looking for a joomla function to display an article - joomla

I have got this function.
function onContentAfterDisplay( $article, &$params, $limitstart)
if(!is_home() && is_single){
return "<script src='http://widget.eya.com/sprk.1.0.2.js' type='text/javascript'></script>";
return '';
I want to return that tag only if there is a single article and nothing else. In wordpress I know it can be done with the function is_single... in joomla , I am not sure that there is. Is there a way to identify if there is a single article per page?

You can check for view condition that the view should be article.
function onContentAfterDisplay( $article, &$params, $limitstart)
$view= JRequest::getVar('view','');
return "<script src='http://widget.eya.com/sprk.1.0.2.js' type='text/javascript'></script>";
return '';


How to restrict user to add input duplicate data into database using codeigniter

I'd One text_box(txtname) & Add button in View . I've to restrict user to add already existing(duplicate) data in a database . after clicking on Add button. what changes should I've to do in Model & controller.
I tried to copy+ paste my model & controller code but due to some restrictions of website i'm not getting able to display code. please kindly suggest me what should I've to do ?
try this i hope it will help you.
first of all get data by textAddItem
//controller save data function
//get txtAdditem
$txtAddItem = $this->modelname->method_name($this->input->post('textAddItem'));
if (count($txtAddItem) > 0) {
//already existed
return $query=$this->db->insert('tbl_category',$data);
function method_name($textAddItem) {
return $this->db->where('cat_name', $textAddItem)
First, check the cat_name in the DB before inserting in the controller
public function function_name(){
$data = array('cat_name' => $name);
$if_exists = $this->CrudModel->check_category($data);
if($if_exists > 0){
//Already Exists
//New insertion
public function check_category($data){
return $this->db->get_where('tbl_cateogry', $data)->num_rows();
public function insertMenurecord()
$this->form_validation->set_rules('txtMenuItem', 'Menu','required|is_unique[tbl_menumaster.menu_name]');
if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE)
$this->session->set_flashdata('msg','&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Inserted record already exist');
$this->session->set_flashdata('msg','You have successfully Inserted record');

How to passing value from link in codeigniter

My link in view page
My controller
public function cari(){
//what i'm doing here ? please help ?
My model
function search_by_id($id){
$query = $this->db->where('id',$id);
$query = $this->db->get();
return $query->result();
How pass value from link to model and show the result to view again?
it's my first time using codeigniter, need some help
You have to pass argument into method:
public function cari($hasil_id){
if ((int)$hasil_id > 0)
$data['search_by_id'] = $this->Name_of_model->search_by_id($hasil_id);
$this->load->view('hasil_view', $data);//assuming page for item
redirect('not_good_id_method', 'refresh');//in case of not valid id
In your controller ,receive the value passed through link by uri class.And then pass it into your model.
Controller :
public function cari()
$id= $this->uri->segment(3);
Take a look on this.

Advanced control Auth::Check

if the columns in the table value of admin, I want to show the admin page, not water to another page
$type = array('type' =>'Admin');
if (Auth::check($type))
return view('admin.index');
return View::make('admin.auth.login');
You'll have to change your RedirectIfAuthenticated.php file. It's stored in /app/Http/Middleware. In the handle function you can check if the user has a specific value in the database and redirect to another page accordingly.
I solved the problem
public function showLogin()
if (Auth::check())
if (auth()->user()->type!='Admin')
return view('helperpage.admin-yetki');
return view('admin.index');
return View::make('admin.auth.login');

Why redirect show blank page in model laravel?

I'd like to ask why the following code works, redirects normally, and data is successfully inserted :
CategoriesController :
public function store()
$data = Input::all();
$category = new Term;
return Redirect::route('admin_posts_categories')->withSuccess('Category successfully added.');
return Redirect::route('admin_posts_categories')->withError('Failed to add category. #ErrorCode : 13');
Term model :
public function saveCategory($data){
$this->name = $data['name'];
$this->slug = $data['slug'];
$category_taxo = new TermTaxonomy;
$category_taxo->term_id = $this->lastCategoryId();
$category_taxo->taxonomy = 'category';
$category_taxo->description = $data['description'];
return true;
return false;
return "#Error Code : 4";
Where as the following only inserts the data but then shows a blank page and doesn't redirect :
CategoriesController :
public function store()
$data = Input::all();
$category = new Term;
Term Model
public function saveCategory($data){
$this->name = $data['name'];
$this->slug = $data['slug'];
$category_taxo = new TermTaxonomy;
$category_taxo->term_id = $this->lastCategoryId();
$category_taxo->taxonomy = 'category';
$category_taxo->description = $data['description'];
return redirect::route('admin_posts_categories')->withSuccess('Category successfully added.');
return redirect::route('admin_posts_categories')->withError('Failed to add category.');
return redirect::route('admin_posts_categories')->withError('#Error Code : 4.');
Moreover, I'd like to ask a few related questions, does my code conform to correct design patterns, and where should I put the redirect, in the model or in the controller ?
Try this for redirect:
1. return Redirect::back()->withSuccess('Category successfully added.');
2. return Redirect::to(URL::to('admin_posts_categories'))->withSuccess('Category successfully added.');
Add your redirect login inside Controller. Even if you want to put in model (which is not recommended) use Ardent Hook function i.e. afterSave().
First of all never put redirect logic in model. Models are for putting business logic. Second thing check whether you have created route for admin_posts_categories in route.php or not and how you are calling views. If possible post your route code in question.
I recommend not putting redirects in your model. So the first solution would be the best of the two you have.
But back to your problem. It is showing a blank page because your store function is not returning anything. return $category->saveCategory($data); but as previously stated this method is not best practise.
An excellent tip would be to have a look at Laracasts, this will teach you everything you knew, didn't know and more about Laravel.

codeigniter passing count_all_results to view

I'm using the count_all_results() function to return a user's number of languages spoken. But when I try to pass the number to the view, I keep getting a php undefined variable (for $lang_cnt). Below is my code:
function countLanguages($id) {
$this->db->where('user_id', $id)->from('languages');
return $this->db->count_all_results();
function showLangCount() {
$data['lang_cnt'] = $this->language_model->countLanguages($id);
$this->load->view('lang_view', $data);
<p>This user speaks <?php echo $lang_cnt; ?> languages.</p>
One problem is that your model function takes two arguments:
function countLanguages($id, $cnt_languages)
But when you call it you are only passing one argument:
And an even bigger problem, as Rocket points out, is that countLanguages doesn't return anything. Try this:
function countLanguages($id) {
$this->db->where('user_id', $id)->from('languages');
return $this->db->count_all_results();
Always check your model functions if they return value or not. Try this:
function showLangCount() {
$data['lang_cnt'] = $this->language_model->countLanguages($id);
$data['lang_cnt'] = NULL;
$this->load->view('lang_view', $data);
Its better to use:
return $query->num_rows();
to return the number of rows effected...
