how to enable popup-menu to communicate with WM_MENUCOMMAND instead of WM_COMMAND? - winapi

What I read is that the menu must have its MenuInfo.dwStyle flag set to MNS_NOTIFYBYPOS, what I did is:
memset(&MenuInfo,0, sizeof(MenuInfo));
MenuInfo.cbSize = sizeof(MenuInfo);
HMENU hPopupMenu = CreatePopupMenu();
GetMenuInfo(hPopupMenu, &MenuInfo);
MenuInfo.dwStyle |= MNS_NOTIFYBYPOS;
SetMenuInfo(hPopupMenu, &MenuInfo);
And next proceed with adding items:
InsertMenu(hPopupMenu, pos, MF_BYPOSITION, id , "do command");
Next track it:
TrackPopupMenu(hPopupMenu, TPM_CENTERALIGN | TPM_RETURNCMD, cursorPos.x, cursorPos.y, 0, hwnd, NULL);
But it has no effect, it compiles without error but the clicking event is till send as WM_COMMAND

You need to set the fMask member of the MENUINFO structure to tell the system which fields you want to set/get.
MenuInfo.fMask = MIM_STYLE;
GetMenuInfo(hPopupMenu, &MenuInfo);
MenuInfo.dwStyle |= MNS_NOTIFYBYPOS;
SetMenuInfo(hPopupMenu, &MenuInfo);
Also note that the docs say:
MNS_NOTIFYBYPOS is a menu header style and has no effect when applied
to individual sub menus.
So it is possible that it won't work for you anyway with a popup menu.


WINAPI, remove popup menu from menu

I would like to have dynamic menu in my application. This dynamic menu should contain popupmenus which will be added and removed on the fly. For the first approach I made dynamic menu created with single menu items.
AppendMenu(menu, MF_STRING, item_id, "TEST");
I have created algorithm which generate item_id and store them in array, so I could remove them by
DeleteMenu(menu, id_to_be_deleted, MF_BYCOMMAND);
I do not see any pitfalls of this implementation and I am happy with it. But then stuck with final implementation. I would like my menus would be popup menus.
new_popup_menu = CreatePopupMenu();
AppendMenu(new_popup_menu, MF_STRING, 1, "TEST1");
AppendMenu(new_popup_menu, MF_STRING, 2, "TEST2");
AppendMenu(new_popup_menu, MF_STRING, 3, "TEST3");
AppendMenu(menu, MF_STRING|MF_POPUP,
(UINT_PTR)new_popup_menu, "dynamic menu");
This code works as expected, but I have no idea how to remove "new_popup_menu" from "menu" since the "UINT_PTR uIDNewItem" parameter of AppendMenu now is used as handle to submenu, not ID and cannot be used with DeleteMenu+MF_BYCOMMAND.
Is there any way to remove this submenu item other then DeleteMenu+MF_BYPOSITION?
Is there a way to get menu item position by handle which is returned by CreatePopupMenu())?
I feel implementation algorithm of tracking which menu is on which position is pain in the ass. Since Windows has API to insert the menu after other specific menu, recreating whole menu tree is a waste of CPU time.
If you want to create a menu item that opens a submenu and has an ID then create it with InsertMenuItem(...) rather than AppendMenu(...). InsertMenuItem(...) lets you fill in a struct that specifies all of the properties you want to be set on the menu item you are creating, including ID and submenu. A lot of Win32 works this way: AppendMenu(...) is like a shorthand version for the more verbose version of the same function. When you run into situations in which you can't do something reasonable with a certain Win32 call, look for a synonymous call that takes a *INFO structure.
Code below:
HMENU menu_bar = GetMenu(hWnd);
HMENU new_menu = CreateMenu();
AppendMenu(menu_bar, MF_POPUP, (UINT_PTR)new_menu, "foobar");
AppendMenu(new_menu, MF_ENABLED | MF_STRING, 1002, "item1");
AppendMenu(new_menu, MF_ENABLED | MF_STRING, 1003, "item2");
HMENU dynamic_popup = CreatePopupMenu();
AppendMenu(dynamic_popup, MF_ENABLED | MF_STRING, 1004, "mumble");
AppendMenu(dynamic_popup, MF_ENABLED | MF_STRING, 1005, "quux");
// Below will add an item named "dynamic menu" to the end of new_menu
// that has an ID of 1006.
MENUITEMINFO mii = { 0 };
mii.cbSize = sizeof(mii);
mii.dwTypeData = (LPSTR)"dynamic menu";
mii.hSubMenu = dynamic_popup;
mii.wID = 1006;
InsertMenuItem(new_menu, 0, FALSE, &mii);
//DeleteMenu(new_menu, 1006, MF_BYCOMMAND);

