Unique computer id based on CPU flags - uniqueidentifier

I need to use unique computer id for the purpose of software licensing. I decided to use CPU Flags. On MSVC they are retrived with function __cpuid, and on gcc version 4.3 and up with the function __get_cpuid. I get an integer out of these functions which is sort of a bit array with the purpose to be used as unique ID.
What I'm not sure whether the CPU flags retrieved with the above functions can ever change? Can those flags be programmatically changed by the user? If not by regular application maybe through BIOS?
Thank you.

No, an end user cannot change them because each of the commands you listed is essentially a wrapper for an actual processor opcode cpuid that is provided in Intel (and Intel-clone) chips.
So this information is 'burned' into the silicon. No user can change it.
The following resources might be helpful:
1) Wikipedia's article on CPUID
2) Code guru article (2 pages) on accessing processor info using a call to CPUID
3) Table listing many processors by stepping, family, and model numbers

OK after some testing I can confirm that the flags from the 2nd byte of Info Type 1 are changing. So I will stick with Stepping ID,Model,Family and Processor Type values only.


WinDbg not showing register values

Basically, this is the same question that was asked here.
When performing kernel debugging of a machine running Windows 7 or older, with WinDbg version 6.2 and up, the debugger doesn't show anything in the registers window. Pressing the Customize... button results in a message box that reads Registers are not yet known.
At the same time, issuing the r command results in perfectly valid register values being printed out.
What is the reason for this behaviour, and can it be fixed?
TL;DR: I wrote an extension DLL that fixes the bug. Available here.
The Problem
To understand the problem, we first need to understand that WinDbg is basically just a frontend to Microsoft's Windows Symbolic Debugger Engine, implemented inside dbgeng.dll. Other frontends include the command-line kd.exe (kernel debugger) and cdb.exe (user-mode debugger).
The engine implements everything we expect from a debugger: working with symbol files, read and writing memory and registers, setting breakpoitns, etc. The engine then exposes all of this functionality through COM-like interfaces (they implement IUnknown but are not registered components). This allows us, for instance, to write our own debugger (like this person did).
Armed with this knowledge, we can now make an educated guess as to how WinDbg obtains the values of the registers on the target machine.
The engine exposes the IDebugRegisters interface for manipulating registers. This interface declares the GetValues method for retrieving the values of multiple registers in one go. But how does WinDbg know how many registers are there? That why we have the GetNumberRegisters method.
So, to retrieve the values of all registers on the target, we'll have to do something like this:
Call IDebugRegisters::GetNumberRegisters to get the total number of registers.
Call IDebugRegisters::GetValues with the Count parameter set to the total number of registers, the Indices parameter set to NULL, and the Start parameter set to 0.
One tiny problem, though: the second call fails with E_INVALIDARG.
Ehm, excuse me? How can it fail? Especially puzzling is the documentation for this return value:
The value of the index of one of the registers is greater than the number of registers on the target machine.
But I just asked you how many registers there are, so how can that value be out of range? Okay, let's continue reading the docs anyway, maybe something will become clear:
If the return value is not S_OK, some of the registers still might have been read. If the target was not accessible, the return type is E_UNEXPECTED and Values is unchanged; otherwise, Values will contain partial results and the registers that could not be read will have type DEBUG_VALUE_INVALID.
(Emphasis mine.)
Aha! So maybe the engine just couldn't read one of the registers! But which one? Turns out that the engine chokes on the xcr0 register. From the Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual:
Extended control register XCR0 contains a state-component bitmap that specifies the user state components that software has enabled the XSAVE feature set to manage. If the bit corresponding to a state component is clear in XCR0, instructions in the XSAVE feature set will not operate on that state component, regardless of the value of the instruction mask.
Okay, so the register controls the operation of the XSAVE instruction, which saves the state of the CPU's extended features (like XMM and AVX). According to the last comment on this page, this instruction requires some support from the operating system. Although the comment states that Windows 7 (that's what the VM I was testing on was running) does support this instruction, it seems that the issue at hand is related to the OS anyway, as when the target is Windows 8 everything works fine.
Really, it's unclear whether the bug is within the debugger engine, which reports more registers than it can retrieve values for, or within WinDbg, which refuses to show any values at all if the engine fails to produce all of them.
The Solution
We could, of course, bite the bullet and just use an older version of WinDbg for debugging older Windows versions. But where's the challenge in that?
Instead, I present to you a debugger extension that solves this problem. It does so by hooking (with the help of this library) the relevant debugger engine methods and returning S_OK if the only register that failed was xcr0. Otherwise, it propagates the failure. The extension supports runtime unload, so if you experience problems you can always disable the hooks.
That's it, have fun!

