Citing a website reference [closed] - ieee

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am attempting to write a paper to IEEE.
I have used a sound file from the website Is there a particular format for citing the website reference for IEEE journals? I checked the IEEE website. They are showing how to cite a website for an article. Not sure how to do it for the sound file.
Thanks. :)

[nn] D. Fisher, Writer, and T. Baker, Presenter, Doctor Who and the Creature from the Pit [Sound recording]. Bath, UK: BBC Audiobooks, 2009.
F. Last, Writer, and F. Laster, Presenter, Title of Work [Sound Recording]. City, Country: Publisher, Year.
If you're using Bib(La)TeX, I would do it like this:
author = {Fred Last, Writer and Frank Laster, Presenter},
title = {Title of Work},
howpublished = {Sound Recording},
publisher = {Publisher},
city = {City, Country},
year = 2009
My best stab.
If you're using Word (which you really shouldn't be - writing in IEEE, you know better), there is a style available.


Retrieving people who +1 an URL [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I've burning out the past 2 days trying to come with a recipe to get all the People who have +1 an URL, I'm trying to calculate the potential reach of a publication in Google+.
I did get the public shares of a URL using Ripple, amount and users, but is not the same.
I writing my app in ruby, but at this moment, I can't care less about the language.
To get clear view of my problem, please read my comment below.
There is no API method to get a list of who as +1'd a URL. If you would like to see such a feature please open a new issue.

Suggest a good method name for "running year" [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Please help to come with a nice name for a method. Actually it is a scope that defines limit on date. This limit is from today and 365 days to the past, to the same day in past basically. So this is kind of rolling year I would say.
This method is currently named #in_last_year. But I don't like it. It can be understand as if it is only returning the previous year, like if today is 2013 it would only return dates in 2012, but actually it can return yesterday or a day a week ago that happens in 2013.
It is used in a faking(seeding) tool. And the usage looks like:
I came with names like "in_running_year", "in_ongoing_year". They seem ok for me, but maybe there are some known term for such entity, probably in finance world.
How about dates_to.same_day.next_year or dates_from.same_day.last_year
Then you can have modifier words like week, month, or decade, etc.

language SEO optimization of URL's in MVC 3/4 [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm doing an website which has multiple languages like Danish, English and German.
But what is the correct way to format the url for the different languages.
Is it like so:
English = (Without an /en/ in
the url)
English = (with the /en/)
Having the language in the URL is best in terms of SEO. Of course if there's a default language you might omit it. For example: (English) (French) (German)

Following programming styles -- update poor adherence? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a project I am working on that is written in Python. The variable/class/function/everything names do not adhere to the Python style guide.
example: a variable might be called myRandomVariable instead of the proper: my_random_variable
My question is, is it worth combing through all the code (around 10,000 lines) to fix all the naming convention problems or should I just say, 'the heck with it -- it works'?
Edited to give example
Just because there is a Python style guide, it does not mean that all Python code should adhere to it. The most important thing to consider in a code base is that it's consistent with itself, at LEAST on a per-file basis, preferably across the project!
I would vote for your second option. They are just styles. Everyone will have their own style. You don't need to be in compilance with defined styles to say your product is great.

Using personas in software development [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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We are using personas at work. However, is the use of quotes from the imaginary user a good thing to add?
Personas are archetypes intended to model a class of users as a single, specific person. They're intended to communicate user needs clearly, and "engage the empathy of the design and development towards the human target of the design" [Alan Cooper, "About Face"].
You can convey the persona in multiple ways. I've usually seen third-party narrative. Cooper suggests a photographic collage as one way of multiple.
So the question is whether the quotes help convey the persona, and make a team feel driven to meet the needs of this archetype user and the actual users represented. If they do, then yes, using them is a good thing.
For creating a Persona, you can review the web site that SAP UX build for software builders at
There it is explicitely stated to:
Create a short quote - real or pieced together from various real quotes - that illustrates the user's goals or motivations.