Can't change tooltip coordinates MFC

I need to make tooltip a little bit right and lower to mouse cursor, but i can't do it in any way, tried different coordintaes but nothing seems to work. Where is the problem? Thank you.
// Add the new tooltip (if available)
if (m_LastToolTipRow!=-1 && m_LastToolTipRow!=-1)
// Not using CToolTipCtrl::AddTool() because it redirects the messages to CListCtrl parent
TOOLINFO ti = {0};
ti.cbSize = sizeof(TOOLINFO);
ti.uFlags = TTF_IDISHWND | TTF_TRANSPARENT; // Indicate that uId is handle to a control
ti.uId = (UINT_PTR)m_hWnd; // Handle to the control
ti.hwnd = m_hWnd; // Handle to window to receive the tooltip-messages
ti.hinst = AfxGetInstanceHandle();
m_OwnToolTipCtrl.SendMessage(TTM_ADDTOOL, 0, (LPARAM) (LPTOOLINFO) &ti);
m_OwnToolTipCtrl.SendMessage(TTM_TRACKPOSITION, 0, (LPARAM)MAKELPARAM(pt.x + 100, pt.y + 100));
m_OwnToolTipCtrl.SendMessage(TTM_TRACKACTIVATE, true, (LPARAM)&ti);
Indicates that the uId member is the window handle to the tool. If this flag is not set, uId is the tool's identifier.
According to this, the window with m_hWnd handle is the one that shows the tooltip and you can position the window itself. If you meant a tooltip separate to that window than there is a principal problem there.

