connect to oracle which is hosted on different machine - oracle

Hi I am working on a project in which we have oracle DB that is hosted on one machine and java application on other machine. both machines have UNIX OS.i want to develop a shell script that will use DB query and generate a report but i dont have any client(SQLplus) installed on both the machine. so let me know how can i connect to DB and where shud i develop scirpt like on DB unix machine or application machine.
sqlplus -s "/as sysdba
this is use of sql plus i dont have on any machine..

if you have ssh access on both the machines you could run virtually any command(through ssh) you could on the machine itself:
ssh user#server1 "ls ~/"
for example the above will give you a listing of files in "user"s home directory on server1..


How to create ODBC "DSN" for cross-platform testing?

I need a simple ODBC test scenario on WIN which I can configure very simply and be assured it is working in support of another question at Unix.SE.
In a nutshell I'm trying to setup a PyODBC/Python script connection from Debian 10 ( to Windows 10 in KVM/QEMU virtual system (
First, on the Windows 10/KVM, I see the ODBC Data Source Administrator has a tab File DSN and Microsoft Text Driver. Can I use FileDSN to test Python PyODBC connection to ODBC using a simple CSV file in place of Server?? (My research with ODBC only finds running server instances).
Next, what I tried:
On Debian I installed ODBC Microsoft driver for Linux.
Shutdown the Windows 10 firewall, and I can ping in both directions:
$nmap -p 22 # Deb to Win
> Test-NetConnection -p 22 # Win to Deb
On Windows 10/KVM I added a FileDSN with Microsoft Text Driver. I created a CSV file (odbc_test_01.csv) with simple header and one row of data (IE. {'ID' : 1, 'NAME' : 'FOO'})
Created a Jupyter Notebook to make testing easier. Here is my connection string and the results:
cn = pyodbc.connect(r'Driver={ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server};' # Driver installed above
r'FILEDSN=odbc_test_01.csv;' # my attempt at FileDSN
r'SERVER=;' # KVM IP tested with ping
r'Trusted_Connection=no;' # explicit; use UID/PWD
r'UID=<username>;' # Windows user name
r'PWD=<password>', # Windows user password
OperationalError: ('HYT00', '[HYT00] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server]Login timeout expired (0) (SQLDriverConnect)')
Tried isql from Debian command line with same string:
isql -v -k ''Driver={ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server};FILEDSN=odbc_test_01.csv;SERVER=; Trusted_Connection=no;UID=<username>;PWD=<password>'
Similar pages here at SO:
Authenticate from Linux to Windows SQL Server with pyodbc
Python pyodbc connect to Sql Server using SQL Server Authentication
An ODBC "File DSN" is not a driver for accessing data in a file. It is a way to specify a DSN (connection information for a target database) as values in a standalone file instead of in a standard configuration file on Linux (e.g., /etc/odbc.ini) or in the Windows registry.
If you need to "clone" a Windows DSN entry for use in a Linux environment then you may find my dump_dsn utility helpful. It retrieves an ODBC DSN from the Windows registry and presents it in a form that you could use to recreate the DSN on Linux.
For example, say I had a DSN named "mssql199" on Windows and when I ran dump_dsn.to_text("mssql199") on it I got
Driver=ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server
Description=with UseFMTONLY
To use that same DSN on a Linux box I would have to
copy that block into /etc/odbc.ini (or equivalent, for a "System DSN") or ~/.odbc.ini (for a "User DSN") to use DSN=mssql199, or
save that block with an [ODBC] header instead of [mssql199] to a file, e.g., /home/gord/mssql199_file.dsn (for a "File DSN") and use FILEDSN=/home/gord/mssql199_file.dsn
Edit re: "Can I use FileDSN to test Python PyODBC connection to ODBC using a simple CSV file in place of Server??"
No. An ODBC DSN or FILEDSN on the Windows box will only be useful to connect from the Windows box to a data source (either locally, or on some other machine). We cannot connect from one machine (e.g., Linux) to an ODBC DSN entry on another machine
I created an SQLite database. Then I added SQLite drivers for ODBC.

