Any light configuration for Resharper 7.1? - visual-studio-2010

I am using Resharper 7.1 only because one function "Clean Code..." with StyleCop settings.
I dont need other things like intellisense or new menus (which actually working extremely slowly).
Is it possible to use some external tool to clean code and disable Resharper in visual studio?
Is it possible to confugure Resharper to disable all his "cool" addons and menus like custom "Rename" and use VisualStudio defaults?
Any other tool that can reformat code with style cop settings without such impact on performance?

You cannot completely turn off all of the ReSharper features, but if you go to ReSharper | Options you can turn off following things:
Environment -> Editor. You can turn off all of the checkboxes. They are responsible for typing assists and can cause typing delays on very slow computers.
Environment -> Intellisense -> General. You can select 'Visual Studio' to turn off advanced intellisense features from ReSharper.
Code Inspection -> Settings. You can turn off 'Enable code analysis'. It is responsible for finding errors in your code and offering quick fixes for them.
Code Editing -> Context Actions and Code Editing -> C# -> Context Actions. You can turn off all of the checkboxes. They are responsible for giving you some of the code editing helpers by Alt-Enter.
Tools -> Unit testing. You can turn off "Enable unit testing" checkbox if you don't use ReSharper unit test runner.
Maybe you should also delete all of the Todo items patterns from Tools -> To-do items.
But the best thing you can do is to ask your boss to buy you a good development workstation with enough memory and SDD - that would be useful even without ReSharper, because your time is many times more expensive. And learn to use advanced ReSharper features. They are really worth it.


Resharper uses different code style than Visual Studio

I am using VS2017 RC to write C# and have lately added Resharper Ultimate. However, Resharper Ultimate seems to ignore the code style I have set in Visual Studio and instead use another (probably the default C#) code style. Since Resharper often auto applies its code style, this is very annoying. I verified that it is indeed resharper by doing this:
Select some code, hit Edit -> Advanced -> Format Selection:
This is the visual studio formatter and it formats my code as desired
Select some code, hit Alt+Enter -> Format Selection:
This is Resharper's format command, and it messes up my codestyle.
So my questions are:
How can I tell resharper to use VS's code style?
If this is not possible, then where can I change the code style that resharper uses, so I can at least adjust the code style manually.
Why does Resharper have its own code style in the first place? Wouldn't it make a lot more sense to always use VS's code style?
As for question #3:
Why does Resharper have its own code style in the first place? Wouldn't it make a lot more sense to always use VS's code style?
I haven't compared the features of Resharper with recent Visual Studio versions in depth, but compared with older versions such as VS2010, the Resharper formatting engine is light-years ahead. Much more settings and flexibility to accomplish the formatting you want (and many sane defaults though that could be a matter of opinion of course). It has been enhanced even more in the 2017/2018 releases.
Resharper can also save the formatting settings to several layers of shared configuration files (committed to VCS) to make sure everyone automatically follows the same rules. This also allows for different rules to apply for different projects.

Visual Studio's Intellisense Broken With Productivity Power Tools

In Visual Studio 2010, the general format of Intellisense/Tooltips is radically altered after installing the Productivity Power Tools. In my opinion, the change severely harms productivity. The below images show the before and after:
With Productivity Power Tools Uninstalled/Disabled:
With Productivity Power Tools Installed/Enabled:
What is the option that I need to disable within Productivity Power Tools to turn this off? I like some of the tools but definitely dislike this particular one. I've tried toggling all of the obvious ones but can't seem to find the correct one.
Note: this question is asking about a similar issue but the accepted answer seems totally irrelevant.
The option you are looking for is called Solution Navigator.
You can get to this option by clicking the "Tools" menu in Visual Studio and selecting "Options...". Scroll down the left pane until you see "Productivity Power Tools". Select it. You will see a bunch of On/Off switches. Scroll down the right pane until you see "Solution Navigator". Turn it off and restart Visual Studio. It took me forever to identify the culprit and I hope this answer will save others some precious time.
Solution Navigator seems like it wouldn't be the culprit but the documentation states:
Solution Navigator also provides interactive tooltips in C# and VB
code (replacing the default “quick info” tooltips) that give you the
same kind of data, but right at your fingertips.
It's a shame that you can't disable just the tooltips, it's all or nothing. The solution navigator itself is actually kind of nifty.
If you go into the settings for the Productivity Power Tools (Tools > Options > Productivity Power Tools) there is a node called Solution Navigator. In that node there is an "Enable interactive tooltips" option. Make sure that is unchecked to disable the Power Tools tool tips and get the normal Visual Studio tool tips back.
colithium's answer is what led me to find this setting. I'm using version 10.0.20626.18, I'm not sure if that is the case in earlier versions.