Deactivating desktop background when a pop up is shown to user

I have a win32 application that runs full screen when started. The application has some button which invoke pop up dialogs.
Is there a way to make the entire desktop (except the pop up) go transparent black unless the pop up is dismissed by the user? what I am talking of is similar to windows 7 UAC pop ups and the background it causes.
Is it possible to do similar stuff for a full screened window app?
It is possible do this…sort of. Perhaps I should say, you can simulate this effect. It won't actually be like the UAC dialog, as the user will still be able to interact with other running applications. There is no such concept as "system modal" available to applications. That's by design, of course. But you can certainly show a "light box" that dims out the rest of the desktop and forces focus on your app's dialog box.
The way I would do it is to create a giant layered window that sits on top of all other windows and covers the entire screen, fill it with black, and set the opacity as desired. Then, before you show a modal dialog (either by calling the MessageBox function or using the DialogBox function to show one of your own custom dialogs), display your light box window. Finally, after the user dismisses the modal dialog, you will destroy the light box window.
Here's some sample code. Error checking is omitted for brevity. So is other good style, like wrapping this mess up in one or more classes.
INT_PTR ShowLightBoxedDialog(HINSTANCE hInstance,
LPCTSTR pDlgTemplate,
HWND hwndParent,
BYTE opacityLevel)
const TCHAR szLightBoxClass[] = TEXT("LightBoxWndClass");
// Register the light box window class.
static bool lightBoxRegistered = false;
if (!lightBoxRegistered)
wcex.cbSize = sizeof(wcex); = CS_NOCLOSE | CS_SAVEBITS;
wcex.lpfnWndProc = LightBoxWndProc;
wcex.cbClsExtra = 0;
wcex.cbWndExtra = 0;
wcex.hInstance = hInstance;
wcex.hIcon = NULL;
wcex.hIconSm = NULL;
wcex.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
wcex.hbrBackground = NULL;
wcex.lpszMenuName = NULL;
wcex.lpszClassName = szLightBoxClass;
lightBoxRegistered = true;
// Create and display the light box window.
HWND hwndLightBox = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_NOACTIVATE | WS_EX_LAYERED,
0, 0, 0, 0,
SetLayeredWindowAttributes(hwndLightBox, 0, opacityLevel, LWA_ALPHA);
// Display the modal dialog box (as you normally would).
// NOTE: The dialog box won't appear centered on the screen.
// For that, you will need to write centering code in response
// to the WM_INITDIALOG message in the dialog procedure.
INT_PTR result = DialogBox(hInstance, pDlgTemplate, hwndLightBox, pDlgProc);
// For demonstration purposes, I used the following code:
// INT_PTR result = MessageBox(hwndLightBox,
// TEXT("OH NOEZ!\n\nYour system is kaput! Abandon þe all hope."),
// NULL,
// Destroy the light box window.
// Return the result of the modal dialog box.
return result;
You'll notice that basically what I've done is created a wrapper around the DialogBox function, which you use whenever you want a dialog box with a "light box" effect. It takes all of the same parameters (the first 4), and then there's an additional one tacked on the end that allows you to specify the opacity level used for the "light box" effect. Something in the range of 150–200 is probably good. Naturally, you could pick something and hard-code it, but I suffer from severe allergies to hard-coded values. Anyway, it's super easy to call this function from anywhere:
ShowLightBoxedDialog(hInstance, /* your application instance */
MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_SAMPLE), /* your dialog template */
hWnd, /* parent window for dialog */
SampleWndProc, /* ptr to dialog procedure */
175); /* light box opacity level */
Because the code takes advantage of how modal dialogs already work in Windows, the user won't be able to interact with any other pieces of your application until they dismiss the dialog box. And because the "light box" window is positioned on top of everything else, it eats all mouse clicks and prevents setting focus to any other application. But it is trivial to work around using something like Alt+Tab.
So this is not a security feature! It is merely a visual effect!
And because it's just a silly visual effect, it's likely to be a frustrating one for your users. I don't actually recommend using it. But now you know how to do it. Wield such power responsibly, etc.

