Custom constraint validation error doesn't display next to field in Symfony2 - validation

I am using FOSUserBundle in my Symfony2 project. I added 'birthday' field in User entity, because it is required in registration form. I also added a proper field (type=birthday) to the registration form. I have to check if age of a user is above 18. I prepared my own Constraint for this following this tutorial. Everything works perfectly, but error message is attached to form not to field, and I want error message next to field. Instead I get it above the whole form. Every other error in form is displayed next to a proper field. Does anybody know how to force constraint to be attached to the field, not to the form?
Twig code fragment which renders this particular field:
<div class="grid_8" style="margin-bottom:20px;">
<div class="grid_2 alpha">{{ form_label(form.date_of_birth)}}</div>
<div class="grid_4">{{ form_widget(form.date_of_birth)}}</div>
<div class="grid_2 omega">{{ form_errors(form.date_of_birth)}}</div>
At the begining of the form I also have:
<div class="grid_8">

If you attach callback to form – not to particular field, you should set property path a bit different way:
public function isFormValid($data, ExecutionContext $context)
if ( $condition == false ) {
$context->addViolationAt('[date_of_birth].date_of_birth', 'You are too young!');

You can add the violation to one particular field with addViolationAtSubPath() instead of the classic addViolation() used in the validator. You can have a look at the method definition here.
An example
Lets take the example of a validator that need to validate that the username property is alphanumeric:
class ContainsAlphanumericValidator extends ConstraintValidator
public function validate($value, Constraint $constraint)
if (!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Za0-9]+$/', $value, $matches)) {
$this->context->addViolationAtSubPath('username',$constraint->message, array('%string%' => $value));
You can also take a look at addViolationAtPath() and addViolationAt().


Updating input field by leaving

Is it possible with Laravel livewire to change a field in the database when leaving the input field?
You can use wire:model.lazy to achieve an action when leaving (loosing focus) on an input field.
<input type="text" class="form-control" wire:model.lazy="billingRate">
class Rate extends Component
public $billingRate;
public function updatedBillingRate(){
dd($this->billingRate); // don't forget to use $this to access class property
// persist to database here
In the above example, whenever billingRate value changes, it will trigger the updatedBillingRate() method.
Please checkout a similar thred on laracast here (
In my own perspective, you can implement JavaScript event listener when leaving the input field, an ajax request will fire-up to update the database.

retain model values in case of error and showing same thymeleaf template

As per my understanding, model attributes are associated with every request and they can not survive multiple requests, until we add them as flashAttributes.
I have a simple controller method which shows a couple of options to user to select from. However, those options are being attached to thymeleaf template using model attributes.
<div class="input-group mb-3" th:each="ingredient : ${recipes.ingredients}">
<div class="input-group-prepend">
<div class="input-group-text">
<input aria-label="Checkbox for following text input" name="ingredient"
th:value="${}" type="checkbox">
<input aria-label="Text input with checkbox" class="form-control" disabled
th:value="${ + ' ' + ingredient.price + 'Rs.'}"
assume "recipes" as model attribute here, which was injected to modelMap inside the controller.
when bean validation fails, below line exectutes.
if (errors.hasErrors()) return "selectItem";
and selectItem template is re-rendered, but whatever model attributes I have set inside previous controller vanishes.
I have solved this using a #ModelAttribute method inside the same controller to set model attributes for every HTTP requests for the specific controller(until it is not in controllerAdvice for global effect).
I am being confused if I am on right way || is there any elegant way to achieve this.
Setting Model attribute for every request is kind of overhead, when I want them to be available for handful of request mappings.
When you say:
selectItem template is re-rendered, but whatever model attributes I
have set inside previous controller vanishes.
You mean that when the page reloads due to validation errors, your model attributes are no longer existing and Thymeleaf probably returns an error, because it cannot find them, correct?
If this is the case, then you have to manually prepare the same model attributes within the if statement (i.e. adding them to your MapModel):
if (errors.hasErrors()) {
map.addAttribute("recipes", recipes);
return "selectItem";
Alternatively, if you need this model attribute also on other pages in your controller, you can reduce code duplication by declaring a method with the ModelAttribute annotation, which will add this attribute to all models in your controller:
public Recipes loadRecipes() {
// get list of Recipes
return list;

