How to update column values to database in phpfox project - phpfox

I need to update the column values to table in phpfox forum module posting new thread general type. I have found the table name in coding (query) and added values to column but I am not getting col values. Can anybody help?
my db name : munpal
table name : forum_post
colmun name : mark value (here I need to add my values )

Open module\forum\include\service\thread\process.class.php and look add function in that.
This function is called when a thread is added you can modify the function according to your need. May this helps you


How to Create a VIEW in oracle

So I'm supposed to create a view product_view that presents the information about how many products of a particular type are in each warehouse: product ID, product name, category_id, warehouse id, total quantity on hand for this warehouse.
So I used this query and tried to change it so many times but I keep getting errors
SELECT p.product_id, p.product_name,
COUNT(p.product_id), SUM(i.quantity_on_hand)
FROM oe.product_information p JOIN oe.inventories i
ON p.product_id=i.product_id
ORDER BY i.warehouse_id;
ERROR at line 2:
ORA-00928: missing SELECT keyword
Please help... Thanks
Image showing the Tables in the OE schema
Image showing the error that occurs
When I get errors creating a view, I firstly drop the CREATE ... AS line and fix the query until it works. Then you need to name all the columns, for instance COUNT(p.product_id) won't work, you'll need to write something like COUNT(p.product_id) AS product_count or specify a list of aliases, like so
I'm not sure what the output of your query should look like. You'll get better answers quicker on stackexchange if you type a minimal example including the CREATE statments, some input data and your desired output, leaving out columns that are not essential.

(ORA-40573) Updating Table using JSON_OBJECT_T elements?

I am trying to update fields of a table using a JSON_OBJECT_T's elements. However, I am getting
ORA-40573: Invalid use of PL/SQL JSON object type.
metadata := JSON_OBJECT_T.parse(json_clob)
insert into catimage (
sde.gdb_util.next_rowid('CISCAT', 'CATIMAGE'),
metadata.get_String('objtype'), --OBJTYPE
I don't get the error if I set each field I require from the JSON_OBJECT_T as a variable. Is that the only way?
Thank you.
The ORA issue has yet to be patched. Workaround as suggested by the article is to manually set all variables before insert.
It would have helped to view the table DDL and variable definition.
However, given the limited information shared in the question, you might be hitting a bug related to insertion of JSON objects using PLSQL.
The suggested workaround is to put the data into a string variable and inserting the data into table.
Hope it helps

How to display a column value in "hint" property in Oracle Forms 6i?

I'm new in Oracle Forms and I would like to display in "Hint" section of my forms a value from every column comments from the table used in the forms. Do you have any idea? Thanks.
You can use get_item_property and set_item_property to dynamically get and set the hint text from items:
Maybe you want to retrive column table comments in the following way:
select comments
from all_col_comments
where table_name = 'EMPLOYEES'
and column_name = 'FIRST_NAME';
In a form trigger WHEN_NEW_ITEM_INSTANCE at form level,
you could retrive that comment according to the current item and current block.

Oracle Forms 6i Resolve LOV code

I have a LOV with two columns one is code and the other is description. I know that text items have a property which says validate from list however my code field and description field are display items. We do not want to force the user to click on a button to show the LOV. In the pre-form trigger i am setting a default value in the code field.
I would like to get/resolve the code to its description from the list without having to do a select from the database. Does anyone know of a way to get this done?
I have had also this very same problem. There might not be a solution to retrieve the label column from record group in the runtime.
But you could do this:
Store the record group query somewhere (package header or DB column).
Populate your record group with query in the runtime.
Create DB function which takes query and key value as parameters. The function would then return description of the key value (use dynamic SQL, execute immediate / dbms_sql).
Use the function in the POST-QUERY trigger:
:block.item_description := your_new_function(l_query, :block.item_value);

Default value is not written when using Entity Framework

I have a simple table with columns ID, REGDATE and EVENT_NAME. I've set SYSDATE as default value for the REGDATE column. If I insert a record right from SQL Developer current date is written to the REGDATE column. But if I insert a record with Entity Framework REGDATE column has NULL. Don't database defaults work when using Entity Framwork? What do I have to do?
One way that you can do it is by having a constructor in your class to set that default automatically whenever you instantiate a new object of that type. This is similar to Ladislav's answer to this SO question.
yo can set that properties,StoreGeneratedpattern to Computed and then EF won't update it, but then neither can you. This method will solve your Db default on the column.