Creating a table using Win32 API

I've been searching the net for different things about the win32 API, but it seems all information on it is rather sparse.
I am looking to create a simple window that shows a list of items, however I want to display different columns of data for each item, in a table-style format, where the user could perhaps be allowed to resize the different column widths.
If at all possible, I'd like to also be able to change the background colors of different rows, in the code, between just a general white, red, yellow, or green.
And the user would also be allowed to right click different rows, and be able to call a function on them, or copy the data to the clipboard (but that part is a different story).
Now, I've found list-viewer objects(?) that can be placed in the window, buttons, and right-click menus... but I cannot figure out how to do a table, using the Win32 API. I haven't even really read up on background colors for anything other than the window itself, either.
Is there a different, better framework I should use for this, or are there some functions or items that I've been missing? All help or guidance on the idea would be appreciated...
I'm using MSVC++ to do... everything that I'm working on.
Using the windows API and the standard control ListView you can do a table using the style LVS_REPORT
documentation link - unfortunatelly with no code :( -
About List-View Controls
I've found this good article Windows Programmierung: List View
the explanation is in german language but a google translation together with the code should be enough to understand it. From the article, to create the window:
#include "commctrl.h"
hwndList = CreateWindow(WC_LISTVIEW, "",
10, 10, 300, 100,
hWnd, (HMENU)ID_LIST, hInst, 0);
then it is explained how to create the columns in the method
int CreateColumn(HWND hwndLV, int iCol, char *Text, int iWidth)
how to insert an item (one column)
int CreateItem(HWND hwndList, char *Text)
or insert item with two columns
int Create2ColItem(HWND hwndList, char *Text1, char *Text2)
Windows provides a fairly basic collection of built-in controls, listed here.
If you want something more sophisticated your options are:
Code it yourself. You have to paint it yourself, handle all the user-interaction, the scrolling, etc. This is a big job.
Find an existing implementation.
Abandon VC++ and use WinForms or WPF.
If you're stuck with VC++, The Grid Control and The Ultimate Grid are MFC-based.
If you're not using MFC there's BABYGRID or The Win32 SDK Data Grid.
If none of them suit, you'll have more luck searching for "grid" than "table".
For Listview examples, nothing beats the clarity of the Classic Sample!
In the meantime, Google Translate along with Unicode + tiny modifications to the rescue for #Alejadro's German link for the Listview- there's no direct translation on offer from search results as the page doesn't contain the appropriate meta tag. Snipped a little for brevity:
Subsequent changes of styles
The style of a ListView can be changed after creation. For this the functions GetWindowLong and SetWindowLong are used. About masks different styles can be defined.
Mask.................................Masked Styles:
For the following sequence, dwView contains the style to use, such as LVS_REPORT or LVS_ICON.
DWORD dwStyle = GetWindowLong(hwndLV, GWL_STYLE); // get current style
if ((dwStyle & LVS_TYPEMASK)! = dwView) // only on change
SetWindowLong(hwndLV, GWL_STYLE, (dwStyle & ~ LVS_TYPEMASK) | dwView); }
Control of the ListView control
Generating a list
A list view is created with the CreateWindow function. The window class uses the constant WC_LISTVIEW. To do this, the common control header file must be included.
#include "commctrl.h"
hwndList = CreateWindow(WC_LISTVIEW, "",
10, 10, 300, 100,
hWnd, (HMENU) ID_LIST, hInst, 0);
In the dialog, it is simply defined in the resource.
If there are unresolved externals, you should check whether the library for the Common Controls (comctl32.lib) is included.
Columns of the ListView
Before something can be inserted in a REPORT, the columns must be defined. A column is described by the structure LVCOLUMN. The following routine creates a column.
int CreateColumn(HWND hwndLV, int iCol, char * text, intwidth)
lvc.fmt = LVCFMT_LEFT; = iWidth;
lvc.pszText = text;
lvc.iSubItem = iCol;
return ListView_InsertColumn(hwndLV, iCol, & lvc);
The columns can be modified by messages to the ListView or by calling macros that will ultimately execute a SendMessage.
Message Macro call Function
LVM_INSERTCOLUMN ListView_InsertColumn(HWND, int, LVCOLUMN * ) Insert column
LVM_DELETECOLUMN ListView_DeleteColumn(HWND, int) Delete column
LVM_GETCOLUMN ListView_GetColumn(HWND, int, LVCOLUMN * ) Get properties of the column
LVM_SETCOLUMN ListView_SetColumn(HWND, int, LVCOLUMN * ) Change properties of the column
LVM_GETCOLUMNWIDTH ListView_GetColumnWidth(HWND, int) Determine column width
LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH ListView_SetColumnWidth(HWND, int, int) Set column width
Insert a line
An element of the ListView is described by the structure LVITEMW (see below). Each element can be represented as an ICON, SMALLICON, LIST element or as the left column of a REPORT line.
int CreateItem(HWND hwndList, wchar_t * text)
LVITEMW lvi = {0};
lvi.mask = LVIF_TEXT;
lvi.pszText = text;
return ListView_InsertItem(hwndList, & lvi);
The mask field determines which elements of the LVITEMW structure are really used. Since it often makes sense to keep a pointer to the memory object that holds the data behind the object, the lParam field is useful. In order for this to be used, LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_PARAM must be set as a mask.