MV3 Duplicate Query String Values for CheckBox (true,false for boolean)

I've created a fairly straight forward page with a check box:
#using (Html.BeginForm("MyController", "MyAction", FormMethod.Get))
#Html.CheckBoxFor(x => x.MyCheckBox)
<input type="submit" value="Go!" />
The URL is populated with the MyCheckBox value twice!? As such:
It only duplicates the value if the check box is true. If set to false it will only appear once in the query string.
The code above is simplified as I have a couple of drop downs and a textbox on the form which work fine. I don't think there's anything unusual about the code which I've left out from this question.
Has anyone had a similar issue with query string parameters being duplicated?
This behaviour is by design of the checkbox control. The standard HTML checkbox control passes no value if it is not checked. This is unintuitive. Instead, the ASP.Net checkbox control has 2 elements, the standard control which is visible and also a hidden control with a value of 'False'.
Therefore, if the checkbox is not checked, there will be one value passed: False.
If it is checked, there will be two values, True and False. You therefore need to use the following code to check for validity in your code:
bool checkboxChecked = Request.QueryString["MyCheckBox"].Contains("True");
Accepted answer is correct however in my case in a recent development the MVC behaviour is misleading.
The MVC Html.CheckBox(...) and Html.CheckBoxFor(...) generate an extra input of 'type=hidden' with the same ID as the checkbox control, leading to the duplicate URL parameters. I got around this problem by simply including the mark up desired as follows:
<input type="checkbox" id="MyCheckBox" name="MyCheckbox" checked="checked">
<input type="checkbox" id="MyCheckBox" name="MyCheckbox">
Would be better wrapped upin a helper to use in place of the MVC code so the value check is encapsulated.
As part of my application, the controller maintains sets of query parameters using both form injection and link injection using helpers in order to preserve state (of paging/filtering controls for example) when clicked to navigate within the same controller scope. As a result of this feature, the check box element is always set back to false if the standard MVC helpers are used. It's a good thing I noticed and did not waste much time on this bug.
In my model, I had a collection of checkboxes like so:
public class PrerequisitesViewModel
public List<StudentPrerequisiteStatusViewModel> PrerequisiteStatuses { get; set; }
public class StudentPrerequisiteStatusViewModel
public long Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public bool IsSelected { get; set; }
In order to get everything to bind correctly, I had to actually convert the values from the querystring and parse them manually with the following code:
// fix for how MVC binds checkboxes... it send "true,false" instead of just true, so we need to just get the true
for (int i = 0; i < model.PrerequisiteStatuses.Count(); i++)
model.PrerequisiteStatuses[i].IsSelected = bool.Parse((Request.QueryString[$"PrerequisiteStatuses[{i}].IsSelected"] ?? "false").Split(',')[0]);
Alas, it works, but I can't believe this is necessary in MVC! Hopefully, someone else knows of a better solution.
I solve this issue with use #Html.HiddenFor
<input id="checkboxId" type="checkbox" value="true" onchange="changeCheckboxValue()">
#Html.HiddenFor(m => m.MyCheckBox, new { #id = "hiddenId" } )
function changeCheckboxValue() {
document.getElementById("checkboxId").value = document.getElementById("hiddenId").checked;

