Output of a shell script is another shell script - bash

I have a shell script which will print another shell script to stdout. I need to execute both the scripts (initial script and output script) with a single line bash command. Is it possible?

Maybe something like that:
sh ./test.sh | sh

Try doing this :
bash test.bash | bash -s


Multiple running bash script 1 command line?

how to run multiple bash scripts in 1 bash command ?
i use command
bash script1.sh
how to make it run multiple commands in 1 command ?
for example
bash script1.sh bash script2.sh bash script3.sh bash script4.sh
Please help
If you want to run all bash script in //:
for i in {1..4}; do bash "script${i}.sh" & done
If you put the control operator & at the end of a command, e.g. command &, the shell executes the command in the background in a subshell. The shell does not wait for the command to finish, and the return status is 0. Pid of the last backgrounded command is available via the special variable $!
If instead you want to run sequentially, use
printf '%s\n' script{1..4}.sh | xargs -n1 bash
for i in {1..4}; do bash "script${i}.sh"; done

bash shell script not executing in mac

I have a simple bash script test.sh
# This is a comment
echo "Hi"
It does not execute anything when I try to run ./test.sh
$ ./test.sh
It comes with empty output. The mac terminal is executing echo commands but not shell script. I am not sure what I am missing. Please suggest.
to execute command file , type sh test.sh

How to execute a command in a different shell?

I have a bash script that opens up a shell called salome shell and it should execute a command called as_run in that shell. The thing is that after entering the salome shell it doesn't execute the command until I exit the salome shell. This is the code that i got:
cd /opt/salome/appli_V2018.0.1_public
./salome shell
eval "as_run /home/students/gbroilo/Desktop/Script/Template_1_2/exportSalome"
What should I do in order to execute the command in the salome shell?
Might be this is what you want:
# call salome shell with commands in a specified script file
cd /opt/salome/appli_V2018.0.1_public
./salome shell <"/home/students/gbroilo/Desktop/Script/Template_1_2/exportSalome"
Or might be this is what you want:
# pipe a command as_run... to salome shell
cd /opt/salome/appli_V2018.0.1_public
echo "as_run /home/students/gbroilo/Desktop/Script/Template_1_2/exportSalome" | ./salome shell
Anyway, you have to read the salome guide about how salome shell call it's script.
Most shells implement a way to pass the commands as parameters, e.g.
dash -c 'x=1 ; echo $x'
You'll need to consult your shell's manual to see if it's possible.
You can also try sending the commands to the standard input of the shell:
echo 'set x = 1 ; echo $x' | tcsh
Using a HERE doc might be a bit more readable in case of complex commands:
tcsh << 'TCSH'
set x = 1
echo $x

Bash script "read" not pausing for user input when executed from SSH shell

I'm new to Bash scripting, so please be gentle.
I'm connected to a Ubuntu server via SSH (PuTTY) and when I run this command, I expect the bash script that downloads and executes to allow user input and then echo that input. It seems to just write out the echo label for the input request and terminate.
wget -O - https://raw.github.com/aaronhancock/pub/master/bash/readtest.sh | bash
Any clue what I might be doing wrong?
UPDATE: This bash command does exactly what I wanted
bash <(wget -q -O - https://raw.github.com/aaronhancock/pub/master/bash/readtest.sh)
Jonathan already mentioned: bash takes its stdin from the pipe.
And therefore you cannot pipe the script into bash when you want to interactively input something. But you could use the process substitution feature of bash (assumed your login shell is a bash):
bash <(wget -O - https://raw.github.com/aaronhancock/pub/master/bash/readtest.sh)
Bash is taking stdin from the pipe, not from the terminal. So you can't pipe a script to bash and still use the "read" command for user input.
Notice that you have the same problem if you save the script to a local file and pipe it to bash:
less readtest.sh | bash
I found this also works and helps keep the data in the current scope.
eval "wget -q -O - https://raw.github.com/aaronhancock/pub/master/bash/readtest.sh"

How to specify zeroeth argument

I'm writing a bash script that starts the tcsh interpreter as a login shell and has it execute my_command. The tcsh man page says that there are two ways to start a login shell. The first is to use /bin/tcsh -l with no other arguments. Not an option, because I need the shell to execute my_command. The second is to specify a dash (-) as the zeroeth argument.
Now the bash exec command with the -l option does exactly this, and in fact the following works perfectly:
exec -l /bin/tcsh -c my_command
Except... I can't use exec because I need the script to come back and do some other things afterwards! So how can I specify - as the zeroeth argument to /bin/tcsh without using exec?
You can enclose the exec command into a sub-shell of your script.
(exec -l /bin/tcsh -c my_command)
# ... whatever else you need to do after the command is done
You can write a wrapper (w.sh) script that contains:
exec -l /bin/tcsh -c my_command
and execute w.sh in your main script.
