothing else changes in the program or paths, just the system change and I get this exception. I checked both the include and lib paths and they are setup correctly.

Its been a while since I asked this question. I'm following up, just as a reference. I believe the issue was based on the import paths our projects use. We have a "common" set of code which is shared between some projects. The common source has references to TQRPDFFilter where the specific project does not. By changing the path order, putting common at the least priority, I got past my problem. This does not answer the question as far as why it was blowing up with the different language, but might give some insight to others on how to get past it, if they come across similar setups.


Resource-related error condition in Windows Forms C++ application

I am working on a legacy Windows Forms application using VS 2008 under C++ and face a weird problem. The form uses an ImageList object, to which two bitmap images have been added. At run-time, I get the following error in Debug mode (in the Release mode, the application just doens't launch):
An unhandled exception of type 'System.Resources.MissingManifestResourceException' occurred in mscorlib.dll
Additional information: Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture or the neutral culture.
Make sure "MyApp.Form1.resources" was correctly embedded or linked into assembly "MyApp" at compile time,
or that all the satellite assemblies required are loadable and fully signed.
The crash occurs at the first line of this block:
this->imageList1->ImageStream = (__try_cast<System::Windows::Forms::ImageListStreamer* >(resources->GetObject(S"imageList1.ImageStream")));
this->imageList1->TransparentColor = System::Drawing::Color::Transparent;
this->imageList1->Images->SetKeyName(0, S"Nok32.png");
this->imageList1->Images->SetKeyName(1, S"Ok32.png");
This is pretty puzzling, because I copied the application from an existing one which works fine. I just changed the namespaces. And if I remove the two images from the list, the application works.
I found several posts on forums about this or similar problems, but none could really help me. I don't think that Visual Studio can be blamed. I tried with frameworks 2.0 and 3.0, to no avail. Fully comparing the sources of both applications, I can't see a significant difference.
Any hint ?
Solved: there was an old namespace left in the project file (.vcproj) !

sonarqube 4.5 has misidentified a cpp module as c - how can I fix it

I created a multi-module project with a single sonar-project.properties. Most of the project is in c but one module is c++. I left the sonar.language property blank and ran sonar-runner with analysis.
The project and modules were created in the database and everything looked OK but when I did a preview on the same code I had a large number of new issues on the c++ project.
On closer inspection I found that the module in sonarqube was all wrong - it consisted of only the header files (.h) and most of the issues were the use of C style comments. It seems that the module was identified as a C module so all the .cpp files were ignored. However, in the preview the language was identified correctly and issues were found in the .cpp files that were clearly not know to sonarqube.
I cannot find any place in the UI to change the language of a module nor can I figure out a way to force it after the fact in my sonar-project.profiles.
First, sonar.language is apparently deprecated, and second, using module.sonar.language=cpp caused an error:
Caused by: sonar.profile was set to 'DEFAULT_C' but didn't match any profile for any language. Please check your configuration.
DEFAULT_C is something that we use for projects generally but not the one I'm working on. I have different profiles set up for different languages via the UI, but if I cannot get the analysis to see the correct language it doesn't help me much.
Any one have any idea how I can force the language of a module after the fact?
Hmm. I considered just deleting this but if I had found an answer on stackoverflow it would have eased my pain a little.
Brute force works.
Just set the language and the profile you want for the moudle and ignore complaints about such things being deprecated. Chosing a language won't force the right profile even if you have set up an explicit profile for the language in the UI - so just state it in the sonar-project.properties file.
In my case:
Throw sonar-runner at that and it will beat the backend into shape.

vb6 user-defined type not defined error on full compile

I have some vb6 code I have not compiled in a long time. The last compile is in production. Now I get an error "User-defined type is not defined" when I do a full compile. I'm sure there is a reference missing. But there is no code that is hi-lighted. And I cannot seem to find what reference might be lost.
Any clues as to what I can do to find the missing reference would be very helpful.
I've had that happen before it drove me crazy!! But then I found this:
Occurs when compiling with binary compatibility on. The above solution suggests turning off binary compatibility and re-compiling - then missing reference will then be highlighted.
Other steps you can try:
Rather than turning off BC for everything look for ones that have
been recently changed
search C: drive and dev folder and delete any
*.oca files
also look in the vbp file for any oca references
You need to ensure that you have the appropriate items checked in the References dialog. This is outside the code and they are listed in the VBP file (text file).
EDIT Corrected reference storage. Thanks MarkJ
Make sure all of your object types are spelled right. A simple error like spelling Variant Varient can cause this error as well.
Are you still using the same machine in which the original compile was made and / or with the same OS
If the answer is no, then there is a chance that VB6 or its like linked to a reference which is no longer available in Win7 or later, this may also include the compiler if you are using a modern version of studio.
Since the code is also in VB6, if you are using any outside commercial controls, and again if not on the same machine, you would loose those links as well if you did not port over the library.

