Jmeter and drag and drop - jmeter

How to record drag and drop action using jmeter. will it record client side activity we are testing the performance of documentum application

Drag n drop is a UI action, jmeter works on network level.
Use JMeter Proxy Server, it will capture these:


it os poosible to do Performance Tetsing on Mendix APP Website

Is it possible to record JMeter scripts for performance testing Mendix App?
Yes it is, take a look at Load Testing Your Mendix Applications webinar
Record your test scenario using JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder or JMeter Chrome Extension
Perform correlation of dynamic parameters
Perform parameterization of the test (i.e. credentials for different users and other test data)
Ensure that your test is doing what it's supposed to be doing by running it with 1-2 users/iterations and inspecting requests and responses using View Results Tree listener
Add more users and run your test in command-line non-GUI mode
Analyze the results using HTML Reporting Dashboard
More information: Building a Web Test Plan

Dynamic data not recorded by LOADRUNNER or JMeter

In one of my project we are searching for a vehicle number, it has to show the vehicle number exists or not.but i in the devtool i an not able to find the searched vehicle number.
Let's say I have searched for 5555 , 5555 should record as a parameter in JMeter load runner, even developper tools also it's not showing.
How can I handle this in JMeter.
Let's assume you start a transaction just before you submit your form with '5555' in it within the recording of loadrunner (either default sockets recorder or fiddler-based proxy recorder). You submit your form. You stop your transaction. You then complete your recording.
What do those requests between the start and end transaction markers look like?
If browser developer tools don't show the request it means that there is no request, most probably it happens on the client side only hence there is nothing to test with JMeter/Loadrunner there.
Or it might be hidden/filtered/using another protocol.For example this page won't show sent and received requests at the default view because they're happening in a single WebSocket connection and you need to switch to WS tab and then open Messages view:
The above website cannot be recorded with JMeter/Loadrunner, in JMeter you will need to use WebSocket Samplers and in Loadrunner web_webcoket_* functions
You can also consider using a more powerful packet capturing solution like Wireshark which can catch literally everything and look for your payload in the raw network packets. It will allow you to identify the network protocol.
And last but not the list: try recording your scenario in "porno mode" as it might be the case your application has cached the response and it's being returned from i.e. local storage so no actual network request is being made

My Jmeter Webdriver sampler test is too heavy on my machine. I'm planning to use selenium grid, with selenium grid ,will it make my test more lighter?

My Jmeter Webdriver sampler test is too heavy on my machine. I'm planning to use selenium grid, with selenium grid ,will it make my test more lighter? As of the moment while running my test on gui and non gui mode I'm encountering a web driver timeout , connection timeout, and an out of memory error. Will this approach help?
Have you tried to read WebDriver Sampler's documentation?
Note: It is NOT the intention of this project to replace the HTTP Samplers included in JMeter. Rather it is meant to compliment them by measuring the end user load time.
You should not be creating the main load using WebDriver Samplers, 99.99999% of the virtual users should be simulated on HTTP protocol level, WebDriver Sampler could be used only for specific use cases like OAuth login, checking client side performance, etc.
Check out How to make JMeter behave more like a real browser article to learn how to properly setup JMeter for web applications testing so it would generate the same network footprint as the real user using the real browser.
If your have a form of a strict requirement to use the real browsers - consider switching to Distributed Testing as in case of Selenium Grid you will not be able to collect samplers execution metrics precisely.

how to record everything from a web application with call flow diagrams in jmeter

I have a requirement to record web application which contains process of creating call flow diagrams, i want to record all the steps involved and execute the same.
I know how to record in JMeter , Please help me providing inputs for recording a call flow diagram of a web application and emulate the same process from jmeter.
Thanks in Advance
You can use the BlazeMeter Chrome Extension and record the flow. Create an account in blazemeter and login so that you can export the recorded steps as a .jmx file using the above extension. Next, you can open the .jmx which were exported in JMeter and edit the recorded flow to get it work.

Calling application javascript function

These function above are part of our application and when I run on chrome console it select and unselect a company structure. How can I call these functions from jmeter as I heard jmeter does not have access to DOM. I am a newbie so forgive me if this is a silly questions. What options are available in jmeter.
If these functions generate HTTP Requests you should be able to record and replay them using JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder.
If these functions affect UI only (i.e. check some boxes or something like that) you won't be able to do test it using JMeter, as per JMeter project main page
JMeter is not a browser, it works at protocol level. As far as web-services and remote services are concerned, JMeter looks like a browser (or rather, multiple browsers); however JMeter does not perform all the actions supported by browsers. In particular, JMeter does not execute the Javascript found in HTML pages.
Real browsers send HTTP Requests and render the response. JMeter can mimic sending any HTTP requests via HTTP Request samplers so from application under test perspective it won't be different from real user, but JavaScript is executed solely on client side so if it doesn't trigger any network activity - the server doesn't know anything about what is happening in the browser on client side.
If your test scenario assumes checking selection/deselection of company structure via invoking certain JavaScript functions consider switching to Selenium browser automation framework. Also be aware that there is a Selenium integration with JMeter via WebDriver Sampler.
