Call to undefined method JXMLElement::getElementByPath() - joomla

I tried to install ip filter module in joomla 2.5 .while installing i got the fatal error as
Call to undefined method JXMLElement::getElementByPath() in com_ipfilter\install\install.php on line 9
i cant find any help.
can any1 helpto solve this issue
Thanks in advance

Your component, com_ipfilter apparently is for an old version of Joomla, i.g. Joomla 1.5, and Joomla. So you have two options
Rewrite and old component to work with a new version of Joomla (need know PHP programming)
Just look for one alternative and do not use this extension.
If you want the second suggestion, look in special on these extensions


Call to undefined method JAdminCssMenu::load()

I have updated joomla version from 3.6.5 to 3.7 joomla latest version.
Now I am getting fatal error on site backend :
Fatal error: Call to undefined method JAdminCssMenu::load() in /public_html/administrator/modules/mod_menu/mod_menu.php on line 25
Can anyone please provide me solution to get it fixed.
The temp fix does work, (uncomment line 25). However I found it was a component that was causing the error, SP Page Builder, once uninstalled, all worked fine :D
I had the same issue but you don't need to uninstall SPPageBuilder, just go to, filter by Administrator modules and unpublish the one called "SP Page Builder Admin Menu".
I have also received the same error on a couple sites so far after updating. I added a php override to my htaccess file to bring the sites back online. I added the following to the rewrite section of my htaccess file:
php_value memory_limit 128M
This increases the memory to 128MB. Not the best way to fix the issue, but it works right now. I don't know if this issue is related to the 3.7 upgrade or not, but it's awfully coincidental that 2 of my sites, and now coming across this post happened after upgrading. I wonder if there is a bug in the new Joomla version, or if it requires more memory now.
This is faced by many who used JSN Poweradmin. You need to uninstall it to run your Joomla site or you can simply comment out or delete this line on line no 25
//$menu->load($params, $enabled);
in the file /administrator/modules/mod_menu/mod_menu.php.
I have replaced mod_menu complete Directory/Files with old one (3.6.5) and its working now.
If you are using JSN Poweradmin and you tried to install SP Page Builder, Just go to this directory:
and delete this folder: mod_sppagebuilder_admin_menu
Now Joomla Admin panel would work OK and also SP Page Builder component is ready to use.

500 - JHtmlBehavior::mootools not found when i upgrade joomla template 2.5 to 3.0

I have a gantry template for Joomla 2.5 and I converted this template to make it Joomla 3.0 compatible.
The Joomla 2.5 to 3.0 upgrade was successful, but template does not work, why? .
I get the following error:
500 - JHtmlBehavior::mootools not found
Somewhere in your template, you are using:
This has been removed as of Joomla 3 and therefore needs to be changed to:
Instead of trying to fix the extensions the following plugin can be used (and it will provide the JHtml::_('behavior.mootools') API call): J25 Legacy plugin for Joomla 3.X
I agree with denis post above. I had this same problem with upgrading from j2.5 to j3X and used j25 legacy plugin from pluginaria. Found here: and got rid of the error for me. There may be a better way.... Find and replace plugin to the change code? But this is a quick and easy way to solve this issue. Make sure to activate the plugin under plugin manager after you install.... and of course make sure you have a backup before upgrading from 2.5 to 3. You should expect their to be problems.

magento zend _pdf error

Fatal error: Declaration of Zend_Pdf_FileParserDataSource_File::__construct() must be compatible with Zend_Pdf_FileParserDataSource::__construct()
My php version is 5.4
I need to know if I upgrade my php version to 5.5.this error will get solved or not?
I am not sure about this error, but perhaps you are passing some parameter in __construct() function in your magento module function and parent abstract class doesn't accept any parameters.
Upgrading PHP won't fix it. This is a bug in Zend Framework that was fixed in version 1.12. I don't use Magento but as far as I can tell it ships with version 1.11.1 (which is around three years old).
Until Magento updates, your best option is probably to apply the fix to the copy of ZF in your Magento installation. All you need to do is comment out the constructor in lib/Zend/Pdf/FileParserDataSource.php, which is this line: You will have to re-apply this fix everytime you update Magento.

joomla 1.5, Fatal error: Class 'JModelList' not found

A joomla site is giving me this error:
Fatal error: Class 'JModelList' not found in /home/site/public_html/administrator/components/com_joomdoc/libraries/joomdoc/application/component/modellist.php on line 16
I only noticed it this morning when i tried the search, The last time i worked on the site was over a month ago (Installing , removing extentions, fixing errors ....) so i can't really figure out at wich point this error surfaced.
I read somewhere that The class JModelList is not used in Joomla 1.5 (what i'm using) .... i don't know how that could happen because i made sur that the extentions i'm using supported joomla 1.5 and i never made an upgrade.
Just in case, the line 16 of modellist.php is
class JoomDOCModelList extends JModelList { ...
thank you.
Like you said, JModelList is not part of Joomla 1.5, so your extension is not compatible to Joomla 1.5.
Joomla does not update anything itselfs. If you have not changed anything, someone else has.
JModelList is indeed not available in Joomla 1.5. It was introduced with Joomla 1.6.
Apparently the extension isn't compatible with Joomla 1.5 anymore in this case. You have to contact the developer of the extension to get more information or notify him of the bug.
But then, you should upgrade Joomla anyway. You're using an unsupported version.

class not found error in joomfish

I'm creating website using joomla 3.0. I'm using joomfish component for multi language website. Installation is done but if I'll try to open the joomfish control panel it show the error like
Fatal error: Class '' not found in
/var/www/muvacon/libraries/joomla/database/driver/mysql.php on line
I'm new to joomla please suggest any link to solve this issue. I have already searched many forum I did not get any solution.
JoomFish has not yet been released for Joomla 3.0, therefore you will most likely get errors such as the one you provided. It is only available for Joomla 1.5 and 2.5 at the moment. They have a beta version (2.5) which is available for club members, however I'm not sure if they have done any testing on Joomla 3.0 with it.