Is there a way to make Visual Studio 2010 auto-completion optional (e.g. keyboard driven)

Visual Studio's auto complete feature is extremely useful but can also be extremely irritating when completing values which are incorrect.
Is there a way to have access to the auto-complete values without having them automatically insert? For example, hitting Ctrl-Space or some other keyboard shortcut when I'm wanting the automatic insertion would be perfect.
I'd also be curious to find out how others deal with this problem.
Tools -> options -> Text Editor -> All Languages (or specific).
Uncheck "Auto list members"

Visual Studio: How to make its UI fast, lean and minimal?

Visual Studio can be quite slow to open and work with. The menus and auto-hide windows can get sluggish and commands take a while to start. What are the list of things one can do to make the UI of Visual Studio load faster and operate faster? What settings can one change to make it feel lean and minimal?
PS: I know Visual Studio Express is way leaner and faster. However, I rely on some Visual Studio addons, and addons are not supported in Express.
PS2: I have already closed all unnecessary windows. All diagnostic windows are on auto-hide. And all the tool bars are closed. I work almost completely using keyboard shortcuts.
Here are some tips, actually collected from following blog posts
Improve Visual Studio's Source View Performance
Tips to improve performance of visual studio IDE
Visual Studio 2008 Tweaks
Visual Studio 2010 Performance Part 1: Startup
Visual Studio 2010 Performance Part 2: Text Editor
Visual Studio 2010 Performance Part 3: A Technical Update
Turn off background HTML validation.
Go to Tools / Options and select Text
Editor / HTML / Validation in the
tree view on the left side. Uncheck the Show Errors
check box.
Turn off AutoRecover. Go to Tools /
Options and select Environment /
AutoRecover in the tree view.
Uncheck the Save AutoRecover check box.
Close your property grid (View /
Properties Window)
web.config should not have <compilation batch=”false” />
Turn off AutoToolboxPopulate (Tools
-> Options -> Windows Forms Designer set AutoToolboxPopulate False)
Turn off Track Active item (Tools ->
Options -> Projects and Solutions
uncheck Track Active Item in Solution
Disable Navigation Bar(Tools ->
Options -> Text Editor -> C#, uncheck
Navigation bar)
Move file in App_Code into a class
library project
Disable validation Options for HTML
Editing (Tools -> Options ->
Validation -> Clear show error
I know that VS 2008 slowed down from VS 2005. I feel this pain every once in a while when im doing a quick Find or Find-Replace, or Find-In-Solution...etc. The UI sometimes isn't as fast as your hands are (when you're using keyboard shortcuts).
I found that just slowing down sometimes is the way to do it (it sucks, but then again, so does many things about Windows).
If it's load times youre concerned about; disable the startup stuff (from the Options menu). Here you can choose to load a blank screen upon VS load AND not to subscribe to any news feeds. (this helps alot depending on your internet connection).
you can also, via Options, adjust the visual animations that occur, as well as just disabling them altogether.
If there's anything else im missing, which im sure there is, i'd really like to know as well!
One thing that can potentially speed up visual studio is to disable document navigation.
Go to Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> and uncheck 'Navigation Bar'.
This is definitately an option in 2008, pretty sure its in 2005 too.
Another option to try:
Go to Tools -> Options -> Text Editor and Uncheck 'Track Changes'.
Without knowing the information I posted in the comments I will say the typical stuff. Turn off all addons, if you are using vista or 7 switch to basic vs aero, check all running processes. This is where I would start.

Customizing Visual Studio's Intellisense

A recent project had me working with C# again, and I noticed something I hadn't before -- C#'s Intellisense shows possible exceptions that can be thrown when calling a method
Since I work mostly with VB.NET applications, it'd be really nice to have this feature in those applications as well, but it's unfortunately absent from VB's Intellisense
Is there any quick and easy way I can customize Visual Studio's Intellisense to show exceptions (as well as other members from the XML comments)? Or am I looking at a full modification using the SDK?
Update: 29-Sep-2008 1:49 PM -- I figure this will be more complicated than simply changing a configuration setting. Since the comments are XML-based, I was hoping for an XSLT file somewhere buried in the Visual Studio directory, but nothing has turned up so far. Looks like I'm going to have to dig into the Visual Studio SDK.
Try going to Tool -> Options...
Then Text Editor -> Basic
and make sure both options "Auto list members" and "hide advanced members" are unchecked.
Also check "Parameter information".
I cannot validate this information because my current Visual Studio installation is C# standalone.
