when refreshed with new options, kendo popup window in iframe mode does not fetch the new url - kendo-ui

EDIT: I have abandoned the conditional structure and just create the window fresh each time. That works. Still wondering whether refresh() works with urls though.
I have a conditional structure that resembles this one:
What is the proper way to load new content into a kendo window?
If the kendo window already exists, refresh() the window rather than create it anew.
The difference is, I'm using an iframe with url.
The problem: I set a different query string with setOptions before invoking refresh(), but the original url is being requested from the server again.
if (!kwindow) {
kwindow = $("#messagewindow").kendoWindow({
iframe: true,
width: "400px",
height: "600px",
title: "original title",
content: "foo.htm?id=1",
type: "GET"
}else {
iframe: true,
type: "GET",
title: aDifferentTitle,
url : "foo.htm?id=2"
I know the the setOptions method is passing the options to the kendo window because the titlebar of the window correctly shows aDifferentTitle. However, looking at the network traffic monitor, the url requested from the server is foo.htm?id=1 but it should be foo.htm?id=2.
I cannot see what is wrong with my code and would be grateful if someone could point out the error to me.

The answer you were looking for was
kwindow.options.content.url = url;
Then the refresh icon / methods will work on the new url

To refresh from different URL you need to pass this through an option object to the refresh method (you do not need to use setOptions). Here is snippet from the documentation:
var windowObject = $("#window").data("kendoWindow");
url: "/feedbackForm"

I used the following and it seems to work in an MVC project:
title: "New Title"
url: "/ControllerName/Action"


Jquery Mobile submit button not working after page refresh

I have a single page mark-up with popup divs that contain forms that the user can use to update his/her account information. After form submission the popup closes and the page refreshes showing the updated information that is located within a li (this seems to be working). The problem is, if the user goes back and tries to update again the button within the popup is not submitting.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions!!!
$('#updateadmin').click(function() {
var admin = $('#adminform').serializeArray();
type: "POST",
url: 'adminupdate.php',
data: admin,
success: function(data) {
if(data=="success") {
$.mobile.changePage('companyinfo.php', {
allowSamePageTransition: true,
transition: 'none',
reloadPage: true,
changeHash: false
} else {
$('#adminupdatestatus').html(data).css({color: "red"}).fadeIn(1000);
return false;
It sounds like the #updateadmin link/button is located on the page that gets reloaded, if this is the case then you should delegate your event handler so it affects matching elements in the DOM for all time, not just when the code runs.
You would change this:
$('#updateadmin').click(function() {
to this:
$(document).on("click", "#updateadmin", function() {
This works because you're now attaching the event handler to the document element which always exists. When events reach the document element they are checked to see if the element on which they originally fired matches the selector we put as the second argument for .on().
Documentation for .on(): http://api.jquery.com/on

How to produce a settings dialog (and save the values)

These are my first steps with the Firefox AddOn SDK. What I'm trying to create is a simple 'settings dialogue'. I thought about a html page containing forms for the values and a submit button. Following the first mozilla tutorials I created a widget:
var widget = require('widget').Widget({
label: 'Settings',
id: 'settings',
//panel: text_entry
contentURL: data.url('images/stgfavicon.ico'),
contentScriptFile: data.url('scripts/submit.js'),
onClick: function() {
But since settings.js is not the contentScriptFile I got no communication between settings.html and settings.js. Is it possible to get this done without some (complex looking) messaging system? And how to save the values best? A JSON file?
Some links/examples/API names would help me a lot. :)
That's because you're trying to attach your script to the widget (which is not an HTML file). You need to attach it to the actual html file after the tab opens.
url: data.url('forms/settings.html'),
onOpen: function onOpen(tab) {
tab.attach({ contentScriptFile: data.url('scripts/submit.js'); });
I haven't tested that out so there may be an error.
You should also look at the simple-prefs module if these are settings that aren't going to be adjusted frequently.

Alternate way for downloading file as CSV using ExtJS 4.1 without using Ajax Request?

I need to download data using servlet as CSV File.I am passing a parameter by clicking on the navigation tree from ExtJS 4.1 to the servlet via Ajax Request.Is there any alternate way to pass the parameter to the servlet as ajax can't force the open/save dialog to download?I have to pass the parameter by just clicking on the child of navigation tree itself.Can anybody help me pls?
I searched for the solutions and found like hidden Iframe.I don't know how to adapt this into mine?
Thanks a lot in advance.
Use a helper defined within a Namespace. And don't forget to remove it after you are done.
helper.util.HiddenForm = function(url,fields){
if (!Ext.isArray(fields))
var body = Ext.getBody(),
frame = body.createChild({
form = body.createChild({
action: url,
Ext.each(fields, function(el,i){
if (!Ext.isArray(el))
return false;
id: 'hiddenform-' + el[0],
name: el[0],
value: el[1]
return frame;
Use it like
helper.util.HiddenForm('my/realtive/path', [["fieldname","fieldValue"]]);
If the server answer with a download the save window will popup.

