How to use a method as an argument of another method when they have different types in java? - methods

I need to add a method inside this add(null) method but the method has a string argument like the following
private double mymethod(String writing) // This is the method which must replace
// the null value inside the add(null) method
but since it has a String argument this gives an error! what could i do in order to fix this problem?

From what you have I think that features is a Collection of Doubles - is that right?
And what you want to do is the following:
features.add(mymethod("some string"));
If thats the case I dont see the problem I'm afraid - where is the error being thrown?
Provided your mymethod returns a valid double I cant see what else would cause you a problem here.


NSThread: Selector not found

I'm a bit confused why my NSThread cannot be instantiated using a selector due to a runtime error
target does not implement selector (*** -[FileSearcher processFilesAsync:])
The function is defined like this
func processFilesAsync(#data: [String])
and the NSThread will be created this way:
NSThread(target: self, selector: "processFilesAsync:", object: itemsPerThread[i])
"itemsPerThread" is just a dictionary with a String-Array as values.
As far as I know this should work as the method I want to invoke defines an argument and the selector I pass into NSThread's init() method indicates that the target method expects exactly one argument.
I already tried using Swift's "Selector" type instead of only a string but this didn't work as well. I also tried to change the method's type from "[String]" to "AnyObject" which didn't work, too.
Does anybody have a clue what might be wrong?
All of the code above lies within the same class.
I'm using Xcode 6 Beta 5.
I figured out that is has to do something with the parameter. I implemented a dummy method without parameters and tried to set this as target and it worked. As soon as I modified it to use a parameter as well -> same as above.
Found it. All I had to do was to change the parameter's type from AnyObject to AnyObject?. It even works with specialised types (in my case [String]? instead of [String]).
Of course, because you can call it nil as parameter...

How to define #Value as optional

I have the following in a Spring bean:
private String value;
The value is correctly injected. However, the variable needs to be optional, it is passed in as a command line parameter (which is then added to the Spring context using a SimpleCommandLinePropertySource), and this argument will not always exist.
I have tried both the following in order to provide a default value:
but in each case, the default argument after the colon is injected even when there is an actual value - this appears override what Spring should inject.
What is the correct way to specify that #Value is not required?
What is the correct way to specify that #Value is not required?
Working on the assumption that by 'not required' you mean null then...
You have correctly noted that you can supply a default value to the right of a : character. Your example was #Value("${myValue:DEFAULT}").
You are not limited to plain strings as default values. You can use SPEL expressions, and a simple SPEL expression to return null is:
If you are using Java 8, you can take advantage of its java.util.Optional class.
You just have to declare the variable following this way:
private Optional<String> value;
Then, you can check whether the value is defined or not in a nicer way:
if (value.isPresent()) {
// do something cool
Hope it helps!
If you want to make the configuration property optional just pass an empty string like this:
I guess you are you using multiple context:property-placeholder/ declarations?
If so, this is a known issue since 2012, but not fixed, apparently due to both lack of interest and no clean way of fixing it. See for discussion and some ways to work around it. It's explained in an understandable way by

Spring Validation - BindingResult

I am trying to understand what BeanPropertyBindingResult does in the following code. Unfortunately, the javadoc is quite useless.
Please take a look at the following code:
BeanPropertyBindingResult errors = new BeanPropertyBindingResult(item, "item");
validator.validate(item, errors);
My questions are:
As far as I can see, BeanPropertyBindingResult is basically some kind of a Map that can contain key/value pairs of (field name, error text). Is this correct, or is the truth more complicated?
When I create a new BeanPropertyBindingResult, why do I need to provide it (as the constructor's first parameter) with the object I am going to validate? As far as I can see, in the second line above, validator.validate(item, errors); the validator gets the object anyway.. so why doing it twice?
The javadoc says about the constructor's second parameter:
objectName - the name of the target object
yes, but why do I need that name? What am I supposed/able to do with it...?
1) Yes, that is my understanding too, even if it is technically a list. -- The most importent part is List<ObjectError> errors defined in the superclass AbstractBindingResult.
2) Because it is demanded by the BindingResult Interface. -- I know this is not a good answer, but If this interfaces requires that method, then ther is no otherway to implement it BTW: I think I have seen some example before where the Autor used null for that field, but I am not 100% if it works correct, but most of the code seams to be able to handle the null value.
3) If you use that binding result for example in a jsp to show the error messages for different input fields, then this must match the model attribute name.
Assume you have a command object with a field name. And a JSP page where the input filed is associated to Then you need the name myCommand as some kind of prefix for the binding errors. -- It is hard to explain, I hope you understand what I mean