Getting CPU ID Serial Number in Perl for win32

How to get CPU/Processor serial number or unique ID in perl for windows machine without using any modules, probably using syscalls or something?
http://metacpan.org/pod/Win32::SystemInfo. Without modules you can learn source code of this module and use it. You will see that module imports function GetSystemInfo from kernel32.dll and than uses it, you can do it in the same way
You can't get a CPU serial number. For a brief time, Intel issued a series of Pentium III processors where each chip had a unique serial number. It became a PR mess for them over privacy concerns and they discontinued that set of instructions in subsequent processor releases.
But if you are looking for a "unique id" for a Windows install that is mostly guaranteed to by unique, you can try any of the following:
Generate a unique GUID (uuidgen, CoCreateGuid), save it out to the registry/disk, then read it back later.
Get the Machine SID. http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=645077

feature request: an atomicAdd() function included in gwan.h

In the G-WAN KV options, KV_INCR_KEY will use the 1st field as the primary key.
That means there is a function which increments atomically already built in the G-WAN core to make this primary index work.
It would be good to make this function opened to be used by servlets, i.e. included in gwan.h.
By doing so, ANSI C newbies like me could benefit from it.
There was ample discussion about this on the old G-WAN forum, and people were invited to share their experiences with atomic operations in order to build a rich list of documented functions, platform by platform.
Atomic operations are not portable because they address the CPU directly. It means that the code for Intel x86 (32-bit) and Intel AMD64 (64-bit) is different. Each platform (ARM, Power7, Cell, Motorola, etc.) has its own atomic instruction sets.
Such a list was not published in the gwan.h file so far because basic operations are easy to find (the GCC compiler offers several atomic intrinsics as C extensions) but more sophisticated operations are less obvious (needs asm skills) and people will build them as they need - for very specific uses in their code.
Software Engineering is always a balance between what can be made available at the lowest possible cost to entry (like the G-WAN KV store, which uses a small number of functions) and how it actually works (which is far less simple to follow).
So, beyond the obvious (incr/decr, set/get), to learn more about atomic operations, use Google, find CPU instruction sets manuals, and arm yourself with courage!
Thanks for Gil's helpful guidance.
Now, I can do it by myself.
I change the code in persistence.c, as below:
firstly, i changed the definition of val in data to volatile.
//xbuf_xcat(reply, "Value: %d", data[0]->val);
int new_count, loops=50000000, time1, time2, time;
for(int i; i<loops; i++){
new_count = __sync_add_and_fetch(&data[0]->val, 1);
xbuf_xcat(reply, "Value: %d, time: %d incr_ops/msec", new_count, time);
I got 52,000 incr_operations/msec with my old E2180 CPU.
So, with GCC compiler I can do it by myself.
thanks again.

How can I get a list of legal ARM opcodes from gcc (or elsewhere)?

I'd like to generate pseudo-random ARM instructions. Via assembler directives, I can tell gcc what mode I'm in, and it will complain if I try a set of opcodes and operands that's not legal in that mode, so it must have some internal listing of what can be done in which mode. Where does that live? Would it be easier to extract that info from LLVM?
Is this question "not even wrong"? Should I try a different approach entirely?
To answer my own question, this is actually really easy to do from arm.md and and constraints.md in gcc/config/arm/. I probably spent more time answering asking this question and answering comments for it than I did figuring this out. Turns out I just need to look for 'TARGET_THUMB1', until I get around to implementing thumb2.
For the ARM family the buck stops at the ARM ARM (ARM Architectural Reference Manual). There is an ARM instruction set section and a Thumb instruction set section. Within both each instruction tells you what generation (ARMvX where X is some number like 4 (arm7), or 5 (arm9 time frame) ,etc). Since the opcode and pseudo code is listed for each instruction you should be able to figure out what is a real instruction and, if any, are syntax to save typing on another (push and pop for example).
With the Cortex-m3 and thumb2 in particular you also need to look at the TRM (Technical Reference Manual) as well. ARM has, I forget the name, a universal syntax they are trying to use that should work on both Thumb and ARM. For example on an ARM you have three register instructions:
add r1,r1,r2
In thumb there are only two register operations
add r1,r2
The desire basically is to meet in the middle or I would say more accurately to encourage ARM assemblers to parse Thumb instructions and encode them with the equivalent ARM instruction without complaining. This may have started with thumb and not thumb2, I have always separated the two syntaxes in my code until recently (and I still generally use ARM syntax for ARM and Thumb for Thumb).
And then yes you have to see what the specific implementation of the assembler tool is, in your case binutils. And it sounds like you have found the binutils/gnu secret decoder ring.

State of Registers After Bootup

I'm working on a boot loader on an x86 machine.
When the BIOS copies the contents of the MBR to 0x7c00 and jumps to that address, is there a standard meaning to the contents of the registers? Do the registers have standard values?
I know that the segment registers are typically set to 0, but will sometimes be 0x7c0. What about the other hardware registers?
This early execution environment is highly implementation defined, meaning the implementation of your particular BIOS. Never make any assumptions on the contents of registers. They might be initialized to 0, but they might contain a random value just as well.
from the OS dev Wiki, which is where I get information when I'm playing with my toy OS's
Best option would be to assume nothing. If they have meaning, you will find that from the other side when you need the information they provide.
Undefined, I believe? I think it depends on the mainboard and CPU, and should be treated as random for your own good.
Safest bet is to assume undefined.
Always assume undefined, otherwise you'll hit bad problems if you ever try to port architectures.
There is nothing quite like the pain of porting code that assumes everything uninitialized will be set to zero.
The only thing that I know to be well defined is the processor state immediately after reset.
For the record you can find that in Intel's Software Developer's Manual Vol 3 chapter 8: "PROCESSOR MANAGEMENT AND INITIALIZATION" in the table titled " IA-32 Processor States Following Power-up, Reset, or INIT"
You can always initialize them yourself to start with a known state.
