Batoo JPA, Spring and JodaTime - spring

I've been checking out batoo JPA lately. I've managed to use it with Spring and it seems to work good with the standard JPA interface. Now I'm looking how to get JodaTime to get persisted transparently.
I know that I can write a converter but I was wondering if maybe guys from the batoo team done some work on this. I've cloned the source and grep-ed it through but with no luck.

Thank you for pointing out the issue.
As stated in the issue manager a snapshot has been released that should fix the issue.


Need and example using panache Reactive JPA

I found the quarkus-hibernate-reactive-panache extension but I couldn't find an example of it using Panache orm with reactive repositories (In my case I use postgresql). seems that works as I need (smallrye.mutiny.*), could anybody link me to an example?
Thanks in advace, and nice work on quarkus project.
UPDATE: A quickstart is now available on the Quarkus quickstarts development branch:
Old answer:
I've just created a new quickstart for Hibernate Reactive with Panache in Quarkus:
Hopefully, it will be included soon in the list of quickstarts, but you can have a look already if you want to play with it.

AspectJ dependency missing in spring boot 2.1.1

I was trying to create a new Spring Boot project using Searching for dependencies, I found that there was no AspectJ starter available. Has this dependency removed/deprecated from Spring Boot starters? Here is a screen shot:
I, however, was able to find the dependency on maven repositories website:
It was removed indeed. #jwenting explained in a nutshell why. This starer is required if you want to create your own aspect or if you want to use some advanced AOP mode.
Most users don't need it and whenever a library requires it, its starter brings it automatically. Having a dedicated entry was confusing as we saw a very large amount of users picking this up for no good reason.
Also, please keep in mind that is not an exhaustive list of what you can do with Spring. We're focusing on the getting started experience only and avoiding cases that could lead to confusion. This one is a good example of the latter.
it's an implicit dependency, meaning you don't have to include it because it's automatically pulled in by anything that needs it.
You can still add it explicitly, but there's no need to (and afaik it's never been needed).

How to report/fix Spring framework documentation issues

I found few typos/mistakes in Spring Boot reference guide.
Could you please suggest whom can I contact, or even better how to fix it myself (e.g via pull request if possible) ?
I checked spring GitHub repository but spring-boot-actuator-docs seems to have nothing to do with reference guide.
Thanks in advance.
Spring Boot is like any regular github project. It is located here:
If you want to fix the typos, create a pull request. You'll find all you need to know in our contributing page. The documentation is located in the spring-boot-docs module

Spring framework replacement for FlowAction

I recently inherited a very old code base (written in 2006) that uses the spring framework. Right now, the goal is to get it semi-functional, which I've almost done. However, there is some code I can't seem to fix that uses the class "FlowAction" from 'org.springframework.webflow.executor.struts.FlowAction'. This used to exist in the spring-webflow-1.0.6.jar, but no longer exists in 2.4.2.
Can anyone give me any hints for how to fix the following code using more recent spring framework code?
<action path="/secure/FRONT/enrollAction"
name="webflowActionForm" scope="request"
type="org.springframework.webflow.executor.struts.FlowAction" />
Please keep in mind that this is an attempt to get this very old code working so telling me it's impossible is fine, but please provide a good reason why (I'm no spring expert). I've googled and searched the spring code to no avail, but I'm hoping it's as simple as using a different library. Thanks for any input!
Based on the first comment below, struts is no longer supported. I am offering a bounty for someone who knows how to update this code. I assume an alternative exists, or was offered by the spring framework, for code that was using the old libraries. If anyone knows what that is, I would greatly appreciate it. I just need help on how I would update the specific block of code above and am happy to provide any further information needed.
we can use the following classes for getting struts functionality to your code

cassandra-jdbc and Ebean, can they work together?

Admitting I am not a Avaje Ebean expert or a JDBC expert either. I use play framework and Ebean in the "normal" use cases (H2 and mySQL basically) and they perform fine for me.
I found recently about the cassandra-jdbc driver project and was wondering if I could naively make them work together. So I tried and, once I turned off evolutions, I got a SQLFeatureNotSupportedException because cassandra-sql force autocommit always on.
I wanted to know if there is a way to make them work together since the driver claim to be Jdbc compliant and Ebean should be able to work with that. Is there something in the way Ebean use the drivers that make this impossible?
Although the cassandra-jdbc driver is jdbc complient, at the moment its not possible to use cassandra as the backend for your playframwork #Models.
There are a few projects trying to implement support for NoSql, although not explicitly cassandra, in the play framework, have a look at siena.
Also this SO question might be a useful reference.
