Location Services Coordinate System - windows-phone-7

Which coordinatesystem Windows Phone 7-device is using? If I fetch latitude and longitude with WP 7, are they equivalent to WGS84 and Mercator coordinates?

There are two parts here.. if you use built in GPS and ask for coordinates, they give you GeoPosition which exposes Latitude / Longitude etc
Bing Maps used with WP7 uses Mercator tile system
If you search msdn you will find various samples. Here's one that I modified a while back
http://invokeit.wordpress.com/2012/06/30/bing-mapcontrol-offline-tiles-solution-wpdev-wp7dev/ it contains many helpers.


Google Streetview Images without direction or camera angle

Is it possible to get the image based on an address using the API? I have seen that it is possible to get them via latitude, longitude (which I do have) direction and camera angle (which I do not have).
I made some research and found posts from several years ago, which stated it would not be possible - but technology evolves and I wanted to know if anyone has an idea how to get an image based on the address.
Theoretically Google would be able to do that; they know where the images has been taken and can calculate the direction to the address.
It actually is possible,
the nearest streetview panorama can be found via the API, and the heading to the actual position can be calculated.
As in this article:
Google Maps Api StreetView PanoramaOptions Point of View Setting from Lon Lat

what coordinate system is this and how to convert it to longitude latitudes?

I'm working with a coordinate system but I don't know what type of coordinate system is that.
Here is the part of the data set that I have.in 2nd and 3rd row shows the coordinate system.
Intersection Point Coordinate
N (X) E (Y)
384030.906 474784.247
384041.740 474892.294
384095.694 475203.524
These are real coordinates which were used in Sri Lanka and I want to map these coordinates in GIS map.(I'm making an android app to draw path according to the coordinates by using ArcGIS runtime sdk.)I need to find out what type of coordinate system is this and how to convert it in to longitude latitude? plz help me on this.thank you.
This might be in a Kalianpur (Indian Sub-continet) coordinate system with units in meters.
You can open a map and add a country boundary for Sri Lanka, such as this one: http://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=a842e359856a4365b1ddf8cc34fde079
zoom towards the locale, if known, and choose different coordinate systems under the Layers button > coordinate system. The choose the general tab and pick different units until the measurements look good.
You can create xy data using the following instructions: http://help.arcgis.com/en/arcgisdesktop/10.0/help/index.html#//00s50000001z000000
A quick and dirty approach is to move your cursor around and create points in a shapefile in an edit session.

How to calculate the driving distance between two points?

In my app I am getting the latitude , longitude co-ordinates of places using GeocodeService now I want to get distance between these places.
I've tried GetDistanceTo method to get the distance two location co-ordinates but it gives me stright distance.
How can I calculate driving distance between two locations?
thanks in advance
To calculate the driving distance you'll have to use the Bing Routes API (or Google, but I assume you're using Bing Maps).
There's an example of using the api to find a driving route between two places here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg636957.aspx
The general call is:
You'll have to register for a Bing Maps API key, and then replace location1 and location2 with the locations you like.
The distance should be returned in travelDistance in the json or xml

Getting route distance given two geo coordinates

I am creating a windows phone application which uses map control in it. I want to calculate the driving distance between two geo coordinates in windows phone? can any help on this please
You need to work through this example in MSDN Magazine http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/hh148148.aspx
It explains how to do the routing and get the distance property in the results.

How to color fill a country on a map outline

Is it possible in Bing or Nokia maps to display a blank map of the world where each country is only outlined by its border, and then fill some countries with a solid color? Thanks!
A recent blog post on developer.here.com announced that:
The Geocoder API now supports the retrieval of admin boundary shapes
(multi-polygon coordinates) with geocoding results. This feature is
available for all countries & territories - in line with the country's
depth of coverage.
The HERE Community Examples on GitHub offers a web-based example showing this. It is written in JavaScript but should give you the idea.
Make http request to the REST Geocoder service using the additionaldata=IncludeShapeLevel,[level], parameter
Parse Well-known-Text format (WKT) using a regular expression.
Take the coordinates and convert to Polygon
Now depending on your situation, on a phone you may prefer to offer offline only support - because you know the maps are available directly from the device, so if you know for sure which regions you require it would make sense to pre-load the shapes based on a KML or GeoJSON file. If you don't know beforehand, your app relies on http anyway (or the potential set of locations is arbitrarily large) you may as well just http use REST geocoding for the regions you need.
By the way, one advantage of the online solution - because the Bing and Nokia Maps both use the same dataset as HERE, you can be certain that any shapes you download will match exactly.
You can render arbitrary polygons on top of Bing maps, but there's no built in functionality to render regions like provinces, states, counties, etc. In order to highlight a region you would need to provide all the points of a polygon and overlay it over a region on the map. Here's a great article that discusses drawing "advanced" polygon shapes with version 7 of the Bing Maps AJAX control.
“Advanced Shapes” (i.e. Donut Polygons) on Bing Maps
A possible duplicate question in regards to Bing maps API
Bing map - highlight country with a polygon on hover
