Passing Variables through Nested Shell Scripts - shell

I have a simple loop in my Shell Script and want to be able to run another loop for each file in the directory...right now I am just asking for it to echo each file but I do want to do more with each file, but want to figure this out first...
for dir in "$#/"*
folder=$(basename "$dir")
if [ ! -d "$path$folder" ]; then
mkdir "$path$folder"
mkdir "$path$folder/mp4"
mkdir "$path$folder/mov"
mkdir "$path$folder/ogg"
mkdir "$path$folder/webm"
mkdir "$path$folder/img"
for file in "$dir/"*
echo $file
So essentially it is finding all the directories creating a folder structure for those folders, and now I need to go and process the movies in each of those folders...but I get an error when I try to do the second nested loop, what am I doing wrong?
Also it should be noted I am running this in Automator so it doesn't really give me an error, just says action failed

You will also have an issue with your first for loop. "$#/"* will expand to $1 $2 ... $n/*, not $1/* $2/* ... $n/*. You'll need
for dir in "$#"; do
for subdir in "$dir/"*; do
folder=$(basename "$subdir")
if [ ! -d "$path/$folder" ]; then
for ftype in mp4 mov ogg webm img; do
mkdir -p "$path/$folder/$ftype"
for file in "$subdir/"*
echo $file


Create new Directories with Bash Script

I'd like to create a script to run every hour (with crontab) to make a folder with the name of any file with the correct extension (minus the extension) and move that file into it. So the end result would be the script would execute, find every .mp4 file in /Directory, create a folder for each of them with the same name as the file (minus extension) in /Other/Directory, and move the file into the matching folder. I can understand not wanting to write something for someone for free, but if you could point me in the right direction, I would really appreciate it.
EDIT: Thanks to #Barmar for the help!
cd "/home/kali/Videos"
for FILE in *;do
bn=$(basename $FILE .mp4)
mkdir /home/kali/Videos/$bn;done
mv $bn.mp4 /home/kali/Videos/$bn
The script you would be looking for is as follows:
### This approach is best for handling filenames that might have spaces or scpecial characters.
ls |
while [ true ]
read FILE
if [ -z "${FILE}" ] ; then break ; fi
if [ -f "${FILE}" ]
bn=`basename "${FILE}" ".mp4" `
mkdir "${REPOSITORY}/$bn"
mv "${FILE}" "${REPOSITORY}/$bn"
( cd "${REPOSITORY}/$bn" ; extract_images "./${FILE}" )

Shellscript - Show error for specific argument when using mv

I'm currently writing code for a script to move files to a "dustbin".
As it stands - the code works fine but I want it to produce a message when a file has been moved correctly and a message when a specific file has failed to move/doesn't exist.
My code will accept multiple filenames for input, e.g.
# del test1.txt *.html testing.doc
# Successfully moved to Dustbin
However if only one of these does not exist it still produces an error message.
How do I do this but still allow it to accept arguments as seen in the above example?
My code is as follows:
mv -u "$#" /root/Dustbin 2>/dev/null
Sorry for what is probably an obvious question! I'm completely new to shellscript !
Many thanks
You would have to iterate over the arguments and try to move each one:
for path in "$#"; do
if mv -u "$path" /root/Dustbin 2>/dev/null; then
echo "Success"
printf 'Failed to move %s\n' "$path"
As a shorthand for iterating over the arguments you can omit in "$#" like
for path; do
if mv -u "$path" /root/Dustbin 2>/dev/null; then
echo "Success"
printf 'Failed to move %s\n' "$path"

