I have drawn a tree with CellTree using GWT 2.5, and when opening the node I want to change the image before the text in the cell. I tried do with ImageResource but don't worked because I don't want change the icon, just the image in the cell container, it is possible to do that in CellTree?
Example in the same node when is open and closed:
+ [image] A
- [new image] A
public void render(Cell.Context context, TreeNode value, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) {
if (value instanceof TreeNode) {
sb.appendHtmlConstant("<div><img src ='/bound.png' width=16 height=16><span class=\"treeElements\">");
sb.appendHtmlConstant(value.getName() + "</span></div>");
Any help is welcome!
There are two ways to solve it:
Check in the render method if the node is open (check the CellTreeNodeView class how to do it) and conditionally render the corresponding image.
Use the cellTreeOpenItem() obfuscated classname (it will get set on the Cell when you open it) and CSS selectors to change the image (but then you will probably use background image instead of an img element).
I have a quite complex scene graph which has led me to some resizing problems. I'd be glad if you could help me solve it.
My root node is a BorderPane that its center is filled with a ListView. Each cell of the ListView is filled with a customized zoomable ScrollPane as below:
public class ZoomableScrollPane extends ScrollPane {
Group zoomGroup;
Scale scaleTransform;
LineChart<Number , Number> content;
double scaleValue = 1.0;
double delta = 0.1;
public ZoomableScrollPane(LineChart<Number , Number> content, double height) {
this.content = content;
Group contentGroup = new Group();
zoomGroup = new Group();
scaleTransform = new Scale(scaleValue, scaleValue, 0, 0);
As you can see there is a LineChart inside of each ZoomableScrollPane. I want to do two things with this chart. Firstly, to somehow bind its width with the root layout to get the desired result in case of resizing the window (not zooming, zooming is OK), and secondly to change the chart's width at run time whenever a button is pressed:
public void handleButton(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
MainController.lineChart1.setPrefWidth(MainController.lineChart1.getPrefWidth() + CONSTANT);
The problem is that here I face a conflict. Cause the LineChart is the child of a Group (not a pane), I just know one way of resizability and that is to bind its width manually with the root BorderPane's like this:
And in that case, I cannot change the LineChart's width at run time and will get A bound value cannot be set Exception.
I guess one solution could be revising the ZoomableScrollPane class to somehow avoid the need of manual binding, but really have no idea how to do it.
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
You can detect if a property is bound and then unbind it before manipulating it:
if (content.prefWidthProperty().isBound()) {
Presumably when you are zoomed in on a chart and the window is resized the content will already be larger than the viewport, so a forced change in width shouldn't kick in until the window is resized beyond the zoomed in size of the chart?
Given the different conditions you have you might be better off monitoring the size of the BorderPane/ListView and when that changes adjust the size of the charts that need it.
I'm trying to display image files for the android layout of each screen.
I tried displaying the base menu picture file and image 2 and add them both into the screen. However, I seem to capture the base menu but not the 2nd image.
My function for getting the images, under class name "MyResource'
public function getImage(name:String):Image{
var img:Image = new Image(assetManager.getTexture(name));
return img;
My 'main menu' class. It has a bunch of buttons that will redirect it to selected the selected class containing the screens.
switch (btn.name)
case "genji":
trace("Genji voice menu was selected.");
The screen class that's supposed to display the 2nd image.
public class GenjiScreenClass extends Screens
public function GenjiScreenClass(app:StarlingBaseClass)
override public function initialize():void{
trace("I am in GenjiScreenClass initialize() function");
var img:Image = myResource.getImage("basemenu320x480");
var genjiImage:Image = myResource.getImage("GenjiMenuPicture")
The image files are all under asset/x1. The base menu image came out but how come the 2nd one didn't?
You add img last:
This means img is on top of genjiImage covering it up. Depending on the content and size of the images the above one might entirely hide the below one, which can lead to the impression that only the top one is being displayed.
Swap the order of these two statements to solve the problem.
I can't understand why I cannot change picture (background of field and image of imageview) from this method:
private void loginCheck(String loginText){
String login = loginText.trim();
if(login == null || login.equals("")) {
CSS code for logoTick is:
Everything besides -fx-image and -fx-background-image seems to work fine. I also changed background image in another class(of a label) and didn't encounter any problems. That's why I can't understand what can be possibly wrong. I checked images location and name everything seems correct. If I manually replace the image path in CSS it is working, but from the code images just disappear.
The paths in the CSS url(...) function are treated as relative paths; the location to which they are relative is different in a stylesheet and in an inline style. From the CSS documentation:
If the style appears in a stylesheet, the path is relative to the base
URI of the stylesheet. If the style appears in an inline style, the
path is relative to the root of the classpath.
Without knowing your project layout, it's not possible to give you the correct paths for the images, but that should be enough to figure it out.
Alternative Solution
An alternative solution is to define all the styles in CSS, and to manipulate the style class in the Java code to select the appropriate style. I like to use JavaFX 8 CSS PseudoClasses to do this:
.login-field:login-incorrect {
-fx-background-image: url('images/registration_login_wrong.png');
.login-field:login-correct {
.login_tick {
.login_tick:login-incorrect {
visibility: true ;
And then the Java code looks like:
private void loginCheck(String loginText){
String login = loginText.trim();
boolean loginIncorrect = (login == null || login.equals("") ;
PseudoClass loginIncorrectPsuedoClass = PseudoClass.getPseudoClass("login-incorrect");
PseudoClass loginCorrectPsuedoClass = PseudoClass.getPseudoClass("login-correct");
loginField.psuedoClassStateChanged(loginIncorrectPseudoClass, loginIncorrect);
loginField.pseudoClassStateChanged(loginCorrectPseudoClass, !loginIncorrect);
logoTick.psuedoClassStateChanged(loginIncorrectPseudoClass, loginIncorret);
The advantage of this approach is that all style information is stored in the CSS file; the Java code just changes the selector used for the UI elements.
I have a LWUIT form which contains a list, a number of items has been added to the list, items themselves are strings (I want to make them as statements).
My simple problem is that end user cannot see the whole statements(strings). I tried the below method but the scrolling won't move.
All of form.setScrollableY(true), form.setScrollabelX(true), and form.setScrollable(true).
This is the code
import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
import com.sun.lwuit.layouts.*;
import com.sun.lwuit.*;
public class HelloLWUITMidlet3 extends MIDlet
public void startApp()
final com.sun.lwuit.Form form = new com.sun.lwuit.Form("");
final com.sun.lwuit.List l = new com.sun.lwuit.List();
l.addItem("MY favourite Science is computer Sciences");
l.addItem("MY favourite computer Science subject is programming");
l.addItem("MY favourite programming language is java ");
form.show( );
public void pauseApp()
public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional)
First of all, scrolling horizontally back and forth to read content is
really bad UX. This answer will solve only the vertical scrolling issue.
The problem with your code is that you are adding a scrollable (List)
inside another scrollable
(Form). This leads to unexpected results, since it is
not clear which component should handle scrolling. This can be fixed by
using the BorderLayout in the form and placing the list at the center.
form.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
form.addComponent(BorderLayout.CENTER, l);
This will enable vertical scrolling, but the horizontal scrolling will not
Clarification about scrolling:
LWUIT's approach
to scrolling is based on Focus, which means that a Container scrolls
because the focused element is out of the screen. This has the consequence
that LWUIT does not support scrolling elements bigger than the screen and, thus,
that your List will not be scrollable horizontally. (Source:LWUIT mini FAQ )
The maximum element height is taken as the component height in a List. This
makes the List component adequate to show data that is "pre-formatted" in
a specific way, like contact lists of a folder's details list. If you
want to stack pieces of text of variable length, you should
use a Form with BoxLayoutY and put your text in various TextAreas.
void startApp() {
final Form form = new Form("Title");
addItem(form, "String..");
// as many times as you like
addItem(form, "String..");
form.setLayout(new BoxLayout(BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
void addItem(Form f, String s) {
TextArea t = new TextArea(s);
i would like to design a component that look like a switch that has 3 position. One neutral position, and upper switch position, when the user click on the upper half of the component and a lower switch position, when the user click the lower half of the component. When the mouse is released the switch go back to neutral position. I have got 3 switch images for these position. I was thinking using a Button then check if the mouse click coordinate is in the upper half or the lower half then set images accordingly. I am looking for any better suggestion, if possible with the use of css for the images (i don't know if it is possible though), or any other suggestion with the use of another component if it is more suitable. Thank you.
Here is what i did, it works...
final Button rstButton = new Button();
final Image rstNeutral = new Image(MyClass.class.getResourceAsStream("images/switch_neutral.png"));
final Image rstUp = new Image(MyClass.class.getResourceAsStream("images/switch_on.png"));
final Image rstDown = new Image(MyClass.class.getResourceAsStream("images/switch_off.png"));
final ImageView rstImage = new ImageView();
rstButton.setOnMousePressed(new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() {
public void handle(MouseEvent me) {
double mouseY = me.getY();
double buttonY = rstButton.getLayoutY();
double buttonHeight = rstButton.getHeight();
if(buttonY + mouseY > buttonY + (buttonHeight / 2)) {
} else {
rstButton.setOnMouseReleased(new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() {
public void handle(MouseEvent arg0) {
I think you should use three component instead of one.
For exemple, you could use three instance of ToogleButton. This component is like a button in appearance, but have a toogle state (clicked/unclicked). I never use it in javaFX but I think you will find enough help on the oracle site (for example : http://docs.oracle.com/javafx/2/ui_controls/toggle-button.htm)
After comment, I think an image of a mechanical switch (http://docs.oracle.com/javafx/2/api/javafx/scene/image/Image.html) could be the solution. If you're showing the switch from the side you can change the rotation of the image according to the state of the switch.
For knowing where the user clicked, locating the position of the button could work.
Another solution could be to had three transparent region on top of the image and intercept the click event on these region, instead of the image. Having never used such a solution, I can really help you more.
Last solution I see could be the use of two another image component on the side of the switch image, showing two arrow, for pulling up or down the switch.