Lots of type errors in Visual Studio Error List -- until I build and then they are gone

I recently added a new project to my Visual Studio 2008 solution. Now, as I make edits in the new project, I receive a ton (~50) of type checking errors - indicating that an assembly reference may be missing. However, when I actually build the solution, the errors go away. As best I can tell, my dependencies are set and the build order is correct. What could be wrong?
It doesn't prevent me from building and deploying, but it's a major nuisance. It makes it hard to tell when I actually have introduced new errors (until I do compile). Thus, it erodes the usefulness of having the error window do static analysis.
Example, one of the 50 errors is this:
"The type of namespace name 'PersonManager' does not exist in the namespace 'Gideon' (are you missing an assembly reference?"
In reference to this line of code:
Gideon.PersonManager pm = new Gideon.PersonManager()
PersonManager is underlined in both places, and when I right click the type and selected 'find all references' I get an alert box that says "Cannot navigate to PersonManager"
However, the references are definitely there, because when I build, it works.
One other detail is that there is a mixture of C# and VB.net code, though I don't think that should make a difference.
Well, yes, the IntelliSense parser is not an exact replica of the C# compiler. It has a very different job to do, it needs to do something meaningful while the code is utterly broken since you are editing it. Tough assignment, they did a tremendous job with it. But as a side-effect, it can fail to parse things that are actually legal. It's quite rare but not unheard of, seen it myself a few times.
This won't go anywhere concrete until you at least give us some idea of what kind of errors you are seeing, along with a snippet of the code that generates them. You didn't do so, I can only recommend that you select another window so you don't have to look at them.
I had the same problem. I had a project in my solution that was causing the problem - I removed the project from the solution, then added a reference to that project in the main solution and the errors went away. Strange that it only happened on 1 machine. Opening the solution on another machine was fine...

VS2008 Unit Test Project bugs

I'm using VS 2008 Developer Edition and am finding some bugs with the Test Projects.
I am getting one error that doesn't make sense - I have a class called 'Foo' which I need to test and created the blank test class automatically.
Foo takes 3 paremeters in its constructor - IBar, IBaz, IBang.
When I write a test case, I will Dim foo as New Foo(bar,baz,bang), and I will sometimes get an error that says = 'Type IBang could not be implicitly converted to IBang'. This error does not make any sense.
Even more odd - if I switch to an instance of Foo_Accessor() instead, the error goes away. I've played with the references and then I can eventually fix the above error - but then I get the same error for my Foo_Accessor() class!
I clean, rebuild, and sometimes the error will go away - but then I get the error 'Foo_Accessor' is not defined. Now I go to the Foo class and do 'create accessor' again - again, it still gives the same error. So at this point I'm stuck and my solution won't compile, and the only thing I did was add a new test case through visual studio!
Has anyone seen these issues and could please help?
Also - I have tried everything, including instructions from MS such as - renaming the type, re-referencing the project / in different ways, unloading the projects, etc, etc.. still I wind up with either the 'ifoo cannot convert to ifoo' bug or Foo_Accessor is not defined bug... I'm about to just break down and give the damned property I have to check a ReadOnly accessor... !
It's hard to say for certain but it sounds like you have a problem with your references being setup incorrectly. What's likely happening here is that one of the references between your projects is setup as a DLL reference vs. a project reference. This can confuse the type system into thinking that Bang from the project and Bang from the DLL are actually different types.
I would delete all references between my projects. Then go add all of them back again being careful to select the project from the project tab of the add reference dialog vs. the Browse one. This should fix your problem.
Is this a multi-language project or just a single language project? I've found this type of problem is more likely to occur in a multi-language project but it's certainly happened in a single language one.