MVC Action getting called twice?

I am using Asp.Net MVC3, for a project.
In one of the page, I am using MS Charts. In View I have a Image which shows the chart as follows:
<img src="#Url.Action("RenderCharts", "Home", new
XAxisColor = ViewBag.XAxisColor,
YAxisColor = ViewBag.YAxisColor,
})" alt="Charts" runat="server" />
I have 2 CheckBoxes, which is used to change Chart Axes Colors. When the checkbox is clicked, page is submitted and checkbox status is stored and based on that Chart is rendered:
bool XAxisColor = (#ViewBag.XAxisColor) ?? true;
bool YAxisColor = #ViewBag.YAxisColor ?? false;
#Html.CheckBox("chkXAxisColor", XAxisColor, new { #Id = "chkXAxisColor",
onClick = "this.form.submit();" })
X Axis Color
#Html.CheckBox("chkYAxisColor", YAxisColor, new { #Id = "chkScatter",
onClick = "this.form.submit();" })
Y Axis Color
When first time the page is loaded, RenderCharts() Action gets called and Chart is rendered.
But when i Click any of the CheckBox, RenderCharts() Action gets called twice.
I could not understand this issue. I have created a sample Application which can be downloaded from here https://www.dropbox.com/s/ig8gi3xh4cx245j/MVC_Test.zip
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
This appears to be something to do with Internet Explorer. Using your sample application, everything works fine in both Google Chrome and Firefox, but when using IE9, there are two Action requests on a postback.
Using the F12 developer tools on the network tab, it shows an initial request to RenderCharts which appeared to be aborted:
The (aborted) line in the middle is, I suspect, the additional request you're seeing. Why this happens, I don't know!
Finally got the answer. The problem was
in the Img tag.
Removing runat fixed the issue.
I can eliminate the IE issue in the following manner by simply using a bit of JQuery instead. A few possible advantages...
It eliminates the cross-browser issue.
It is an unobtrusive approach (not mixing javascript and HTML in the view).
You can update the image via ajax.
Create a new file in the scripts folder (e.g. "chart.js") which will simply attach an anonymous function to the the click events of your checkboxes from the document ready function. You would obviously need to include the script reference in your page as well:
$(document).ready(function () {
// Attach a function to the click event of both checkboxes
$("#chkXAxisColor,#chkScatter").click(function () {
// Make an ajax request and send the current checkbox values.
url: "/Home/RenderCharts",
type: "GET",
cache: false,
data: {
XAxisColor: $("#chkXAxisColor").attr("checked"),
YAxisColor: $("#chkScatter").attr("checked")
success: function (result) {
$("#chart").attr("src", result);
Best of all, you get to eliminate the javascript from your view :)
<div style="margin: 2px 0 2px 0">
#Html.CheckBox("chkXAxisColor", XAxisColor, new { #Id = "chkXAxisColor" })
X Axis Color
#Html.CheckBox("chkYAxisColor", YAxisColor, new { #Id = "chkScatter" })
Y Axis Color
This is of course a very basic example which does eliminate the IE issue but you could get fancier from there in terms of how you update the image + show a loading gif, etc with only a few more lines.
Hopefully it is a workable solution for you!

Firefox Addon: Add some functions and object to the window object

I just started using the FireFox Builder to build a simple addon. I realised that I cannot get direct access to the window object.
What I want to do is to get the window object and pollute it with some classes and functions so I can call them from the page itself.
Below is the current code:
// This is an active module of the ritcoder Add-on
id: "widgetID1",
label: "My Mozilla Widget",
contentURL: "http://www.mozilla.org/favicon.ico",
onClick: function(evt){
var tabs = require("tabs");
var activeTab = tabs.activeTab;
var notifications = require("notifications");
title: "Jabberwocky",
text: "'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves",
data: "did gyre and gimble in the wabe",
onClick: function (data) {
// console.log(this.data) would produce the same result.
activeTab.window.a=20; //this fails
How do I do this? Inject some code into the active page so that it can be called.
You need to use tab.attach() to run a content script in the tab's context, and then use unsafeWindow to add properties the page's script can see. (You should also read the introduction to Content Scripts.)
The Addon SDK doesn't provide a direct access (without the content script) to the page from the add-on's code because it tries to be forward compatible with the plans to make web pages run in processes separate from the browser's and the add-on's process.