jQuery unobtrusive validation to validate part of a form

We have a ASP.NET MVC 3 application that uses unobtrusive jQuery validation. The page allows to add children objects to the model in the same go. The <form> contains a grid for the children, and some input fields for adding new children.
Simplified example with Issue as the Model and Subtasks as the children:
Issue.cshtml -> Defines the form and includes fields for the issue as well as its subtasks.
#model Issue
#using (Html.BeginForm("Create", "Issues", FormMethod.Post, new { id = "mainForm" })
#Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.Summary)
#Html.Partial("SubtaskFields", new Subtask())
#Html.Partial("SubtasksGrid", model.Subtasks)
#model Subtask
#Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.Summary)
<button id="add">Add</button>
#model IEnumerable<Subtask>
#foreach (var subtask in Model)
<input type="hidden" name="Subtasks[#subtask.Index].Name" value="#subtask.Name"/>
The point is, when submitting the form, only the properties of the issue (Issue.Name, e.g.), plus the hidden fields for the children (Subtask.Name, e.g.) should be validated and submitted.
We have some javascript code that hooks on the "add" button, and adds a new subtask based on the values in the SubtaskFields.cshtml partial view. That script validates the input fields first. In order for this to work, we use the TextBoxFor etc. html helpers for the SubtaskFields.cshtml, too, rendering a dummy/default Subtask object (new Subtask()). Our javascript the uses $("#mainForm").validate().element(...) to validate the SubtaskFields before adding a new subtask.
The big problem with this approach is that the jQuery unobtrusive validation framework automatically hooks on the submit button and validates all fields within the form before submitting the form. I.e., even the subtask fields are validated. This does not make any sense. Say that the subtask name is mandatory (which means the user can only click on "add" if he has filled in a subtask name). But if the user does not click on "add", the values in the Subtask Fields don't have any meaning and can in particular be left blank. In this case, in our current setting, jQuery validation fails because a mandatory field was left blank.
How can this be solved?
This is what we've come up with:
Add an attribute to all subtask fields (which should not be validated when submitting the form), e.g. "data-val-ignore".
Set the ignore setting on the form's validator to "[data-val-ignore]"
For the add button, in order to validate the subtask fields (which are normally ignored), iterate over them, and for each field, remove the attribute, re-parse to genereate the rules, execute validation, add the attribute, parse one more time.
Ad 2:
$(document).ready(function () {
$.data($('form')[0], 'validator').settings.ignore = "[data-val-ignore]";
Ad 3:
$(allSubtaskFields).each(function() {
$.validator.unobtrusive.parseElement(this, false);
if (!$("mainForm").validate().element($(this))) { result = false; }
$(this).attr("data-val-ignore", "true");
$.validator.unobtrusive.parseElement(this, false);
I would suggest moving #Html.Partial("SubtasksGrid", model.Subtasks) outside of your form, and either having it in a single separate form, or have the partial generate a form for each grid row.
This will address your validation problems with your main form, and should also permit you to simplify validation of each row in SubTasksGrid.
To validate part of the form, wrap the section or the controls you want to validate into a div with an #id or .class and do the following:
var validator = $("#myForm").validate();
var isValid = true;
$("myDivToBeValidated").find("*[data-val]").each(function (indx, elem) {
if (!validator.element(elem)) {
isValid = false;
//this part of form is valid however there might be some other invalid parts
if (isValid)
//do your action, like go to next step in a wizard or any other action
I hope it is clear, if not please leave a comment. For more info about jQuery validation plugin and element() function, check this
Looks like you are working against the MVC egine here.
I would use Editor templates and Display templates, EditorFor template for the stuff you wanna validate and post, and Display template for the stuff you dont wanna post and validate.. If you have a TextBoxFor in the display template make sure its binding property has no Required attribute, and if its a value type make it nullable.

How to pass both model value & text value to controller in mvc?

