LicenseException for SectionReports, ActiveReports 7.0.6158.0 - model-view-controller

In an MVC app I am working on, we've recently began using ActiveReports 7 for our report-generating needs. On my local machine, everything works great. However, when we deploy to our Dev server for team-level testing, we get a LicenseException:
License for the SectionReport cannot be found.
We followed the user guide here to attempt different ways to resolve the problem.
What we have done:
Ensured that the licenses.licx file references the assemblies, and that the correct ActiveReports 7 assemblies are being built with and referenced by our project. As it stands, the licenses.licx file looks like this (sans the line-breaks):
GrapeCity.ActiveReports.SectionReport, GrapeCity.ActiveReports.v7, Version=7.0.6158.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc4967777c49a3ff
GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Export.Pdf.Section.PdfExport, GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Export.Pdf.v7, Version=7.0.6158.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc4967777c49a3ff
As this is a MVC web project, used the Assembly License Generator that comes with AR7 to create an [Assembly].Web.License.dll library, which we are building with the project in a /lib/ directory at the solution-level. This change had no effect on the License exception.
Used the Web Key Generator to create a key for the App.config file. This change had no effect on the License exception.
What we have not done:
Created some web form, and created an App_License.dll library that gets built with our project. The reason we did not do this is we are not using Web controls for our reports, we are not even using the GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Web assembly, and the error is not coming from any class in that library (which is logical, seeing how we're not using it.)
The only notable detail of all of this is that modifying the licenses.licx file had an early effect as we had a similar license exception on another component; ensuring that licenses.licx had the proper details ensured that that other component was no longer throwing LicenseExceptions in our app. I tentatively think from this that maybe my licenses.licx file still lacks something needed to make this app work.
The only thing remaining I can think to do is to recommend our lead license our server as a developer, but this possibility has already come up, and the direction we've been asked to take is to avoid that route if at all possible. I think it is possible because I have encountered similar posts involving people who followed the steps in the user guide above and presumably were able to solve the issue. Yet, for my team, these steps aren't working.
Question: What am I missing?

Using the Assembly License Generator as you have done should do the trick. Also, make sure that you are using the latest version of AR7 as according to this post on the ActiveReports 7 Support Forums, there was a fix done to some later version of ActiveReports 7 to correct some problem with licensing in this scenario. Specifically the steps given from the previously cited post said that following the below steps with the updated version corrected someone else's problem:
Run the program "ApplicationLicenseGenerator.exe" (as Administrator) from a location similar to "C:\Program Files\Common Files\ComponentOne\ActiveReports Developer 7\"ApplicationLicenseGenerator.exe"
Browse to the compiled ActiveReports DLL.
Press the "Generate" Button.
This generates a satellite assembly similar to yourclasslibraryname.dll.GrapeCity.Licenses.dll
Place the DLL in the bin folder of your web project and/or reference the generated DLL in your web service project.

Answer: for non-licensed users, [Assembly].GrapeCity.License.dll must be added to the web project as a reference!
Licenses.licx matters from a build perspective, though. But the license file was not missing anything.


Blazor Web Assembly/Server App No Longer Builds or seems to exist. Packages 'Disappeared'

I am developing a Web assembly app with the template model which I had so far successfully migrated to .Net 6. It follws the template format of Client, Server, Shared. All working so far.
I wanted to move the ApplicationDBContext into the SHARED project as it feels a bit out of sorts in the SERVER Proj, and I need a another Webjob Project to reference it so it seemed like a good idea... (Checking in before I did it - just in case).
I moved it and changed the namespace and rebuilt the SHARED. Then thinking I would have a load of namespace fixups to do. Cutting a possibly long story short, the App then failed to build with ALL the packages in the client showing a yellow 'warning' triangle, but without indicating what the error/warning is:
I am also seeing this error:
Error NETSDK1082 There was no runtime pack for Microsoft.AspNetCore.App available for the specified RuntimeIdentifier 'browser-wasm'. RaffleGames.Client
I decided to abandon the tidy up and revert to how it was... Sadly though, it is now broken with the same errors.
If I remove the reference to the SHARED project, then the warnings dissappear, but of course the CLIENT will no longer build.
Adding it back causes it to build but again with the above error.
I did wonder if some of the dependencies arent allowed in a blazor app as I did see that somewhere.. heres the project re-added:
I have re-started VS, and the machine, just in case... but to no avail.
I realise this is not a very clear question, but obviously something changed as a part of the build process and and I am looking for some pointers. Thanks in advance.