The constants of mask and the fields that enable them:
The further columns of a report
The element itself is always left in the report view and is selectable. To fill more columns, a text is added to the item.
int Create2ColItem(HWND hwndList, wchar_t * Text1, wchar_t * Text2)
LVITEMW lvi = {0};
int Ret;
// Initialize LVITEMW members that are common to all items.
lvi.mask = LVIF_TEXT;
lvi.pszText = Text1;
Ret = ListView_InsertItem(hwndList, & lvi);
if (Ret >= 0)
ListView_SetItemText(hwndList, Ret, 1, Text2);
return Ret;
The above Create2ColItem is best demonstrated by something along the line of the following statements:
LVHwnd = Your_Create_LV_Routine();
if (LVHwnd)
CreateColumn(LVHwnd, 0, ptrColHeaderString1, iColSize1);
CreateColumn(LVHwnd, 1, ptrColHeaderString2, iColSize2);
Create2ColItem(LVHwnd, ptrItemText1, ptrItemText2);
The structure LVITEMW
The structure LVITEMW (in CommCtrl.h) describes an element of the ListView. The most important elements are briefly described here. First the definition:
typedef struct tagLVITEMW
UINT mask;
int iItem;
int iSubItem;
UINT state;
UINT stateMask;
LPWSTR pszText;
int cchTextMax;
int iImage;
LPARAM lParam;
#if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) //historical note for IE3 users!
int iIndent;
int iGroupId;
UINT cColumns; // tile view columns
PUINT puColumns;
int* piColFmt;
int iGroup; // readonly. only valid for owner data.
The LVM_GETITEMW and LVM_SETITEMW messages change the attributes of an element. As a parameter, you get a pointer to a LVITEMW structure next to the HWND of the ListView, which must be filled in advance.
The structural elements in detail:
Specifies which elements are used. A combination of the following flags is possible:
Index (0-based) of the item to which the structure relates.
Index (1-based) of the subitem to which the structure relates. 0 if the structure refers to an item instead of a subitem.
points to a null-terminated string. If the value is LPWSTR_TEXTCALLBACK, it is a callback item. If this changes, pszText must be set to LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK and the ListView informed by LVM_SETITEMW or LVM_SETITEMTEXT.
pszText must not be set to LPWSTR_TEXTCALLBACK if the ListView has the style LVS_SORTASCENDING or LVS_SORTDESCENDING.
Size of the buffer when the text is read.
Index of the icon of this element from the image list.
32-bit value that is specific to this element.
Actions with elements
LVM_INSERTITEM Insertion of an element
LVM_DELETEITEM Delete an element
LVM_DELETEALLITEMS Delete all elements
LVM_GETITEMW Read properties of the element
LVM_GETITEMTEXT Read text of the element
LVM_SETITEMTEXT Change to the text
Before inserting multiple items, an LVM_SETITEMCOUNT message will be sent to the ListView indicating how many items will ultimately be contained. This allows the ListView to optimize its memory allocation and release. How many elements a ListView contains can be determined with LVM_GETITEMCOUNT.
Editing selected elements
int Pos = -1;
Pos = ListView_GetNextItem(hwndList, Pos, LVNI_SELECTED);
while (Pos> = 0)
Item.iItem = Pos;
Item.iSubItem = 0;
ListView_GetItem(hwndList, & Item);
TuWasMitElement((Element Type * ) Item.lParam);
Pos = ListView_GetNextItem(hwndList, Pos, LVNI_SELECTED);
The ListView sends WM_NOTIFY messages to the parent window. The code can take the following values:
Message............ Description
LVN_BEGINDRAG.............Start a drag-and-drop action
LVN_BEGINRDRAG..........Start a drag-and-drop action with the right mouse button
LVN_BEGINLABELEDIT....Start editing a label
LVN_ENDLABELEDIT.......End edit of a label
LVN_DELETEITEM..........Reports that the item is deleted
LVN_DELETEALLITEMS..Reports that all items are deleted
LVN_COLUMNCLICK......Indicates that the user clicked in the header of a report display
LVN_GETDISPINFO.......The control requests information about the presentation from the parent window
LVN_SETDISPINFO.......The information of the parent window for the item must be renewed
LVN_INSERTITEM..........Indicates the insertion of an item
LVN_ITEMCHANGED.....Indicates that an item has been changed
LVN_ITEMCHANGING....Indicates the intended change of an item
LVN_KEYDOWN.............Key was pressed
Editing the labels
The list view must have been created using the LVS_EDITLABELS style. Then a label can already be clicked on and inputs are accepted. However, the input is discarded immediately afterwards. To allow changes in the label, you just need to catch the WM_NOTIFY and return TRUE. In order to access the entered text in between, access is made to the text of the item. The example shows the input in a message box.
switch (((LPNMHDR) lParam) -> code)
pItem = (NMLVDISPINFO) lParam;
MessageBox (hWnd, pItem-> item.pszText, "entry", MB_OK);
return TRUE;
If editing was aborted, the pszText element will be 0.
If you want to prevent editing, the message LVN_BEGINLABELEDIT is caught and returned TRUE. Here, too, the item can be accessed in the same way via lParam and thus, for example, a certain item group can be excluded.
Click on the column header in the ListView
switch (((LPNMHDR) lParam) -> code)
ColumnNr = ((LPNMLISTVIEW) lParam) -> iSubItem;
Selection Event
The LVN_ITEMACTIVATE event is sent when the user activates an item. As with the other ListView events, it achieves the window function as part of a WM_NOTIFY message.
switch (((LPNMHDR) lParam) -> code)
HWND hwndFrom = (HWND) ((LPNMHDR) lParam) -> hwndFrom;MarkedItemIndex =
ListView_GetNextItem(hwndFrom, -1, LVNI_SELECTED);
The LVM_GETSELECTEDCOUNT message can be used to determine how many items have been activated. The LVM_GETNEXTITEM message is sent with the LVNI_SELECTED attribute and all items have been edited.