I want to pass two values from view to controller . i.e., #Model.idText and value from textbox. here is my code:
#using HTML.BeginForm("SaveData","Profile",FormMethod.Post)
<input type="text" name="textValue"/>
<input type="submit" name="btnSubmit"/>
But problem is if i use "Url.ActionLink() i can get #Model.idText . By post action i can get textbox value using FormCollection . But i need to get both of this value either post or ActionLink
using ajax you can achieve this :
don't use form & declare your attributes like this in tags:
<input type="text" id="textValue"/>
<input type="submit" id="btnSubmit"/>
$(function (e) {
// Insert
$("#btnSubmit").click(function () {
url: "some url path",
type: 'POST',
data: { textField: $('#textValue').val(), idField: '#Model.idText' },
success: function (result) {
//some code if success
error: function () {
//some code if failed
return false;
Hope this will be helpful.
#using HTML.BeginForm("SaveData","Profile",FormMethod.Post)
#Html.Hidden("idText", Model.idText)
<input type="submit" value="Submit"/>
In your controller
public ActionResult SaveData(String idText, String textValue)
return null;
I'm not sure which part you are struggling with - submitting multiple values to your controller, or getting model binding to work so that values that you have submitted appear as parameters to your action. If you give more details on what you want to achieve I'll amend my answer accordingly.
You could use a hidden field in your form - e.g.
#Html.Hidden("idText", Model.idText)
Create a rule in global.asax and than compile your your with params using
#Html.ActionLink("My text", Action, Controller, new { id = Model.IdText, text =Model.TextValue})
Be sure to encode the textvalue, because it may contains invalid chars
Essentially, you want to engage the ModelBinder to do this for you. To do that, you need to write your action in your controller with parameters that match the data you want to pass to it. So, to start with, Iridio's suggestion is correct, although not the full story. Your view should look like:
#using HTML.BeginForm("SaveData","Profile",FormMethod.Post)
#Html.ActionLink("My text", MyOtherAction, MaybeMyOtherController, new { id = Model.IdText}) // along the lines of dommer's suggestion...
<input type="text" name="textValue"/>
<input type="submit" name="btnSubmit"/>
#Html.Hidden("idText", Model.idText)
Note that I have added the #Html.Hidden helper to add a hidden input field for that value into your field. That way, the model binder will be able to find this datum. Note that the Html.Hidden helper is placed WITHIN your form, so that this data will posted to the server when the submit button is clicked.
Also note that I have added dommer's suggestion for the action link and replaced your code. From your question it is hard to see if this is how you are thinking of passing the data to the controller, or if this is simply another bit of functionality in your code. You could do this either way: have a form, or just have the actionlink. What doesn't make sense is to do it both ways, unless the action link is intended to go somewhere else...??! Always good to help us help you by being explicit in your question and samples. Where I think dommer's answer is wrong is that you haven't stated that TextValue is passed to the view as part of the Model. It would seem that what you want is that TextValue is entered by the user into the view, as opposed to being passed in with the model. Unlike idText that IS passed in with the Model.
Anyway, now, you need to set up the other end, ie, give your action the necessary
public ActionResult SaveData(int idText, string textValue) // assuming idText is an int
// whatever you have to do, whatever you have to return...
#dommer doesn't seem to have read your code. However, his suggestion for using the Html.ActionLink helper to create the link in your code is a good one. You should use that, not the code you have.
As you are using a form, you are going to use that form to POST the user's input to the server. To get the idText value that is passed into the View with the Model, you need to use the Html.Hidden htmlhelper. This must go within the form, so that it is also POSTed to the server.
To wire the form post to your action method, you need to give your action parameters that the ModelBinder can match to the values POSTed by the form. You do this by using the datatype of each parameter and a matching name.
You could also have a complex type, eg, public class MyTextClass, that has two public properties:
public class MyTextClass
public int idText{get;set}
public string TextValue{get;set;}
And then in your controller action you could have:
public ActionResult SaveData(MyTextClass myText)
// do whatever
The model binder will now be able to match up the posted values to the public properties of myText and all will be well in Denmark.
PS: You also need to read a decent book on MVC. It seems you are flying a bit blind.
Another nit pick would be to question the name of your action, SaveData. That sounds more like a repository method. When naming your actions, think like a user: she has simply filled in a form, she has no concept of saving data. So the action should be Create, or Edit, or InformationRequest, or something more illustrative. Save Data says NOTHING about what data is being saved. it could be credit card details, or the users name and telephone...