Visual studio complains about spatial types

I have these CLR types installed on my local
Also, I have SQL server 2016 installed on my local system but when I try to run the project I get error as below
Can someone help? I tried installing latest nugget package from but it did not help.
Though I am able to add a column of type geography in a table in my local database. It fails at runtime when I run my project and error comes as below
According to the docs if you have installed the CLR Types it should load from the GAC so I'm not sure why that didn't work for you. (I would check that you have the correct version as your dependency)
However, we do use the SQLServerTypes in our app without installing the CLR types by using the following method (this method is described in the readme.htm that comes with SqlServerTypes).
Grab the SqlServerTypes.nupkg and extract it to a folder lets call this folder SST from now on.
(Locations of the files I talk about in the following steps may differ from version to version but, the principle is the same)
Create a SqlServerTypes folder in your project
Copy the SST/nativebinaries/x86 and x64 folders into your new SqlServerTypes folder
Also copy the files from SST/content (you should see Loader.cs and readme.htm) into the SqlServerTypes folder.
Now all you need to do is call the Loader when your app boots up.
We do this during our autofac setup by making this call.
You may need to adjust the param passed into this method to work with your application. If the correct path is used you should have access to the spatial types in your code.
edit: It may be possible to just call the LoadNativeAssemblies straight away (and avoid all the work I posted above) if you have installed the nuget package in your app but, I have not tested this as we are stuck on an old version of SqlServerTypes.
Because i cannot put a comment i have to put a answer, you can check that, that article and this, this, this and this answers, i hope they guide you to someting usefull.

Importing a project into Visual Studio. Why so many errors?

This isn't really coding specific, but we currently have a project that is live and working fine. I am tasked with making a few changes to it. I imported the ALL files of the project to Visual Studio 2010. I can't get any work done, because of all the errors!
Do you have any suggestions for me? The project doesn't have a source file, so I created a project and made one myself.
I tried another version of Visual Studio, and the errors continue. How in the world is this project even working?
Also, I have no way to speak with the creator.
Thanks for the help!
Without seeing the specific errors you're running into, I'm guessing that you are hitting one of two scenarios:
The source code references .NET assemblies that you do not have installed on your development machine. The only way to correct this is to get your hands on a copy of those assemblies to install them. The assembly names should be in the error messages, which would give you a good starting point to look from.
It's also possible that differences in the .NET framework versions that it was originally developed in and what you are trying to use now are accounting for a large number of errors. If the errors specifically reference the version number, this is most likely what you're experiencing. If this is the case, there are ways you can upgrade the individual file versions that your program references, but I honestly haven't done that in about 8 years, so I'm drawing a blank at the moment as to how to do it.
I don't understand ?
you have a "project" (what kind of project?) that you want to start working with with VS2010 ?
You add the files to a new VS2010 project and start building it and many errors occur ?
What kind of errors ? Language (C++/C#) errors ? missing include missing ? missing libraries ?
Can you show a some of the errors you get ?

strange problem with referenced log4net assembly

I'm not sure if this problem is connected specifically with log4net or this is some problem with VS.
Everytime I'm trying, I have the same result. But let's start from the beginning.
I'm creating a simply console application (.net 4) and using nuget to install the log4net library.
Now, when I want to add some code from it, intellisense works ok:
But when I try to compile it, I have an error
This is the only one assembly I found to this moment, I have this problem with. I have absolutly no idea what (and why) is going on. I have checked with two other solutions and problem is the same. I have not checked manually downloaded version yet.
Most likely there is an underlying dependency that is missing. One very common reason is the project is using the Client Profile instead of the full .NET 4.0. (Not sure about log4Net, but I run into this a lot when including third party libraries, esp. those with ties to the web). If I am correct, simply going into properties and changing the framework version to full .NET 4.0 will solve the issue.

WP7 - AppHub submision fails with error code 1044

I just tried submitting my app to AppHub for the first time and I keep getting a submission failure. This is the error:
Error code: 1044
The XAP uses one or more restricted native APIs.
I found this post describing the same error but he says his problem was solved by adding the /NOENTRY linker option to his resource-only DLL (used for application name localization). I already have that option set in my localization DLL, yet the submission fails.
Has anyone come across this, and hopefully found a solution?
Thanks for your help!
Turns out it was the localization DLL, just the presence of a DLL in the XAP was causing that error. Since I'm not supporting any languages other than English right now I just removed the DLL from the project and submitted it. It'd be nice to figure out a solution though.
I have been googling this for a while now and found some blogs about how to localize the application title. All of them call the DLL AppResLib.dll and place it at the root of the application project. I not only gave my DLL another name but also placed it within a Resources subdirectory. I guess one or both of those things are what's causing the error. Unfortunately I won't be able to test this theory out until I submit an update.
Since you've mentioned localizing, I wrote a blog on the subject. But of note is your mention of the dlls that you need to create when you localize an app. I see that you're not localizing this app, but if you should choose to do so later, or with another app, there is a good tool, mentioned in my blog, that will create the dlls for you. You put in the Title, it translates, you direct it to the folder to save in, and it creates all the dlls.