Linux shell script to copy and rename multiple files

I have this snippet:
mkdir "$newfolder"
for folder in "$parent"/*; do
if [[ -d $folder ]]; then
for file in "$parent"/"$foldername"/*; do
cp "$file" "$newfolder"/"$newfilename"
I do need to turn it around in a way that the copied files would be named after the folder they are being moved to (e.g. moving to the /root/Case22 files would be renamed to case22_1.jpg, case22_2.docx, case22_3.JPG etc). The files would be copied from USB and both destination and source directries would be entered by the user. I have written everything else and it works apart from actual renaming and thought I could adapt this snippet.
p.s. the snippet is written by Jahid and found on stackoverflow
you can try something like this;
for file in $parent/Case22*; do
newfilename=$(printf "$filename"_"$a"."$extension")
mv -- "$file" "$newfilename"
let a=a+1
Thanks for the help. I have found the solution and thought I might post it here in case someone else will be looking at this.
As the title suggests I needed a Linux shell script to copy and rename multiple files keeping original directory tree (the file source and archive locations would be specified by the user of the script). Here is the code that I came up with after few days research of different sources (it includes a trap so only one instance of script would be running at a time):
lockdir=/var/tmp/mylock #directory for lock file creation
pidfile=/var/tmp/mylock/pid #directory to get the process ID number
if ( mkdir ${lockdir} ) 2> /dev/null; then #main argument to create lock file
echo $$ > $pidfile #if successful script will proceed, otherwise it will skip to the else part of the statement at the end of the script
trap 'rm -rf "$lockdir"; exit $?' INT TERM EXIT #trap to capture reasons of script termination and removal of the lock file so it could be launched again
#start of the main script body, part of successful "if" statement
# read entry_for_testing_only #request for user entry to keep script running and try to run another script instance
findir="$2/$(basename "$1")" #variable that defines final directory to which files from USB will be copied
if [ ! -d "$1" ]; then #testing if first directory entry is a valid directory’’
echo "$1" "is not a directory"
echo ""
if [ ! -d "$2" ]; then #testing if second entry is a valid directory
echo "archive directory non existant"
if [ -d "$findir" ] && [ "$(ls -A "$findir")" ]; then #testing if second entry directory contains the same name folders and if the folders are empty - to avoid file overwriting
echo "such folder already there and it's not empty"
if [ ! -d "$findir" ] ; then #last archive directory argument to create final archive directory
mkdir "$findir"
else true
rsync -a "$1"/ "$findir" #command to copy all files from the source to the archive retaining the directory tree
moved_files="$(find "$findir" -type f)" #variable that finds all files that have been copied to the archive directory
for file in $moved_files; do #start of the loop that renames copied files
counter="$((counter+1))" #incrementation variable
source_name="$(basename "$1")" #variable that captures the name of the source directory
new_name="$source_name"_"$counter" #variable that puts start of the file name and incrementation element together
if echo "$file" | grep "\." #argument that captures the extension of the file
extension="$(echo "$file" | cut -f2 -d. )"
full_name="$new_name"."$extension" #variable that defines the final new name of the file
dir="$(dirname "${file}")" #variable that captures the directorry address of currently looped file
mv "$file" "$dir/$full_name" #move command to rename currently looped file with the final new name
#end of the main script body, unsuccessful "if" statement continues here
echo "Another instance of this script is already running. PID: $(cat $pidfile)"

Bash: Creating subdirectories reading from a file

I have a file that contains some keywords and I intend to create subdirectories into the same directory of the same keyword using a bash script. Here is the code I am using but it doesn't seem to be working.
I don't know where I have gone wrong. Help me out
for i in `cat file.txt`
# if [[ ! -e $path/$i ]]; then
echo "creating" $i "directory"
mkdir $path/$i
# fi
grep $i file >> $path/$i/output.txt
echo "created the files in "$path/$TEMP/output.txt
You've gone wrong here, and you've gone wrong here.
while read i
echo "Creating $i directory"
mkdir "$path/$i"
grep "$i" file >> "$path/$i"/output.txt
done < file.txt
echo "created the files in $path/$TEMP/output.txt"
78mkdir will refuse to create a directory, if parts of it do not exist.
e.g. if there is no /foo/bar directory, then mkdir /foo/bar/baz will fail.
you can relax this a bit by using the -p flag, which will create parent directories if necessary (in the example, it might create /foo and /foo/bar).
you should also use quotes, in case your paths contain blanks.
mkdir -p "${path}/${i}"
finally, make sure that you are actually allowed to create directories in $path

Recursively copying a file into multiple directories, if a directory does not exist in Bash

so I need to copy the file /home/servers/template/craftbukkit.jar into every folder inside of /home/servers, Ex. /home/servers/server1, /home/servers/server2, etc.
But I only want to do it if /home/servers/whateverserveritiscurrentlyon/mods does not exsist. This is what I came up with and was wondering if it will work:
echo " Script to copy a file to all server directories, only if mods does not exist in that directory"
for i in /home/servers/*/; do
if [ ! -d "$i/mods" ]; then
cp -f /home/servers/template/craftbukkit.jar "$i"
echo " completed script ..."
Looks like it should work. To non-destructively test, change the cp -f ... line to say echo cp -f ... and review the output.
It could also be somewhat shortened, but it wouldn't affect efficiency much:
for i in /home/servers/*/
[[ -d "${i}/mods" ]] || cp -f /home/servers/template/craftbukkit.jar "${i}/."