what does "generate method stub" mean in c#?

I'm trying to call a function, and VS gives me an error (red underline), and i have the option to "generate method stub". What is this?
The generate method stub will generate you a method which looks exactly like you've written it, with the same parameters. Probably are getting this error because you've misspelled the method or because it is in a different namespace.
It means that you're trying to call the function incorrectly; check to make sure you've spelled the method name correctly, and that you're passing it the proper number and types of arguments.
It means you typed a wrong signature, so VS assumes this method doesn't exist. By using the shortcut VS can help you create the method as a stub (i.e. the signature, then you have to fill out the implementation).
ahh I had
and a declaration of
void method(int tag)
so i fixed it with
i tried that before, but I forgot to put "toString", since I thought it was already an int... stupid little mistake. thx guys

How Does Queryable.OfType Work?

Important The question is not "What does Queryable.OfType do, it's "how does the code I see there accomplish that?"
Reflecting on Queryable.OfType, I see (after some cleanup):
public static IQueryable<TResult> OfType<TResult>(this IQueryable source)
return (IQueryable<TResult>)source.Provider.CreateQuery(
new Type[] { typeof(TResult) }) ,
new Expression[] { source.Expression }));
So let me see if I've got this straight:
Use reflection to grab a reference to the current method (OfType).
Make a new method, which is exactly the same, by using MakeGenericMethod to change the type parameter of the current method to, er, exactly the same thing.
The argument to that new method will be not source but source.Expression. Which isn't an IQueryable, but we'll be passing the whole thing to Expression.Call, so that's OK.
Call Expression.Call, passing null as method (weird?) instance and the cloned method as its arguments.
Pass that result to CreateQuery and cast the result, which seems like the sanest part of the whole thing.
Now the effect of this method is to return an expression which tells the provider to omit returning any values where the type is not equal to TResult or one of its subtypes. But I can't see how the steps above actually accomplish this. It seems to be creating an expression representing a method which returns IQueryable<TResult>, and making the body of that method simply the entire source expression, without ever looking at the type. Is it simply expected that an IQueryable provider will just silently not return any records not of the selected type?
So are the steps above incorrect in some way, or am I just not seeing how they result in the behavior observed at runtime?
It's not passing in null as the method - it's passing it in as the "target expression", i.e. what it's calling the method on. This is null because OfType is a static method, so it doesn't need a target.
The point of calling MakeGenericMethod is that GetCurrentMethod() returns the open version, i.e. OfType<> instead of OfType<YourType>.
Queryable.OfType itself isn't meant to contain any of the logic for omitting returning any values. That's up to the LINQ provider. The point of Queryable.OfType is to build up the expression tree to include the call to OfType, so that when the LINQ provider eventually has to convert it into its native format (e.g. SQL) it knows that OfType was called.
This is how Queryable works in general - basically it lets the provider see the whole query expression as an expression tree. That's all it's meant to do - when the provider is asked to translate this into real code, that's where the magic happens.
Queryable couldn't possibly do the work itself - it has no idea what sort of data store the provider represents. How could it come up with the semantics of OfType without knowing whether the data store was SQL, LDAP or something else? I agree it takes a while to get your head round though :)