How do I switch OS user in Datagrip to Postgres via SSH?

When I connect to my database remotely I use ssh to connect to the remote machine, then I run sudo -u postgres psql to access PostgresSQL. The postgres user is passwordless in my OS.
I can make an SSH tunnel connect in Datagrip, but I can't seem to find a way to switch to postgres user prior to attempting to access the database.
Is there a way to do this?
First, you need to configure SSH tunnel on datasource ssh/ssl tab (host/port/username/password).
Secondly, you need to specify database credentials to your db on general tab.
Also, make sure you configured server correctly for non-local connections.
You should go to ~/.ssh/config file and set the tunnel with the user, which is used on the server, and put 'postgres' as a user name in the connection properties.
Note, it is working only in 2017.3 EAP now (release will be available this week)

Oracle connection test

We are developing java based web application, which runs on Ubuntu 12.04. At the start of installation, we prompt for Oracle server's Host, Port, user, password & SID details and then passed them to installer to build jdbc:oracle:thin url. Eventually, our installer connects to Oracle and creates some tables.
Now I am trying to write a script(shell or python) to quickly verify user entered Oracle settings are correct or not by simply connecting to Oracle and disconnecting before passing those to our installer. I tried to use echo "exit" | sqlplus -L user/password#//host:port/SID | grep Connected > /dev/null but sqlplus easy connect is only taking service-name not SID.
Is there any easy way to test Oracle connectivity. I need to write it in script, which needs to run automatically as a part of installation steps.
Thanks for all the help.
Oracle listener is expected to listen to your request for connection.
Here is the copy of Tom's answer
[tkyte#desktop tkyte]$ sh -vx
Use your host, port and service_name.

Installer installing on two machines

I need to create one installer which will install components on two different machines.Windows services and web services on "APP Server" and database part on "DB Server". SQL Server 2005/2008 will be already present on DB SERVER. But it may use different port than default port for sql server.
What things I will require in order to implement this ?
Thanks in advance.
It is simply a matter of bundling a SQL script with the installer and executing the script by calling sqlcmd with ExecWait.
We can run a script using a trusted connection via:
Or with a SQL Login:
For performing actions on remote SQL Server engine native driver is required.In SQL Server 2005 or later the command line client is called sqlcmd.
I suggest to create 2 radio buttons:
(o) Install - App Server
( ) Install - DB Server
User select one item and appropriate components will be installed. (like .dlls, .exes, ... on app server and data files or sql scripts [also scripts can be executed] on db server).
Everything packed into single installer.
Also there should be some custom page(s) (created using nsDialogs) where user can set parameters(port, server name, name of db, path to db, ...)

Oracle Pro*C ORA-12547

I'm working on re-compiling some Pro*C code that no one currently at my company has ever compiled. It's compiling OK, but when I copy it to the production server and run it I'm getting Oracle error ORA-12547 (TNS: lost contact)
Any ideas?
Oh, figured it out. :-)
The C executable isn't run directly on the server, but launched through a script that sets up the connection environment. i.e. something like this:
export SHLIB_PATH=/oracleDatabaseSidHere/oracle/10.2/lib:/usr/lib:/oracleDatabaseSidHere/oracle/10.2/odg/lib
export ORACLE_BASE=/oracleDatabaseSidHere/oracle
export ORACLE_SID=oracleDatabaseSidHere
export ORACLE_HOME=/oracleDatabaseSidHere/oracle/10.2
# Set up the path and executable to run
cd /path_to_application
Related to this, I just found out that I get the same error ORA-12547 TNS lost contact on my Windows machine when I try to connect to an Oracle database with PL/SQL and at the same time I have a VPN connection open.
I had a similar problem on Linux, Oracle 11gR2. Oracle owner could run SQL*Plus and get in via either TNS or local connection. Non-oracle user could log in via TNS, but not as local connection.
Turns out the answer was that the ORACLE_HOME filesystem was mounted "nosuid". Removing that mount option solved my issue.