Is it possible to remove/hide the open button from IFileDialog

I am trying to use the IFileOpenDialog to pick both files and folders (in multi-select mode) from the same dialog. I was able to add a custom button to the dialog and achieve what i want to do. Now i want to remove the default "Open" button from the dialog because its behavior is dependent on the order of selection. If a file is selected first and then a folder (multiselect), I get the OnFileOk event but if a user selects a folder first then a file, a click on the open button opens the first selected folder. Is there a way to remove or hide the Open button ??
My idea was to enumerate the child windows of IFileDialog and remove the child with caption "Open" and class "Button". I tried enumerating the child windows of IFileOpenDialog before doing the show, but I get only one child with class "Button" but its caption is "start". I cannot find a standard way of hiding the "Open" button. Please let me know if there is any other way of doing this.
Buke's method worked for me but you have to wait until the dialog controls are created. It seems like every time the dialog is created OnFolderChange() is called so I just added my hiding code there:
STDMETHODIMP FileDialogEventHandler::OnFolderChange(IFileDialog* fileDialog) {
IOleWindow *pWindow = NULL;
HRESULT hr = fileDialog->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARGS(&pWindow));
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
HWND hwndDialog;
hr = pWindow->GetWindow(&hwndDialog);
HWND openButton = GetDlgItem(hwndDialog, IDOK);
ShowWindow(openButton, SW_HIDE);
return S_OK;
If you know the dialog item number (You can find the button ID using Spyxx), you may be able to do something like this:
HWND hOpenButton = GetDlgItem( hDlg, itemID );
ShowWindow( hOpwnButton, SW_HIDE );
