Tools to visualize an HTML document tree (DOM tree) [closed] - graph-visualization

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to visualize the document structure of a HTML website.
What I would like to have is something like this:
Are there any known tools that do this and where the results can be saved as a bitmap file?

I use LaTeX to create the DOM representation.
Here is a minimal working example:
[.th [.\textit{Vorname} ] ]
[.th [.\textit{Nachname} ] ]
[.td [.\textit{Donald} ] ]
[.td [.\textit{Duck} ] ]
Which gives:

I've just tried using two libraries.
First I converted the dom to JSON using Jsonml
var jsonData = JsonML.fromHTMLText(htmlData);
Then used Json Editor or Json Viewer for visualizing it
View Samples in jsFiddle
Using Json Editor
Using Json Viewer
Hope this may help you.


Random codes writer [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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some years ago i found a site who writes radnom codes alone... so when you press on a key he displays random codes. the background was black and the codes green, pls help me, i really want to find it :(
i tried to search on google things like:
random code writer
code generator
and a lot of this examples
it looks like:
static string FromBase64(string str)
byte[] byteArray = Convert.FromBase64String(str);
using (var msIn = new MemoryStream(byteArray))
using (var msOut = new MemoryStream()) {
using (var ds = new DeflateStream(msIn, CompressionMode.Decompress)) {
return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(msOut.ToArray());
$selfClosing = explode
$html = '
I am not sure are you trying to find a code to make such a thing or you're just searching for something already created?
If you're looking for something already created you can take a look HERE

Visualize an OWL file with Gruff [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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How can I load an OWL file in Gruff? It's not clear in the tutorials. I have a file, camera.owl. I need to display this in Gruff and view a graph of it.
I found the answer to this question myself. You need to look under the file menu. File > Load Triples > RDF/XML > File .... Thank you.

Ruby program to retrieve OpenStreetMap data using OSM API [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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How can I retrieve data from OpenStreetMap (OSM) using the OSM API ( and Ruby? Is there any ruby gem available which serves my purpose? I have been searching for a good solution for my purpose but nothing served me exactly what I need.
As for example : Given the country name as input, I need to get the list of all streets of that country etc.
Any kind of link/code sample or starting point is fine. I can then explore more to find out what I need exactly. Thanks!
As the question as posed is off topic for Stack Overflow, I will answer the question of "How to find something I can use" rather than give any kind of recommendation on a tool itself.
I am not familiar with any gems for OpenStreetMap.
So I do this command from the terminal:
gem list --remote | grep street
And my terminal answers me with this:
openstreetmap (0.2.1)
And then I pull up my trusty browser, and open up and search for openstreetmap.
This produces a page that shows 30 results. In there, I see the mentioned gem, but also I see Rosemary which seems promising, as it is an "OpenStreetMap API client for ruby" and it was last updated only 4 months ago.
So, hopefully this helps in future searches. You have a lot of tools available to get started on your search to get to the point you are asking for in this question, so that you can get down to the business of doing what you need.
The main API you want to use is not suitable for such queries. It is mainly for editing and retrieving small amounts of map data within a small region. For larger queries better use the Overpass API which is much faster and also allows very complex query conditions if needed.
The Overpass API uses XML as input and serves either XML or JSON as output format. So it should be rather easy to use in any common scripting language.

EAN/GTIN Barcode Product Identifier - Barcode to Product Name [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Does anyone know of a good online API that can translate EAN/GTIN barcodes to the product name (and if possible anything extra such as category?)
I have been unable to find one that has a good success rate, below are some barcodes from items just scanned around my house (nothing rare or obscure)
Example barcodes:
try this:
here is the API link for it:
or this:
Both are in german but the language doesn't matter, EAN is EAN :).
try your barcodes there, maybe the database contains your EAN's.
This database seems even larger:
They also have a REST API.
Here is a comprehensive one from Norway:

Best Zip Code Plugin for Ruby [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I need to find the city and state from a zip code. Does anyone know a good plugin/API that I can use to do this?
gem install geokit
require 'geokit'
geo = GeoKit::Geocoders::MultiGeocoder.multi_geocoder('90210')
if geo.success
geo.state # => CA # => Beverly Hills
A more lightweight option is the Area gem.
require 'area'
'11211'.to_region #=> "Brooklyn, NY"
See Jason's answer. It works nicely.
The problem is that the USPS doesn't allow bulk downloads of their zip-code lists unless you pay for it. Google's API, which is used in the gem mentioned by Splashlin, no longer seems to support the city and state, instead it now returns the area code:
require 'open-uri'
require 'json'
json = JSON::parse(open('').read)
puts json
# >> {"name"=>"852581", "Status"=>{"code"=>602, "request"=>"geocode"}}
This page shows some ways you could roll your own. The sources of the data might not be current though:
