Set Ruby runtime configuration parameters? - ruby

I'm looking to pass runtime parameters to my Ruby code. I have a Java background and, in the majority of cases, if I want to override a configuration I'd use a system property with a sane default value.
For example, if I wrote a test against a REST API to localhost, then want to run it against an integration environment and want to adjust the base URL:
$ rake -Cbaseurl= test
Is there an equivalent to system properties in Ruby?
Is there a standard pattern people are using?
I know how to use/load YAML configurations, as well as reference environment variables.

Ruby's from the UNIX world, where this is command line arguments and environment variables.
Command line arguments should be used for things that are commonly changed and are run dependent. These are things like a verbose flag, an output file, or a target URL. Access these with the Ruby stdlib OptionParser.
Environment variables are for things that change less frequently, and are usually across applications. Things like system executable path ($PATH). Use the built-in Ruby env object to access these.
For other things, like configuration, use a config file. In Ruby, these are usually in the YAML format. Use the Ruby stdlib yaml library for these.


Jmeter Cross-Platform Path config issue

I am working on master-slave Jmeter configuration, my data set exist on each machine on a different path for (macOS, Windows).
I use a global data set to fetch data for multiple thread groups.
However, the variable/property can be different across platforms.
I also tried the JSR223 to check the, but still no luck. check out the below snapshot.
I am trying to make sure that once I ran my test from Master (Mac), it also run on Windows.
Any thoughts how to do that on multiple platform setup.
The best solution is placing your test data under the same path which will be relative to JMeter working directory, this way you will not have to change anything in your script.
If for some reason you cannot afford this you can add a JSR223 Sampler to your Test Plan and use the code like:
if (org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(System.getProperty(''), 'Windows')) {
vars.put('data-path', 'c:/windows/specific/path')
} else {
vars.put('data-path', '/macos/specific/path')
It will detect the operating system name in the runtime and you will be able to define an OS-specific paths using the above approach.
vars is a shorthand for JMeterVariables class instance, the above code defines ${data-path} JMeter Variable which you can use later on for specifying data files locations. See Top 8 JMeter Java Classes You Should Be Using with Groovy to learn more about JMeter API shortcuts exposed to JSR223 Test Elements

jvm.options IBM LIBERTY

I search a lot on the web, almost all links says define JVM custom variables in jvm.options also placed it on ${server.config.dir}/jvm.options.For example I added a variable called -DAPP_ENV=PROD. But this is getting as NULL after server startup.
Any idea?
It looks like you want to define an environment variable, so you have two options.
1. Use an Environment variable
In this case, you can define an environment variable (like $PATH) and load it in your app. Note this is not a JVM argument, and it will be set in the bin/server shell command used to start the server.
In the file:${server.config.dir}/server.env
Add the following line: APP_ENV=PROD
Access the value with:
System.getenv("APP_ENV"); -> PROD
2. Use a System property
This is what you are trying to do, so I am not sure why it doesn't work for you, but here's how:
In the file:${server.config.dir}/jvm.options
Add the following line: -DAPP_ENV=PROD
Access the value with:
System.getProperty("APP_ENV"); -> PROD
Note that in both cases these values are set at server start-up, and they are not changed dynamically (most Liberty configuration is dynamic). The JVM options and environment are sourced and set during the start script so a restart is required if you want to change either one.
My personal recommendation is go to the server.env route - its more generic and (to me) feels more appropriate since you are trying to influence the execution environment of the process, rather than defining behaviors or configuration of the JVM.

What exactly is used for in Tomcat?

I searched a lot but couldn't find any useful information about this:
What exactly is used for in Tomcat ?
Let's say we have a REST API (built with Java EE or Spring) which uses some parameters/variables like AWS Credentials, Database Credentials etc.
Does it make sense to parametrize the application with environment variables for these things I mentioned above and put their values to env vars on for each Tomcat instance in case we use more than one instance and with different parameters/variables ?
Or isn't for things like that ?
Thanks in advance
I've only ever seen it used for specifying CATALINA_OPTS, but I noticed that the RUNNING.txt file mentions using it to set JRE_HOME and JAVA_HOME.
RUNNING.txt also states under Advanced Configuration - Multiple Tomcat Instances:
In many circumstances, it is desirable to have a single copy of a
Tomcat binary distribution shared among multiple users on the same
server. To make this possible, you can set the CATALINA_BASE
environment variable to the directory that contains the files for your
'personal' Tomcat instance.
So I guess the answer is that a setenv file can be created for each app and can probably can be used to store credentials, but I don't think that it's commonly used for that purpose.
export CATALINA_OPTS="$CATALINA_OPTS -DENV_TARGET=prod -DMy_Env_Var1=Whatever -DMy_Env_Var2=CapitalOneIsTheBest"
So everything in between "" above in gets set as environmental variables for your applications in Tomcat. To retrieve/use those environmental variables, use this in your Java (Spring) applications:
Ex1) String myWhatever = java.lang.System.getProperties().getProperty("My_Env_Var1");
Ex2) String env= System.getProperties().getProperty("My_Env_Var2");
To change the environmental variable (for example when you are writing unit tests), do this:
System.setProperty("My_Env_Var1", "newEnv");

global variable for poor man's dependency injection in parse cloud code

I would like a variable to be shared among the various modules that I use for my cloud code.
For example, I was hoping I would be able to do the following:
In main.js, I would have the following:
Env = 'prod';
var Foo = require('cloud/foo.js').Foo;
Then in foo.js, I'd want to be able to access the value of Env
console.log("environment is: " + Env);
This does not work when deployed on Parse, but it does work if I run this in node.js.
Essentially, what I am looking for is a poor man's way to do dependency injection to allow me to easily test my cloud code in a local environment using node.js.
In the case above, Env would store the information that differs whether the cloud code executes in production (as a cloud function in Parse) or in a test (in node.js run locally).
[In the simple example above, I set Env to prod in main.js, and I'd set it to 'test' in my test script.]
Thanks for any insight.

Config variables not visible as environment variables in Heroku app

I've set a few custom config variables. I can see them in my application's settings->config variables. I can also see the values with the heroku config command. But when I start my application the environment variables are not there. I use (System/getenv "MY_VARIABLE_NAME") in Clojure to fetch them.
Is it because I try to retrieve them at boot time? Are they only available later? Or is there some twitch which I can get rid of by doing some trick? I've used config variables in Heroku before and they've worked, I don't know what's the problem here...
I was trying to retrieve client ID and secret for oauth authentication with Google from a config variable with System/getenv. I use a library called Friend to do this. Problem is, the set up for oauth parameters in that library is done via macros. And macro expansion happens compile-time. Heroku config variables are not available as environment variables during compilation (for good reasons). They are, however available via filesystem which was my solution to the problem. So instead of:
(System/getenv "MY_APP_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID")
I'm using this:
(slurp (str (System/getenv "ENV_DIR") "/" "MY_APP_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID"))
And it works!
